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C++ StringRef::slice方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::slice方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::slice方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::slice怎么用?C++ StringRef::slice使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: ApplyOneQAOverride

/// ApplyQAOverride - Apply a list of edits to the input argument lists.
/// The input string is a space separate list of edits to perform,
/// they are applied in order to the input argument lists. Edits
/// should be one of the following forms:
///  '#': Silence information about the changes to the command line arguments.
///  '^': Add FOO as a new argument at the beginning of the command line.
///  '+': Add FOO as a new argument at the end of the command line.
///  's/XXX/YYY/': Substitute the regular expression XXX with YYY in the command
///  line.
///  'xOPTION': Removes all instances of the literal argument OPTION.
///  'XOPTION': Removes all instances of the literal argument OPTION,
///  and the following argument.
///  'Ox': Removes all flags matching 'O' or 'O[sz0-9]' and adds 'Ox'
///  at the end of the command line.
/// \param OS - The stream to write edit information to.
/// \param Args - The vector of command line arguments.
/// \param Edit - The override command to perform.
/// \param SavedStrings - Set to use for storing string representations.
static void ApplyOneQAOverride(raw_ostream &OS,
                               SmallVectorImpl<const char*> &Args,
                               StringRef Edit,
                               std::set<std::string> &SavedStrings) {
  // This does not need to be efficient.

  if (Edit[0] == '^') {
    const char *Str =
      SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Edit.substr(1));
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Str << " at beginning\n";
    Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1, Str);
  } else if (Edit[0] == '+') {
    const char *Str =
      SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Edit.substr(1));
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Str << " at end\n";
  } else if (Edit[0] == 's' && Edit[1] == '/' && Edit.endswith("/") &&
             Edit.slice(2, Edit.size()-1).find('/') != StringRef::npos) {
    StringRef MatchPattern = Edit.substr(2).split('/').first;
    StringRef ReplPattern = Edit.substr(2).split('/').second;
    ReplPattern = ReplPattern.slice(0, ReplPattern.size()-1);

    for (unsigned i = 1, e = Args.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      std::string Repl = llvm::Regex(MatchPattern).sub(ReplPattern, Args[i]);

      if (Repl != Args[i]) {
        OS << "### Replacing '" << Args[i] << "' with '" << Repl << "'\n";
        Args[i] = SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Repl);
  } else if (Edit[0] == 'x' || Edit[0] == 'X') {
    std::string Option = Edit.substr(1, std::string::npos);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Args.size();) {
      if (Option == Args[i]) {
        OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
        Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
        if (Edit[0] == 'X') {
          if (i < Args.size()) {
            OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
            Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
          } else
            OS << "### Invalid X edit, end of command line!\n";
      } else
  } else if (Edit[0] == 'O') {
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < Args.size();) {
      const char *A = Args[i];
      if (A[0] == '-' && A[1] == 'O' &&
          (A[2] == '\0' ||
           (A[3] == '\0' && (A[2] == 's' || A[2] == 'z' ||
                             ('0' <= A[2] && A[2] <= '9'))))) {
        OS << "### Deleting argument " << Args[i] << '\n';
        Args.erase(Args.begin() + i);
      } else
    OS << "### Adding argument " << Edit << " at end\n";
    Args.push_back(SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, '-' + Edit.str()));
  } else {
    OS << "### Unrecognized edit: " << Edit << "\n";

