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C# Mesh.SetTriangles方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Mesh.SetTriangles方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Mesh.SetTriangles方法的具体用法?C# Mesh.SetTriangles怎么用?C# Mesh.SetTriangles使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在UnityEngine.Mesh的用法示例。


示例1: SetDrops

    public void SetDrops(int drops, int maxDrops)
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
            mesh.vertices = new []
                new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(0, 10, 0),
                new Vector3(drops * 10, 10, 0),
                new Vector3(drops * 10, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(drops * 10, 0, 0),
                new Vector3(drops * 10, 10, 0),
                new Vector3(maxDrops * 10, 10, 0),
                new Vector3(maxDrops * 10, 0, 0)

            mesh.uv = new []
                new Vector2 { x = 0, y = 0 },
                new Vector2 { x = 0, y = 1 },
                new Vector2 { x = drops, y = 1 },
                new Vector2 { x = drops, y = 0 },
                new Vector2 { x = 0, y = 0.0f },
                new Vector2 { x = 0, y = 1.0f },
                new Vector2 { x = maxDrops - drops, y = 1 },
                new Vector2 { x = maxDrops - drops, y = 0 },

            mesh.subMeshCount = 2;
            mesh.SetTriangles(new [] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }, 0);
            mesh.SetTriangles(new [] { 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4 }, 1);

        meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

示例2: CloneMesh

    static Mesh CloneMesh(Mesh mesh)
        Mesh clonemesh = new Mesh();
        clonemesh.vertices = mesh.vertices;
        clonemesh.uv1 = mesh.uv1;
        clonemesh.uv2 = mesh.uv2;
        clonemesh.uv = mesh.uv;
        clonemesh.normals = mesh.normals;
        clonemesh.tangents = mesh.tangents;
        clonemesh.colors = mesh.colors;

        clonemesh.subMeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;

        for ( int s = 0; s < mesh.subMeshCount; s++ )
            clonemesh.SetTriangles(mesh.GetTriangles(s), s);

        //clonemesh.triangles = mesh.triangles;

        clonemesh.boneWeights = mesh.boneWeights;
        clonemesh.bindposes = mesh.bindposes;
        clonemesh.name = mesh.name + "_copy";

        return clonemesh;

示例3: compileMesh

    public Mesh compileMesh()
        Mesh myMesh  = new Mesh();
        myMesh.name = "ProcedralMesh";
        myMesh.subMeshCount = tris.Length;

        if(verts.Count == 0)
            Debug.LogError("sorry verts are empty"+ this);

        myMesh.vertices = verts.ToArray();

        for(int i=0; i < tris.Length; i++)
            myMesh.SetTriangles(tris[i].ToArray (),i);


        if (uv.Count > 0)
            myMesh.uv = uv.ToArray ();

        return myMesh;

示例4: RotateMesh

	//"rotate" the mesh data
	private void RotateMesh(Mesh mesh)
		int index = 0;

		//switch all vertex z values with y values
		Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
		for (index = 0; index < vertices.Length; index++)
			vertices[index] = new Vector3(vertices[index].x, vertices[index].z, vertices[index].y);
		mesh.vertices = vertices;

		//for each submesh, we invert the order of vertices for all triangles
		//for some reason changing the vertex positions flips all the normals???
		for (int submesh = 0; submesh < mesh.subMeshCount; submesh++)
			int[] triangles = mesh.GetTriangles(submesh);
			for (index = 0; index < triangles.Length; index += 3)
				int intermediate = triangles[index];
				triangles[index] = triangles[index + 2];
				triangles[index + 2] = intermediate;
			mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, submesh);

