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Python Neuron.set_input方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中neuron.Neuron.set_input方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Neuron.set_input方法的具体用法?Python Neuron.set_input怎么用?Python Neuron.set_input使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在neuron.Neuron的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: from neuron import Neuron [as 别名]
# 或者: from neuron.Neuron import set_input [as 别名]
def main(train, test, out):
  TRAIN_FILE = train
  TEST_FILE  = test
  OUT_FILE   = out
  img = Image.open(TRAIN_FILE) # read double moons image from .png file
  pixels = img.load()          # generate pixel map
  width = img.size[0]
  height = img.size[1]
  training_set = dict()
  for i in range(width):
    for j in range(height):
      if pixels[i,j] == BLUE:   # if pixel is blue
        training_set[i,j] = BOT # set value to bottom
      elif pixels[i,j] == RED:  # if pixel is red
        training_set[i,j] = TOP # set value to top
  # create neuron with 2 input nodes
  n = Neuron(2) # x-input, y-input
  print "Neuron created."
  # training
  print "Training..."
  counter = 0
  while True:
    errors = 0
    for p in training_set:
      errors += n.train_step(p, training_set[p])
      counter += 1
      print "====="
    if errors < n.get_margin() * len(training_set):
  print "Length of training set: " + str(len(training_set))
  print "Iterations: " + str(counter)
  # test cases
  img = Image.open(TEST_FILE)
  pixels = img.load()
  width = img.size[0]
  height = img.size[1]
  for i in range(width):
    for j in range(height):
      if pixels[i,j] == BLACK:
        n.set_input(0, i)
        n.set_input(1, j)
        ans = n.get_output()
        if ans == TOP:
          pixels[i,j] = RED
        elif ans == BOT:
          pixels[i,j] = BLUE
  img.save(OUT_FILE, "PNG")
