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Python State.env_createLocal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中State.State.env_createLocal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python State.env_createLocal方法的具体用法?Python State.env_createLocal怎么用?Python State.env_createLocal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在State.State的用法示例。


示例1: _analyseExpression

# 需要导入模块: from State import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from State.State import env_createLocal [as 别名]
    def _analyseExpression(self, astNumber, nodeNumber, state, recursionDepth):
        ''' Analyses a single expression node. 
        In contrast to statements, expressions always have a return value.
        Expressions are the more interesting and difficult part since only 
        here instructions are really executed and histories get written.

            astNumber:      The ast the statement belongs to
            nodeNumber:     The node in the AST to analyse
            state:          The state of the current execution (contains environment, heap, objects)

            hist:           The HistoryCollection for this node
            ret:            List of accessors. These two cases have to be handled separatly.
                            The parent statement/expression has to handle what to do with it. This is 
                            necessary to realize assignment statements properly.
                            For variable list has one member. For MemberExpressions two.

        ### Get Statement and handle each type 
        ast = self.asts[astNumber]
        curNode =ast[nodeNumber]
        t = curNode["type"]   

        ### Identifier handled together with expression
        if t in ["Identifier", "Property"]:
            # Special case for holes
            if curNode["value"] == "_HOLE_":
                return HistoryCollection(), ["_HOLE_"]

            # For realizing the histories for specific nodes: Store to which object this node belongs to
            object = state.env_get(curNode["value"])
            if object != None:
                self.nodeToObject[astNumber][nodeNumber] = object

            # Besides that return the identifier
            return HistoryCollection(), [curNode["value"]]

        ### Expressions
        elif t == "ThisExpression":
            # the this is only a special local variable
            return HistoryCollection(), state.context
        elif t == "ArrayExpression":
            # Handle as object (returning it as reference makes sense. Since also internally. Creat object and then return reference.)
            newObj = state.newObject("array", astNumber, nodeNumber)
            return HistoryCollection(), newObj
        elif t == "ArrayAccess":
            hist, leftRet = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            rightHist, rightRet = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist, [state.getTarget(leftRet), state.getTarget(rightRet)]
        elif t == "ObjectExpression":
            obj = state.newObject("ObjectExpression", astNumber, nodeNumber)
            hist = HistoryCollection()
            if "children" in curNode:
                for child in curNode["children"]:
                    prop = ast[child]
                    tmpHist, propertyValue = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, prop["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
                    state.heap_add(obj, prop["value"], state.getTarget(propertyValue))
            return hist, obj

        elif t == "FunctionExpression":
            # Execute isolated and store in the separate history.
            # Since I remember the ObjectName, afterwards the longest history per object can be taken
            isolatedExpressionState = State()
            for i, param in enumerate(curNode["children"][:-1]): # Only parameters and last body
                parameterName = ast[curNode["children"][i]]["value"]
            fnHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][-1], isolatedExpressionState, recursionDepth)

            # For the run through history, there is no effect
            return HistoryCollection(), None

        # Unary operations
        if t == "UnaryExpression":
            # only the history is used ret should already be None since always value
            hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist, None
        elif t == "UpdateExpression":
            return HistoryCollection(), None
        # Binary operations
        elif t == "BinaryExpression":
            # Return value can be ignored -> tested, that not possible to return reference in rasonable way
            # Always both parts executed. So histories can be concatenated
            hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            rightHist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist, None
        elif t == "AssignmentExpression":
            # Execute expressions and assign right to left, AssignmentOperation missing in Parser!
            # Good news: javascript gives error when callexpression on left site of assignment
            hist, leftRet = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            rightHist, rightRet = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            rightRet = state.getTarget(rightRet) # need only target

示例2: _analyseStatement

# 需要导入模块: from State import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from State.State import env_createLocal [as 别名]

                for precCaseCond in preceedingCaseConditions:
                    tmpHist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, precCaseCond, condStates[-1], recursionDepth)
                # Handle current case
                isDefault = len(case["children"]) == 1
                if not isDefault:
                    tmpHist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, case["children"][0], condStates[-1], recursionDepth)
                    tmpHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, case["children"][1], condStates[-1], recursionDepth)
                    # For default the statement is only child
                    tmpHist = self._analyseStatement(case["children"][0], condStates[-1], recursionDepth)
            return hist
        # Exceptions (ignored at the moment)

        elif t  == "ThrowStatement":
            return HistoryCollection()

        elif t == "TryStatement":
            blockHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            if len(curNode["children"]) == 3:
                finallyHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            return blockHist

        # Loops
        elif t in ["WhileStatement", "DoWhileStatement"]:
            hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            tmpHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist
        elif t == "ForStatement": # YEAH! The scope is acutally the same as everywhere!
            hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            tmpHist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            tmpHist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][2], state, recursionDepth)
            tmpHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][3], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist

        elif t == "ForInStatement": 
            # The scope is the same for the iterator name!
            hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
            # Since we do not handle loops, immediatly assign all elements within the returned enumerable (Whether array or object does not matter because both in heap)
            # TODO: the for in for an array only gives the indices!!!! NO IDEA HOW TO HANDLE -> maybe a special case
            tmpHist, ret =self._analyseExpression(astNumber, curNode["children"][1], state, recursionDepth)
            tmpHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][2], state, recursionDepth)
            return hist

        ### Declarations (handled here toghether with Declarators)
        elif t == "VariableDeclaration":
            # There might be multiple declarators as eg. "var a = 4, b = 5"
            for declarator in [ast[node] for node in curNode["children"]]:
                # Create the local variable
                if "children" in declarator:
                    hist, ret = self._analyseExpression(astNumber, declarator["children"][0], state, recursionDepth)
                    state.env_set(declarator["value"], state.getTarget(ret))
                    return hist
                    return HistoryCollection()
        elif t == "FunctionDeclaration": 
            # Execute isolated and store in the separate history.
            # Since I remember the ObjectName, afterwards the longest history per object can be taken
            isolatedFunctionState = State()
            for i, param in enumerate(curNode["children"][1:-1]):
                parameterName = ast[curNode["children"][i+1]]["value"]
                isolatedFunctionState.env_set(parameterName, isolatedFunctionState.newObject("anonymous", astNumber, nodeNumber))
            fnHist = self._analyseStatement(astNumber, curNode["children"][-1], isolatedFunctionState, recursionDepth)

            # For the run through history, there is no effect
            return HistoryCollection()

        elif t in es6_standard:
            return HistoryCollection()

        # For all other nodes, where no specific strategy has been assigned
            raise NameError('NodeName not handled')
