本文整理汇总了C#中Image.InRange方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Image.InRange方法的具体用法?C# Image.InRange怎么用?C# Image.InRange使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Image
示例1: CalculateHistogram
public void CalculateHistogram(Image<Gray, byte> source)
histogram = new DenseHistogram(16, new RangeF(0, 180));
mask = source.InRange(VideoParameters.Default.CamshiftMaskLow, VideoParameters.Default.CamshiftMaskHigh);
CvInvoke.cvCalcHist(new[] { source.Ptr }, histogram.Ptr, false, mask.Ptr);
示例2: ProcessColorImage
public override Image ProcessColorImage(Bitmap frame, ToteDetectionType detectionType, bool detectBins)
Image<Bgr, Byte> img = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(frame);
//// Get The Thresh Image With Given Values
//Image<Gray, byte> thresh = (threshData as BgrThreshData).InRange(img);
//// Pixelate Image
//threshData.Blur(ref thresh);
//Image ret = base.AnalyzeImage(thresh, detectionType, detectBins);
img = img.SmoothMedian(11);
img = img.SmoothGaussian(11);
img = img.Erode(15);
img = img.Dilate(10);
// Try this: img.HoughCircles();
Image<Gray, byte> thresh = img.InRange(new Bgr(110, 130, 100), new Bgr(164, 166, 181));
Contour<Point> countor = thresh.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST);
List<Contour<Point>> PlayingBalls = new List<Contour<Point>>(); ;
while (countor != null)
// filter countors
// convex hull countors
if (countor.Area > 50)
countor = countor.HNext;
float resolutionOffset = ((float)thresh.Width * thresh.Height) / (640.0f * 480.0f);
foreach (Contour<Point> ball in PlayingBalls)
img.Draw(ball, new Bgr(255, 0, 0), (int)Math.Ceiling(3.0f));
// draw left countors and their min enclosing circle (draw on img)
Image ret = img.ToBitmap();
return ret;
示例3: Track
public void Track(Image<Gray, byte> source)
if (histogram == null)
mask = source.InRange(VideoParameters.Default.CamshiftMaskLow, VideoParameters.Default.CamshiftMaskHigh);
backProjection = new Image<Gray, byte>(source.Size);
CvInvoke.cvCalcBackProject(new[] {source.Ptr}, backProjection.Ptr, histogram.Ptr);
MCvBox2D trackBox;
CvInvoke.cvCamShift(backProjection.Ptr, trackWindow, new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1), out trackComp, out trackBox);
trackWindow = trackComp.rect;
trackCenter = trackBox.center;
示例4: processFrameAndUpdateGUI
void processFrameAndUpdateGUI(object sender, EventArgs arg)
imgOriginal = capWebcam.QueryFrame(); // get next frame from the webcam
if (imgOriginal == null) // if we did not get a frame
{ // show error via message box
MessageBox.Show("unable to read from webcam" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"exiting program");
Environment.Exit(0); // and exit program
imgBlurredBGR = imgOriginal.SmoothGaussian(5); // blur
imgProcessed = imgBlurredBGR.InRange(new Bgr(0, 0, 175), new Bgr(100, 100, 256)); // filter on color
imgProcessed = imgProcessed.SmoothGaussian(5); // blur again
StructuringElementEx structuringElementEx = new StructuringElementEx(5, 5, 1, 1, CV_ELEMENT_SHAPE.CV_SHAPE_RECT); // declare structuring element to use in dilate and erode
