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Java Tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected方法的具体用法?Java Tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected怎么用?Java Tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile的用法示例。


示例1: findTileFor

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Tile findTileFor(Map map, int row, int start, boolean startAtSea,
                         LogBuilder lb) {
    Tile tile = null;
    Tile seas = null;
    int offset = (start == 0) ? 1 : -1;
    for (int x = start; 0 <= x && x < map.getWidth(); x += offset) {
        tile = map.getTile(x, row);
        if (tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()) {
            seas = tile;
        } else if (tile.isLand()) {
            return (startAtSea) ? seas : tile;
    lb.add("No land in row ", row, ".\n");
    return null;

示例2: getHighSeasGoalDecider

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Gets a GoalDecider to find the closest high seas tile to a target.
 * Used when arriving on the map from Europe.
 * @return The high seas goal decider.
public static GoalDecider getHighSeasGoalDecider() {
    return new GoalDecider() {
        private PathNode best = null;
        public PathNode getGoal() { return best; }
        public boolean hasSubGoals() { return false; }
        public boolean check(Unit u, PathNode path) {
            Tile tile = path.getTile();
            if (tile != null
                && tile.isExploredBy(u.getOwner())
                && tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()
                && (tile.getFirstUnit() == null
                    || u.getOwner().owns(tile.getFirstUnit()))) {
                if (best == null || path.getCost() < best.getCost()) {
                    best = path;
                    return true;
            return false;

示例3: getSimpleHighSeasGoalDecider

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Build a simple goal decider to find the first high seas tile
 * without using the unit parameter.
 * @return A {@code GoalDecider} that finds the nearest high seas tile.
public static GoalDecider getSimpleHighSeasGoalDecider() {
    return new GoalDecider() {
        private PathNode first = null;

        public PathNode getGoal() { return first; }
        public boolean hasSubGoals() { return false; }
        public boolean check(Unit u, PathNode path) {
            Tile tile = path.getTile();
            if (tile != null
                && tile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()) {
                first = path;
                return true;
            return false;

示例4: moveHighSeas

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Moves a unit onto the "high seas" in a specified direction following
 * a move of MoveType.MOVE_HIGH_SEAS.
 * This may result in a move to Europe, no move, or an ordinary move.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} to be moved.
 * @param direction The direction in which to move.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed.
private boolean moveHighSeas(Unit unit, Direction direction) {
    // Confirm moving to Europe if told to move to a null tile
    // (FIXME: can this still happen?), or if crossing the boundary
    // between coastal and high sea.  Otherwise just move.
    final Tile oldTile = unit.getTile();
    final Tile newTile = oldTile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    if (newTile == null
        || (!oldTile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()
            && newTile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected())) {
        TradeRouteStop stop;
        if (unit.getTradeRoute() != null
            && (stop = unit.getStop()) != null
            && TradeRoute.isStopValid(unit, stop)
            && stop.getLocation() instanceof Europe) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, (Europe)stop.getLocation());
        } else if (unit.getDestination() instanceof Europe) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, (Europe)unit.getDestination());
        } else if (getGUI().confirm(oldTile, StringTemplate
                .addAmount("%number%", unit.getSailTurns()),
                unit, "highseas.yes", "highseas.no")) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, unit.getOwner().getEurope());
    return moveTile(unit, direction);

示例5: getCost

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Determines the cost of a single move.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} making the move.
 * @param oldLocation The {@code Location} we are moving from.
 * @param newLocation The {@code Location} we are moving to.
 * @param movesLeftBefore The moves left before making the move.
 * @return The cost of moving the given unit from the
 *      {@code oldLocation} to the {@code newLocation}.
public int getCost(final Unit unit, final Location oldLocation,
                   final Location newLocation, int movesLeftBefore) {
    int cost = 0;
    this.newTurns = 0;
    Tile oldTile = oldLocation.getTile();
    Tile newTile = newLocation.getTile();
    if (oldLocation instanceof Europe) { // Coming from Europe
        if (newLocation instanceof Europe
            || newTile == null
            || !newTile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()
            || !unit.getType().canMoveToHighSeas()) return ILLEGAL_MOVE;
        newTurns = unit.getSailTurns();
        movesLeft = unit.getInitialMovesLeft();
        cost = newTurns * unit.getInitialMovesLeft();

    } else if (oldTile == null) {
        return ILLEGAL_MOVE;

    } else if (newLocation instanceof Europe) { // Going to Europe
        if (!unit.getType().canMoveToHighSeas()) return ILLEGAL_MOVE;
        newTurns = unit.getSailTurns();
        movesLeft = unit.getInitialMovesLeft();
        cost = newTurns * unit.getInitialMovesLeft();

    } else if (newTile == null || !newTile.isExplored()) {
        return ILLEGAL_MOVE;

    } else { // Moving between tiles
        // Disallow illegal moves.
        // Special moves and moving off a carrier consume a whole turn.
        boolean consumeMove = false;
        switch (unit.getSimpleMoveType(oldTile, newTile)) {
        case MOVE_HIGH_SEAS:
        case ATTACK_UNIT:
            // Ignore hostile units in the base case, treating attacks
            // as moves.
        case MOVE:
            if (!unit.isOnCarrier()) break; // Fall through if disembarking.
        case EMBARK:
            consumeMove = true;
            return ILLEGAL_MOVE;

        cost = adjust(unit, oldTile, newTile, movesLeftBefore);
        if (consumeMove) {
            cost += this.movesLeft;
            this.movesLeft = 0;
    return cost;
