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C++ StringRef::size方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::size方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::size方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::size怎么用?C++ StringRef::size使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: replaceKeepingName

// MinGW specific.
void Symbol::replaceKeepingName(Symbol *Other, size_t Size) {
  StringRef OrigName = getName();
  memcpy(this, Other, Size);
  NameData = OrigName.data();
  NameSize = OrigName.size();

示例2: Check

static CXCodeCompleteResults *
clang_codeCompleteAt_Impl(CXTranslationUnit TU, const char *complete_filename,
                          unsigned complete_line, unsigned complete_column,
                          ArrayRef<CXUnsavedFile> unsaved_files,
                          unsigned options) {
  bool IncludeBriefComments = options & CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments;

  const llvm::TimeRecord &StartTime =  llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();

  bool EnableLogging = getenv("LIBCLANG_CODE_COMPLETION_LOGGING") != nullptr;

  if (cxtu::isNotUsableTU(TU)) {
    return nullptr;

  ASTUnit *AST = cxtu::getASTUnit(TU);
  if (!AST)
    return nullptr;

  CIndexer *CXXIdx = TU->CIdx;
  if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForEditing))

  ASTUnit::ConcurrencyCheck Check(*AST);

  // Perform the remapping of source files.
  SmallVector<ASTUnit::RemappedFile, 4> RemappedFiles;

  for (auto &UF : unsaved_files) {
    std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> MB =
        llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(getContents(UF), UF.Filename);
    RemappedFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(UF.Filename, MB.release()));

  if (EnableLogging) {
    // FIXME: Add logging.

  // Parse the resulting source file to find code-completion results.
  AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults *Results = new AllocatedCXCodeCompleteResults(
  Results->Results = nullptr;
  Results->NumResults = 0;
  // Create a code-completion consumer to capture the results.
  CodeCompleteOptions Opts;
  Opts.IncludeBriefComments = IncludeBriefComments;
  CaptureCompletionResults Capture(Opts, *Results, &TU);

  // Perform completion.
  AST->CodeComplete(complete_filename, complete_line, complete_column,
                    RemappedFiles, (options & CXCodeComplete_IncludeMacros),
                    (options & CXCodeComplete_IncludeCodePatterns),
                    IncludeBriefComments, Capture,
                    CXXIdx->getPCHContainerOperations(), *Results->Diag,
                    Results->LangOpts, *Results->SourceMgr, *Results->FileMgr,
                    Results->Diagnostics, Results->TemporaryBuffers);


  // Keep a reference to the allocator used for cached global completions, so
  // that we can be sure that the memory used by our code completion strings
  // doesn't get freed due to subsequent reparses (while the code completion
  // results are still active).
  Results->CachedCompletionAllocator = AST->getCachedCompletionAllocator();


  const llvm::TimeRecord &EndTime =  llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();
  SmallString<256> LogResult;
  llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(LogResult);

  // Figure out the language and whether or not it uses PCH.
  const char *lang = 0;
  bool usesPCH = false;

  for (std::vector<const char*>::iterator I = argv.begin(), E = argv.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (*I == 0)
    if (strcmp(*I, "-x") == 0) {
      if (I + 1 != E) {
        lang = *(++I);
    else if (strcmp(*I, "-include") == 0) {
      if (I+1 != E) {
        const char *arg = *(++I);
        SmallString<512> pchName;
          llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(pchName);
          os << arg << ".pth";


