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C++ StringRef::split方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::split方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::split方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::split怎么用?C++ StringRef::split使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: CountNumOperands

static unsigned CountNumOperands(StringRef AsmString) {
  unsigned NumOps = 0;
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> ASM = AsmString.split(' ');

  while (!ASM.second.empty()) {
    ASM = ASM.second.split(' ');

  return NumOps;

示例2: make_pair

static std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>
getPassNameAndInstanceNum(StringRef PassName) {
  StringRef Name, InstanceNumStr;
  std::tie(Name, InstanceNumStr) = PassName.split(',');

  unsigned InstanceNum = 0;
  if (!InstanceNumStr.empty() && InstanceNumStr.getAsInteger(10, InstanceNum))
    report_fatal_error("invalid pass instance specifier " + PassName);

  return std::make_pair(Name, InstanceNum);

示例3: CountResultNumOperands

static unsigned CountResultNumOperands(StringRef AsmString) {
  unsigned NumOps = 0;
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> ASM = AsmString.split('\t');

  if (!ASM.second.empty()) {
    size_t I = ASM.second.find('{');
    StringRef Str = ASM.second;
    if (I != StringRef::npos)
      Str = ASM.second.substr(I, ASM.second.find('|', I));

    ASM = Str.split(' ');

    do {
      ASM = ASM.second.split(' ');
    } while (!ASM.second.empty());

  return NumOps;

示例4: visitUnionType

void CVTypeDumperImpl::visitUnionType(TypeLeafKind Leaf, const UnionType *Union,
                                      ArrayRef<uint8_t> LeafData) {
  W.printNumber("MemberCount", Union->MemberCount);
  uint16_t Props = Union->Properties;
  W.printFlags("Properties", Props, makeArrayRef(ClassOptionNames));
  printTypeIndex("FieldList", Union->FieldList);
  uint64_t SizeOf;
  if (!decodeUIntLeaf(LeafData, SizeOf))
    return parseError();
  W.printNumber("SizeOf", SizeOf);
  StringRef LeafChars = getBytesAsCharacters(LeafData);
  StringRef LinkageName;
  std::tie(Name, LinkageName) = LeafChars.split('\0');
  W.printString("Name", Name);
  if (Props & uint16_t(ClassOptions::HasUniqueName)) {
    LinkageName = LinkageName.split('\0').first;
    if (LinkageName.empty())
      return parseError();
    W.printString("LinkageName", LinkageName);

示例5: TryFindProgram

 bool TryFindProgram(StringRef Names, std::string &ProgramPath) {
   raw_string_ostream Log(LogBuffer);
   SmallVector<StringRef, 8> parts;
   Names.split(parts, "|");
   for (auto Name : parts) {
     ProgramPath = sys::FindProgramByName(Name);
     if (!ProgramPath.empty())
       return true;
     Log << "  Tried '" << Name << "'\n";
   return false;

示例6: indentAfterNewLine

void RewriteUtils::indentAfterNewLine(StringRef Str,
                                      std::string &NewStr,
                                      const std::string &IndentStr)
  SmallVector<StringRef, 20> StrVec;
  Str.split(StrVec, "\n"); 
  NewStr = "";
  for(SmallVector<StringRef, 20>::iterator I = StrVec.begin(), 
      E = StrVec.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    NewStr += ((*I).str() + "\n" + IndentStr);

示例7: getModuleInterfaceInfo

static bool getModuleInterfaceInfo(ASTContext &Ctx,
                                   StringRef ModuleName,
                                   Optional<StringRef> Group,
                                 SwiftInterfaceGenContext::Implementation &Impl,
                                   std::string &ErrMsg) {
  Module *&Mod = Impl.Mod;
  SourceTextInfo &Info = Impl.Info;

  if (ModuleName.empty()) {
    ErrMsg = "Module name is empty";
    return true;

  // Get the (sub)module to generate.
  Mod = getModuleByFullName(Ctx, ModuleName);
  if (!Mod) {
    ErrMsg = "Could not load module: ";
    ErrMsg += ModuleName;
    return true;

  std::vector<StringRef> SplitModuleName;
  while (!ModuleName.empty()) {
    StringRef SubModuleName;
    std::tie(SubModuleName, ModuleName) = ModuleName.split('.');

