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C++ StringRef::endswith方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::endswith方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::endswith方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::endswith怎么用?C++ StringRef::endswith使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: if

static std::unique_ptr<tool_output_file>
GetOutputStream(const char *TargetName, Triple::OSType OS,
                const char *ProgName) {
  // If we don't yet have an output filename, make one.
  if (OutputFilename.empty()) {
    if (InputFilename == "-")
      OutputFilename = "-";
    else {
      // If InputFilename ends in .bc or .ll, remove it.
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      if (IFN.endswith(".bc") || IFN.endswith(".ll"))
        OutputFilename = IFN.drop_back(3);
      else if (IFN.endswith(".mir"))
        OutputFilename = IFN.drop_back(4);
        OutputFilename = IFN;

      switch (FileType) {
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_AssemblyFile:
        if (TargetName[0] == 'c') {
          if (TargetName[1] == 0)
            OutputFilename += ".cbe.c";
          else if (TargetName[1] == 'p' && TargetName[2] == 'p')
            OutputFilename += ".cpp";
            OutputFilename += ".s";
        } else
          OutputFilename += ".s";
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile:
        if (OS == Triple::Win32)
          OutputFilename += ".obj";
          OutputFilename += ".o";
      case TargetMachine::CGFT_Null:
        OutputFilename += ".null";

  // Decide if we need "binary" output.
  bool Binary = false;
  switch (FileType) {
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_AssemblyFile:
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile:
  case TargetMachine::CGFT_Null:
    Binary = true;

  // Open the file.
  std::error_code EC;
  sys::fs::OpenFlags OpenFlags = sys::fs::F_None;
  if (!Binary)
    OpenFlags |= sys::fs::F_Text;
  auto FDOut = llvm::make_unique<tool_output_file>(OutputFilename, EC,
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';
    return nullptr;

  return FDOut;

示例2: main

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
  PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);

  LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
  llvm_shutdown_obj Y;  // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.

  Context.setDiagnosticHandler(diagnosticHandler, argv[0]);

  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm .bc -> .ll disassembler\n");

  std::string ErrorMessage;
  std::unique_ptr<Module> M;

  // Use the bitcode streaming interface
  DataStreamer *Streamer = getDataFileStreamer(InputFilename, &ErrorMessage);
  if (Streamer) {
    std::string DisplayFilename;
    if (InputFilename == "-")
      DisplayFilename = "<stdin>";
      DisplayFilename = InputFilename;
    ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<Module>> MOrErr =
        getStreamedBitcodeModule(DisplayFilename, Streamer, Context);
    M = std::move(*MOrErr);
  } else {
    errs() << argv[0] << ": " << ErrorMessage << '\n';
    return 1;

  // Just use stdout.  We won't actually print anything on it.
  if (DontPrint)
    OutputFilename = "-";

  if (OutputFilename.empty()) { // Unspecified output, infer it.
    if (InputFilename == "-") {
      OutputFilename = "-";
    } else {
      StringRef IFN = InputFilename;
      OutputFilename = (IFN.endswith(".bc") ? IFN.drop_back(3) : IFN).str();
      OutputFilename += ".ll";

  std::error_code EC;
  std::unique_ptr<tool_output_file> Out(
      new tool_output_file(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::F_None));
  if (EC) {
    errs() << EC.message() << '\n';
    return 1;

  std::unique_ptr<AssemblyAnnotationWriter> Annotator;
  if (ShowAnnotations)
    Annotator.reset(new CommentWriter());

  // All that llvm-dis does is write the assembly to a file.
  if (!DontPrint)
    M->print(Out->os(), Annotator.get(), PreserveAssemblyUseListOrder);

  // Declare success.

  return 0;

示例3: infer

IAMResult IAMInference::infer(const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) {
  if (clangDecl->getName().startswith("_")) {
    return {};

  if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(clangDecl)) {
    auto fail = [varDecl]() -> IAMResult {
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer variable: ");
      DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
      return {};

    // Try to find a type to add this as a static property to
    StringRef workingName = varDecl->getName();
    if (workingName.empty())
      return fail();

    // Special pattern: constants of the form "kFooBarBaz", extend "FooBar" with
    // property "Baz"
    if (*camel_case::getWords(workingName).begin() == "k")
      workingName = workingName.drop_front(1);

    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(workingName, remainingName))

      return importAsStaticProperty(remainingName, effectiveDC);

    return fail();

  // Try to infer a member function
  auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(clangDecl);
  if (!funcDecl) {
    // TODO: Do we want to collects stats here? Should it be assert?
    return {};

  auto fail = [funcDecl]() -> IAMResult {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer function: ");
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
    return {};

  // Can't really import variadics well
  if (funcDecl->isVariadic())
    return fail();

  // FIXME: drop "Mutable"...

