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C++ StringRef::printf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中StringRef::printf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ StringRef::printf方法的具体用法?C++ StringRef::printf怎么用?C++ StringRef::printf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在StringRef的用法示例。


示例1: Configure

GCodeResult Display::Configure(GCodeBuffer& gb, const StringRef& reply)
	bool seen = false;

	if (gb.Seen('P'))
		seen = true;
		switch (gb.GetUIValue())
		case 1:		// 12864 display
			if (lcd == nullptr)
				lcd = new Lcd7920(LcdCSPin, fonts, ARRAY_SIZE(fonts));
			IoPort::SetPinMode(LcdBeepPin, OUTPUT_PWM_LOW);

			if (encoder == nullptr)
				encoder = new RotaryEncoder(EncoderPinA, EncoderPinB, EncoderPinSw);
			if (menu == nullptr)
				menu = new Menu(*lcd);

			reply.copy("Unknown display type");
			return GCodeResult::error;

	if (gb.Seen('E') && encoder != nullptr)
		seen = true;
		encoder->Init(gb.GetIValue());			// configure encoder pulses per click and direction

	if (!seen)
		if (lcd != nullptr)
			reply.printf("12864 display is configured, pulses-per-click is %d", encoder->GetPulsesPerClick());
			reply.copy("12864 display is not present or not configured");
	return GCodeResult::ok;

示例2: Unmount

// Unmount the specified SD card, returning true if done, false if needs to be called again.
// If an error occurs, return true with the error message in 'reply'.
GCodeResult MassStorage::Unmount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply)
	if (card >= NumSdCards)
		reply.copy("SD card number out of range");
		return GCodeResult::error;

	reply.printf("SD card %u may now be removed", card);
	const unsigned int numFilesClosed = InternalUnmount(card, true);
	if (numFilesClosed != 0)
		reply.catf(" (%u file(s) were closed)", numFilesClosed);
	return GCodeResult::ok;

示例3: Print

void Tool::Print(StringRef& reply)
	reply.printf("Tool %d - drives:", myNumber);
	char sep = ' ';
	for (size_t drive = 0; drive < driveCount; drive++)
		reply.catf("%c%d", sep, drives[drive]);
		sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; heaters (active/standby temps):");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t heater = 0; heater < heaterCount; heater++)
		reply.catf("%c%d (%.1f/%.1f)", sep, heaters[heater], activeTemperatures[heater], standbyTemperatures[heater]);
		sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; xmap:");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t xi = 0; xi < MAX_AXES; ++xi)
		if ((xMapping & (1u << xi)) != 0)
			reply.catf("%c%c", sep, GCodes::axisLetters[xi]);
			sep = ',';

	reply.cat("; fans:");
	sep = ' ';
	for (size_t fi = 0; fi < NUM_FANS; ++fi)
		if ((fanMapping & (1u << fi)) != 0)
			reply.catf("%c%u", sep, fi);
			sep = ',';

	reply.catf("; status: %s", active ? "selected" : "standby");

示例4: WriteHeadingAndParameters

// Write the parameter label line to a string
void GridDefinition::WriteHeadingAndParameters(StringRef& s) const
	s.printf("%s\n%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%u,%u\n", HeightMapLabelLine, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, radius, spacing, numX, numY);

示例5: Mount

// Mount the specified SD card, returning true if done, false if needs to be called again.
// If an error occurs, return true with the error message in 'reply'.
// This may only be called to mount one card at a time.
GCodeResult MassStorage::Mount(size_t card, const StringRef& reply, bool reportSuccess)
	if (card >= NumSdCards)
		reply.copy("SD card number out of range");
		return GCodeResult::error;

	SdCardInfo& inf = info[card];
	MutexLocker lock1(fsMutex);
	MutexLocker lock2(inf.volMutex);
	if (!inf.mounting)
		if (inf.isMounted)
			if (AnyFileOpen(&inf.fileSystem))
				// Don't re-mount the card if any files are open on it
				reply.copy("SD card has open file(s)");
				return GCodeResult::error;
			(void)InternalUnmount(card, false);

		inf.mountStartTime = millis();
		inf.mounting = true;

	if (inf.cardState == CardDetectState::notPresent)
		reply.copy("No SD card present");
		inf.mounting = false;
		return GCodeResult::error;

	if (inf.cardState != CardDetectState::present)
		return GCodeResult::notFinished;						// wait for debounce to finish

	const sd_mmc_err_t err = sd_mmc_check(card);
	if (err != SD_MMC_OK && millis() - inf.mountStartTime < 5000)
		return GCodeResult::notFinished;

	inf.mounting = false;
	if (err != SD_MMC_OK)
		reply.printf("Cannot initialise SD card %u: %s", card, TranslateCardError(err));
		return GCodeResult::error;

	// Mount the file systems
	const char path[3] = { (char)('0' + card), ':', 0 };
	const FRESULT mounted = f_mount(&inf.fileSystem, path, 1);
	if (mounted != FR_OK)
		reply.printf("Cannot mount SD card %u: code %d", card, mounted);
		return GCodeResult::error;

	inf.isMounted = true;
	if (reportSuccess)
		float capacity = ((float)sd_mmc_get_capacity(card) * 1024) / 1000000;		// get capacity and convert from Kib to Mbytes
		const char* capUnits;
		if (capacity >= 1000.0)
			capacity /= 1000;
			capUnits = "Gb";
			capUnits = "Mb";
		reply.printf("%s card mounted in slot %u, capacity %.2f%s", TranslateCardType(sd_mmc_get_type(card)), card, (double)capacity, capUnits);

	return GCodeResult::ok;
