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C++ StringRef::getAsInteger方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::getAsInteger方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::getAsInteger方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::getAsInteger怎么用?C++ StringRef::getAsInteger使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: ParseLine

/// \brief Parse \p Input as line sample.
/// \param Input input line.
/// \param IsCallsite true if the line represents an inlined callsite.
/// \param Depth the depth of the inline stack.
/// \param NumSamples total samples of the line/inlined callsite.
/// \param LineOffset line offset to the start of the function.
/// \param Discriminator discriminator of the line.
/// \param TargetCountMap map from indirect call target to count.
/// returns true if parsing is successful.
static bool ParseLine(const StringRef &Input, bool &IsCallsite, unsigned &Depth,
                      unsigned &NumSamples, unsigned &LineOffset,
                      unsigned &Discriminator, StringRef &CalleeName,
                      DenseMap<StringRef, unsigned> &TargetCountMap) {
  for (Depth = 0; Input[Depth] == ' '; Depth++)
  if (Depth == 0)
    return false;

  size_t n1 = Input.find(':');
  StringRef Loc = Input.substr(Depth, n1 - Depth);
  size_t n2 = Loc.find('.');
  if (n2 == StringRef::npos) {
    if (Loc.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset))
      return false;
    Discriminator = 0;
  } else {
    if (Loc.substr(0, n2).getAsInteger(10, LineOffset))
      return false;
    if (Loc.substr(n2 + 1).getAsInteger(10, Discriminator))
      return false;

  StringRef Rest = Input.substr(n1 + 2);
  if (Rest[0] >= '0' && Rest[0] <= '9') {
    IsCallsite = false;
    size_t n3 = Rest.find(' ');
    if (n3 == StringRef::npos) {
      if (Rest.getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    } else {
      if (Rest.substr(0, n3).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
        return false;
    while (n3 != StringRef::npos) {
      n3 += Rest.substr(n3).find_first_not_of(' ');
      Rest = Rest.substr(n3);
      n3 = Rest.find(' ');
      StringRef pair = Rest;
      if (n3 != StringRef::npos) {
        pair = Rest.substr(0, n3);
      int n4 = pair.find(':');
      unsigned count;
      if (pair.substr(n4 + 1).getAsInteger(10, count))
        return false;
      TargetCountMap[pair.substr(0, n4)] = count;
  } else {
    IsCallsite = true;
    int n3 = Rest.find_last_of(':');
    CalleeName = Rest.substr(0, n3);
    if (Rest.substr(n3 + 1).getAsInteger(10, NumSamples))
      return false;
  return true;

示例2: dumpStreamData

Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpStreamData() {
  uint32_t StreamCount = File.getNumStreams();
  StringRef DumpStreamStr = opts::raw::DumpStreamDataIdx;
  uint32_t DumpStreamNum;
  if (DumpStreamStr.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/0U, DumpStreamNum))
    return Error::success();

  if (DumpStreamNum >= StreamCount)
    return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::no_stream);

  auto S = MappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream(DumpStreamNum, File);
  if (!S)
    return S.takeError();
  codeview::StreamReader R(**S);
  while (R.bytesRemaining() > 0) {
    ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
    uint32_t BytesToReadInBlock = std::min(
        R.bytesRemaining(), static_cast<uint32_t>(File.getBlockSize()));
    if (auto EC = R.readBytes(Data, BytesToReadInBlock))
      return EC;
        StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(Data.begin()), Data.size()));
  return Error::success();

示例3: ByteArrayFromString

static bool ByteArrayFromString(ByteArrayTy &ByteArray,
                                StringRef &Str,
                                SourceMgr &SM) {
  while (SkipToToken(Str)) {
    // Handled by higher level
    if (Str[0] == '[' || Str[0] == ']')
      return false;

    // Get the current token.
    size_t Next = Str.find_first_of(" \t\n\r,#[]");
    StringRef Value = Str.substr(0, Next);