  StringRef workingName = funcDecl->getName();
  auto retTy = funcDecl->getReturnType();
  unsigned numParams = funcDecl->getNumParams();

  // 0) Special cases are specially handled: *GetTypeID()
  StringRef getTypeID = "GetTypeID";
  if (numParams == 0 && workingName.endswith(getTypeID)) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(
            workingName.drop_back(getTypeID.size()), remainingName)) {
      // We shouldn't have anything else left in our name for typeID
      if (remainingName.empty()) {

        return importAsTypeID(retTy, effectiveDC);

  // 1) If we find an init specifier and our name matches the return type, we
  //    import as some kind of constructor
  if (!retTy->isVoidType()) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, retTy, remainingName))
      for (auto initSpec : InitSpecifiers)
        if (hasWord(remainingName, initSpec))
          if (auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(retTy))
            return importAsConstructor(
                remainingName, initSpec,
                {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()}, effectiveDC);

  // 2) If we find a likely self reference in the parameters, make an instance
  //    member (method or property)
  SmallVector<const clang::ParmVarDecl *, 8> nonSelfParams;
  unsigned selfIdx = 0;
  for (auto paramI = funcDecl->param_begin(), paramE = funcDecl->param_end();
       paramI != paramE; ++paramI, ++selfIdx) {
    auto param = *paramI;
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, param->getType(), remainingName)) {
      auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(param->getType());
      if (!effectiveDC)

示例4: HasFeature

/// HasFeature - Return true if we recognize and implement the feature
/// specified by the identifier as a standard language feature.
static bool HasFeature(const Preprocessor &PP, const IdentifierInfo *II) {
  const LangOptions &LangOpts = PP.getLangOpts();
  StringRef Feature = II->getName();

  // Normalize the feature name, __foo__ becomes foo.
  if (Feature.startswith("__") && Feature.endswith("__") && Feature.size() >= 4)
    Feature = Feature.substr(2, Feature.size() - 4);

  return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Feature)
           .Case("address_sanitizer", LangOpts.AddressSanitizer)
           .Case("attribute_analyzer_noreturn", true)
           .Case("attribute_availability", true)
           .Case("attribute_cf_returns_not_retained", true)
           .Case("attribute_cf_returns_retained", true)
           .Case("attribute_deprecated_with_message", true)
           .Case("attribute_ext_vector_type", true)
           .Case("attribute_ns_returns_not_retained", true)
           .Case("attribute_ns_returns_retained", true)
           .Case("attribute_ns_consumes_self", true)
           .Case("attribute_ns_consumed", true)
           .Case("attribute_cf_consumed", true)
           .Case("attribute_objc_ivar_unused", true)
           .Case("attribute_objc_method_family", true)
           .Case("attribute_overloadable", true)
           .Case("attribute_unavailable_with_message", true)
           .Case("attribute_unused_on_fields", true)
           .Case("blocks", LangOpts.Blocks)
           .Case("cxx_exceptions", LangOpts.Exceptions)
           .Case("cxx_rtti", LangOpts.RTTI)
           .Case("enumerator_attributes", true)
           // Objective-C features
           .Case("objc_arr", LangOpts.ObjCAutoRefCount) // FIXME: REMOVE?
           .Case("objc_arc", LangOpts.ObjCAutoRefCount)
           .Case("objc_arc_weak", LangOpts.ObjCAutoRefCount && 
           .Case("objc_default_synthesize_properties", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("objc_fixed_enum", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("objc_instancetype", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("objc_modules", LangOpts.ObjC2 && LangOpts.Modules)
           .Case("objc_nonfragile_abi", LangOpts.ObjCRuntime.isNonFragile())
           .Case("objc_weak_class", LangOpts.ObjCRuntime.hasWeakClassImport())
           .Case("ownership_holds", true)
           .Case("ownership_returns", true)
           .Case("ownership_takes", true)
           .Case("objc_bool", true)
           .Case("objc_subscripting", LangOpts.ObjCRuntime.isNonFragile())
           .Case("objc_array_literals", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("objc_dictionary_literals", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("objc_boxed_expressions", LangOpts.ObjC2)
           .Case("arc_cf_code_audited", true)
           // C11 features
           .Case("c_alignas", LangOpts.C11)
           .Case("c_atomic", LangOpts.C11)
           .Case("c_generic_selections", LangOpts.C11)
           .Case("c_static_assert", LangOpts.C11)
           // C++11 features
           .Case("cxx_access_control_sfinae", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_alias_templates", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_alignas", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_atomic", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_attributes", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_auto_type", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_constexpr", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_decltype", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_decltype_incomplete_return_types", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_default_function_template_args", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_defaulted_functions", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_delegating_constructors", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_deleted_functions", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_explicit_conversions", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_generalized_initializers", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_implicit_moves", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
         //.Case("cxx_inheriting_constructors", false)
           .Case("cxx_inline_namespaces", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_lambdas", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_local_type_template_args", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_nonstatic_member_init", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_noexcept", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_nullptr", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_override_control", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_range_for", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_raw_string_literals", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_reference_qualified_functions", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_rvalue_references", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_strong_enums", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_static_assert", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_trailing_return", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_unicode_literals", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_unrestricted_unions", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_user_literals", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           .Case("cxx_variadic_templates", LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x)
           // Type traits
           .Case("has_nothrow_assign", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
           .Case("has_nothrow_copy", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
           .Case("has_nothrow_constructor", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
           .Case("has_trivial_assign", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
           .Case("has_trivial_copy", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)
           .Case("has_trivial_constructor", LangOpts.CPlusPlus)