static void create_PRUNTIME_FUNCTION(uint8_t *Code, size_t Size, StringRef fnname,
        uint8_t *Section, size_t Allocated, uint8_t *UnwindData)
    DWORD mod_size = 0;
#if defined(_CPU_X86_64_)
#if !defined(USE_MCJIT)
    uint8_t *catchjmp = Section+Allocated;
    UnwindData = (uint8_t*)(((uintptr_t)catchjmp+12+3)&~(uintptr_t)3);
    if (!catchjmp[0]) {
        catchjmp[0] = 0x48;
        catchjmp[1] = 0xb8; // mov RAX, QWORD PTR [...]
        *(uint64_t*)(&catchjmp[2]) = (uint64_t)&_seh_exception_handler;
        catchjmp[10] = 0xff;
        catchjmp[11] = 0xe0; // jmp RAX
        UnwindData[0] = 0x09; // version info, UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER
        UnwindData[1] = 4;    // size of prolog (bytes)
        UnwindData[2] = 2;    // count of unwind codes (slots)
        UnwindData[3] = 0x05; // frame register (rbp) = rsp
        UnwindData[4] = 4;    // second instruction
        UnwindData[5] = 0x03; // mov RBP, RSP
        UnwindData[6] = 1;    // first instruction
        UnwindData[7] = 0x50; // push RBP
        *(DWORD*)&UnwindData[8] = (DWORD)(catchjmp - Section); // relative location of catchjmp
        mod_size = (DWORD)Allocated+48;
    tbl->BeginAddress = (DWORD)(Code - Section);
    tbl->EndAddress = (DWORD)(Code - Section + Size);
    tbl->UnwindData = (DWORD)(UnwindData - Section);
#else // defined(_CPU_X86_64_)
    Section += (uintptr_t)Code;
    mod_size = Size;
    if (0) {
        jl_in_stackwalk = 1;
        if (mod_size && !SymLoadModuleEx(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, NULL, NULL, (DWORD64)Section, mod_size, NULL, SLMFLAG_VIRTUAL)) {
#if defined(_CPU_X86_64_) && !defined(USE_MCJIT)
            catchjmp[0] = 0;
            static int warned = 0;
            if (!warned) {
                jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert module info for backtrace: %lu\n", GetLastError());
                warned = 1;
        else {
            size_t len = fnname.size()+1;
            if (len > MAX_SYM_NAME)
                len = MAX_SYM_NAME;
            char *name = (char*)alloca(len);
            memcpy(name, fnname.data(), len-1);
            name[len-1] = 0;
            if (!SymAddSymbol(GetCurrentProcess(), (ULONG64)Section, name,
                        (DWORD64)Code, (DWORD)Size, 0)) {
                jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert function name %s into debug info: %lu\n", name, GetLastError());
        jl_in_stackwalk = 0;
#if defined(_CPU_X86_64_)
    if (!RtlAddFunctionTable(tbl, 1, (DWORD64)Section)) {
        static int warned = 0;
        if (!warned) {
            jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert function stack unwind info: %lu\n", GetLastError());
            warned = 1;

示例4: output

void Output::output(StringRef s) {
  Column += s.size();
  Out << s;

示例5: ApplyOneQAOverride

/// ApplyQAOverride - Apply a list of edits to the input argument lists.
/// The input string is a space separate list of edits to perform,
/// they are applied in order to the input argument lists. Edits
/// should be one of the following forms:
///  '#': Silence information about the changes to the command line arguments.
///  '^': Add FOO as a new argument at the beginning of the command line.
///  '+': Add FOO as a new argument at the end of the command line.
///  's/XXX/YYY/': Substitute the regular expression XXX with YYY in the command
///  line.
///  'xOPTION': Removes all instances of the literal argument OPTION.
///  'XOPTION': Removes all instances of the literal argument OPTION,
///  and the following argument.
///  'Ox': Removes all flags matching 'O' or 'O[sz0-9]' and adds 'Ox'
///  at the end of the command line.
/// \param OS - The stream to write edit information to.
/// \param Args - The vector of command line arguments.
/// \param Edit - The override command to perform.
/// \param SavedStrings - Set to use for storing string representations.
static void ApplyOneQAOverride(raw_ostream &OS,
                               SmallVectorImpl<const char*> &Args,
                               StringRef Edit,
                               std::set<std::string> &SavedStrings) {
  // This does not need to be efficient.

  if (Edit[0] == '^') {
    const char *Str =
      SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Edit.substr(1));
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Str << " at beginning\n";
    Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1, Str);
  } else if (Edit[0] == '+') {
    const char *Str =
      SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Edit.substr(1));
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Str << " at end\n";
  } else if (Edit[0] == 's' && Edit[1] == '/' && Edit.endswith("/") &&
             Edit.slice(2, Edit.size()-1).find('/') != StringRef::npos) {
    StringRef MatchPattern = Edit.substr(2).split('/').first;
    StringRef ReplPattern = Edit.substr(2).split('/').second;
    ReplPattern = ReplPattern.slice(0, ReplPattern.size()-1);

    for (unsigned i = 1, e = Args.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      std::string Repl = llvm::Regex(MatchPattern).sub(ReplPattern, Args[i]);