    // Convert to a byte and add to the byte vector.
    unsigned ByteVal;
    if (Value.getAsInteger(0, ByteVal) || ByteVal > 255) {
      // If we have an error, print it and skip to the end of line.
      SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Value.data()), SourceMgr::DK_Error,
                      "invalid input token");
      Str = Str.substr(Str.find('\n'));

    Str = Str.substr(Next);

  return false;

示例4: getInt

/// Get an unsigned integer, including error checks.
static unsigned getInt(StringRef R) {
  unsigned Result;
  bool error = R.getAsInteger(10, Result); (void)error;
  if (error)
    report_fatal_error("not a number, or does not fit in an unsigned int");
  return Result;

示例5: dumpStreamData

static void dumpStreamData(ScopedPrinter &P, PDBFile &File) {
  uint32_t StreamCount = File.getNumStreams();
  StringRef DumpStreamStr = opts::DumpStreamData;
  uint32_t DumpStreamNum;
  if (DumpStreamStr.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/0U, DumpStreamNum) ||
      DumpStreamNum >= StreamCount)

  uint32_t StreamBytesRead = 0;
  uint32_t StreamSize = File.getStreamByteSize(DumpStreamNum);
  auto StreamBlocks = File.getStreamBlockList(DumpStreamNum);

  for (uint32_t StreamBlockAddr : StreamBlocks) {
    uint32_t BytesLeftToReadInStream = StreamSize - StreamBytesRead;
    if (BytesLeftToReadInStream == 0)

    uint32_t BytesToReadInBlock = std::min(
        BytesLeftToReadInStream, static_cast<uint32_t>(File.getBlockSize()));
    auto StreamBlockData =
        File.getBlockData(StreamBlockAddr, BytesToReadInBlock);

    outs() << StreamBlockData;
    StreamBytesRead += StreamBlockData.size();

示例6: decompile

void Decompiler::decompile(unsigned Address) {
  std::vector<unsigned> Children;

  do {
    Function* CurFunc = decompileFunction(Children.back());
    if (CurFunc == NULL) {
    // Scan Current Function for children (should probably record children
    // during decompile...)
    for (Function::iterator BI = CurFunc->begin(), BE = CurFunc->end();
         BI != BE; ++BI) {
      for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BI->begin(), E = BI->end();
           I != E; ++I) {
        CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I);
        if (CI == NULL || !CI->getCalledFunction()->hasFnAttribute("Address")) {
        StringRef AddrStr =
        uint64_t Addr;
        AddrStr.getAsInteger(10, Addr);
        DEBUG(outs() << "Read Address as: " << format("%1" PRIx64, Addr)
          << ", " << AddrStr << "\n");
        StringRef FName = Dis->getFunctionName(Addr);
        Function *NF = Mod->getFunction(FName);
        if (Addr != 0 && (NF == NULL || NF->empty())) {
  } while (Children.size() != 0); // While there are children, decompile

示例7: make_pair

/// \brief Attempt to read the lock file with the given name, if it exists.
/// \param LockFileName The name of the lock file to read.
/// \returns The process ID of the process that owns this lock file
Optional<std::pair<std::string, int> >
LockFileManager::readLockFile(StringRef LockFileName) {
  // Check whether the lock file exists. If not, clearly there's nothing
  // to read, so we just return.
  if (!sys::fs::exists(LockFileName))
    return None;

  // Read the owning host and PID out of the lock file. If it appears that the
  // owning process is dead, the lock file is invalid.
  OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> MB;
  if (MemoryBuffer::getFile(LockFileName, MB))
    return None;

  StringRef Hostname;
  StringRef PIDStr;
  std::tie(Hostname, PIDStr) = getToken(MB->getBuffer(), " ");
  PIDStr = PIDStr.substr(PIDStr.find_first_not_of(" "));
  int PID;
  if (!PIDStr.getAsInteger(10, PID))
    return std::make_pair(std::string(Hostname), PID);

