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Java Tile.getNeighbourOrNull方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile.getNeighbourOrNull方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Tile.getNeighbourOrNull方法的具体用法?Java Tile.getNeighbourOrNull怎么用?Java Tile.getNeighbourOrNull使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile的用法示例。


示例1: moveAttack

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Confirm attack or demand a tribute from a native settlement, following
 * an attacking move.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} to perform the attack.
 * @param direction The direction in which to attack.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed (never).
private boolean moveAttack(Unit unit, Direction direction) {
    final Tile tile = unit.getTile();
    final Tile target = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    final Unit u = target.getFirstUnit();
    if (u == null || unit.getOwner().owns(u)) return false;

    if (askClearGotoOrders(unit)
        && getGUI().confirmHostileAction(unit, target)
        && getGUI().confirmPreCombat(unit, target)) {
        askServer().attack(unit, direction);
    // Always return false, as the unit has either attacked and lost
    // its remaining moves, or the move can not proceed because it is
    // blocked.
    return false;

示例2: moveTribute

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Demand a tribute.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} to perform the attack.
 * @param amount An amount of tribute to demand.
 * @param direction The direction in which to attack.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed (never).
private boolean moveTribute(Unit unit, int amount, Direction direction) {
    final Game game = getGame();
    Player player = unit.getOwner();
    Tile tile = unit.getTile();
    Tile target = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    Settlement settlement = target.getSettlement();
    Player other = settlement.getOwner();

    // Indians are easy and can use the basic tribute mechanism.
    if (settlement.getOwner().isIndian()) {
        askServer().demandTribute(unit, direction);
        return false;
    // Europeans might be human players, so we convert to a diplomacy
    // dialog.
    DiplomaticTrade agreement = DiplomaticTrade
        .makePeaceTreaty(TradeContext.TRIBUTE, player, other);
    agreement.add(new GoldTradeItem(game, other, player, amount));
    return moveDiplomacy(unit, direction, agreement);

示例3: transform

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void transform(Tile tile) {
    TileImprovementType riverType =

    if (riverType.isTileTypeAllowed(tile.getType())) {
        if (!tile.hasRiver()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
            for (Direction direction : Direction.longSides) {
                Tile t = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
                TileImprovement otherRiver = (t == null) ? null
                    : t.getRiver();
                if (t == null || (t.isLand() && otherRiver == null)) {
                } else {
            tile.addRiver(magnitude, sb.toString());
        } else {

示例4: getNationAt

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Convenience function to find the nation controlling an adjacent
 * settlement.  Intended to be called in contexts where we are
 * expecting a settlement or unit to be there, such as when
 * handling a particular move type.
 * @param tile The {@code Tile} to start at.
 * @param direction The {@code Direction} to step.
 * @return The name of the nation controlling a settlement on the
 *         adjacent tile if any.
private StringTemplate getNationAt(Tile tile, Direction direction) {
    Tile newTile = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    Player player = null;
    if (newTile.hasSettlement()) {
        player = newTile.getSettlement().getOwner();
    } else if (newTile.getFirstUnit() != null) {
        player = newTile.getFirstUnit().getOwner();
    } else { // should not happen
        player = getGame().getUnknownEnemy();
    return player.getNationLabel();

示例5: moveAttackSettlement

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Confirm attack or demand a tribute from a settlement, following
 * an attacking move.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} to perform the attack.
 * @param direction The direction in which to attack.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed (never).
private boolean moveAttackSettlement(Unit unit, Direction direction) {
    final Tile tile = unit.getTile();
    final Tile target = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    final Settlement settlement = target.getSettlement();
    if (settlement == null
        || unit.getOwner().owns(settlement)) return false;

    ArmedUnitSettlementAction act
        = getGUI().getArmedUnitSettlementChoice(settlement);
    if (act == null) return false; // Cancelled
    switch (act) {
        if (getGUI().confirmHostileAction(unit, target)
            && getGUI().confirmPreCombat(unit, target)) {
            askServer().attack(unit, direction);
            Colony col = target.getColony();
            if (col != null && unit.getOwner().owns(col)) {
                colonyPanel(col, unit);

        int amount = (settlement instanceof Colony)
            ? getGUI().confirmEuropeanTribute(unit, (Colony)settlement,
            : (settlement instanceof IndianSettlement)
            ? getGUI().confirmNativeTribute(unit, (IndianSettlement)settlement)
            : -1;
        if (amount > 0) return moveTribute(unit, amount, direction);
        logger.warning("showArmedUnitSettlementDialog fail: " + act);
    return false;