      if (Repl != Args[i]) {
        OS << "### Replacing '" << Args[i] << "' with '" << Repl << "'\n";
        Args[i] = SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Repl);
  } else if (Edit[0] == 'x' || Edit[0] == 'X') {
    std::string Option = Edit.substr(1, std::string::npos);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Args.size();) {
      if (Option == Args[i]) {
        OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
        Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
        if (Edit[0] == 'X') {
          if (i < Args.size()) {
            OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
            Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
          } else
            OS << "### Invalid X edit, end of command line!\n";
      } else
  } else if (Edit[0] == 'O') {
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Args.size();) {
      const char *A = Args[i];
      if (A[0] == '-' && A[1] == 'O' &&
          (A[2] == '\0' ||
           (A[3] == '\0' && (A[2] == 's' || A[2] == 'z' ||
                             ('0' <= A[2] && A[2] <= '9'))))) {
        OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
        Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
      } else
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Edit << " at end\n";
    Args.push_back(SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, '-' + Edit.str()));
  } else {
    OS << "### Unrecognized edit: " << Edit << "\n";

示例6: EmitInlineAsm

/// EmitInlineAsm - Emit a blob of inline asm to the output streamer.
void AsmPrinter::EmitInlineAsm(StringRef Str, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI,
                               const MCTargetOptions &MCOptions,
                               const MDNode *LocMDNode,
                               InlineAsm::AsmDialect Dialect) const {
  assert(!Str.empty() && "Can't emit empty inline asm block");

  // Remember if the buffer is nul terminated or not so we can avoid a copy.
  bool isNullTerminated = Str.back() == 0;
  if (isNullTerminated)
    Str = Str.substr(0, Str.size()-1);

  // If the output streamer does not have mature MC support or the integrated
  // assembler has been disabled, just emit the blob textually.
  // Otherwise parse the asm and emit it via MC support.
  // This is useful in case the asm parser doesn't handle something but the
  // system assembler does.
  const MCAsmInfo *MCAI = TM.getMCAsmInfo();
  assert(MCAI && "No MCAsmInfo");
  if (!MCAI->useIntegratedAssembler() &&
      !OutStreamer->isIntegratedAssemblerRequired()) {
    emitInlineAsmEnd(STI, nullptr);

  if (!DiagInfo) {
    DiagInfo = make_unique<SrcMgrDiagInfo>();

    MCContext &Context = MMI->getContext();

    LLVMContext &LLVMCtx = MMI->getModule()->getContext();
    if (LLVMCtx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler()) {
      DiagInfo->DiagHandler = LLVMCtx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler();
      DiagInfo->DiagContext = LLVMCtx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticContext();
      DiagInfo->SrcMgr.setDiagHandler(srcMgrDiagHandler, DiagInfo.get());

  SourceMgr &SrcMgr = DiagInfo->SrcMgr;

  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
  // The inline asm source manager will outlive Str, so make a copy of the
  // string for SourceMgr to own.
  Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Str, "<inline asm>");

  // Tell SrcMgr about this buffer, it takes ownership of the buffer.
  unsigned BufNum = SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(Buffer), SMLoc());

  // Store LocMDNode in DiagInfo, using BufNum as an identifier.
  if (LocMDNode) {
    DiagInfo->LocInfos[BufNum-1] = LocMDNode;

  std::unique_ptr<MCAsmParser> Parser(
      createMCAsmParser(SrcMgr, OutContext, *OutStreamer, *MAI, BufNum));

  // We create a new MCInstrInfo here since we might be at the module level
  // and not have a MachineFunction to initialize the TargetInstrInfo from and
  // we only need MCInstrInfo for asm parsing. We create one unconditionally
  // because it's not subtarget dependent.
  std::unique_ptr<MCInstrInfo> MII(TM.getTarget().createMCInstrInfo());
  std::unique_ptr<MCTargetAsmParser> TAP(TM.getTarget().createMCAsmParser(
      STI, *Parser, *MII, MCOptions));
  if (!TAP)
    report_fatal_error("Inline asm not supported by this streamer because"
                       " we don't have an asm parser for this target\n");
  if (Dialect == InlineAsm::AD_Intel)
    // We need this flag to be able to parse numbers like "0bH"
  if (MF) {
    const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MF->getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();

  // Don't implicitly switch to the text section before the asm.
  int Res = Parser->Run(/*NoInitialTextSection*/ true,
                        /*NoFinalize*/ true);
  emitInlineAsmEnd(STI, &TAP->getSTI());

  if (Res && !DiagInfo->DiagHandler)
    report_fatal_error("Error parsing inline asm\n");