		//recalculate other relevant mesh data

示例5: CreateConnectedMesh

	public static void CreateConnectedMesh (Mesh mesh, List<Slice2D> slices)
		var sliceCount = slices.Count;

		if (sliceCount < 2)
		// Eg.: | | | | | => 5 slices = 8 tris (5 - 1 => 4quads * 2tris/quad = 8), times 3 idx / tri
		var triIdx = new int[(sliceCount - 1) * 6];
		// Eg.: 1 3  3 5
		//      0 2  2 4 ... => 0,1,3, 0,3,2, 2,3,4, 2,5,4
		int i = 0;
		// J is the Triangle Index
		// Will repeat the number of quads (slices-1) * 6 (2 tris)
		for (int j = 0; j < ((sliceCount - 1) * 6); j = j + 6) {
			triIdx[j] = i;
			triIdx[j + 1] = i + 1;
			triIdx[j + 2] = i + 3;
			triIdx[j + 3] = i;
			triIdx[j + 4] = i + 3;
			triIdx[j + 5] = i + 2;
			//Debug.Log(" j:" + j+" "+(j+1)+" "+(j+2)+" "+(j+3)+" "+(j+4)+" "+(j+5));
			i += 2;
		mesh.SetTriangles (triIdx, 0);
		mesh.RecalculateNormals ();

示例6: CloneMesh

        //todo this really needs to be threaded, some meshes are quite large
        public static Mesh CloneMesh(Mesh mesh)
            Mesh newmesh = new Mesh();
            newmesh.name = mesh.name;
            var newverts = new Vector3[mesh.vertices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
                var vertex = mesh.vertices[i];
                Vector3 v = qRotateX * vertex;
                newverts[i] = qRotateZ * v;
            newmesh.vertices = newverts;
            newmesh.subMeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.subMeshCount; i++)
                int[] triangles = mesh.GetTriangles(i);
                newmesh.SetTriangles(triangles, i);
            newmesh.uv = mesh.uv;
            newmesh.uv2 = mesh.uv2;
            newmesh.uv2 = mesh.uv2;
            newmesh.normals = mesh.normals;
            newmesh.colors = mesh.colors;
            newmesh.tangents = mesh.tangents;

            return newmesh;

示例7: MergeVertices

		 * Merge indices to a single vertex.  Operates on a Mesh, not pb_Object.
		public static void MergeVertices(List<List<int>> InIndices, ref Mesh InMesh)
			Dictionary<int, int> swapTable = new Dictionary<int, int>();

			foreach(List<int> group in InIndices)
				for(int i = 1; i < group.Count; i++)
					swapTable.Add(group[i], group[0]);

			// Iterate triangles and point collapse-able verts to the first index
			for(int submeshIndex = 0; submeshIndex < InMesh.subMeshCount; submeshIndex++)
				int[] tris = InMesh.GetTriangles(submeshIndex);

				for(int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i++)
					if( swapTable.ContainsKey(tris[i]) )
						tris[i] = swapTable[tris[i]];
				InMesh.SetTriangles(tris, submeshIndex);

			// populate list of unused vertices post-collapse
			List<int> unused = InIndices.SelectMany( x => x.GetRange(1, x.Count - 1) ).ToList();

			RemoveVertices(unused, ref InMesh);

示例8: CreateSplitMesh

	public static void CreateSplitMesh (Mesh mesh, List<Slice2D> slices)
		var sliceCount = slices.Count;

		if (sliceCount < 2)
		// Eg.: | | | | | => 5 slices = 8 tris (5 - 1 => 4quads * 2tris/quad = 8), times 3 idx / tri
		var triIdx = new int[(sliceCount - 1) * 6];
		// Eg.: 1 3  5 7
		//      0 2  4 6 ... => 0,1,3, 0,3,2, 4,5,7, 4,7,6
		int i = 0;
		// "j" is the Triangle Index
		// Will repeat the number of quads (slices/2) * 6 (# of "j"s per quad)
		for (int j = 0; j < (sliceCount * 3); j = j + 6) {
			triIdx[j] = i;
			triIdx[j + 1] = i + 1;
			triIdx[j + 2] = i + 3;
			triIdx[j + 3] = i;
			triIdx[j + 4] = i + 3;
			triIdx[j + 5] = i + 2;
			//Debug.Log(" j:" + j+" "+(j+1)+" "+(j+2)+" "+(j+3)+" "+(j+4)+" "+(j+5));
			//Debug.Log(" i:" + i + " " + (i + 1) + " " + (i + 3) + " " + (i) + " " + (i + 3) + " " + (i + 2));
			i += 4;
		mesh.SetTriangles (triIdx, 0);
		mesh.RecalculateNormals ();