CvInvoke.cvDilate(imgProcessed, imgProcessed, structuringElementEx, 1); // close image (dilate, then erode)
CvInvoke.cvErode(imgProcessed, imgProcessed, structuringElementEx, 1); // closing "closes" (i.e. fills in) foreground gaps
CircleF[] circles = imgProcessed.HoughCircles(new Gray(100), new Gray(50), 2, imgProcessed.Height / 4, 10, 400)[0]; // fill variable circles with all circles in the processed image
foreach (CircleF circle in circles) // for each circle
if (txtXYRadius.Text != "") txtXYRadius.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); // if we are not on the first line in the text box then insert a new line char
txtXYRadius.AppendText("ball position = x " + circle.Center.X.ToString().PadLeft(4) + // print ball position and radius
", y = " + circle.Center.Y.ToString().PadLeft(4) + //
", radius = " + circle.Radius.ToString("###.000").PadLeft(7)); //
txtXYRadius.ScrollToCaret(); // scroll down in text box so most recent line added (at the bottom) will be shown
// draw a small green circle at the center of the detected object
CvInvoke.cvCircle(imgOriginal, new Point((int)circle.Center.X, (int)circle.Center.Y), 3, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), -1, LINE_TYPE.CV_AA, 0);
imgOriginal.Draw(circle, new Bgr(Color.Red), 3); // draw a red circle around the detected object
ibOriginal.Image = imgOriginal; // update image boxes on form
ibProcessed.Image = imgProcessed; //
示例5: getSkinOnImage
private Image<Gray, byte> getSkinOnImage(Image<Hsv, byte> sourceImage, Hsv Hsv_min, Hsv Hsv_Max)
Image<Gray, Byte> skin = sourceImage.InRange(Hsv_min, Hsv_Max);
skin = skin
.Convert<Rgb, Byte>()
.ThresholdBinary(new Rgb(127, 127, 127), new Rgb(255, 255, 255))
.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
return skin;
示例6: CalibrateHSV
private void CalibrateHSV(ref Image<Hsv, Byte> hsvImage, ref DenseHistogram histogram)
float horizontalFactor = 0.2f;
float verticalFactor = 0.2f;
int rectWidth = (int)(hsvImage.Width * horizontalFactor);
int rectHeight = (int)(hsvImage.Height * verticalFactor);
int topLeftX = (int)((((float)hsvImage.Width / 2) - rectWidth) / 2);
int topLeftY = (int)(((float)hsvImage.Height - rectHeight) / 2);
Rectangle rangeOfInterest = new Rectangle(topLeftX, topLeftY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
Image<Gray, Byte> maskedImage = hsvImage.InRange(
new Hsv(hue_min, saturation_min, value_min),
new Hsv(hue_max, saturation_max, value_max));
Image<Hsv, byte> partToCompute = hsvImage.Copy(rangeOfInterest);
int[] h_bins = { 30, 30 };
RangeF[] h_ranges = {
new RangeF(0, 180),
new RangeF(0, 255)
Image<Gray, byte>[] channels = partToCompute.Split().Take(2).ToArray();
histogram = new DenseHistogram(h_bins, h_ranges);
histogram.Calculate(channels, true, null);
float minValue, maxValue;
int[] posMinValue, posMaxValue;
histogram.MinMax(out minValue, out maxValue, out posMinValue, out posMaxValue);
(double)minValue + (maxValue - minValue) * 40 / 100
hsvImage = maskedImage.Convert<Hsv, Byte>() //tu powstaje jakiś "First chance of exception..."