  // Delete the lock file. It's invalid anyway.
  return None;


// parser<unsigned long long> implementation
bool parser<unsigned long long>::parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName,
                                      StringRef Arg, unsigned long long &Value){

  if (Arg.getAsInteger(0, Value))
    return O.error("'" + Arg + "' value invalid for uint argument!");
  return false;

示例9: Val

IntegerConstantExpr::IntegerConstantExpr(ASTContext &C, SMLoc Loc,
                                         StringRef Data)
  : ConstantExpr(IntegerConstant, C.IntegerTy,  Loc) {
  llvm::APSInt Val(64);
  Data.getAsInteger(10, Val);
  Num.setValue(C, Val);

示例10: getToken

/// \brief Attempt to read the lock file with the given name, if it exists.
/// \param LockFileName The name of the lock file to read.
/// \returns The process ID of the process that owns this lock file
Optional<std::pair<std::string, int> >
LockFileManager::readLockFile(StringRef LockFileName) {
  // Read the owning host and PID out of the lock file. If it appears that the
  // owning process is dead, the lock file is invalid.
  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> MB;
  if (MemoryBuffer::getFile(LockFileName, MB)) {
    return None;

  StringRef Hostname;
  StringRef PIDStr;
  std::tie(Hostname, PIDStr) = getToken(MB->getBuffer(), " ");
  PIDStr = PIDStr.substr(PIDStr.find_first_not_of(" "));
  int PID;
  if (!PIDStr.getAsInteger(10, PID)) {
    auto Owner = std::make_pair(std::string(Hostname), PID);
    if (processStillExecuting(Owner.first, Owner.second))
      return Owner;

  // Delete the lock file. It's invalid anyway.
  return None;


typename llvm::enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, bool>::type
getAs(const llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *SN, T &Result) {
  SmallString<4> Storage;
  StringRef Value = SN->getValue(Storage);
  if (Value.getAsInteger(0, Result))
    return false;
  return true;

示例12: getGID

unsigned ArchiveMemberHeader::getGID() const {
  unsigned Ret;
  StringRef Group = StringRef(ArMemHdr->GID, sizeof(ArMemHdr->GID)).rtrim(' ');
  if (Group.empty())
    return 0;
  if (Group.getAsInteger(10, Ret))
    llvm_unreachable("GID time not a decimal number.");
  return Ret;

示例13: isValidGCCRegisterName

/// isValidGCCRegisterName - Returns whether the passed in string
/// is a valid register name according to GCC. This is used by Sema for
/// inline asm statements.
bool TargetInfo::isValidGCCRegisterName(StringRef Name) const {
  if (Name.empty())
    return false;

  const char * const *Names;
  unsigned NumNames;

  // Get rid of any register prefix.
  Name = removeGCCRegisterPrefix(Name);
  if (Name.empty())
      return false;

  getGCCRegNames(Names, NumNames);

  // If we have a number it maps to an entry in the register name array.
  if (isDigit(Name[0])) {
    int n;
    if (!Name.getAsInteger(0, n))
      return n >= 0 && (unsigned)n < NumNames;

  // Check register names.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumNames; i++) {
    if (Name == Names[i])
      return true;

  // Check any additional names that we have.
  const AddlRegName *AddlNames;
  unsigned NumAddlNames;
  getGCCAddlRegNames(AddlNames, NumAddlNames);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumAddlNames; i++)
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < llvm::array_lengthof(AddlNames[i].Names); j++) {
      if (!AddlNames[i].Names[j])
      // Make sure the register that the additional name is for is within
      // the bounds of the register names from above.
      if (AddlNames[i].Names[j] == Name && AddlNames[i].RegNum < NumNames)
	return true;