示例9: Instance

	public void Instance(){
		MeshFilter m = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
		Mesh oldMesh = m.mesh;
		Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();
		newMesh.name = oldMesh.name;
		newMesh.vertices = oldMesh.vertices;
		newMesh.normals = oldMesh.normals;
		newMesh.uv = oldMesh.uv;
		newMesh.SetTriangles(oldMesh.GetTriangles(0), 0);
		m.mesh = newMesh;

示例10: DeepCopy

    static void DeepCopy()
        GameObject subject = Selection.activeGameObject;
        GameObject clone = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(subject);

        MeshFilter[] mfs = subject.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
        MeshFilter[] clonemfs = clone.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();

        MeshCollider[] mcs = clone.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>();
        MeshCollider[] clonemcs = clone.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>();

        int l = mfs.Length;

        for ( int i = 0; i < l; i++ )
            MeshFilter mf = mfs[i];
            MeshFilter clonemf = clonemfs[i];
            Mesh mesh = mf.sharedMesh;
            Mesh clonemesh = new Mesh();
            clonemesh.vertices = mesh.vertices;
            clonemesh.uv1 = mesh.uv1;
            clonemesh.uv2 = mesh.uv2;
            clonemesh.uv = mesh.uv;
            clonemesh.normals = mesh.normals;
            clonemesh.tangents = mesh.tangents;
            clonemesh.colors = mesh.colors;

            clonemesh.subMeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;

            for ( int s = 0; s < mesh.subMeshCount; s++ )
                clonemesh.SetTriangles(mesh.GetTriangles(s), s);

            //clonemesh.triangles = mesh.triangles;

            clonemesh.boneWeights = mesh.boneWeights;
            clonemesh.bindposes = mesh.bindposes;
            clonemesh.name = mesh.name + "_copy";
            clonemf.sharedMesh = clonemesh;

            for ( int j = 0; j < mcs.Length; j++ )
                MeshCollider mc = mcs[j];
                if ( mc.sharedMesh = mesh )
                    clonemcs[j].sharedMesh = clonemesh;

示例11: Sail

    public Sail(Material _mat,Vector2 _size)
        m_sail_unit=new Vector2(_size.x/m_cell_num,_size.y/m_cell_num);
        m_go=new GameObject("Sail");
        List<Vector3> _list=new List<Vector3>();
        List<int> _ii=new List<int>();
        for(int i=0;i<m_cell_num;++i)
            for(int j=0;j<m_cell_num;++j)
                _list.Add(new Vector3(j*m_sail_unit.x,i*m_sail_unit.y,0));
                m_vec_list.Add(new Vector3(j*m_sail_unit.x,i*m_sail_unit.y,0));
                m_base_vec_list.Add(new Vector3(j*m_sail_unit.x,i*m_sail_unit.y,0));
        for(int i=0;i<m_cell_num-1;++i)
            for(int j=0;j<m_cell_num-1;++j)

        List<Vector2> _uv_list=new List<Vector2>();
        for(int i=0;i<m_cell_num;++i)
            for(int j=0;j<m_cell_num;++j)
                _uv_list.Add(new Vector2(j/(float)m_cell_num,i/(float)m_cell_num));
        MeshRenderer _mr= m_go.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        for(int i=0;i<m_cell_num*(m_cell_num-1);++i)

示例12: GenerateMesh

    public override Mesh GenerateMesh(VoxelContainer data, IntVector3 start, IntVector3 end)
        var verts = GenerateVertsFor(data, start, end);

        if (!verts.Any())
            return null;

        var result = new Mesh()
            vertices = verts.Select(v => v.Position).ToArray(),
            uv = verts.Select(v => v.Uv).ToArray()
        result.SetTriangles(GenerateIndicesFor(verts).ToArray(), 0);
        return result;