示例6: moveEmbark

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Embarks the specified unit onto a carrier in a specified direction
 * following a move of MoveType.EMBARK.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} that wishes to embark.
 * @param direction The direction in which to embark.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed (never).
private boolean moveEmbark(Unit unit, Direction direction) {
    if (unit.getColony() != null
        && !getGUI().confirmLeaveColony(unit)) return false;

    final Tile sourceTile = unit.getTile();
    final Tile destinationTile = sourceTile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    Unit carrier = null;
    List<ChoiceItem<Unit>> choices
        = transform(destinationTile.getUnits(),
                    u -> u.canAdd(unit),
                    u -> new ChoiceItem<>(u.getDescription(Unit.UnitLabelType.NATIONAL), u));
    if (choices.isEmpty()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unit " + unit.getId()
            + " found no carrier to embark upon.");
    } else if (choices.size() == 1) {
        carrier = choices.get(0).getObject();
    } else {
        carrier = getGUI().getChoice(unit.getTile(),
            Messages.message("embark.text"), unit, "none", choices);
        if (carrier == null) return false; // User cancelled

    // Proceed to embark, skip if it did not work.
    if (askClearGotoOrders(unit)
        && askServer().embark(unit, carrier, direction)
        && unit.getLocation() == carrier) {
    } else {
        changeState(unit, UnitState.SKIPPED);
    return false;

示例7: moveHighSeas

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Moves a unit onto the "high seas" in a specified direction following
 * a move of MoveType.MOVE_HIGH_SEAS.
 * This may result in a move to Europe, no move, or an ordinary move.
 * @param unit The {@code Unit} to be moved.
 * @param direction The direction in which to move.
 * @return True if automatic movement of the unit can proceed.
private boolean moveHighSeas(Unit unit, Direction direction) {
    // Confirm moving to Europe if told to move to a null tile
    // (FIXME: can this still happen?), or if crossing the boundary
    // between coastal and high sea.  Otherwise just move.
    final Tile oldTile = unit.getTile();
    final Tile newTile = oldTile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    if (newTile == null
        || (!oldTile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected()
            && newTile.isDirectlyHighSeasConnected())) {
        TradeRouteStop stop;
        if (unit.getTradeRoute() != null
            && (stop = unit.getStop()) != null
            && TradeRoute.isStopValid(unit, stop)
            && stop.getLocation() instanceof Europe) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, (Europe)stop.getLocation());
        } else if (unit.getDestination() instanceof Europe) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, (Europe)unit.getDestination());
        } else if (getGUI().confirm(oldTile, StringTemplate
                .addAmount("%number%", unit.getSailTurns()),
                unit, "highseas.yes", "highseas.no")) {
            return moveTowardEurope(unit, unit.getOwner().getEurope());
    return moveTile(unit, direction);

示例8: moveTileCursor

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Move the tile cursor.
 * Called from MoveAction in terrain mode.
 * @param direction The {@code Direction} to move the tile cursor.
 * @return True if the tile cursor is moved.
public boolean moveTileCursor(Direction direction) {
    if (direction == null) return false;

    final Tile tile = getGUI().getSelectedTile();
    if (tile == null) return false;

    final Tile newTile = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
    if (newTile == null) return false;

    return true;

示例9: displayUnknownTileBorder

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void displayUnknownTileBorder(Graphics2D g, Tile tile) {
    if (tile.isExplored()) {
        for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
            Tile borderingTile = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
            if (borderingTile != null && !borderingTile.isExplored()) {
                        null, direction, tile.getX(), tile.getY()),
                    0, 0, null);

示例10: initialize

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Initialize the game data in this tiles panel.
public void initialize() {
    final Colony colony = getColony();
    if (colony == null) return;

    Tile tile = colony.getTile();
    tiles[0][0] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.N);
    tiles[0][1] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.NE);
    tiles[0][2] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.E);
    tiles[1][0] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.NW);
    tiles[1][1] = tile;
    tiles[1][2] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.SE);
    tiles[2][0] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.W);
    tiles[2][1] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.SW);
    tiles[2][2] = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.S);

    int layer = 2;
    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
            if (tiles[x][y] == null) {
                logger.warning("Null tile for " + getColony()
                    + " at " + x + "," + y);
            ColonyTile colonyTile = colony.getColonyTile(tiles[x][y]);
            if (colonyTile == null) {
                logger.warning("Null colony tile for " + getColony()
                    + " on " + tiles[x][y] + " at " + x + "," + y);
                dump("TILES", colony.getColonyTiles());
            ASingleTilePanel aSTP
                = new ASingleTilePanel(colonyTile, x, y);
            add(aSTP, Integer.valueOf(layer++));


示例11: displayTileWithBeachAndBorder

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Displays the given Tile onto the given Graphics2D object at the
 * location specified by the coordinates. Only base terrain will be drawn.
 * @param g The Graphics2D object on which to draw the Tile.
 * @param tile The Tile to draw.
void displayTileWithBeachAndBorder(Graphics2D g, Tile tile) {
    if (tile != null) {
        TileType tileType = tile.getType();
        int x = tile.getX();
        int y = tile.getY();
        // ATTENTION: we assume that all base tiles have the same size
        g.drawImage(lib.getTerrainImage(tileType, x, y),
                    0, 0, null);
        if (tile.isExplored()) {
            if (!tile.isLand() && tile.getStyle() > 0) {
                int edgeStyle = tile.getStyle() >> 4;
                if (edgeStyle > 0) {
                    g.drawImage(lib.getBeachEdgeImage(edgeStyle, x, y),
                                0, 0, null);
                int cornerStyle = tile.getStyle() & 15;
                if (cornerStyle > 0) {
                    g.drawImage(lib.getBeachCornerImage(cornerStyle, x, y),
                                0, 0, null);