.Convert<Rgb, Byte>()
.ThresholdBinary(new Rgb(127,127,127), new Rgb(255,255,255))
.Convert<Hsv, Byte>();
//hsvImage.Draw(rangeOfInterest, new Hsv(255, 255, 255), 3);
示例7: pobierzObraz
void pobierzObraz() //funkcja z nieskonczoną pętlą, działa w wątku th_pobierzObraz
//oryginalny obraz
obraz1 = kamerka.QueryFrame();
obraz1_mod = obraz1.Copy();
//składowa V i obraz binarny światła na obrazie z kamery
Image<Hsv, Byte> obraz1_hsv = new Image<Hsv, byte>(obraz1.Bitmap);
CvInvoke.cvCvtColor(obraz1, obraz1_hsv, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.COLOR_CONVERSION.BGR2HSV);
obraz1_v = obraz1_hsv.Split()[2];
bin_obraz1_bialy = obraz1_v.InRange(new Gray(265 - tbCzulosc.Value), new Gray(240 + tbCzulosc.Value));
CvInvoke.cvErode(bin_obraz1_bialy, bin_obraz1_bialy, rect_12, 5);
CvInvoke.cvDilate(bin_obraz1_bialy, bin_obraz1_bialy, rect_6, 5);
Status.pb2.Image = bin_obraz1_bialy.Bitmap;
//składowa V i obraz binarny światła na tle
Image<Hsv, Byte> tlo_hsv = new Image<Hsv, byte>(tlo.Bitmap);
CvInvoke.cvCvtColor(tlo, tlo_hsv, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.COLOR_CONVERSION.BGR2HSV);
tlo_v = tlo_hsv.Split()[2];
bin_tlo_bialy = tlo_v.InRange(new Gray(250), new Gray(255));
CvInvoke.cvErode(bin_tlo_bialy, bin_tlo_bialy, rect_12, 5);
CvInvoke.cvDilate(bin_tlo_bialy, bin_tlo_bialy, rect_6, 5);
Status.pb4.Image = bin_tlo_bialy.Bitmap;
//różnica powyższych
Image<Gray, Byte> bin_diff = new Image<Gray, byte>(tlo.Bitmap);
bin_diff = bin_obraz1_bialy - bin_tlo_bialy;
Status.pb5.Image = bin_diff.Bitmap;
//kontury na swietle
MemStorage mem = new MemStorage();
Contour<Point> kontur_all = bin_diff.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST, mem);
Contour<Point> kontur = null; //kontur ktory bedzie brany pod uwage
//okreslanie najwiekszego konturu
while (kontur_all != null)
double rozmiar = 0;
if (kontur != null) rozmiar = kontur.Area;
if (kontur_all.Area > rozmiar)
kontur = kontur_all;
kontur_all = kontur_all.HNext;
if (kontur != null && kontur.Area > 500)
kontur = kontur.ApproxPoly(kontur.Perimeter * 0.0025, mem);
obraz1_mod.Draw(kontur, new Bgr(Color.Red), 12);
st = true;
st = false;
//wyswietlanie obrazu z kamerki z naznaczonymi konturami
pb1.Image = obraz1_mod.Bitmap;
//wyswietlanie tla
Status.pb3.Image = tlo.Bitmap;
示例8: myKinect_ColorFrameReady
void myKinect_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
if (colorFrame == null) return;
bmap = OpenCV2WPFConverter.ColorImageFrameToBitmap(colorFrame);
imgBgr = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(bmap);
imgHsv = new Image<Hsv, Byte>(bmap);
if (imgBgr == null || imgHsv == null) return;
processedBgr = imgBgr.InRange(new Bgr(B_min, G_min, R_min), new Bgr(B_max, G_max, R_max));
processedHsv = imgHsv.InRange(new Hsv(H_min, S_min, V_min), new Hsv(H_max, S_max, V_max));
//0,130,0 ~ 120, 256, 120 for green color.
processedBgr = processedBgr.SmoothGaussian(7);
processedHsv = processedHsv.SmoothGaussian(7);
CircleF[] circlesBgr = processedBgr.HoughCircles(cannyThreshold, circleAccumulatorThreshold
, 2, processedBgr.Height / 8 , 8, 40)[0];
CircleF[] circlesHsv = processedBgr.HoughCircles(cannyThreshold, circleAccumulatorThreshold
, 2, processedHsv.Height / 8, 8, 40)[0];
HsvCircleCount = 0;
RgbCircleCount = 0;
// Draw Circles for RBG video stream
foreach (CircleF circle in circlesBgr)
RgbCircleCount += 1;
imgBgr.Draw(circle, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Bisque), 3);
// Draw Circles for HSV video stream
foreach (CircleF circle in circlesHsv)
HsvCircleCount += 1;
imgBgr.Draw(circle, new Bgr(System.Drawing.Color.Bisque), 3);
kinectVideo.Source = OpenCV2WPFConverter.ToBitmapSource(imgBgr);
HsvVideo.Source = OpenCV2WPFConverter.ToBitmapSource(processedHsv);
RgbVideo.Source = OpenCV2WPFConverter.ToBitmapSource(processedBgr);
//control the distance of different circles!
