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HTML Style orphans用法及代碼示例

DOM風格的“孤兒”屬性控製在舊頁麵上拆分的段落中的最小行數。孤兒的默認值是繼承的或2(這意味著如果要拆分段落,則頁麵上至少保留2行)。 DOM風格的“孤兒”屬性控製在舊頁麵上拆分的段落中的最小行數。孤兒的默認值是繼承的或2(這意味著如果要拆分段落,則頁麵上至少保留2行)。


  • 返回orph​​ans屬性:
  • 設置orphans屬性:
    object.style.orphans = "number|initial|inherit"


    • Number:一個整數,指定可以在頁麵或列的末尾保留的行數。不允許為負值。默認值為2。
    • Initial:將元素設置為其初始值。
    • Inherit:Element從父元素繼承其orphans屬性。


    <!DOCTYPE html> 
            HTML | DOM Style orphans Property 
        <div id="element"> 
              Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style 
              sheet language used for describing the  
              presentation of a document written in a 
              markup language like HTML.[1] CSS is a  
              cornerstone technology of the World Wide  
              Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. 
              <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold"> 
                CSS is designed to enable the separation  
                of presentation and content, including  
                layout,colors, and fonts.CSS has a simple 
                syntax and uses a number of English keywords 
                to specify the names of various style  
                properties.A style sheet consists of a list  
                of rules. Each rule or rule-set consists of 
                one or more selectors,and a declaration block. 
              This separation can improve content accessibility, 
              provide more flexibility and control in the  
              specification of presentation characteristics, 
              enable multiple web pages to share formatting  
              by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css  
              file, and reduce complexity and repetition in  
              the structural content. 
              Separation of formatting and content also makes 
              it feasible to present the same markup page in  
              different styles for different rendering methods,  
              such as on-screen, in print, by voice  
              (via speech-based browser or screen reader),  
              and on Braille-based tactile devices. CSS also 
              has rules for alternate formatting if the content 
              is accessed on a mobile device. 
              The name cascading comes from the specified  
              priority scheme to determine which style rule 
              applies if more than one rule matches a particular 
              element. This cascading priority scheme is predictable. 
            #element { 
                columns:12em 3; 
            function myFunction() { 
                // Number of lines that can be left at the end  
                // of a page or column. 
                document.getElementById("element").style.orphans =  


    支持的瀏覽器:HTML |下麵列出了DOM樣式孤立對象屬性:

    • 穀歌瀏覽器25+
    • Internet Explorer 8+
    • Opera 9.2+


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自ChinkitManchanda大神的英文原創作品 HTML | DOM Style orphans Property。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。