示例7: decompileFunction

Function* Decompiler::decompileFunction(unsigned Address) {
  // Check that Address is inside the current section.
  // TODO: Find a better way to do this check. What we really care about is
  // avoiding reads to library calls and areas of memory we can't "see".
  const object::SectionRef Sect = Dis->getCurrentSection();
  uint64_t SectStart, SectEnd;
  SectEnd += SectStart;
  if (Address < SectStart || Address > SectEnd) {
    errs() << "Address out of bounds for section (is this a library call?): "
           << format("%1" PRIx64, Address) << "\n";
    return NULL;

  MachineFunction *MF = Dis->disassemble(Address);

  // Get Function Name
  // TODO: Determine Function Type
  FunctionType *FType = FunctionType::get(Type::getPrimitiveType(*Context,
      Type::VoidTyID), false);
  Function *F =
    cast<Function>(Mod->getOrInsertFunction(MF->getName(), FType));

  if (!F->empty()) {
    return F;

  // Create a basic block to hold entry point (alloca) information
  BasicBlock *entry = getOrCreateBasicBlock("entry", F);

  // For each basic block
  MachineFunction::iterator BI = MF->begin(), BE = MF->end();
  while (BI != BE) {
    // Add branch from "entry"
    if (BI == MF->begin()) {
        BranchInst::Create(getOrCreateBasicBlock(BI->getName(), F)));
    } else {
      getOrCreateBasicBlock(BI->getName(), F);

  BI = MF->begin();
  while (BI != BE) {
    if (decompileBasicBlock(BI, F) == NULL) {
      printError("Unable to decompile basic block!");

  // During Decompilation, did any "in-between" basic blocks get created?
  // Nothing ever splits the entry block, so we skip it.
  for (Function::iterator I = ++F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (!(I->empty())) {
    // Right now, the only way to get the right offset is to parse its name
    // it sucks, but it works.
    StringRef Name = I->getName();
    if (Name == "end" || Name == "entry") continue; // these can be empty

    size_t Off = F->getName().size() + 1;
    size_t Size = Name.size() - Off;
    StringRef BBAddrStr = Name.substr(Off, Size);
    unsigned long long BBAddr;
    getAsUnsignedInteger(BBAddrStr, 10, BBAddr);
    BBAddr += Address;
    DEBUG(errs() << "Split Target: " << Name << "\t Address: "
                 << BBAddr << "\n");
    // split Block at AddrStr
    Function::iterator SB;      // Split basic block
    BasicBlock::iterator SI, SE;    // Split instruction
    // Note the ++, nothing ever splits the entry block.
    for (SB = ++F->begin(); SB != E; ++SB) {
      DEBUG(outs() << "SB: " << SB->getName()
        << "\tRange: " << Dis->getDebugOffset(SB->begin()->getDebugLoc())
        << " " << Dis->getDebugOffset(SB->getTerminator()->getDebugLoc())
        << "\n");
      if (SB->empty() || BBAddr < getBasicBlockAddress(SB)
        || BBAddr > Dis->getDebugOffset(SB->getTerminator()->getDebugLoc())) {
      // Reorder instructions based on Debug Location
      DEBUG(errs() << "Found Split Block: " << SB->getName() << "\n");
      // Find iterator to split on.
      for (SI = SB->begin(), SE = SB->end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
        // outs() << "SI: " << SI->getDebugLoc().getLine() << "\n";
        if (Dis->getDebugOffset(SI->getDebugLoc()) == BBAddr) break;
        if (Dis->getDebugOffset(SI->getDebugLoc()) > BBAddr) {
          errs() << "Could not find address inside basic block!\n"
                 << "SI: " << Dis->getDebugOffset(SI->getDebugLoc()) << "\n"
                 << "BBAddr: " << BBAddr << "\n";

示例8: ReadCheckFile

/// ReadCheckFile - Read the check file, which specifies the sequence of
/// expected strings.  The strings are added to the CheckStrings vector.
static bool ReadCheckFile(SourceMgr &SM,
                          std::vector<CheckString> &CheckStrings) {
  // Open the check file, and tell SourceMgr about it.
  OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> File;
  if (error_code ec =
        MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(CheckFilename.c_str(), File)) {
    errs() << "Could not open check file '" << CheckFilename << "': "
           << ec.message() << '\n';
    return true;
  MemoryBuffer *F = File.take();