  // Now check aliases.
  const GCCRegAlias *Aliases;
  unsigned NumAliases;

  getGCCRegAliases(Aliases, NumAliases);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumAliases; i++) {
    for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < llvm::array_lengthof(Aliases[i].Aliases); j++) {
      if (!Aliases[i].Aliases[j])
      if (Aliases[i].Aliases[j] == Name)
        return true;

  return false;

示例14: loadText

/// \brief Load samples from a text file.
/// The file is divided in two segments:
/// Symbol table (represented with the string "symbol table")
///    Number of symbols in the table
///    symbol 1
///    symbol 2
///    ...
///    symbol N
/// Function body profiles
///    function1:total_samples:total_head_samples:number_of_locations
///    location_offset_1: number_of_samples
///    location_offset_2: number_of_samples
///    ...
///    location_offset_N: number_of_samples
/// Function names must be mangled in order for the profile loader to
/// match them in the current translation unit.
/// Since this is a flat profile, a function that shows up more than
/// once gets all its samples aggregated across all its instances.
/// TODO - flat profiles are too imprecise to provide good optimization
/// opportunities. Convert them to context-sensitive profile.
/// This textual representation is useful to generate unit tests and
/// for debugging purposes, but it should not be used to generate
/// profiles for large programs, as the representation is extremely
/// inefficient.
void SampleProfile::loadText() {
  ExternalProfileTextLoader Loader(Filename);

  // Read the symbol table.
  StringRef Line = Loader.readLine();
  if (Line != "symbol table")
    Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'symbol table', found " + Line);
  int NumSymbols;
  Line = Loader.readLine();
  if (Line.getAsInteger(10, NumSymbols))
    Loader.reportParseError("Expected a number, found " + Line);
  for (int I = 0; I < NumSymbols; I++) {
    StringRef FName = Loader.readLine();
    FunctionProfile &FProfile = Profiles[FName];
    FProfile.TotalSamples = 0;
    FProfile.TotalHeadSamples = 0;

  // Read the profile of each function. Since each function may be
  // mentioned more than once, and we are collecting flat profiles,
  // accumulate samples as we parse them.
  Regex HeadRE("^([^:]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$");
  Regex LineSample("^([0-9]+): ([0-9]+)$");
  while (!Loader.atEOF()) {
    SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Matches;
    Line = Loader.readLine();
    if (!HeadRE.match(Line, &Matches))
      Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'mangled_name:NUM:NUM:NUM', found " +
    assert(Matches.size() == 5);
    StringRef FName = Matches[1];
    unsigned NumSamples, NumHeadSamples, NumSampledLines;
    Matches[2].getAsInteger(10, NumSamples);
    Matches[3].getAsInteger(10, NumHeadSamples);
    Matches[4].getAsInteger(10, NumSampledLines);
    FunctionProfile &FProfile = Profiles[FName];
    FProfile.TotalSamples += NumSamples;
    FProfile.TotalHeadSamples += NumHeadSamples;
    BodySampleMap &SampleMap = FProfile.BodySamples;
    unsigned I;
    for (I = 0; I < NumSampledLines && !Loader.atEOF(); I++) {
      Line = Loader.readLine();
      if (!LineSample.match(Line, &Matches))
        Loader.reportParseError("Expected 'NUM: NUM', found " + Line);
      assert(Matches.size() == 3);
      unsigned LineOffset, NumSamples;
      Matches[1].getAsInteger(10, LineOffset);
      Matches[2].getAsInteger(10, NumSamples);
      SampleMap[LineOffset] += NumSamples;

    if (I < NumSampledLines)
      Loader.reportParseError("Unexpected end of file");

示例15: parseMaxPageSize

// Parses -z max-page-size=<value>
static bool parseMaxPageSize(StringRef opt, uint64_t &val) {
  size_t equalPos = opt.find('=');
  if (equalPos == 0 || equalPos == StringRef::npos)
    return false;
  StringRef value = opt.substr(equalPos + 1);
  val = 0;
  if (value.getAsInteger(0, val) || !val)
    return false;
  return true;
