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Python PNMImage.getXSize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage.getXSize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python PNMImage.getXSize方法的具体用法?Python PNMImage.getXSize怎么用?Python PNMImage.getXSize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage的用法示例。


示例1: transparencyKey

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]
def transparencyKey(filename):
    image = PNMImage(GAME + "/textures/effects/" + filename)
    backgroundColor = None
    for y in range(image.getYSize()):
        for x in range(image.getXSize()):
            if backgroundColor == None:
                backgroundColor = Color(image.getRedVal(x, y), image.getGreenVal(x, y), image.getGreenVal(x, y), 0)
            if (
                image.getRedVal(x, y) == backgroundColor.R
                and image.getGreenVal(x, y) == backgroundColor.G
                and image.getGreenVal(x, y) == backgroundColor.B
                # Transparent
                image.setAlpha(x, y, 0.0)
                # Opaque
                image.setAlpha(x, y, 1.0)
    return image

示例2: make_data

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]
  def make_data(self, hmapfile):
    # open heightmap for reading pixel data
    heightmap = PNMImage()
    xs = heightmap.getXSize()
    ys = heightmap.getYSize()

    # generate data bi-dimensional array
    data = []
    for x in range(xs):
      for y in range(ys):
        # set data dictionary properties
        # name
        name = "cell_" + str(x) + "_" + str(y)
        # height
        height = (heightmap.getXel(x, ys - y - 1)[0] * 10)

        if self.retro == True:
          if height < 1 :
            height = height / 5
            height = int(height)
        # c and rgb
        c = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
        rgb = (int(c[0] * 255), int(c[1] * 255), int(c[2] * 255))
        # default texture
        texture = self.tiles[0]['tex']
        texturenum = 0
        score = self.tiles[0]['score']

        # from rgb we assign tex and score
        for n in range(len(self.tiles)):
          if rgb == self.tiles[n]['rgb']:
            texture = self.tiles[n]['tex']
            texturenum = n
            score = self.tiles[n]['score']

        # set terrain data dictionary
        data[x].append({'name':name, 'h':height, 'c':c, 'rgb':rgb, 'tex':texture,
                        'texnum':texturenum, 'score':score})
    return data

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]
	def __init__(self, image_path, rowPerFace, name=None,\
				  rows=1, cols=1, scale=1.0,\
				  twoSided=False, alpha=TRANS_ALPHA,\
				  repeatX=1, repeatY=1,\
				  anchorX=ALIGN_CENTER, anchorY=ALIGN_BOTTOM):
		Create a card textured with an image. The card is sized so that the ratio between the
		card and image is the same.

		global SpriteId
		self.spriteNum = str(SpriteId)
		SpriteId += 1

		scale *= self.PIXEL_SCALE

		self.animations = {}

		self.scale = scale
		self.repeatX = repeatX
		self.repeatY = repeatY
		self.flip = {'x':False,'y':False}
		self.rows = rows
		self.cols = cols

		self.currentFrame = 0
		self.currentAnim = None
		self.loopAnim = False
		self.frameInterrupt = True

		# Create the NodePath
		if name:
			self.node = NodePath("Sprite2d:%s" % name)
			self.node = NodePath("Sprite2d:%s" % image_path)

		# Set the attribute for transparency/twosided
		if twoSided:

		# Make a filepath
		self.imgFile = Filename(image_path)
		if self.imgFile.empty():
			raise IOError, "File not found"

		# Instead of loading it outright, check with the PNMImageHeader if we can open
		# the file.
		imgHead = PNMImageHeader()
		if not imgHead.readHeader(self.imgFile):
			raise IOError, "PNMImageHeader could not read file. Try using absolute filepaths"

		# Load the image with a PNMImage
		image = PNMImage()

		self.sizeX = image.getXSize()
		self.sizeY = image.getYSize()

		# We need to find the power of two size for the another PNMImage
		# so that the texture thats loaded on the geometry won't have artifacts
		textureSizeX = self.nextsize(self.sizeX)
		textureSizeY = self.nextsize(self.sizeY)

		# The actual size of the texture in memory
		self.realSizeX = textureSizeX
		self.realSizeY = textureSizeY

		self.paddedImg = PNMImage(textureSizeX, textureSizeY)
		if image.hasAlpha():
		# Copy the source image to the image we're actually using
		self.paddedImg.blendSubImage(image, 0, 0)
		# We're done with source image, clear it