  // If we want to canonicalize whitespace, strip excess whitespace from the
  // buffer containing the CHECK lines.
  if (!NoCanonicalizeWhiteSpace)
    F = CanonicalizeInputFile(F);

  SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(F, SMLoc());

  // Find all instances of CheckPrefix followed by : in the file.
  StringRef Buffer = F->getBuffer();

  std::vector<std::pair<SMLoc, Pattern> > NotMatches;

  while (1) {
    // See if Prefix occurs in the memory buffer.
    Buffer = Buffer.substr(Buffer.find(CheckPrefix));

    // If we didn't find a match, we're done.
    if (Buffer.empty())

    const char *CheckPrefixStart = Buffer.data();

    // When we find a check prefix, keep track of whether we find CHECK: or
    // CHECK-NEXT:
    bool IsCheckNext = false, IsCheckNot = false;

    // Verify that the : is present after the prefix.
    if (Buffer[CheckPrefix.size()] == ':') {
      Buffer = Buffer.substr(CheckPrefix.size()+1);
    } else if (Buffer.size() > CheckPrefix.size()+6 &&
               memcmp(Buffer.data()+CheckPrefix.size(), "-NEXT:", 6) == 0) {
      Buffer = Buffer.substr(CheckPrefix.size()+7);
      IsCheckNext = true;
    } else if (Buffer.size() > CheckPrefix.size()+5 &&
               memcmp(Buffer.data()+CheckPrefix.size(), "-NOT:", 5) == 0) {
      Buffer = Buffer.substr(CheckPrefix.size()+6);
      IsCheckNot = true;
    } else {
      Buffer = Buffer.substr(1);

    // Okay, we found the prefix, yay.  Remember the rest of the line, but
    // ignore leading and trailing whitespace.
    Buffer = Buffer.substr(Buffer.find_first_not_of(" \t"));

    // Scan ahead to the end of line.
    size_t EOL = Buffer.find_first_of("\n\r");

    // Remember the location of the start of the pattern, for diagnostics.
    SMLoc PatternLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Buffer.data());

    // Parse the pattern.
    Pattern P;
    if (P.ParsePattern(Buffer.substr(0, EOL), SM))
      return true;

    Buffer = Buffer.substr(EOL);

    // Verify that CHECK-NEXT lines have at least one CHECK line before them.
    if (IsCheckNext && CheckStrings.empty()) {
                      "found '"+CheckPrefix+"-NEXT:' without previous '"+
                      CheckPrefix+ ": line", "error");
      return true;

    // Handle CHECK-NOT.
    if (IsCheckNot) {

    // Okay, add the string we captured to the output vector and move on.
    std::swap(NotMatches, CheckStrings.back().NotStrings);

  // Add an EOF pattern for any trailing CHECK-NOTs.
  if (!NotMatches.empty()) {

示例9: Parse

ide::isSourceInputComplete(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> MemBuf) {
  SourceManager SM;
  auto BufferID = SM.addNewSourceBuffer(std::move(MemBuf));
  ParserUnit Parse(SM, BufferID);
  Parser &P = Parse.getParser();

  bool Done;
  do {
    Done = P.Tok.is(tok::eof);
  } while (!Done);

  SourceCompleteResult SCR;
  SCR.IsComplete = !P.isInputIncomplete();
  // Use the same code that was in the REPL code to track the indent level 
  // for now. In the future we should get this from the Parser if possible.

  CharSourceRange entireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef Buffer = SM.extractText(entireRange);
  const char *SourceStart = Buffer.data();
  const char *SourceEnd = Buffer.data() + Buffer.size();
  const char *LineStart = SourceStart;
  const char *LineSourceStart = nullptr;
  uint32_t LineIndent = 0;
  struct IndentInfo {
    StringRef Prefix;
    uint32_t Indent;
    IndentInfo(const char *s, size_t n, uint32_t i) :
      Prefix(s, n),
      Indent(i) {}
  SmallVector<IndentInfo, 4> IndentInfos;
  for (const char *p = SourceStart; p<SourceEnd; ++p) {
    switch (*p) {
    case '\r':
    case '\n':
      LineIndent = 0;
      LineSourceStart = nullptr;
      LineStart = p + 1;

    case '"':
      p = skipStringInCode (p, SourceEnd);