示例2: dumpCXXData

                               SymName, TIEntries);
      TIs[SymName] = TI;
    // Catchable type arrays in the MS-ABI start with _CTA or __CTA.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_CTA") || SymName.startswith("__CTA")) {
      CatchableTypeArray CTA;
      CTA.NumEntries =
          *reinterpret_cast<const little32_t *>(SymContents.data());
      collectRelocationOffsets(Obj, Sec, SecAddress, SymAddress, SymSize,
                               SymName, CTAEntries);
      CTAs[SymName] = CTA;
    // Catchable types in the MS-ABI start with _CT or __CT.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_CT") || SymName.startswith("__CT")) {
      const little32_t *DataPtr =
          reinterpret_cast<const little32_t *>(SymContents.data());
      CatchableType CT;
      CT.Flags = DataPtr[0];
      CT.NonVirtualBaseAdjustmentOffset = DataPtr[2];
      CT.VirtualBasePointerOffset = DataPtr[3];
      CT.VirtualBaseAdjustmentOffset = DataPtr[4];
      CT.Size = DataPtr[5];
      StringRef *I = std::begin(CT.Symbols), *E = std::end(CT.Symbols);
      collectRelocatedSymbols(Obj, Sec, SecAddress, SymAddress, SymSize, I, E);
      CTs[SymName] = CT;
    // Construction vtables in the Itanium ABI start with '_ZTT' or '__ZTT'.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_ZTT") || SymName.startswith("__ZTT")) {
      collectRelocationOffsets(Obj, Sec, SecAddress, SymAddress, SymSize,
                               SymName, VTTEntries);
    // Typeinfo names in the Itanium ABI start with '_ZTS' or '__ZTS'.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_ZTS") || SymName.startswith("__ZTS")) {
      TINames[SymName] = SymContents.slice(0, SymContents.find('\0'));
    // Vtables in the Itanium ABI start with '_ZTV' or '__ZTV'.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_ZTV") || SymName.startswith("__ZTV")) {
      collectRelocationOffsets(Obj, Sec, SecAddress, SymAddress, SymSize,
                               SymName, VTableSymEntries);
      for (uint64_t SymOffI = 0; SymOffI < SymSize; SymOffI += BytesInAddress) {
        auto Key = std::make_pair(SymName, SymOffI);
        if (VTableSymEntries.count(Key))
        const char *DataPtr =
            SymContents.substr(SymOffI, BytesInAddress).data();
        int64_t VData;
        if (BytesInAddress == 8)
          VData = *reinterpret_cast<const little64_t *>(DataPtr);
          VData = *reinterpret_cast<const little32_t *>(DataPtr);
        VTableDataEntries[Key] = VData;
    // Typeinfo structures in the Itanium ABI start with '_ZTI' or '__ZTI'.
    else if (SymName.startswith("_ZTI") || SymName.startswith("__ZTI")) {
      // FIXME: Do something with these!
  for (const auto &VFTableEntry : VFTableEntries) {
    StringRef VFTableName = VFTableEntry.first.first;
    uint64_t Offset = VFTableEntry.first.second;
    StringRef SymName = VFTableEntry.second;
    outs() << VFTableName << '[' << Offset << "]: " << SymName << '\n';
  for (const auto &VBTable : VBTables) {
    StringRef VBTableName = VBTable.first;

示例3: main


    raw_ostream &OS = outs();
    for (int i = 1; i != argc; ++i) {
        StringRef Arg = argv[i];

        if (Arg.startswith("-")) {
            HasAnyOption = true;
            if (Arg == "--version") {
                OS << PACKAGE_VERSION << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--prefix") {
                OS << ActivePrefix << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--bindir") {
                OS << ActiveBinDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--includedir") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--libdir") {
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cppflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CPPFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cxxflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CXXFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--ldflags") {
                OS << "-L" << ActiveLibDir << ' ' << LLVM_LDFLAGS
                   << ' ' << LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--libs") {
                PrintLibs = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--libnames") {
                PrintLibNames = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--libfiles") {
                PrintLibFiles = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--components") {
                for (unsigned j = 0; j != array_lengthof(AvailableComponents); ++j) {
                    OS << ' ';
                    OS << AvailableComponents[j].Name;
                OS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--targets-built") {
                bool First = true;
                for (TargetRegistry::iterator I = TargetRegistry::begin(),
                        E = TargetRegistry::end(); I != E; First = false, ++I) {
                    if (!First)
                        OS << ' ';
                    OS << I->getName();
                OS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--host-target") {
                OS << LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--build-mode") {
                OS << LLVM_BUILDMODE << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--obj-root") {
                OS << LLVM_OBJ_ROOT << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--src-root") {
                OS << LLVM_SRC_ROOT << '\n';
            } else {
        } else {

    if (!HasAnyOption)

    if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles) {
        // Construct the list of all the required libraries.
        std::vector<StringRef> RequiredLibs;
        ComputeLibsForComponents(Components, RequiredLibs);

        for (unsigned i = 0, e = RequiredLibs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
            StringRef Lib = RequiredLibs[i];
            if (i)
                OS << ' ';

            if (PrintLibNames) {
                OS << Lib;
            } else if (PrintLibFiles) {
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
            } else if (PrintLibs) {
                // If this is a typical library name, include it using -l.
                if (Lib.startswith("lib") && Lib.endswith(".a")) {
                    OS << "-l" << Lib.slice(3, Lib.size()-2);