示例5: main


    raw_ostream &OS = outs();
    for (int i = 1; i != argc; ++i) {
        StringRef Arg = argv[i];

        if (Arg.startswith("-")) {
            HasAnyOption = true;
            if (Arg == "--version") {
                OS << PACKAGE_VERSION << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--prefix") {
                OS << ActivePrefix << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--bindir") {
                OS << ActiveBinDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--includedir") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--libdir") {
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cppflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CPPFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--cxxflags") {
                OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CXXFLAGS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--ldflags") {
                OS << "-L" << ActiveLibDir << ' ' << LLVM_LDFLAGS
                   << ' ' << LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--libs") {
                PrintLibs = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--libnames") {
                PrintLibNames = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--libfiles") {
                PrintLibFiles = true;
            } else if (Arg == "--components") {
                for (unsigned j = 0; j != array_lengthof(AvailableComponents); ++j) {
                    OS << ' ';
                    OS << AvailableComponents[j].Name;
                OS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--targets-built") {
                bool First = true;
                for (TargetRegistry::iterator I = TargetRegistry::begin(),
                        E = TargetRegistry::end(); I != E; First = false, ++I) {
                    if (!First)
                        OS << ' ';
                    OS << I->getName();
                OS << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--host-target") {
                OS << LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--build-mode") {
                OS << LLVM_BUILDMODE << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--obj-root") {
                OS << LLVM_OBJ_ROOT << '\n';
            } else if (Arg == "--src-root") {
                OS << LLVM_SRC_ROOT << '\n';
            } else {
        } else {

    if (!HasAnyOption)

    if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles) {
        // Construct the list of all the required libraries.
        std::vector<StringRef> RequiredLibs;
        ComputeLibsForComponents(Components, RequiredLibs);

        for (unsigned i = 0, e = RequiredLibs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
            StringRef Lib = RequiredLibs[i];
            if (i)
                OS << ' ';

            if (PrintLibNames) {
                OS << Lib;
            } else if (PrintLibFiles) {
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
            } else if (PrintLibs) {
                // If this is a typical library name, include it using -l.
                if (Lib.startswith("lib") && Lib.endswith(".a")) {
                    OS << "-l" << Lib.slice(3, Lib.size()-2);

                // Otherwise, print the full path.
                OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
        OS << '\n';
    } else if (!Components.empty()) {
        errs() << "llvm-config: error: components given, but unused\n\n";

    return 0;

示例6: initSubtargetFeatures

void ARMSubtarget::initSubtargetFeatures(StringRef CPU, StringRef FS) {
  if (CPUString.empty()) {
    CPUString = "generic";

    if (isTargetDarwin()) {
      StringRef ArchName = TargetTriple.getArchName();
      if (ArchName.endswith("v7s"))
        // Default to the Swift CPU when targeting armv7s/thumbv7s.
        CPUString = "swift";
      else if (ArchName.endswith("v7k"))
        // Default to the Cortex-a7 CPU when targeting armv7k/thumbv7k.
        // ARMv7k does not use SjLj exception handling.
        CPUString = "cortex-a7";

  // Insert the architecture feature derived from the target triple into the
  // feature string. This is important for setting features that are implied
  // based on the architecture version.
  std::string ArchFS = ARM_MC::ParseARMTriple(TargetTriple, CPUString);
  if (!FS.empty()) {
    if (!ArchFS.empty())
      ArchFS = (Twine(ArchFS) + "," + FS).str();
      ArchFS = FS;
  ParseSubtargetFeatures(CPUString, ArchFS);

  // FIXME: This used enable V6T2 support implicitly for Thumb2 mode.
  // Assert this for now to make the change obvious.
  assert(hasV6T2Ops() || !hasThumb2());

  // Keep a pointer to static instruction cost data for the specified CPU.
  SchedModel = getSchedModelForCPU(CPUString);

  // Initialize scheduling itinerary for the specified CPU.
  InstrItins = getInstrItineraryForCPU(CPUString);

  // FIXME: this is invalid for WindowsCE
  if (isTargetWindows())
    NoARM = true;

  if (isAAPCS_ABI())
    stackAlignment = 8;
  if (isTargetNaCl() || isAAPCS16_ABI())
    stackAlignment = 16;

  // FIXME: Completely disable sibcall for Thumb1 since ThumbRegisterInfo::
  // emitEpilogue is not ready for them. Thumb tail calls also use t2B, as
  // the Thumb1 16-bit unconditional branch doesn't have sufficient relocation
  // support in the assembler and linker to be used. This would need to be
  // fixed to fully support tail calls in Thumb1.
  // Doing this is tricky, since the LDM/POP instruction on Thumb doesn't take
  // LR.  This means if we need to reload LR, it takes an extra instructions,
  // which outweighs the value of the tail call; but here we don't know yet
  // whether LR is going to be used.  Probably the right approach is to
  // generate the tail call here and turn it back into CALL/RET in
  // emitEpilogue if LR is used.