		# The pixel sizes for each cell
		self.colSize = self.sizeX/self.cols
		self.rowSize = self.sizeY/self.rows

		# How much padding the texture has
		self.paddingX = textureSizeX - self.sizeX
		self.paddingY = textureSizeY - self.sizeY

		# Set UV padding
		self.uPad = float(self.paddingX)/textureSizeX
		self.vPad = float(self.paddingY)/textureSizeY

		# The UV dimensions for each cell
		self.uSize = (1.0 - self.uPad) / self.cols
		self.vSize = (1.0 - self.vPad) / self.rows
		self.cards = []
		self.rowPerFace = rowPerFace
		for i in range(len(rowPerFace)):
			card = CardMaker("Sprite2d-Geom")

			# The positions to create the card at
			if anchorX == self.ALIGN_LEFT:
				posLeft = 0

示例4: TerrainTile

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]
class TerrainTile(GeoMipTerrain):
	"""TerrainTiles are the building blocks of a terrain."""
	def __init__(self, terrain, x, y):
		"""Builds a Tile for the terrain at input coordinates.
		Important settings are used directly from the terrain.
		This allows for easier setting changes and reduces memory overhead.
		x and y parameters give the appropriate world coordinates of this tile.
		self.terrain = terrain
		self.xOffset = x
		self.yOffset = y
		self.heightMapDetail = 1 # higher means greater detail
		self.name = "ID" + str(terrain.id) + "_X" + str(x) + "_Y" + str(y)
		GeoMipTerrain.__init(self, name=self.name)
		self.image = PNImage()
		self.getRoot().setPos(x, y, 0)
		if self.terrain.bruteForce:
			GeoMipTerrain.setBruteForce(self, True)
			GeoMipTerrain.setBlockSize(self, self.terrain.heightMapSize * self.heightMapDetail)
			GeoMipTerrain.setBlockSize(self, self.terrain.blockSize/2)
	def update(self):
		"""Updates the GeoMip to use the correct LOD on each block."""
	def updateTask(self, task):
		"""Updates the GeoMip to use the correct LOD on each block."""
		return task.again
	def setHeightField(self, filename):
		"Set the GeoMip heightfield from a heightmap image."""
		GeoMipTerrain.setHeightfield(self, filename)
	def generate(self):
	def setHeight(self):
		"""Sets the height field to match the height map image."""
	def makeHeightMap(self):
		"""Generate a new heightmap image.
		Panda3d GeoMipMaps require an image from which to build and update
        their height field. This function creates the correct image using the
        tile's position and the Terrain's getHeight() function.
			fileName = "maps/height/" + self.name + ".png"
			self.getRoot().setTag('EditableTerrain', '1')
			if self.image.read(Filename(fileName)):
				logging.info( "read heightmap from " + fileName)
		heightMapSize = self.terrain.tileSize * self.heightMapDetail + 1
		self.image = PNMImage(heightMapSize, heightMapSize, 1, 65535)
		ySize = self.image.getYSize() - 1
		getHeight = self.terrain.getHeight
		setGray = self.image.setGray
		xo = self.xOffset
		yo = self.yOffset
		d = self.heightMapDetail
		for x in range(self.image.getXSize()):
			for y in range(ySize + 1):
				height = getHeight(x / d + xo, y / d + yo)
				# feed pixel into image
				# why is it necessary to invert the y axis I wonder?
				setGray(x, ySize - y, height)