                // Otherwise, print the full path.
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
        OS << '\n';
    } else if (!Components.empty()) {
        errs() << "llvm-config: error: components given, but unused\n\n";

    return 0;

示例4: getOffsetOfTrimmedLine

llvm::StringRef swift::ide::getTrimmedTextForLine(unsigned LineIndex,
                                                  StringRef Text) {
  size_t LineOffset = getOffsetOfTrimmedLine(LineIndex, Text);
  size_t LineEnd = Text.find_first_of("\r\n", LineOffset);
  return Text.slice(LineOffset, LineEnd);

示例5: Error

bool X86ATTAsmParser::
ParseInstruction(StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
                 SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) {
  StringRef PatchedName = Name;

  // FIXME: Hack to recognize setneb as setne.
  if (PatchedName.startswith("set") && PatchedName.endswith("b") &&
      PatchedName != "setb" && PatchedName != "setnb")
    PatchedName = PatchedName.substr(0, Name.size()-1);
  // FIXME: Hack to recognize cmp<comparison code>{ss,sd,ps,pd}.
  const MCExpr *ExtraImmOp = 0;
  if ((PatchedName.startswith("cmp") || PatchedName.startswith("vcmp")) &&
      (PatchedName.endswith("ss") || PatchedName.endswith("sd") ||
       PatchedName.endswith("ps") || PatchedName.endswith("pd"))) {
    bool IsVCMP = PatchedName.startswith("vcmp");
    unsigned SSECCIdx = IsVCMP ? 4 : 3;
    unsigned SSEComparisonCode = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
      PatchedName.slice(SSECCIdx, PatchedName.size() - 2))
      .Case("eq",          0)
      .Case("lt",          1)
      .Case("le",          2)
      .Case("unord",       3)
      .Case("neq",         4)
      .Case("nlt",         5)
      .Case("nle",         6)
      .Case("ord",         7)
      .Case("eq_uq",       8)
      .Case("nge",         9)
      .Case("ngt",      0x0A)
      .Case("false",    0x0B)
      .Case("neq_oq",   0x0C)
      .Case("ge",       0x0D)
      .Case("gt",       0x0E)
      .Case("true",     0x0F)
      .Case("eq_os",    0x10)
      .Case("lt_oq",    0x11)
      .Case("le_oq",    0x12)
      .Case("unord_s",  0x13)
      .Case("neq_us",   0x14)
      .Case("nlt_uq",   0x15)
      .Case("nle_uq",   0x16)
      .Case("ord_s",    0x17)
      .Case("eq_us",    0x18)
      .Case("nge_uq",   0x19)
      .Case("ngt_uq",   0x1A)
      .Case("false_os", 0x1B)
      .Case("neq_os",   0x1C)
      .Case("ge_oq",    0x1D)
      .Case("gt_oq",    0x1E)
      .Case("true_us",  0x1F)
    if (SSEComparisonCode != ~0U) {
      ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SSEComparisonCode,
      if (PatchedName.endswith("ss")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpss" : "cmpss";
      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("sd")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpsd" : "cmpsd";
      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("ps")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpps" : "cmpps";
      } else {
        assert(PatchedName.endswith("pd") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmppd" : "cmppd";

  // FIXME: Hack to recognize vpclmul<src1_quadword, src2_quadword>dq
  if (PatchedName.startswith("vpclmul")) {
    unsigned CLMULQuadWordSelect = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
      PatchedName.slice(7, PatchedName.size() - 2))
      .Case("lqlq", 0x00) // src1[63:0],   src2[63:0]
      .Case("hqlq", 0x01) // src1[127:64], src2[63:0]
      .Case("lqhq", 0x10) // src1[63:0],   src2[127:64]
      .Case("hqhq", 0x11) // src1[127:64], src2[127:64]
    if (CLMULQuadWordSelect != ~0U) {
      ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(CLMULQuadWordSelect,
      assert(PatchedName.endswith("dq") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
      PatchedName = "vpclmulqdq";

  Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken(PatchedName, NameLoc));

  if (ExtraImmOp)
    Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));

  // Determine whether this is an instruction prefix.
  bool isPrefix =
    Name == "lock" || Name == "rep" ||
    Name == "repe" || Name == "repz" ||
    Name == "repne" || Name == "repnz" ||
    Name == "rex64" || Name == "data16";

  // This does the actual operand parsing.  Don't parse any more if we have a

示例6: sub

std::string Regex::sub(StringRef Repl, StringRef String,
                       std::string *Error) {
  SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Matches;

  // Reset error, if given.
  if (Error && !Error->empty()) *Error = "";

  // Return the input if there was no match.
  if (!match(String, &Matches))
    return String;

  // Otherwise splice in the replacement string, starting with the prefix before
  // the match.
  std::string Res(String.begin(), Matches[0].begin());

  // Then the replacement string, honoring possible substitutions.
  while (!Repl.empty()) {
    // Skip to the next escape.
    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Repl.split('\\');

    // Add the skipped substring.
    Res += Split.first;

    // Check for terminimation and trailing backslash.
    if (Split.second.empty()) {
      if (Repl.size() != Split.first.size() &&
          Error && Error->empty())
        *Error = "replacement string contained trailing backslash";

    // Otherwise update the replacement string and interpret escapes.
    Repl = Split.second;

    // FIXME: We should have a StringExtras function for mapping C99 escapes.
    switch (Repl[0]) {
      // Treat all unrecognized characters as self-quoting.
      Res += Repl[0];
      Repl = Repl.substr(1);

      // Single character escapes.
    case 't':
      Res += '\t';
      Repl = Repl.substr(1);
    case 'n':
      Res += '\n';
      Repl = Repl.substr(1);

      // Decimal escapes are backreferences.
    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
    case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': {
      // Extract the backreference number.
      StringRef Ref = Repl.slice(0, Repl.find_first_not_of("0123456789"));
      Repl = Repl.substr(Ref.size());

      unsigned RefValue;
      if (!Ref.getAsInteger(10, RefValue) &&
          RefValue < Matches.size())
        Res += Matches[RefValue];
      else if (Error && Error->empty())
        *Error = ("invalid backreference string '" + Twine(Ref) + "'").str();

  // And finally the suffix.
  Res += StringRef(Matches[0].end(), String.end() - Matches[0].end());

  return Res;

示例7: decodePunycode

bool Punycode::decodePunycode(StringRef InputPunycode,
                              std::vector<uint32_t> &OutCodePoints) {

  // -- Build the decoded string as UTF32 first because we need random access.
  uint32_t n = initial_n;
  int i = 0;
  int bias = initial_bias;
  /// let output = an empty string indexed from 0
  // consume all code points before the last delimiter (if there is one)
  //  and copy them to output,
  size_t lastDelimiter = InputPunycode.find_last_of(delimiter);
  if (lastDelimiter != StringRef::npos) {
    for (char c : InputPunycode.slice(0, lastDelimiter)) {
      // fail on any non-basic code point
      if (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) > 0x7f)
        return true;
    // if more than zero code points were consumed then consume one more
    //  (which will be the last delimiter)
    InputPunycode =
        InputPunycode.slice(lastDelimiter + 1, InputPunycode.size());
  while (!InputPunycode.empty()) {
    int oldi = i;
    int w = 1;
    for (int k = base; ; k += base) {
      // consume a code point, or fail if there was none to consume
      if (InputPunycode.empty())
        return true;
      char codePoint = InputPunycode.front();
      InputPunycode = InputPunycode.slice(1, InputPunycode.size());
      // let digit = the code point's digit-value, fail if it has none
      int digit = digit_index(codePoint);
      if (digit < 0)
        return true;
      i = i + digit * w;
      int t = k <= bias ? tmin
            : k >= bias + tmax ? tmax
            : k - bias;
      if (digit < t)
      w = w * (base - t);
    bias = adapt(i - oldi, OutCodePoints.size() + 1, oldi == 0);
    n = n + i / (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    i = i % (OutCodePoints.size() + 1);
    // if n is a basic code point then fail
    if (n < 0x80)
      return true;
    // insert n into output at position i
    OutCodePoints.insert(OutCodePoints.begin() + i, n);
  return true;

