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C++ StringRef::consumeInteger方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::consumeInteger方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::consumeInteger方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::consumeInteger怎么用?C++ StringRef::consumeInteger使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: assert

formatv_object_base::parseReplacementItem(StringRef Spec) {
  StringRef RepString = Spec.trim("{}");

  // If the replacement sequence does not start with a non-negative integer,
  // this is an error.
  char Pad = ' ';
  std::size_t Align = 0;
  AlignStyle Where = AlignStyle::Right;
  StringRef Options;
  size_t Index = 0;
  RepString = RepString.trim();
  if (RepString.consumeInteger(0, Index)) {
    assert(false && "Invalid replacement sequence index!");
    return ReplacementItem{};
  RepString = RepString.trim();
  if (!RepString.empty() && RepString.front() == ',') {
    RepString = RepString.drop_front();
    if (!consumeFieldLayout(RepString, Where, Align, Pad))
      assert(false && "Invalid replacement field layout specification!");
  RepString = RepString.trim();
  if (!RepString.empty() && RepString.front() == ':') {
    Options = RepString.drop_front().trim();
    RepString = StringRef();
  RepString = RepString.trim();
  if (!RepString.empty()) {
    assert(false && "Unexpected characters found in replacement string!");

  return ReplacementItem{Spec, Index, Align, Where, Pad, Options};

示例2: consumeFieldLayout

bool formatv_object_base::consumeFieldLayout(StringRef &Spec, AlignStyle &Where,
                                             size_t &Align, char &Pad) {
  Where = AlignStyle::Right;
  Align = 0;
  Pad = ' ';
  if (Spec.empty())
    return true;

  if (Spec.size() > 1) {
    // A maximum of 2 characters at the beginning can be used for something
    // other
    // than the width.
    // If Spec[1] is a loc char, then Spec[0] is a pad char and Spec[2:...]
    // contains the width.
    // Otherwise, if Spec[0] is a loc char, then Spec[1:...] contains the width.
    // Otherwise, Spec[0:...] contains the width.
    if (auto Loc = translateLocChar(Spec[1])) {
      Pad = Spec[0];
      Where = *Loc;
      Spec = Spec.drop_front(2);
    } else if (auto Loc = translateLocChar(Spec[0])) {
      Where = *Loc;
      Spec = Spec.drop_front(1);

  bool Failed = Spec.consumeInteger(0, Align);
  return !Failed;

示例3: server_thread

TEST_F(GDBRemoteCommunicationClientTest, TestPacketSpeedJSON) {
  std::thread server_thread([this] {
    for (;;) {
      StringExtractorGDBRemote request;
      PacketResult result = server.GetPacket(request);
      if (result == PacketResult::ErrorDisconnected)
      ASSERT_EQ(PacketResult::Success, result);
      StringRef ref = request.GetStringRef();
      int size;
      ASSERT_FALSE(ref.consumeInteger(10, size)) << "ref: " << ref;
      std::string response(size, 'X');
      ASSERT_EQ(PacketResult::Success, server.SendPacket(response));

  StreamString ss;
  client.TestPacketSpeed(10, 32, 32, 4096, true, ss);

  GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "Formatted output: " << ss.GetData();
  auto object_sp = StructuredData::ParseJSON(ss.GetString());
  auto dict_sp = object_sp->GetAsDictionary();

  object_sp = dict_sp->GetValueForKey("packet_speeds");
  dict_sp = object_sp->GetAsDictionary();

  int num_packets;
  ASSERT_TRUE(dict_sp->GetValueForKeyAsInteger("num_packets", num_packets))
      << ss.GetString();
  ASSERT_EQ(10, num_packets);

示例4: AMDGPUMachineFunction

    FrameOffsetReg = AMDGPU::SGPR5;
    StackPtrOffsetReg = AMDGPU::SGPR32;

    ArgInfo.PrivateSegmentBuffer =
    ArgInfo.PrivateSegmentWaveByteOffset =

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-implicitarg-ptr"))
      ImplicitArgPtr = true;
  } else {
    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-implicitarg-ptr")) {
      KernargSegmentPtr = true;
      MaxKernArgAlign = std::max(ST.getAlignmentForImplicitArgPtr(),

  if (ST.debuggerEmitPrologue()) {
    // Enable everything.
    WorkGroupIDX = true;
    WorkGroupIDY = true;
    WorkGroupIDZ = true;
    WorkItemIDX = true;
    WorkItemIDY = true;
    WorkItemIDZ = true;
  } else {
    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-group-id-x"))
      WorkGroupIDX = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-group-id-y"))
      WorkGroupIDY = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-group-id-z"))
      WorkGroupIDZ = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-item-id-x"))
      WorkItemIDX = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-item-id-y"))
      WorkItemIDY = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-work-item-id-z"))
      WorkItemIDZ = true;

  const MachineFrameInfo &FrameInfo = MF.getFrameInfo();
  bool HasStackObjects = FrameInfo.hasStackObjects();

  if (isEntryFunction()) {
    // X, XY, and XYZ are the only supported combinations, so make sure Y is
    // enabled if Z is.
    if (WorkItemIDZ)
      WorkItemIDY = true;

    PrivateSegmentWaveByteOffset = true;

    // HS and GS always have the scratch wave offset in SGPR5 on GFX9.
    if (ST.getGeneration() >= AMDGPUSubtarget::GFX9 &&
        (CC == CallingConv::AMDGPU_HS || CC == CallingConv::AMDGPU_GS))
      ArgInfo.PrivateSegmentWaveByteOffset =

  bool isAmdHsaOrMesa = ST.isAmdHsaOrMesa(F);
  if (isAmdHsaOrMesa) {
    PrivateSegmentBuffer = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-dispatch-ptr"))
      DispatchPtr = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-queue-ptr"))
      QueuePtr = true;

    if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-dispatch-id"))
      DispatchID = true;
  } else if (ST.isMesaGfxShader(F)) {
    ImplicitBufferPtr = true;

  if (F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-kernarg-segment-ptr"))
    KernargSegmentPtr = true;

  if (ST.hasFlatAddressSpace() && isEntryFunction() && isAmdHsaOrMesa) {
    // TODO: This could be refined a lot. The attribute is a poor way of
    // detecting calls that may require it before argument lowering.
    if (HasStackObjects || F.hasFnAttribute("amdgpu-flat-scratch"))
      FlatScratchInit = true;

  Attribute A = F.getFnAttribute("amdgpu-git-ptr-high");
  StringRef S = A.getValueAsString();
  if (!S.empty())
    S.consumeInteger(0, GITPtrHigh);

  A = F.getFnAttribute("amdgpu-32bit-address-high-bits");
  S = A.getValueAsString();
  if (!S.empty())
    S.consumeInteger(0, HighBitsOf32BitAddress);