    case '{':
    case '(':
    case '[':
      if (LineSourceStart == nullptr)
                                         p - LineStart,
                                         LineSourceStart - LineStart,

    case '}':
    case ')':
    case ']':
      if (LineIndent > 0)
      if (!IndentInfos.empty())
      if (LineSourceStart == nullptr && !isspace(*p))
        LineSourceStart = p;
    if (*p == '\0')
  if (!IndentInfos.empty()) {
    SCR.IndentPrefix = IndentInfos.back().Prefix.str();
    // Trim off anything that follows a non-space character
    const size_t pos = SCR.IndentPrefix.find_first_not_of(" \t");
    if (pos != std::string::npos)
    SCR.IndentLevel = IndentInfos.back().Indent;
  return SCR;

示例10: Match

/// Match - Match the pattern string against the input buffer Buffer.  This
/// returns the position that is matched or npos if there is no match.  If
/// there is a match, the size of the matched string is returned in MatchLen.
size_t Pattern::Match(StringRef Buffer, size_t &MatchLen,
                      StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const {
  // If this is the EOF pattern, match it immediately.
  if (MatchEOF) {
    MatchLen = 0;
    return Buffer.size();

  // If this is a fixed string pattern, just match it now.
  if (!FixedStr.empty()) {
    MatchLen = FixedStr.size();
    return Buffer.find(FixedStr);

  // Regex match.

  // If there are variable uses, we need to create a temporary string with the
  // actual value.
  StringRef RegExToMatch = RegExStr;
  std::string TmpStr;
  if (!VariableUses.empty()) {
    TmpStr = RegExStr;

    unsigned InsertOffset = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = VariableUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      StringMap<StringRef>::iterator it =
      // If the variable is undefined, return an error.
      if (it == VariableTable.end())
        return StringRef::npos;

      // Look up the value and escape it so that we can plop it into the regex.
      std::string Value;
      AddFixedStringToRegEx(it->second, Value);

      // Plop it into the regex at the adjusted offset.
                    Value.begin(), Value.end());
      InsertOffset += Value.size();

    // Match the newly constructed regex.
    RegExToMatch = TmpStr;

  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> MatchInfo;
  if (!Regex(RegExToMatch, Regex::Newline).match(Buffer, &MatchInfo))
    return StringRef::npos;

  // Successful regex match.
  assert(!MatchInfo.empty() && "Didn't get any match");
  StringRef FullMatch = MatchInfo[0];

  // If this defines any variables, remember their values.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = VariableDefs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    assert(VariableDefs[i].second < MatchInfo.size() &&
           "Internal paren error");
    VariableTable[VariableDefs[i].first] = MatchInfo[VariableDefs[i].second];

  MatchLen = FullMatch.size();
  return FullMatch.data()-Buffer.data();

示例11: PrintFailureInfo

void Pattern::PrintFailureInfo(const SourceMgr &SM, StringRef Buffer,
                               const StringMap<StringRef> &VariableTable) const{
  // If this was a regular expression using variables, print the current
  // variable values.
  if (!VariableUses.empty()) {
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = VariableUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      StringRef Var = VariableUses[i].first;
      StringMap<StringRef>::const_iterator it = VariableTable.find(Var);
      SmallString<256> Msg;
      raw_svector_ostream OS(Msg);

      // Check for undefined variable references.
      if (it == VariableTable.end()) {
        OS << "uses undefined variable \"";
        OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\"";;
      } else {
        OS << "with variable \"";
        OS.write_escaped(Var) << "\" equal to \"";
        OS.write_escaped(it->second) << "\"";

      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Buffer.data()), OS.str(), "note",

  // Attempt to find the closest/best fuzzy match.  Usually an error happens
  // because some string in the output didn't exactly match. In these cases, we
  // would like to show the user a best guess at what "should have" matched, to
  // save them having to actually check the input manually.
  size_t NumLinesForward = 0;
  size_t Best = StringRef::npos;
  double BestQuality = 0;

  // Use an arbitrary 4k limit on how far we will search.
  for (size_t i = 0, e = std::min(size_t(4096), Buffer.size()); i != e; ++i) {
    if (Buffer[i] == '\n')

    // Patterns have leading whitespace stripped, so skip whitespace when
    // looking for something which looks like a pattern.
    if (Buffer[i] == ' ' || Buffer[i] == '\t')