示例8: normalize

std::string Triple::normalize(StringRef Str) {
  // Parse into components.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Components;
  for (size_t First = 0, Last = 0; Last != StringRef::npos; First = Last + 1) {
    Last = Str.find('-', First);
    Components.push_back(Str.slice(First, Last));

  // If the first component corresponds to a known architecture, preferentially
  // use it for the architecture.  If the second component corresponds to a
  // known vendor, preferentially use it for the vendor, etc.  This avoids silly
  // component movement when a component parses as (eg) both a valid arch and a
  // valid os.
  ArchType Arch = UnknownArch;
  if (Components.size() > 0)
    Arch = ParseArch(Components[0]);
  VendorType Vendor = UnknownVendor;
  if (Components.size() > 1)
    Vendor = ParseVendor(Components[1]);
  OSType OS = UnknownOS;
  if (Components.size() > 2)
    OS = ParseOS(Components[2]);
  EnvironmentType Environment = UnknownEnvironment;
  if (Components.size() > 3)
    Environment = ParseEnvironment(Components[3]);

  // Note which components are already in their final position.  These will not
  // be moved.
  bool Found[4];
  Found[0] = Arch != UnknownArch;
  Found[1] = Vendor != UnknownVendor;
  Found[2] = OS != UnknownOS;
  Found[3] = Environment != UnknownEnvironment;

  // If they are not there already, permute the components into their canonical
  // positions by seeing if they parse as a valid architecture, and if so moving
  // the component to the architecture position etc.
  for (unsigned Pos = 0; Pos != array_lengthof(Found); ++Pos) {
    if (Found[Pos])
      continue; // Already in the canonical position.

    for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx != Components.size(); ++Idx) {
      // Do not reparse any components that already matched.
      if (Idx < array_lengthof(Found) && Found[Idx])

      // Does this component parse as valid for the target position?
      bool Valid = false;
      StringRef Comp = Components[Idx];
      switch (Pos) {
        assert(false && "unexpected component type!");
      case 0:
        Arch = ParseArch(Comp);
        Valid = Arch != UnknownArch;
      case 1:
        Vendor = ParseVendor(Comp);
        Valid = Vendor != UnknownVendor;
      case 2:
        OS = ParseOS(Comp);
        Valid = OS != UnknownOS;
      case 3:
        Environment = ParseEnvironment(Comp);
        Valid = Environment != UnknownEnvironment;
      if (!Valid)
        continue; // Nope, try the next component.

      // Move the component to the target position, pushing any non-fixed
      // components that are in the way to the right.  This tends to give
      // good results in the common cases of a forgotten vendor component
      // or a wrongly positioned environment.
      if (Pos < Idx) {
        // Insert left, pushing the existing components to the right.  For
        // example, a-b-i386 -> i386-a-b when moving i386 to the front.
        StringRef CurrentComponent(""); // The empty component.
        // Replace the component we are moving with an empty component.
        std::swap(CurrentComponent, Components[Idx]);
        // Insert the component being moved at Pos, displacing any existing
        // components to the right.
        for (unsigned i = Pos; !CurrentComponent.empty(); ++i) {
          // Skip over any fixed components.
          while (i < array_lengthof(Found) && Found[i]) ++i;
          // Place the component at the new position, getting the component
          // that was at this position - it will be moved right.
          std::swap(CurrentComponent, Components[i]);
      } else if (Pos > Idx) {
        // Push right by inserting empty components until the component at Idx
        // reaches the target position Pos.  For example, pc-a -> -pc-a when
        // moving pc to the second position.
        do {
          // Insert one empty component at Idx.
          StringRef CurrentComponent(""); // The empty component.
          for (unsigned i = Idx; i < Components.size();) {
            // Place the component at the new position, getting the component