  // FIXME: If this is a submodule, get its top-level module, which will be the
  // DeclContext for all of its Decls since we don't have first-class submodules.
  if (SplitModuleName.size() > 1) {
    Mod = getModuleByFullName(Ctx, SplitModuleName[0]);
    if (!Mod) {
      ErrMsg = "Could not load module: ";
      ErrMsg += ModuleName;
      return true;

  PrintOptions Options = PrintOptions::printInterface();
  ModuleTraversalOptions TraversalOptions = None; // Don't print submodules.
  SmallString<128> Text;
  llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Text);
  AnnotatingPrinter Printer(Info, OS);
  printSubmoduleInterface(Mod, SplitModuleName, Group,
                          Printer, Options, false);

  Info.Text = OS.str();
  return false;

示例8: DecodeARMFeatures

// Decode ARM features from string like +[no]featureA+[no]featureB+...
static bool DecodeARMFeatures(const Driver &D, StringRef text,
                              std::vector<StringRef> &Features) {
  SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Split;
  text.split(Split, StringRef("+"), -1, false);

  for (StringRef Feature : Split) {
    StringRef FeatureName = llvm::ARM::getArchExtFeature(Feature);
    if (!FeatureName.empty())
      return false;
  return true;

示例9: parseWeightedFile

static WeightedFile parseWeightedFile(const StringRef &WeightedFilename) {
  StringRef WeightStr, FileName;
  std::tie(WeightStr, FileName) = WeightedFilename.split(',');

  uint64_t Weight;
  if (WeightStr.getAsInteger(10, Weight) || Weight < 1)
    exitWithError("Input weight must be a positive integer.");

  if (!sys::fs::exists(FileName))

  return WeightedFile(FileName, Weight);

示例10: print

/// print -  Print source files with collected line count information.
void FileInfo::print(StringRef GCNOFile, StringRef GCDAFile) const {
  for (StringMap<LineData>::const_iterator I = LineInfo.begin(),
         E = LineInfo.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    StringRef Filename = I->first();
    OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buff;
    if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Filename, Buff)) {
      errs() << Filename << ": " << ec.message() << "\n";
    StringRef AllLines = Buff->getBuffer();

    std::string CovFilename = Filename.str() + ".llcov";
    std::string ErrorInfo;
    raw_fd_ostream OS(CovFilename.c_str(), ErrorInfo);
    if (!ErrorInfo.empty())
      errs() << ErrorInfo << "\n";

    OS << "        -:    0:Source:" << Filename << "\n";
    OS << "        -:    0:Graph:" << GCNOFile << "\n";
    OS << "        -:    0:Data:" << GCDAFile << "\n";
    OS << "        -:    0:Runs:" << RunCount << "\n";
    OS << "        -:    0:Programs:" << ProgramCount << "\n";

    const LineData &Line = I->second;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; !AllLines.empty(); ++i) {
      LineData::const_iterator BlocksIt = Line.find(i);

      // Add up the block counts to form line counts.
      if (BlocksIt != Line.end()) {
        const BlockVector &Blocks = BlocksIt->second;
        uint64_t LineCount = 0;
        for (BlockVector::const_iterator I = Blocks.begin(), E = Blocks.end();
               I != E; ++I) {
          LineCount += (*I)->getCount();
        if (LineCount == 0)
          OS << "    #####:";
          OS << format("%9" PRIu64 ":", LineCount);
      } else {
        OS << "        -:";
      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> P = AllLines.split('\n');
      OS << format("%5u:", i+1) << P.first << "\n";
      AllLines = P.second;

示例11: if

// Decode AArch64 features from string like +[no]featureA+[no]featureB+...
static bool DecodeAArch64Features(const Driver &D, StringRef text,
                                  std::vector<StringRef> &Features) {
  SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Split;
  text.split(Split, StringRef("+"), -1, false);

  for (StringRef Feature : Split) {
    StringRef FeatureName = llvm::AArch64::getArchExtFeature(Feature);
    if (!FeatureName.empty())
    else if (Feature == "neon" || Feature == "noneon")
      return false;
  return true;

示例12: DefineBuiltinMacro

// Append a #define line to Buf for Macro.  Macro should be of the form XXX,
// in which case we emit "#define XXX 1" or "XXX=Y z W" in which case we emit
// "#define XXX Y z W".  To get a #define with no value, use "XXX=".
static void DefineBuiltinMacro(MacroBuilder &Builder, StringRef Macro,
                               DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) {
  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> MacroPair = Macro.split('=');
  StringRef MacroName = MacroPair.first;
  StringRef MacroBody = MacroPair.second;
  if (MacroName.size() != Macro.size()) {
    // Per GCC -D semantics, the macro ends at \n if it exists.
    StringRef::size_type End = MacroBody.find_first_of("\n\r");
    if (End != StringRef::npos)
        << MacroName;
    Builder.defineMacro(MacroName, MacroBody.substr(0, End));
  } else {
    // Push "macroname 1".