  // Thumb1 PIC calls to external symbols use BX, so they can be tail calls,
  // but we need to make sure there are enough registers; the only valid
  // registers are the 4 used for parameters.  We don't currently do this
  // case.

  SupportsTailCall = !isThumb() || hasV8MBaselineOps();

  if (isTargetMachO() && isTargetIOS() && getTargetTriple().isOSVersionLT(5, 0))
    SupportsTailCall = false;

  switch (IT) {
  case DefaultIT:
    RestrictIT = hasV8Ops();
  case RestrictedIT:
    RestrictIT = true;
  case NoRestrictedIT:
    RestrictIT = false;

  // NEON f32 ops are non-IEEE 754 compliant. Darwin is ok with it by default.
  const FeatureBitset &Bits = getFeatureBits();
  if ((Bits[ARM::ProcA5] || Bits[ARM::ProcA8]) && // Where this matters
      (Options.UnsafeFPMath || isTargetDarwin()))
    UseNEONForSinglePrecisionFP = true;

  // FIXME: Teach TableGen to deal with these instead of doing it manually here.
  switch (ARMProcFamily) {
  case Others:
  case CortexA5:
  case CortexA7:
    LdStMultipleTiming = DoubleIssue;
  case CortexA8:
    LdStMultipleTiming = DoubleIssue;
  case CortexA9:

示例7: main

      } else if (Arg == "--cflags") {
        OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--cxxflags") {
        OS << ActiveIncludeOption << ' ' << LLVM_CXXFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--ldflags") {
        OS << "-L" << ActiveLibDir << ' ' << LLVM_LDFLAGS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--system-libs") {
        PrintSystemLibs = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libs") {
        PrintLibs = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libnames") {
        PrintLibNames = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--libfiles") {
        PrintLibFiles = true;
      } else if (Arg == "--components") {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j != array_lengthof(AvailableComponents); ++j) {
          // Only include non-installed components when in a development tree.
          if (!AvailableComponents[j].IsInstalled && !IsInDevelopmentTree)

          OS << ' ';
          OS << AvailableComponents[j].Name;
        OS << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--targets-built") {
        OS << LLVM_TARGETS_BUILT << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--host-target") {
        OS << Triple::normalize(LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE) << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--build-mode") {
        OS << build_mode << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--assertion-mode") {
#if defined(NDEBUG)
        OS << "OFF\n";
        OS << "ON\n";
      } else if (Arg == "--build-system") {
        OS << LLVM_BUILD_SYSTEM << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--has-rtti") {
        OS << LLVM_HAS_RTTI << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--obj-root") {
        OS << ActivePrefix << '\n';
      } else if (Arg == "--src-root") {
        OS << LLVM_SRC_ROOT << '\n';
      } else {
    } else {

  if (!HasAnyOption)

  if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles || PrintSystemLibs) {
    // If no components were specified, default to "all".
    if (Components.empty())

    // Construct the list of all the required libraries.
    std::vector<StringRef> RequiredLibs;
    ComputeLibsForComponents(Components, RequiredLibs,

    if (PrintLibs || PrintLibNames || PrintLibFiles) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = RequiredLibs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        StringRef Lib = RequiredLibs[i];
        if (i)
          OS << ' ';

        if (PrintLibNames) {
          OS << Lib;
        } else if (PrintLibFiles) {
          OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
        } else if (PrintLibs) {
          // If this is a typical library name, include it using -l.
          if (Lib.startswith("lib") && Lib.endswith(".a")) {
            OS << "-l" << Lib.slice(3, Lib.size()-2);

          // Otherwise, print the full path.
          OS << ActiveLibDir << '/' << Lib;
      OS << '\n';

    // Print SYSTEM_LIBS after --libs.
    // FIXME: Each LLVM component may have its dependent system libs.
    if (PrintSystemLibs)
      OS << LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS << '\n';
  } else if (!Components.empty()) {
    errs() << "llvm-config: error: components given, but unused\n\n";

  return 0;

示例8: finalize

void StringTableBuilder::finalize() {
  std::vector<std::pair<StringRef, size_t> *> Strings;
  for (std::pair<StringRef, size_t> &P : StringIndexMap)

  if (!Strings.empty())
    qsort(&Strings[0], &Strings[0] + Strings.size(), 0);

  switch (K) {
  case RAW:
  case ELF:
  case MachO:
    // Start the table with a NUL byte.
    StringTable += '\x00';
  case WinCOFF:
    // Make room to write the table size later.
    StringTable.append(4, '\x00');