示例9: if

    BinPath = InstallPath + "/bin";
    IncludePath = InstallPath + "/include";
    LibDevicePath = InstallPath + "/nvvm/libdevice";

    auto &FS = D.getVFS();
    if (!(FS.exists(IncludePath) && FS.exists(BinPath)))
    bool CheckLibDevice = (!NoCudaLib || Candidate.StrictChecking);
    if (CheckLibDevice && !FS.exists(LibDevicePath))

    // On Linux, we have both lib and lib64 directories, and we need to choose
    // based on our triple.  On MacOS, we have only a lib directory.
    // It's sufficient for our purposes to be flexible: If both lib and lib64
    // exist, we choose whichever one matches our triple.  Otherwise, if only
    // lib exists, we use it.
    if (HostTriple.isArch64Bit() && FS.exists(InstallPath + "/lib64"))
      LibPath = InstallPath + "/lib64";
    else if (FS.exists(InstallPath + "/lib"))
      LibPath = InstallPath + "/lib";

    llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> VersionFile =
        FS.getBufferForFile(InstallPath + "/version.txt");
    if (!VersionFile) {
      // CUDA 7.0 doesn't have a version.txt, so guess that's our version if
      // version.txt isn't present.
      Version = CudaVersion::CUDA_70;
    } else {
      Version = ParseCudaVersionFile((*VersionFile)->getBuffer());

    if (Version >= CudaVersion::CUDA_90) {
      // CUDA-9+ uses single libdevice file for all GPU variants.
      std::string FilePath = LibDevicePath + "/libdevice.10.bc";
      if (FS.exists(FilePath)) {
        for (const char *GpuArchName :
             {"sm_30", "sm_32", "sm_35", "sm_37", "sm_50", "sm_52", "sm_53",
              "sm_60", "sm_61", "sm_62", "sm_70", "sm_72"}) {
          const CudaArch GpuArch = StringToCudaArch(GpuArchName);
          if (Version >= MinVersionForCudaArch(GpuArch) &&
              Version <= MaxVersionForCudaArch(GpuArch))
            LibDeviceMap[GpuArchName] = FilePath;
    } else {
      std::error_code EC;
      for (llvm::sys::fs::directory_iterator LI(LibDevicePath, EC), LE;
           !EC && LI != LE; LI = LI.increment(EC)) {
        StringRef FilePath = LI->path();
        StringRef FileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(FilePath);
        // Process all bitcode filenames that look like
        // libdevice.compute_XX.YY.bc
        const StringRef LibDeviceName = "libdevice.";
        if (!(FileName.startswith(LibDeviceName) && FileName.endswith(".bc")))
        StringRef GpuArch = FileName.slice(
            LibDeviceName.size(), FileName.find('.', LibDeviceName.size()));
        LibDeviceMap[GpuArch] = FilePath.str();
        // Insert map entries for specific devices with this compute
        // capability. NVCC's choice of the libdevice library version is
        // rather peculiar and depends on the CUDA version.
        if (GpuArch == "compute_20") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_20"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_21"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_32"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_30") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_30"] = FilePath;
          if (Version < CudaVersion::CUDA_80) {
            LibDeviceMap["sm_50"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_52"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_53"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_60"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_61"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_62"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_35") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_35"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_37"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_50") {
          if (Version >= CudaVersion::CUDA_80) {
            LibDeviceMap["sm_50"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_52"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_53"] = FilePath;

    // Check that we have found at least one libdevice that we can link in if
    // -nocudalib hasn't been specified.
    if (LibDeviceMap.empty() && !NoCudaLib)

    IsValid = true;

示例10: determineConstantNamePrefix

  if (ec == ecEnd)

  // Determine whether the given enumerator is non-deprecated and has no
  // specifically-provided name.
  auto isNonDeprecatedWithoutCustomName = [](
      const clang::EnumConstantDecl *elem) -> bool {
    if (elem->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())
      return false;

    clang::VersionTuple maxVersion{~0U, ~0U, ~0U};
    switch (elem->getAvailability(nullptr, maxVersion)) {
    case clang::AR_Available:
    case clang::AR_NotYetIntroduced:
      for (auto attr : elem->attrs()) {
        if (auto annotate = dyn_cast<clang::AnnotateAttr>(attr)) {
          if (annotate->getAnnotation() == "swift1_unavailable")
            return false;
        if (auto avail = dyn_cast<clang::AvailabilityAttr>(attr)) {
          if (avail->getPlatform()->getName() == "swift")
            return false;
      return true;

    case clang::AR_Deprecated:
    case clang::AR_Unavailable:
      return false;