示例13: ComputeMatchDistance

unsigned Pattern::ComputeMatchDistance(StringRef Buffer,
                              const StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const {
  // Just compute the number of matching characters. For regular expressions, we
  // just compare against the regex itself and hope for the best.
  // FIXME: One easy improvement here is have the regex lib generate a single
  // example regular expression which matches, and use that as the example
  // string.
  StringRef ExampleString(FixedStr);
  if (ExampleString.empty())
    ExampleString = RegExStr;

  // Only compare up to the first line in the buffer, or the string size.
  StringRef BufferPrefix = Buffer.substr(0, ExampleString.size());
  BufferPrefix = BufferPrefix.split('\n').first;
  return BufferPrefix.edit_distance(ExampleString);

示例14: OutputContentUpTo

/// Writes out bytes from \p FromFile, starting at \p NextToWrite and ending at
/// \p WriteTo - 1.
void InclusionRewriter::OutputContentUpTo(const MemoryBuffer &FromFile,
                                          unsigned &WriteFrom, unsigned WriteTo,
                                          StringRef LocalEOL, int &Line,
                                          bool EnsureNewline) {
  if (WriteTo <= WriteFrom)
  if (&FromFile == PredefinesBuffer) {
    // Ignore the #defines of the predefines buffer.
    WriteFrom = WriteTo;

  // If we would output half of a line ending, advance one character to output
  // the whole line ending.  All buffers are null terminated, so looking ahead
  // one byte is safe.
  if (LocalEOL.size() == 2 &&
      LocalEOL[0] == (FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteTo)[-1] &&
      LocalEOL[1] == (FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteTo)[0])

  StringRef TextToWrite(FromFile.getBufferStart() + WriteFrom,
                        WriteTo - WriteFrom);

  if (MainEOL == LocalEOL) {
    OS << TextToWrite;
    // count lines manually, it's faster than getPresumedLoc()
    Line += TextToWrite.count(LocalEOL);
    if (EnsureNewline && !TextToWrite.endswith(LocalEOL))
      OS << MainEOL;
  } else {
    // Output the file one line at a time, rewriting the line endings as we go.
    StringRef Rest = TextToWrite;
    while (!Rest.empty()) {
      StringRef LineText;
      std::tie(LineText, Rest) = Rest.split(LocalEOL);
      OS << LineText;
      if (!Rest.empty())
        OS << MainEOL;
    if (TextToWrite.endswith(LocalEOL) || EnsureNewline)
      OS << MainEOL;
  WriteFrom = WriteTo;

示例15: emitComputeAvailableFeatures

void SubtargetFeatureInfo::emitComputeAvailableFeatures(
    StringRef TargetName, StringRef ClassName,
    std::map<Record *, SubtargetFeatureInfo, LessRecordByID> &SubtargetFeatures,
    raw_ostream &OS) {
  OS << "uint64_t " << TargetName << ClassName << "::\n"
     << "ComputeAvailableFeatures(const FeatureBitset& FB) const {\n";
  OS << "  uint64_t Features = 0;\n";
  for (const auto &SF : SubtargetFeatures) {
    const SubtargetFeatureInfo &SFI = SF.second;

    OS << "  if (";
    std::string CondStorage =
    StringRef Conds = CondStorage;
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Comma = Conds.split(',');
    bool First = true;
    do {
      if (!First)
        OS << " && ";

      bool Neg = false;
      StringRef Cond = Comma.first;
      if (Cond[0] == '!') {
        Neg = true;
        Cond = Cond.substr(1);

      OS << "(";
      if (Neg)
        OS << "!";
      OS << "FB[" << TargetName << "::" << Cond << "])";

      if (Comma.second.empty())

      First = false;
      Comma = Comma.second.split(',');
    } while (true);

    OS << ")\n";
    OS << "    Features |= " << SFI.getEnumName() << ";\n";
  OS << "  return Features;\n";
  OS << "}\n\n";