  StringRef Previous;
  for (std::pair<StringRef, size_t> *P : Strings) {
    StringRef S = P->first;
    if (K == WinCOFF)
      assert(S.size() > COFF::NameSize && "Short string in COFF string table!");

    if (Previous.endswith(S)) {
      P->second = StringTable.size() - S.size() - (K != RAW);

    P->second = StringTable.size();
    StringTable += S;
    if (K != RAW)
      StringTable += '\x00';
    Previous = S;

  switch (K) {
  case RAW:
  case ELF:
  case MachO:
    // Pad to multiple of 4.
    while (StringTable.size() % 4)
      StringTable += '\x00';
  case WinCOFF:
    // Write the table size in the first word.
    assert(StringTable.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
    uint32_t Size = static_cast<uint32_t>(StringTable.size());
    support::endian::write<uint32_t, support::little, support::unaligned>(
        StringTable.data(), Size);

  Size = StringTable.size();

示例9: ParseDirective

/// ParseDirective - Go through the comment and see if it indicates expected
/// diagnostics. If so, then put them in the appropriate directive list.
/// Returns true if any valid directives were found.
static bool ParseDirective(StringRef S, ExpectedData *ED, SourceManager &SM,
                           Preprocessor *PP, SourceLocation Pos,
                           VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::DirectiveStatus &Status,
                           VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::MarkerTracker &Markers) {
  DiagnosticsEngine &Diags = PP ? PP->getDiagnostics() : SM.getDiagnostics();

  // First, scan the comment looking for markers.
  for (ParseHelper PH(S); !PH.Done();) {
    if (!PH.Search("#", true))
    PH.C = PH.P;
    if (!PH.NextMarker()) {
    Markers.addMarker(PH.Match(), Pos);

  // A single comment may contain multiple directives.
  bool FoundDirective = false;
  for (ParseHelper PH(S); !PH.Done();) {
    // Search for the initial directive token.
    // If one prefix, save time by searching only for its directives.
    // Otherwise, search for any potential directive token and check it later.
    const auto &Prefixes = Diags.getDiagnosticOptions().VerifyPrefixes;
    if (!(Prefixes.size() == 1 ? PH.Search(*Prefixes.begin(), true, true)
                               : PH.Search("", true, true)))

    StringRef DToken = PH.Match();

    // Default directive kind.
    UnattachedDirective D;
    const char *KindStr = "string";

    // Parse the initial directive token in reverse so we can easily determine
    // its exact actual prefix.  If we were to parse it from the front instead,
    // it would be harder to determine where the prefix ends because there
    // might be multiple matching -verify prefixes because some might prefix
    // others.

    // Regex in initial directive token: -re
    if (DToken.endswith("-re")) {
      D.RegexKind = true;
      KindStr = "regex";
      DToken = DToken.substr(0, DToken.size()-3);

    // Type in initial directive token: -{error|warning|note|no-diagnostics}
    bool NoDiag = false;
    StringRef DType;
    if (DToken.endswith(DType="-error"))
      D.DL = ED ? &ED->Errors : nullptr;
    else if (DToken.endswith(DType="-warning"))
      D.DL = ED ? &ED->Warnings : nullptr;
    else if (DToken.endswith(DType="-remark"))
      D.DL = ED ? &ED->Remarks : nullptr;
    else if (DToken.endswith(DType="-note"))
      D.DL = ED ? &ED->Notes : nullptr;
    else if (DToken.endswith(DType="-no-diagnostics")) {
      NoDiag = true;
      if (D.RegexKind)
    DToken = DToken.substr(0, DToken.size()-DType.size());

    // What's left in DToken is the actual prefix.  That might not be a -verify
    // prefix even if there is only one -verify prefix (for example, the full
    // DToken is foo-bar-warning, but foo is the only -verify prefix).
    if (!std::binary_search(Prefixes.begin(), Prefixes.end(), DToken))

    if (NoDiag) {
      if (Status == VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HasOtherExpectedDirectives)
        Diags.Report(Pos, diag::err_verify_invalid_no_diags)
          << /*IsExpectedNoDiagnostics=*/true;
        Status = VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HasExpectedNoDiagnostics;
    if (Status == VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HasExpectedNoDiagnostics) {
      Diags.Report(Pos, diag::err_verify_invalid_no_diags)
        << /*IsExpectedNoDiagnostics=*/false;
    Status = VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HasOtherExpectedDirectives;

    // If a directive has been found but we're not interested
    // in storing the directive information, return now.
    if (!D.DL)
      return true;

示例10: getImportedCFTypeName

/// Return the name to import a CF typedef as.
static StringRef getImportedCFTypeName(StringRef name) {
  // If the name ends in the CF typedef suffix ("Ref"), drop that.
  if (name.endswith(SWIFT_CFTYPE_SUFFIX))
    return name.drop_back(strlen(SWIFT_CFTYPE_SUFFIX));
  return name;