  // Move to the first non-deprecated enumerator, or non-swift_name'd
  // enumerator, if present.
  auto firstNonDeprecated =
      std::find_if(ec, ecEnd, isNonDeprecatedWithoutCustomName);
  bool hasNonDeprecated = (firstNonDeprecated != ecEnd);
  if (hasNonDeprecated) {
    ec = firstNonDeprecated;
  } else {
    // Advance to the first case without a custom name, deprecated or not.
    while (ec != ecEnd && (*ec)->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())
    if (ec == ecEnd) {

  // Compute the common prefix.
  StringRef commonPrefix = (*ec)->getName();
  bool followedByNonIdentifier = false;
  for (++ec; ec != ecEnd; ++ec) {
    // Skip deprecated or swift_name'd enumerators.
    const clang::EnumConstantDecl *elem = *ec;
    if (hasNonDeprecated) {
      if (!isNonDeprecatedWithoutCustomName(elem))
    } else {
      if (elem->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())

    commonPrefix = getCommonWordPrefix(commonPrefix, elem->getName(),
    if (commonPrefix.empty())

  if (!commonPrefix.empty()) {
    StringRef checkPrefix = commonPrefix;

    // Account for the 'kConstant' naming convention on enumerators.
    if (checkPrefix[0] == 'k') {
      bool canDropK;
      if (checkPrefix.size() >= 2)
        canDropK = clang::isUppercase(checkPrefix[1]);
        canDropK = !followedByNonIdentifier;

      if (canDropK)
        checkPrefix = checkPrefix.drop_front();

    // Don't use importFullName() here, we want to ignore the swift_name
    // and swift_private attributes.
    StringRef enumNameStr = decl->getName();
    StringRef commonWithEnum = getCommonPluralPrefix(checkPrefix, enumNameStr);
    size_t delta = commonPrefix.size() - checkPrefix.size();

    // Account for the 'EnumName_Constant' convention on enumerators.
    if (commonWithEnum.size() < checkPrefix.size() &&
        checkPrefix[commonWithEnum.size()] == '_' && !followedByNonIdentifier) {
      delta += 1;

    commonPrefix = commonPrefix.slice(0, commonWithEnum.size() + delta);

  constantNamePrefix = ctx.AllocateCopy(commonPrefix);

示例11: main

      } else if (Arg == "--libdir") {
        OS << ActiveLibDir << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--cppflags") {
        OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CPPFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--cflags") {
        OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--cxxflags") {
        OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CXXFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--ldflags") {
        OS << "-L" << ActiveLibDir << ' ' << LLVM_LDFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--system-libs") {
        PrintSystemLibs = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libs") {
        PrintLibs = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libnames") {
        PrintLibNames = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libfiles") {
        PrintLibFiles = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--components") {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j != array_lengthof(AvailableComponents); ++j) {
          // Only include non-installed components when in a development tree.
          if (!AvailableComponents[j].IsInstalled && !IsInDevelopmentTree)

          OS << ' ';
          OS << AvailableComponents[j].Name;
        OS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--targets-built") {
        OS << LLVM_TARGETS_BUILT << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--host-target") {
        OS << Triple::normalize(LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE) << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--build-mode") {
        OS << build_mode << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--assertion-mode") {
#if defined(NDEBUG)
        OS << "OFF\n";
        OS << "ON\n";
      } else if (Arg == "--obj-root") {
        OS << ActivePrefix << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--src-root") {
        OS << LLVM_SRC_ROOT << '\n';
      } else {
    } else {

  if (!HasAnyOption)

  if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles || PrintSystemLibs) {
    // If no components were specified, default to "all".
    if (Components.empty())