this.HsvCircleUI.Content = HsvCircleCount.ToString();
this.RgbCircleUI.Content = RgbCircleCount.ToString();
示例9: Form1
public Form1()
Image<Gray, Byte> imgProcessed;
string src = @"Bilinear_interpolation.png";
Image<Bgr, Byte> newimgOriginal;
newimgOriginal = new Image<Bgr, byte>((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(src));
imgProcessed = newimgOriginal.InRange(new Bgr(0, 0, 0), new Bgr(100, 100, 100));
//newimgOriginal[1, 1] = newimgOriginal[1, 1];// newimgOriginal[]
int k = 3;
Image<Bgr, Byte> zoom_img = new Image<Bgr, byte>(imgProcessed.Width * k, imgProcessed.Height * k);
for (int i = 0; i < imgProcessed.Height * k; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < imgProcessed.Width * k; j++)
if (i % k == 0)//i
if (j % k == 0)//j
zoom_img[i, j] = newimgOriginal[i / k, j / k];
else// j%k+1
Bgr color_l = newimgOriginal[i / k, j / k];
Bgr color_r;
if ((j / k) + 1 < newimgOriginal.Width)
color_r = newimgOriginal[i / k, (j / k)+1];
color_r = color_l;
Bgr bgr = new Bgr((color_l.Blue + color_r.Blue) / 2, (color_l.Green + color_r.Green) / 2, (color_l.Red + color_r.Red) / 2);
zoom_img[i, j] = bgr;
else //i
if (j % k == 0)//j
Bgr color_l = newimgOriginal[i / k, j / k];
Bgr color_r;
if ((i / k) + 1 < newimgOriginal.Height)
color_r = newimgOriginal[Convert.ToInt32((i / k) + 1), j / k];
color_r = color_l;
Bgr bgr = new Bgr((color_l.Blue + color_r.Blue) / 2, (color_l.Green + color_r.Green) / 2, (color_l.Red + color_r.Red) / 2);
zoom_img[i, j] = bgr;
else //j
Bgr color_l_t = newimgOriginal[i / k, j / k];
Bgr color_r_t;
if ((i / k) + 1 < newimgOriginal.Height)
color_r_t = newimgOriginal[(i / k) + 1, j / k];
color_r_t = color_l_t;
Bgr bgr_top = new Bgr((color_l_t.Blue + color_r_t.Blue) / 2, (color_l_t.Green + color_r_t.Green) / 2, (color_l_t.Red + color_r_t.Red) / 2);
Bgr bgr_bottom;
if ((j / k) + 1 < newimgOriginal.Width)
Bgr color_l_b = newimgOriginal[i / k, (j / k) + 1];
Bgr color_r_b;
if ((i / k) + 1 < newimgOriginal.Height)
color_r_b = newimgOriginal[(i / k) + 1, (j / k) + 1];
color_r_b = color_l_b;
bgr_bottom = new Bgr((color_l_b.Blue + color_r_b.Blue) / 2, (color_l_b.Green + color_r_b.Green) / 2, (color_l_b.Red + color_r_b.Red) / 2);
bgr_bottom = bgr_top;
Bgr bgr = new Bgr((bgr_top.Blue + bgr_bottom.Blue) / 2, (bgr_top.Green + bgr_bottom.Green) / 2, (bgr_top.Red + bgr_bottom.Red) / 2);
zoom_img[i, j] = bgr;
// imgProcessed = matrix_new.ToImage;
// CvInvoke.ma
//Image<Bgr, Byte> img = matrix_new.QueryFrame().ToImage<Bgr, Byte>();
new_img_box.Image = newimgOriginal;
this.zoom_img_block.Image = zoom_img;
示例10: RefreshWindow
/* Odświezanie okna z obrazem */
void RefreshWindow(object sender, EventArgs arg)
//Pobieranie ramki
image = capture.QueryFrame();
image = image.Flip(FLIP.HORIZONTAL);
imageBox1.Image = image;
//YCbCr or Bgr(RGB)
//Warto zwrócić uwagę na to że Ycc to Y,Cr,Cb a nie Y,Cb,Cr, oraz Bgr to Blue,Green,Red
if (radioButton1.Checked)
imageGray = image.Resize((double)nupScale.Value, INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC).Convert<Ycc, Byte>().