示例11: if

    BinPath = InstallPath + "/bin";
    IncludePath = InstallPath + "/include";
    LibDevicePath = InstallPath + "/nvvm/libdevice";

    auto &FS = D.getVFS();
    if (!(FS.exists(IncludePath) && FS.exists(BinPath)))
    bool CheckLibDevice = (!NoCudaLib || Candidate.StrictChecking);
    if (CheckLibDevice && !FS.exists(LibDevicePath))

    // On Linux, we have both lib and lib64 directories, and we need to choose
    // based on our triple.  On MacOS, we have only a lib directory.
    // It's sufficient for our purposes to be flexible: If both lib and lib64
    // exist, we choose whichever one matches our triple.  Otherwise, if only
    // lib exists, we use it.
    if (HostTriple.isArch64Bit() && FS.exists(InstallPath + "/lib64"))
      LibPath = InstallPath + "/lib64";
    else if (FS.exists(InstallPath + "/lib"))
      LibPath = InstallPath + "/lib";

    llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> VersionFile =
        FS.getBufferForFile(InstallPath + "/version.txt");
    if (!VersionFile) {
      // CUDA 7.0 doesn't have a version.txt, so guess that's our version if
      // version.txt isn't present.
      Version = CudaVersion::CUDA_70;
    } else {
      Version = ParseCudaVersionFile((*VersionFile)->getBuffer());

    if (Version >= CudaVersion::CUDA_90) {
      // CUDA-9+ uses single libdevice file for all GPU variants.
      std::string FilePath = LibDevicePath + "/libdevice.10.bc";
      if (FS.exists(FilePath)) {
        for (const char *GpuArchName :
             {"sm_30", "sm_32", "sm_35", "sm_37", "sm_50", "sm_52", "sm_53",
              "sm_60", "sm_61", "sm_62", "sm_70", "sm_72"}) {
          const CudaArch GpuArch = StringToCudaArch(GpuArchName);
          if (Version >= MinVersionForCudaArch(GpuArch) &&
              Version <= MaxVersionForCudaArch(GpuArch))
            LibDeviceMap[GpuArchName] = FilePath;
    } else {
      std::error_code EC;
      for (llvm::sys::fs::directory_iterator LI(LibDevicePath, EC), LE;
           !EC && LI != LE; LI = LI.increment(EC)) {
        StringRef FilePath = LI->path();
        StringRef FileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(FilePath);
        // Process all bitcode filenames that look like
        // libdevice.compute_XX.YY.bc
        const StringRef LibDeviceName = "libdevice.";
        if (!(FileName.startswith(LibDeviceName) && FileName.endswith(".bc")))
        StringRef GpuArch = FileName.slice(
            LibDeviceName.size(), FileName.find('.', LibDeviceName.size()));
        LibDeviceMap[GpuArch] = FilePath.str();
        // Insert map entries for specific devices with this compute
        // capability. NVCC's choice of the libdevice library version is
        // rather peculiar and depends on the CUDA version.
        if (GpuArch == "compute_20") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_20"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_21"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_32"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_30") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_30"] = FilePath;
          if (Version < CudaVersion::CUDA_80) {
            LibDeviceMap["sm_50"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_52"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_53"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_60"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_61"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_62"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_35") {
          LibDeviceMap["sm_35"] = FilePath;
          LibDeviceMap["sm_37"] = FilePath;
        } else if (GpuArch == "compute_50") {
          if (Version >= CudaVersion::CUDA_80) {
            LibDeviceMap["sm_50"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_52"] = FilePath;
            LibDeviceMap["sm_53"] = FilePath;

    // Check that we have found at least one libdevice that we can link in if
    // -nocudalib hasn't been specified.
    if (LibDeviceMap.empty() && !NoCudaLib)

    IsValid = true;

示例12: finalizeStringTable

void StringTableBuilder::finalizeStringTable(bool Optimize) {
  typedef std::pair<StringRef, size_t> StringOffsetPair;
  std::vector<StringOffsetPair *> Strings;
  for (StringOffsetPair &P : StringIndexMap)

  if (!Strings.empty()) {
    // If we're optimizing, sort by name. If not, sort by previously assigned
    // offset.
    if (Optimize) {
      multikey_qsort(&Strings[0], &Strings[0] + Strings.size(), 0);
    } else {
      std::sort(Strings.begin(), Strings.end(),
                [](const StringOffsetPair *LHS, const StringOffsetPair *RHS) {
                  return LHS->second < RHS->second;

  switch (K) {
  case RAW:
  case ELF:
  case MachO:
    // Start the table with a NUL byte.
    StringTable += '\x00';
  case WinCOFF:
    // Make room to write the table size later.
    StringTable.append(4, '\x00');

  StringRef Previous;
  for (StringOffsetPair *P : Strings) {
    StringRef S = P->first;
    if (K == WinCOFF)
      assert(S.size() > COFF::NameSize && "Short string in COFF string table!");

    if (Optimize && Previous.endswith(S)) {
      P->second = StringTable.size() - S.size() - (K != RAW);

    if (Optimize)
      P->second = StringTable.size();
      assert(P->second == StringTable.size() &&
             "different strtab offset after finalization");