示例5: Region

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]
class Region(DirectObject.DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tiles = []
        self.cities = {}
        self.accept('loadRegion', self.load)
        self.accept("updatedTiles", self.updateTiles)
        self.accept("newCity", self.newCity)
        self.accept("clickForCity", self.checkCity)
        self.accept("unfoundCity", self.unfoundCity)
        self.accept("enterCity", self.enterCity)
    def load(self, container, name="New Region"):
        '''Loads a new region, usually from connecting to a server
        Or starting a new or previously saved region.
        import base64
        self.heightmap = PNMImage()
        imageString = base64.b64decode(container.heightmap)
        self.region_size = (self.heightmap.getXSize()-1, self.heightmap.getYSize()-1)
        position = 0
        tileid = 0
        total_tiles = self.region_size[0] * self.region_size[1]
        ranges = []
        tiles = []
        for tile in container.tiles:
            tiles.append((tile.id, tile.cityid))
        for n in range(len(tiles)):
                ranges.append((tiles[n][0], tiles[n+1][0]-1, tiles[n][1]))
                ranges.append((tiles[n][0], total_tiles, tiles[n][1]))
        for r in ranges:
            for x in range(r[0], r[1]+1):
                #print "r0, r1, x", r[0], r[1], x
                self.tiles.append(Tile(tileid, r[2]))
                #print "Len", len(self.tiles)
                tileid += 1
        position = 0
        for y in range(self.region_size[1]):
            for x in range(self.region_size[0]):
                self.tiles[position].coords = (x,y)
                position += 1
        for city in container.cities:
        messenger.send("generateRegion", [self.heightmap, self.tiles, self.cities, container])
    def updateTiles(self, container):
        x = 0
        for tile in container:
            x += 1
            self.tiles[tile.id].cityid = tile.cityid
        print x, "tiles updated from server."
        messenger.send("updateRegion", [self.heightmap, self.tiles, self.cities])
    def newCity(self, city):
        self.cities[city.id] = {"name": city.name, "mayor": city.mayor, "funds": city.funds, "population": city.population}
    def checkCity(self, cell):
        '''Checks for city in given cell for region gui display'''
        if not cell: return
        tile = self.getTile(cell[0], cell[1])
        if tile.cityid:
            messenger.send("showRegionCityWindow", [tile.cityid, self.cities[tile.cityid]])
    def getTile(self, x, y):
        '''Returns tile by coordinate. 
        Thankfully smart enough to find a way to not iterate
        value = y * self.region_size[0] + x
        return self.tiles[value]
    def unfoundCity(self, ident):
        '''Unfounds a city'''
        del self.cities[ident]
    def enterCity(self, ident):
        '''Processess information needed for graphical elements to enter city view.'''
        # We need to send list of tiles for terrain manager
        tiles = []
        xsum = 0
        ysum = 0
        n = 0
        for tile in self.tiles:
            if tile.cityid is ident:
                # We need to compute center of city to target camera there
                xsum += tile.coords[0]
                ysum += tile.coords[1]
                n += 1
        xavg = xsum/n
        yavg = ysum/n
        position = (xavg, yavg)
        # We need to send city info so gui elements can be drawn
        city = self.cities[ident]

示例6: TexturePainter

# 需要导入模块: from pandac.PandaModules import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from pandac.PandaModules.PNMImage import getXSize [as 别名]

    # create the buffers
    # when the window is resized, the background buffer etc must be updated.
    self.accept("window-event", self.__windowEvent)
    # some debugging stuff
    self.accept("v", base.bufferViewer.toggleEnable)
    self.accept("V", base.bufferViewer.toggleEnable)
  def __disableEditor(self):
    print "I: TexturePainter.__disableEditor"
    # ignore window-event and debug
  def __windowEvent(self, win=None):
    ''' when the editor is enabled, update the buffers etc. when the window
    is resized '''
    print "I: TexturePainter.windowEvent"
    # with a fixed backgroudn buffer size this is not needed anymore
    if False:
      #if self.texturePainterStatus != TEXTURE_PAINTER_STATUS_DISABLED:
      if self.modelColorBuffer:
        if WindowManager.activeWindow:
          # on window resize there seems to be never a active window
          win = WindowManager.activeWindow.win
          win = base.win
        if self.modelColorBuffer.getXSize() != win.getXSize() or self.modelColorBuffer.getYSize() != win.getYSize():
          '''print "  - window resized",\
          # if the buffer size doesnt match the window size (window has been resized)
        print "W: TexturePainter.__windowEvent: no buffer"
  def __createBuffer(self):
    ''' create the buffer we render in the background into '''
    print "I: TexturePainter.__createBuffer"
    # the window has been modified
    if WindowManager.activeWindow:
      # on window resize there seems to be never a active window
      win = WindowManager.activeWindow.win
      win = base.win
    # get the window size
    self.windowSizeX = win.getXSize()
    self.windowSizeY = win.getYSize()
    # create a buffer in which we render the model using a shader
    self.paintMap = Texture()
    # 1.5.4 cant handle non power of 2 buffers
    self.modelColorBuffer = createOffscreenBuffer(-3, TEXTUREPAINTER_BACKGROUND_BUFFER_RENDERSIZE[0], TEXTUREPAINTER_BACKGROUND_BUFFER_RENDERSIZE[1]) #self.windowSizeX, self.windowSizeY)
    self.modelColorBuffer.addRenderTexture(self.paintMap, GraphicsOutput.RTMBindOrCopy, GraphicsOutput.RTPColor)