            List<SortableImage> imageBorders = new ArrayList<>(8);
            SortableImage si;
            for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
                Tile borderingTile = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
                if (borderingTile != null && borderingTile.isExplored()) {
                    TileType borderingTileType = borderingTile.getType();
                    if (borderingTileType != tileType) {
                        if (!tile.isLand() && borderingTile.isLand()) {
                            // If there is a Coast image (eg. beach) defined, use it, otherwise skip
                            // Draw the grass from the neighboring tile, spilling over on the side of this tile
                            si = new SortableImage(
                                lib.getBorderImage(borderingTileType, direction, x, y),
                            TileImprovement river = borderingTile.getRiver();
                            if (river != null) {
                                int magnitude = river.getRiverConnection(
                                if (magnitude > 0) {
                                    si = new SortableImage(
                                            magnitude, x, y),
                        } else if (!tile.isLand() || borderingTile.isLand()) {
                            if (borderingTileType.getIndex() < tileType.getIndex() &&
                                    !lib.getTerrainImage(tileType, 0, 0).equals(lib.getTerrainImage(borderingTileType, 0, 0))) {
                                // Draw land terrain with bordering land type, or ocean/high seas limit,
                                // if the tiles do not share same graphics (ocean & great river)
                                si = new SortableImage(
                                        lib.getBorderImage(borderingTileType, direction, x, y),
            for (SortableImage sorted : sort(imageBorders)) {
                g.drawImage(sorted.image, 0, 0, null);

示例12: perhapsAddBonus

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Adds a terrain bonus with a probability determined by the
 * {@code MapGeneratorOptions}.
 * @param t The {@code Tile} to add bonuses to.
 * @param generateBonus Generate the bonus or not.
private void perhapsAddBonus(Tile t, boolean generateBonus) {
    final Game game = t.getGame();
    final OptionGroup mapOptions = game.getMapGeneratorOptions();
    final Specification spec = game.getSpecification();
    TileImprovementType fishBonusLandType
        = spec.getTileImprovementType("model.improvement.fishBonusLand");
    TileImprovementType fishBonusRiverType
        = spec.getTileImprovementType("model.improvement.fishBonusRiver");
    final int bonusNumber
        = mapOptions.getRange(MapGeneratorOptions.BONUS_NUMBER);
    if (t.isLand()) {
        if (generateBonus
            && randomInt(logger, "Land Resource", random, 100) < bonusNumber) {
            // Create random Bonus Resource
    } else {
        int adjacentLand = 0;
        boolean adjacentRiver = false;
        for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
            Tile otherTile = t.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
            if (otherTile != null && otherTile.isLand()) {
                if (otherTile.hasRiver()) {
                    adjacentRiver = true;

        // In Col1, ocean tiles with less than 3 land neighbours
        // produce 2 fish, all others produce 4 fish
        if (adjacentLand > 2) {
            t.add(new TileImprovement(game, t, fishBonusLandType, null));

        // In Col1, the ocean tile in front of a river mouth would
        // get an additional +1 bonus
        // FIXME: This probably has some false positives, means
        // river tiles that are NOT a river mouth next to this tile!
        if (!t.hasRiver() && adjacentRiver) {
            t.add(new TileImprovement(game, t, fishBonusRiverType, null));

        if (t.getType().isHighSeasConnected()) {
            if (generateBonus && adjacentLand > 1
                && randomInt(logger, "Sea resource", random,
                             10 - adjacentLand) == 0) {
        } else {
            if (randomInt(logger, "Water resource", random, 100) < bonusNumber) {
                // Create random Bonus Resource

示例13: testUnitLumberDelivery

import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testUnitLumberDelivery() {
    Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap(savannahForest));
    InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController();
    Colony colony = getStandardColony(3);
    ServerPlayer player = (ServerPlayer)colony.getOwner();
    Tile tile = colony.getTile();
    // Set up a hardy pioneer to clear the colony tile
    Role pioneerRole = spec().getRole("model.role.pioneer");
    ServerUnit hardyPioneer = new ServerUnit(game, tile, player,
                                             pioneerType, pioneerRole);
    igc.changeWorkImprovementType(player, hardyPioneer, clear);

    // Verify initial state
    assertEquals(8, hardyPioneer.getWorkLeft());
    assertEquals(savannahForest, tile.getType());
    assertEquals(colony, tile.getOwningSettlement());
    // Almost finish clearing

    // Lumber should be delivered on this turn
    assertEquals("Lumber delivery with hardy pioneer", 20 * 2,

    // Upgrade to lumber mill and full warehouse

    // Almost clear another tile
    Tile tile2 = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.N);
    assertEquals(colony, tile2.getOwningSettlement());
    igc.changeWorkImprovementType(player, hardyPioneer, clear);

    // Lumber should be delivered on this turn
    assertEquals("Lumber delivered with hardy pioneer and mill",
                 20 * 2 * 3, colony.getGoodsCount(lumberType));