    StringTable += S;
    if (K != RAW)
      StringTable += '\x00';
    Previous = S;

  switch (K) {
  case RAW:
  case ELF:
  case MachO:
    // Pad to multiple of 4.
    while (StringTable.size() % 4)
      StringTable += '\x00';
  case WinCOFF:
    // Write the table size in the first word.
    assert(StringTable.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
    uint32_t Size = static_cast<uint32_t>(StringTable.size());
    support::endian::write<uint32_t, support::little, support::unaligned>(
        StringTable.data(), Size);

  Size = StringTable.size();

示例13: infer

IAMResult IAMInference::infer(const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) {
  if (clangDecl->getName().startswith("_")) {
    return {};

  // Try to infer a member variable
  if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(clangDecl))
    return inferVar(varDecl);

  // Try to infer a member function
  auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(clangDecl);
  if (!funcDecl) {
    // TODO: Do we want to collects stats here? Should it be assert?
    return {};

  auto fail = [funcDecl]() -> IAMResult {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "failed to infer function: ");
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
    return {};

  // Can't really import variadics well
  if (funcDecl->isVariadic())
    return fail();

  // FIXME: drop "Mutable"...

  StringRef workingName = funcDecl->getName();
  auto retTy = funcDecl->getReturnType();
  unsigned numParams = funcDecl->getNumParams();

  // 0) Special cases are specially handled
  StringRef getTypeID = "GetTypeID";
  StringRef cfSpecials[] = {"Release", "Retain", "Autorelease"};
  // *GetTypeID
  if (numParams == 0 && workingName.endswith(getTypeID)) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (auto effectiveDC = findTypeAndMatch(
            workingName.drop_back(getTypeID.size()), remainingName)) {
      // We shouldn't have anything else left in our name for typeID
      if (remainingName.empty()) {

        return importAsTypeID(retTy, effectiveDC);
    // *Release/*Retain/*Autorelease
  } else if (numParams == 1 &&
             std::any_of(std::begin(cfSpecials), std::end(cfSpecials),
                         [workingName](StringRef suffix) {
                           return workingName.endswith(suffix);
                         })) {
    if (auto type =
            funcDecl->getParamDecl(0)->getType()->getAs<clang::TypedefType>()) {
      if (CFPointeeInfo::classifyTypedef(type->getDecl())) {
        return {};

  // 1) If we find an init specifier and our name matches the return type, we
  //    import as some kind of constructor
  if (!retTy->isVoidType()) {
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, retTy, remainingName))
      for (auto initSpec : InitSpecifiers)
        if (hasWord(remainingName, initSpec))
          if (auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(retTy))
            return importAsConstructor(
                remainingName, initSpec,
                {funcDecl->param_begin(), funcDecl->param_end()}, effectiveDC);

  // 2) If we find a likely self reference in the parameters, make an instance
  //    member (method or property)
  SmallVector<const clang::ParmVarDecl *, 8> nonSelfParams;
  unsigned selfIdx = 0;
  for (auto paramI = funcDecl->param_begin(), paramE = funcDecl->param_end();
       paramI != paramE; ++paramI, ++selfIdx) {
    auto param = *paramI;
    NameBuffer remainingName;
    if (matchTypeName(workingName, param->getType(), remainingName)) {
      auto effectiveDC = getEffectiveDC(param->getType());
      if (!effectiveDC)
      nonSelfParams.append(funcDecl->param_begin(), paramI);
      nonSelfParams.append(++paramI, paramE);
      // See if it's a property
      for (auto propSpec : PropertySpecifiers) {
        NameBuffer propName;
        if (match(remainingName, propSpec, propName)) {
          const clang::FunctionDecl *pairedAccessor;
          if (validToImportAsProperty(funcDecl, propSpec, selfIdx,

示例14: Error

bool X86ATTAsmParser::
ParseInstruction(StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
                 SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) {
  StringRef PatchedName = Name;