    // Compute the "quality" of this match as an arbitrary combination of the
    // match distance and the number of lines skipped to get to this match.
    unsigned Distance = ComputeMatchDistance(Buffer.substr(i), VariableTable);
    double Quality = Distance + (NumLinesForward / 100.);

    if (Quality < BestQuality || Best == StringRef::npos) {
      Best = i;
      BestQuality = Quality;

  // Print the "possible intended match here" line if we found something
  // reasonable and not equal to what we showed in the "scanning from here"
  // line.
  if (Best && Best != StringRef::npos && BestQuality < 50) {
      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Buffer.data() + Best),
                      "possible intended match here", "note");

    // FIXME: If we wanted to be really friendly we would show why the match
    // failed, as it can be hard to spot simple one character differences.

示例12: ParsePattern

bool Pattern::ParsePattern(StringRef PatternStr, SourceMgr &SM) {
  PatternLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(PatternStr.data());

  // Ignore trailing whitespace.
  while (!PatternStr.empty() &&
         (PatternStr.back() == ' ' || PatternStr.back() == '\t'))
    PatternStr = PatternStr.substr(0, PatternStr.size()-1);

  // Check that there is something on the line.
  if (PatternStr.empty()) {
    SM.PrintMessage(PatternLoc, "found empty check string with prefix '" +
                    CheckPrefix+":'", "error");
    return true;

  // Check to see if this is a fixed string, or if it has regex pieces.
  if (PatternStr.size() < 2 ||
      (PatternStr.find("{{") == StringRef::npos &&
       PatternStr.find("[[") == StringRef::npos)) {
    FixedStr = PatternStr;
    return false;

  // Paren value #0 is for the fully matched string.  Any new parenthesized
  // values add from their.
  unsigned CurParen = 1;

  // Otherwise, there is at least one regex piece.  Build up the regex pattern
  // by escaping scary characters in fixed strings, building up one big regex.
  while (!PatternStr.empty()) {
    // RegEx matches.
    if (PatternStr.size() >= 2 &&
        PatternStr[0] == '{' && PatternStr[1] == '{') {

      // Otherwise, this is the start of a regex match.  Scan for the }}.
      size_t End = PatternStr.find("}}");
      if (End == StringRef::npos) {
                        "found start of regex string with no end '}}'", "error");
        return true;

      if (AddRegExToRegEx(PatternStr.substr(2, End-2), CurParen, SM))
        return true;
      PatternStr = PatternStr.substr(End+2);

    // Named RegEx matches.  These are of two forms: [[foo:.*]] which matches .*
    // (or some other regex) and assigns it to the FileCheck variable 'foo'. The
    // second form is [[foo]] which is a reference to foo.  The variable name
    // itself must be of the form "[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*", otherwise we reject
    // it.  This is to catch some common errors.
    if (PatternStr.size() >= 2 &&
        PatternStr[0] == '[' && PatternStr[1] == '[') {
      // Verify that it is terminated properly.
      size_t End = PatternStr.find("]]");
      if (End == StringRef::npos) {
                        "invalid named regex reference, no ]] found", "error");
        return true;

      StringRef MatchStr = PatternStr.substr(2, End-2);
      PatternStr = PatternStr.substr(End+2);

      // Get the regex name (e.g. "foo").
      size_t NameEnd = MatchStr.find(':');
      StringRef Name = MatchStr.substr(0, NameEnd);

      if (Name.empty()) {
                        "invalid name in named regex: empty name", "error");
        return true;

      // Verify that the name is well formed.
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Name.size(); i != e; ++i)
        if (Name[i] != '_' &&
            (Name[i] < 'a' || Name[i] > 'z') &&
            (Name[i] < 'A' || Name[i] > 'Z') &&
            (Name[i] < '0' || Name[i] > '9')) {
                          "invalid name in named regex", "error");
          return true;

      // Name can't start with a digit.
      if (isdigit(Name[0])) {
                        "invalid name in named regex", "error");
        return true;

      // Handle [[foo]].
      if (NameEnd == StringRef::npos) {
        VariableUses.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, RegExStr.size()));


示例13: startsWithWord

/// Interpreting the given string using the normal CamelCase
/// conventions, determine whether the given string starts with the
/// given "word", which is assumed to end in a lowercase letter.
static bool startsWithWord(StringRef name, StringRef word) {
  if (name.size() < word.size()) return false;
  return ((name.size() == word.size() || !isLowercase(name[word.size()])) &&