InRange(new Ycc((double)nudW1.Value, (double)nudW3.Value, (double)nudW2.Value), new Ycc((double)nudW4.Value, (double)nudW6.Value, (double)nudW5.Value));
imageGray = image.InRange(new Bgr((double)nudW3.Value, (double)nudW2.Value, (double)nudW1.Value), new Bgr((double)nudW6.Value, (double)nudW5.Value, (double)nudW4.Value));
if (medianCB.Checked)
imageGray = imageGray.SmoothMedian((int)nudMedian.Value);
//Image<Gray, Byte> sgm = new Image<Gray, Byte>(imageGray.Size);
Bitmap bmp = imageGray.ToBitmap();
Blob[] blob = bc.GetObjectsInformation();
//one hand version
//int iters = bc.ObjectsCount > 1 ? 1 : bc.ObjectsCount;
int iters = bc.ObjectsCount > 2 ? 2 : bc.ObjectsCount;
if(iters > 1) {
//both hands version
//lewa reka to ta z prawej strony obrazu (zwierciadlo), nie zakladamy ze user gestykuluje na krzyz, keep it simple
blob = blob.Take(2).OrderByDescending(a => a.CenterOfGravity.X).ToArray<Blob>();
int centerOfGravityLHandX = 0, centerOfGravityLHandY = 0, centerOfGravityRHandX = 0, centerOfGravityRHandY = 0;
string[] gestureLabel = new string[2];
int i = 0;
for (; i < iters; ++i) {
IntPoint minXY, maxXY;
PointsCloud.GetBoundingRectangle(bc.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blob[i]), out minXY, out maxXY);
Bitmap clonimage = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone();
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, imageGray.Width, imageGray.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat);
Drawing.Rectangle(data, blob[i].Rectangle, Color.White);
int X = maxXY.X, Y = maxXY.Y;
int x = minXY.X, y = minXY.Y;
observed[0,i] = blob[i].Fullness;
/* malinowska kryjaka liczy obwod ze wzoru na prostokąt, nasza liczy piksele krawedziowe */
//Malinowska(i) = (2*bb(3)+2*bb(4))/(2*sqrt(pi*S)) - 1;
observed[2,i] = (double)(bc.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blob[i]).Count) / 2 / Math.Sqrt(Math.PI * blob[i].Area) - 1;
//MalinowskaZ(i) = 2*sqrt(pi*S)/(2*bb(3)+2*bb(4));
observed[3,i] = 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.PI * blob[i].Area) / (double)(bc.GetBlobsEdgePoints(blob[i]).Count);
int gx = (int)blob[i].CenterOfGravity.X, gy = (int)blob[i].CenterOfGravity.Y;
//Sprawdzenie która ręka prawa, a która lewa
if (gx > centerOfGravityRHandX)
centerOfGravityLHandX = centerOfGravityRHandX;
centerOfGravityLHandY = centerOfGravityRHandY;
centerOfGravityRHandX = gx;
centerOfGravityRHandY = gy;
centerOfGravityLHandX = gx;
centerOfGravityLHandY = gy;
double blairsum = 0;
int ftx = 0, ftxMax = 0;
byte[, ,] dd = imageGray.Data;
for (int j = y; j < Y; ++j) {
if (ftx > ftxMax) ftxMax = ftx;
ftx = 0;//bo moze sie zdazyc ze zliczy wiecej linii naraz, patrz: idealny prostokat
for (int k = x; k < X; ++k) {
if (dd[j, k, 0] != 0) {
blairsum += (k - gx) * (k - gx) + (j - gy) * (j - gy);//distance squared
} else {
if (ftx > ftxMax) ftxMax = ftx;
ftx = 0;
dd[j, k, 0] = 255;
/* aby policzyc ftyMax trzeba puscic jeszcze jedna petle tak aby wewnetrzna szla po y-kach
* ale mozna tez aproksymowac ftYmax przez boundingbox.Y, wtedy