  // FIXME: Hack to recognize setneb as setne.
  if (PatchedName.startswith("set") && PatchedName.endswith("b") &&
      PatchedName != "setb" && PatchedName != "setnb")
    PatchedName = PatchedName.substr(0, Name.size()-1);
  // FIXME: Hack to recognize cmp<comparison code>{ss,sd,ps,pd}.
  const MCExpr *ExtraImmOp = 0;
  if ((PatchedName.startswith("cmp") || PatchedName.startswith("vcmp")) &&
      (PatchedName.endswith("ss") || PatchedName.endswith("sd") ||
       PatchedName.endswith("ps") || PatchedName.endswith("pd"))) {
    bool IsVCMP = PatchedName.startswith("vcmp");
    unsigned SSECCIdx = IsVCMP ? 4 : 3;
    unsigned SSEComparisonCode = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
      PatchedName.slice(SSECCIdx, PatchedName.size() - 2))
      .Case("eq",          0)
      .Case("lt",          1)
      .Case("le",          2)
      .Case("unord",       3)
      .Case("neq",         4)
      .Case("nlt",         5)
      .Case("nle",         6)
      .Case("ord",         7)
      .Case("eq_uq",       8)
      .Case("nge",         9)
      .Case("ngt",      0x0A)
      .Case("false",    0x0B)
      .Case("neq_oq",   0x0C)
      .Case("ge",       0x0D)
      .Case("gt",       0x0E)
      .Case("true",     0x0F)
      .Case("eq_os",    0x10)
      .Case("lt_oq",    0x11)
      .Case("le_oq",    0x12)
      .Case("unord_s",  0x13)
      .Case("neq_us",   0x14)
      .Case("nlt_uq",   0x15)
      .Case("nle_uq",   0x16)
      .Case("ord_s",    0x17)
      .Case("eq_us",    0x18)
      .Case("nge_uq",   0x19)
      .Case("ngt_uq",   0x1A)
      .Case("false_os", 0x1B)
      .Case("neq_os",   0x1C)
      .Case("ge_oq",    0x1D)
      .Case("gt_oq",    0x1E)
      .Case("true_us",  0x1F)
    if (SSEComparisonCode != ~0U) {
      ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SSEComparisonCode,
      if (PatchedName.endswith("ss")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpss" : "cmpss";
      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("sd")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpsd" : "cmpsd";
      } else if (PatchedName.endswith("ps")) {
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpps" : "cmpps";
      } else {
        assert(PatchedName.endswith("pd") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
        PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmppd" : "cmppd";

  // FIXME: Hack to recognize vpclmul<src1_quadword, src2_quadword>dq
  if (PatchedName.startswith("vpclmul")) {
    unsigned CLMULQuadWordSelect = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
      PatchedName.slice(7, PatchedName.size() - 2))
      .Case("lqlq", 0x00) // src1[63:0],   src2[63:0]
      .Case("hqlq", 0x01) // src1[127:64], src2[63:0]
      .Case("lqhq", 0x10) // src1[63:0],   src2[127:64]
      .Case("hqhq", 0x11) // src1[127:64], src2[127:64]
    if (CLMULQuadWordSelect != ~0U) {
      ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(CLMULQuadWordSelect,
      assert(PatchedName.endswith("dq") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
      PatchedName = "vpclmulqdq";

  Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken(PatchedName, NameLoc));

  if (ExtraImmOp)
    Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));

  // Determine whether this is an instruction prefix.
  bool isPrefix =
    Name == "lock" || Name == "rep" ||
    Name == "repe" || Name == "repz" ||
    Name == "repne" || Name == "repnz" ||
    Name == "rex64" || Name == "data16";

  // This does the actual operand parsing.  Don't parse any more if we have a

示例15: parse


    case OPT_start_group:

    case OPT_end_group: {
      if (groupStack.empty()) {
        diag << "stray --end-group\n";
        return false;
      int startGroupPos = groupStack.top();
          llvm::make_unique<GroupEnd>(numfiles - startGroupPos));

    case OPT_INPUT:
    case OPT_l:
    case OPT_T: {
      bool dashL = (arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_l);
      StringRef path = arg->getValue();

      ErrorOr<StringRef> pathOrErr = findFile(*ctx, path, dashL);
      if (std::error_code ec = pathOrErr.getError()) {
        auto file = llvm::make_unique<ErrorFile>(path, ec);
        auto node = llvm::make_unique<FileNode>(std::move(file));
      StringRef realpath = pathOrErr.get();

      bool isScript =
          (!path.endswith(".objtxt") && isLinkerScript(realpath, diag));
      if (isScript) {
        if (ctx->logInputFiles())
          diag << path << "\n";
        ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> mb =
        if (std::error_code ec = mb.getError()) {
          diag << "Cannot open " << path << ": " << ec.message() << "\n";
          return false;
        bool nostdlib = parsedArgs->hasArg(OPT_nostdlib);
        std::error_code ec =
            evalLinkerScript(*ctx, std::move(mb.get()), diag, nostdlib);
        if (ec) {
          diag << path << ": Error parsing linker script: "
               << ec.message() << "\n";
          return false;
      std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> files
          = loadFile(*ctx, realpath, wholeArchive);
      for (std::unique_ptr<File> &file : files) {
        if (ctx->logInputFiles())
          diag << file->path() << "\n";
        auto node = llvm::make_unique<FileNode>(std::move(file));
      numfiles += files.size();

  if (ctx->getNodes().empty()) {
    diag << "No input files\n";
    return false;

  // Set default output file name if the output file was not specified.
  if (ctx->outputPath().empty()) {
    switch (ctx->outputFileType()) {
    case LinkingContext::OutputFileType::YAML:
    case LinkingContext::OutputFileType::Native:

  // Validate the combination of options used.
  if (!ctx->validate(diag))
    return false;

  // Perform linker script semantic actions

  return true;