    // Construct the list of all the required libraries.
    std::vector<StringRef> RequiredLibs;
    ComputeLibsForComponents(Components, RequiredLibs,

    if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = RequiredLibs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        StringRef Lib = RequiredLibs[i];
        if (i)
          OS << ' ';

        if (PrintLibNames) {
          OS << Lib;
        } else if (PrintLibFiles) {
          OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
        } else if (PrintLibs) {
          // If this is a typical library name, include it using -l.
          if (Lib.startswith("lib") && Lib.endswith(".a")) {
            OS << "-l" << Lib.slice(3, Lib.size()-2);

          // Otherwise, print the full path.
          OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
      OS << '\n';

    // Print SYSTEM_LIBS after --libs.
    // FIXME: Each LLVM component may have its dependent system libs.
    if (PrintSystemLibs)
      OS << LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS << '\n';
  } else if (!Components.empty()) {
    errs() << "llvm-config: error: components given, but unused\n\n";

  return 0;

示例12: verifyFile

/// \brief After the file has been processed, check to see if we got all of
/// the expected diagnostics and check to see if there were any unexpected
/// ones.
bool DiagnosticVerifier::verifyFile(unsigned BufferID,
                                    bool shouldAutoApplyFixes) {
  using llvm::SMLoc;
  const SourceLoc BufferStartLoc = SM.getLocForBufferStart(BufferID);
  CharSourceRange EntireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef InputFile = SM.extractText(EntireRange);
  StringRef BufferName = SM.getIdentifierForBuffer(BufferID);

  // Queue up all of the diagnostics, allowing us to sort them and emit them in
  // file order.
  std::vector<llvm::SMDiagnostic> Errors;

  unsigned PrevExpectedContinuationLine = 0;

  std::vector<ExpectedDiagnosticInfo> ExpectedDiagnostics;
  auto addError = [&](const char *Loc, std::string message,
                      ArrayRef<llvm::SMFixIt> FixIts = {}) {
    auto loc = SourceLoc(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Loc));
    auto diag = SM.GetMessage(loc, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error, message,
                              {}, FixIts);
  // Scan the memory buffer looking for expected-note/warning/error.
  for (size_t Match = InputFile.find("expected-");
       Match != StringRef::npos; Match = InputFile.find("expected-", Match+1)) {
    // Process this potential match.  If we fail to process it, just move on to
    // the next match.
    StringRef MatchStart = InputFile.substr(Match);
    const char *DiagnosticLoc = MatchStart.data();

    llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind ExpectedClassification;
    if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-note")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-note"));
    } else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-warning")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-warning"));
    } else if (MatchStart.startswith("expected-error")) {
      ExpectedClassification = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error;
      MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(strlen("expected-error"));
    } else

    // Skip any whitespace before the {{.
    MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(MatchStart.find_first_not_of(" \t"));

    size_t TextStartIdx = MatchStart.find("{{");
    if (TextStartIdx == StringRef::npos) {
               "expected {{ in expected-warning/note/error line");

    int LineOffset = 0;
    if (TextStartIdx > 0 && MatchStart[0] == '@') {
      if (MatchStart[1] != '+' && MatchStart[1] != '-') {
        addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected '+'/'-' for line offset");
      StringRef Offs;
      if (MatchStart[1] == '+')
        Offs = MatchStart.slice(2, TextStartIdx).rtrim();
        Offs = MatchStart.slice(1, TextStartIdx).rtrim();

      size_t SpaceIndex = Offs.find(' ');
      if (SpaceIndex != StringRef::npos && SpaceIndex < TextStartIdx) {
        size_t Delta = Offs.size() - SpaceIndex;
        MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx - Delta);
        TextStartIdx = Delta;
        Offs = Offs.slice(0, SpaceIndex);
      } else {
        MatchStart = MatchStart.substr(TextStartIdx);
        TextStartIdx = 0;

      if (Offs.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset)) {
        addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected line offset before '{{'");

    ExpectedDiagnosticInfo Expected(DiagnosticLoc, ExpectedClassification);

    unsigned Count = 1;
    if (TextStartIdx > 0) {
      StringRef CountStr = MatchStart.substr(0, TextStartIdx).trim();
      if (CountStr == "*") {
        Expected.mayAppear = true;
      } else {
        if (CountStr.getAsInteger(10, Count)) {
          addError(MatchStart.data(), "expected match count before '{{'");
