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C++ InputState::IsButtonDragEvent方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中InputState::IsButtonDragEvent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ InputState::IsButtonDragEvent方法的具体用法?C++ InputState::IsButtonDragEvent怎么用?C++ InputState::IsButtonDragEvent使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在InputState的用法示例。


示例1: fabsf

WindowFrame::MouseMoved( int iWindow[2], InputState& iInput ) {

  if ( iWindow[0] >= 0 && iWindow[0] <= mWidth-1 &&
       iWindow[1] >= 0 && iWindow[1] <= mHeight-1 ) {

    if ( iInput.IsButtonDragEvent() ) {

      // Calculate the delta. Make sure there is one; if not, no mouse
      // moved event.
      float delta[2];
      delta[0] = iWindow[0] - mLastMoved[0];
      delta[1] = iWindow[1] - mLastMoved[1];

      if ( delta[0] != 0 || delta[1] != 0 ) {

        // Find the greater one (absolute value). Divide each delta by
        // this value to get the step; one will be 1.0, and the other
        // will be < 1.0.
        float greater = fabsf(delta[0]) > fabsf(delta[1]) ?
                        fabsf(delta[0]) : fabsf(delta[1]);

        delta[0] /= greater;
        delta[1] /= greater;

        // We step window coords in floats, but transform to ints. Start
        // at the last moved place.
        float windowF[2];
        int   windowI[2];
        windowF[0] = mLastMoved[0];
        windowF[1] = mLastMoved[1];

        // While we're not at the current location...  NOTE - this
        // should work, but jc can't handle simple float comparison,
        // so we have to do wacky 0 comparison instead.
        while ( !(  fabsf((float)iWindow[0] - windowF[0]) < 1.0 &&
                    fabsf((float)iWindow[1] - windowF[1]) < 1.0) ) {

          // Get an integer value and send it to the frame.
          windowI[0] = (int) rint( windowF[0] );
          windowI[1] = (int) rint( windowF[1] );

          this->DoMouseMoved( windowI, iInput );

          // Increment the float window coords.
          windowF[0] += delta[0];
          windowF[1] += delta[1];

          if ( windowF[0] < -10 || windowF[1] < -10 )
            exit( 1 );
    } else {

      this->DoMouseMoved( iWindow, iInput );

    // Save this position.
    mLastMoved[0] = iWindow[0];
    mLastMoved[1] = iWindow[1];