示例14: decodePunycode

bool Punycode::decodePunycode(StringRef InputPunycode,
                              std::vector<uint32_t> &OutCodePoints) {

  // -- Build the decoded string as UTF32 first because we need random access.
  uint32_t n = initial_n;
  int i = 0;
  int bias = initial_bias;
  /// let output = an empty string indexed from 0
  // consume all code points before the last delimiter (if there is one)
  //  and copy them to output,
  size_t lastDelimiter = InputPunycode.find_last_of(delimiter);
  if (lastDelimiter != StringRef::npos) {
    for (char c : InputPunycode.slice(0, lastDelimiter)) {
      // fail on any non-basic code point
      if (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) > 0x7f)
        return true;
    // if more than zero code points were consumed then consume one more
    //  (which will be the last delimiter)
    InputPunycode =
        InputPunycode.slice(lastDelimiter + 1, InputPunycode.size());
  while (!InputPunycode.empty()) {
    int oldi = i;
    int w = 1;
    for (int k = base; ; k += base) {
      // consume a code point, or fail if there was none to consume
      if (InputPunycode.empty())
        return true;
      char codePoint = InputPunycode.front();
      InputPunycode = InputPunycode.slice(1, InputPunycode.size());
      // let digit = the code point's digit-value, fail if it has none
      int digit = digit_index(codePoint);
      if (digit < 0)
        return true;
      i = i + digit * w;
      int t = k <= bias ? tmin
            : k >= bias + tmax ? tmax
            : k - bias;
      if (digit < t)
      w = w * (base - t);
    bias = adapt(i - oldi, OutCodePoints.size() + 1, oldi == 0);
    n = n + i / (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    i = i % (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    // if n is a basic code point then fail
    if (n < 0x80)
      return true;
    // insert n into output at position i
    OutCodePoints.insert(OutCodePoints.begin() + i, n);
  return true;

示例15: check

void IntegerTypesCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
  auto TL = *Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<TypeLoc>("tl");
  SourceLocation Loc = TL.getBeginLoc();

  if (Loc.isInvalid() || Loc.isMacroID())

  // Look through qualification.
  if (auto QualLoc = TL.getAs<QualifiedTypeLoc>())
    TL = QualLoc.getUnqualifiedLoc();

  auto BuiltinLoc = TL.getAs<BuiltinTypeLoc>();
  if (!BuiltinLoc)

  Token Tok = getTokenAtLoc(Loc, Result, *IdentTable);
  // Ensure the location actually points to one of the builting integral type
  // names we're interested in. Otherwise, we might be getting this match from
  // implicit code (e.g. an implicit assignment operator of a class containing
  // an array of non-POD types).
  if (!Tok.isOneOf(tok::kw_short, tok::kw_long, tok::kw_unsigned,

  bool IsSigned;
  unsigned Width;
  const TargetInfo &TargetInfo = Result.Context->getTargetInfo();

  // Look for uses of short, long, long long and their unsigned versions.
  switch (BuiltinLoc.getTypePtr()->getKind()) {
  case BuiltinType::Short:
    Width = TargetInfo.getShortWidth();
    IsSigned = true;
  case BuiltinType::Long:
    Width = TargetInfo.getLongWidth();
    IsSigned = true;
  case BuiltinType::LongLong:
    Width = TargetInfo.getLongLongWidth();
    IsSigned = true;
  case BuiltinType::UShort:
    Width = TargetInfo.getShortWidth();
    IsSigned = false;
  case BuiltinType::ULong:
    Width = TargetInfo.getLongWidth();
    IsSigned = false;
  case BuiltinType::ULongLong:
    Width = TargetInfo.getLongLongWidth();
    IsSigned = false;

  // We allow "unsigned short port" as that's reasonably common and required by
  // the sockets API.
  const StringRef Port = "unsigned short port";
  const char *Data = Result.SourceManager->getCharacterData(Loc);
  if (!std::strncmp(Data, Port.data(), Port.size()) &&

  std::string Replacement =
      ((IsSigned ? SignedTypePrefix : UnsignedTypePrefix) + Twine(Width) +

  // We don't add a fix-it as changing the type can easily break code,
  // e.g. when a function requires a 'long' argument on all platforms.
  // QualTypes are printed with implicit quotes.
  diag(Loc, "consider replacing %0 with '%1'") << BuiltinLoc.getType()
                                               << Replacement;