示例13: FillMesh

 public static void FillMesh(Mesh mesh, Vector3[] vs, Vector3[] ns, Vector2[] uv1s, Vector2[] uv2s, Vector2[] uv3s, Vector2[] uv4s, Color32[] colors32, int[] ts, BoneWeight[] bws, Matrix4x4[] bindposes, int[] subMeshOffsets, bool recalcNormals)
     mesh.vertices = vs;
     if(ns != null && ns.Length > 0) mesh.normals = ns;
     if(uv1s != null && uv1s.Length > 0) mesh.uv = uv1s;
     if(uv2s != null && uv2s.Length > 0) mesh.uv2 = uv2s;
     #if UNITY_4_3
     #elif UNITY_4_4
     #elif UNITY_4_5
     #elif UNITY_4_6
         if(uv3s != null && uv2s.Length > 0) mesh.uv3 = uv3s;
         if(uv4s != null && uv2s.Length > 0) mesh.uv4 = uv4s;
     if(colors32 != null && colors32.Length > 0) mesh.colors32 = colors32;
     if(bws != null && bws.Length > 0) mesh.boneWeights = bws;
     if(bindposes != null && bindposes.Length > 0) mesh.bindposes = bindposes;
     if(subMeshOffsets.Length == 1) {
         mesh.triangles = ts;
     } else {
         mesh.subMeshCount = subMeshOffsets.Length;
         for(int s=0;s<subMeshOffsets.Length;s++) {
             subMeshOffsets[s] = Mathf.Max(0,subMeshOffsets[s]);
             int end = s+1 < subMeshOffsets.Length ? subMeshOffsets[s+1] : ts.Length;
             if(end - subMeshOffsets[s] > 0) {
                 int[] subTs = new int[end - subMeshOffsets[s]];
                 Array.Copy(ts, subMeshOffsets[s], subTs, 0, end - subMeshOffsets[s]);
                 mesh.SetTriangles(subTs, s);
             } else {
                 mesh.SetTriangles((int[])null, s);
     if(recalcNormals || mesh.normals == null || mesh.normals.Length <= 0) mesh.RecalculateNormals();

示例14: Awake

    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        vfx = GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
        firedRay = GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>();
        firedRay.sortingLayerName = Tags.SortingLayers.overlay;
        MeshFilter filter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        mesh = filter.mesh;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(0, -width / 2, 0), new Vector3(0, width / 2, 0), new Vector3(60, -width / 2, 0), new Vector3(60, width / 2, 0)};
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[] {Vector2.zero, Vector2.up, Vector2.right, Vector2.one};
        int[] tris = new int[]{3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2};

        //apply to mesh
        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.uv = uvs;
        mesh.SetTriangles(tris, 0);

示例15: CreateNewSplit

    void CreateNewSplit(Vector3[] verts, int[] tris, int[] innerTris, Vector2[] uvs, Vector3[] normals, Vector3 force)
        var split = new GameObject();
        split.transform.position = transform.position;
        split.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
        split.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;
        split.transform.parent = transform.parent;

        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.vertices = verts;
        mesh.triangles = tris;
        mesh.subMeshCount += 1;
        mesh.SetTriangles(innerTris, 1);
        mesh.uv = uvs;
        mesh.normals = normals;
        mesh.colors = this.mesh.colors;

        split.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;

        var rend = split.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        Material[] materials = new Material[2]{
        rend.materials = materials;
        //rend.material = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material;

        var splittable = split.AddComponent<Splitable>();
        splittable.innerMaterial = innerMaterial;
        splittable.FireSplitEvent = false;

        var convex = new SimpleConvex(mesh);
        var simpleMesh1 = convex.BuildSimplifiedConvexMesh();
        var collider = split.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
        collider.sharedMesh = simpleMesh1;
        collider.convex = true;

        var rigidBody = split.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
        /*split.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity;*/