* przewidywalem najwieksze rozbieznosci przy skosnych lub dziurawych obiektach;
* ale blad byl ponizej procenta, wiec szkoda tracic czas na kolejne O(n*n)
int fty = 0, ftyMax = 0;
for (int j = x; j < X; ++j) {
if (fty > ftyMax) ftyMax = fty;
示例11: getBlueHsvMask
public Image<Gray, Byte> getBlueHsvMask(Image<Hsv, Byte> src, Hsv blue_min, Hsv blue_max)
Image<Gray, Byte> TMP = new Image<Gray, byte>(src.Width, src.Height);
TMP = src.InRange(blue_min, blue_max);
return TMP;
示例12: FindCirclesAndLinesWithHough
public static Bitmap FindCirclesAndLinesWithHough(Image<Bgr, byte> source)
frameBgr = source;
frameGray = frameBgr[0]
.ThresholdBinary(VideoParameters.Default.GrayFrameThresholdLow, VideoParameters.Default.GrayFrameThresholdHigh)
frameCanny = HoughTransform.GetCanny(frameGray);
var blackGray = new Gray(0);
var blackBgr = new Bgr(Color.Black);
frameCanny.SetValue(blackGray, RobotMask);
var lines = HoughTransform.GetLines(frameCanny);
Lines = lines;
var height = VisionData.FrameSize.Height;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.Length < 10 /*&& IsLineWhite(frameBgr, line)*/)
var polygon = new[]
new Point(line.P1.X, line.P1.Y + 5),
new Point(line.P1.X, 0),
new Point(line.P2.X, 0),
new Point(line.P2.X, line.P2.Y + 5)
var newLine = GetEdgeLine(line.P1, line.P2);
var polygon = new[]
new Point(newLine.P1.X, newLine.P1.Y),
new Point(newLine.P1.X, newLine.P1.Y - height),
new Point(newLine.P2.X, newLine.P2.Y - height),
new Point(newLine.P2.X, newLine.P2.Y)
frameCanny.FillConvexPoly(polygon, blackGray);
frameBgr.FillConvexPoly(polygon, blackBgr);
//frameCanny.Draw(line, new Gray(0), 5);
//Lines = HoughTransform.FilterLines(lines);
Circles = HoughTransform.GetCircles(frameCanny.Bitmap);
//var points = EdgeFinder.GetTopArea(blue, lines);
//canny.FillConvexPoly(points.ToArray(), new Gray(155));
//var contours = EdgeFinder.GetContours(canny);
//foreach (var contour in contours)
// canny.FillConvexPoly(contour.ToArray(), new Gray(150));
// HACK: Testing))
switch (channel)
case 1:
return frameBgr.Bitmap;
case 2:
return frameGray.Convert<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
case 3:
return frameCanny.Convert<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
case 4:
return new Image<Bgr, byte>(HoughTransform.CircleTransformation.ToBitmap()).Bitmap;
case 5:
return frameBgr.CopyBlank().Bitmap;
case 6:
var frame = frameBgr.InRange(
new Bgr(0, 0, 50),
new Bgr(VideoParameters.Default.RedThresholdBlue, VideoParameters.Default.RedThresholdGreen, VideoParameters.Default.RedThresholdRed));
return frame
.Convert<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
case 7:
var frame2 = frameBgr.InRange(
new Bgr(50, 0, 0),
new Bgr(VideoParameters.Default.BlueThresholdBlue, VideoParameters.Default.BlueThresholdGreen, VideoParameters.Default.BlueThresholdRed));
return frame2
.Convert<Bgr, byte>().Bitmap;
case 8:
var rectanglesRed = FindRedGoalRectangles();
var i = 1;
foreach (var rectangle in rectanglesRed.OrderBy(x => x.Size.Width))
frameBgr.Draw(rectangle, new Bgr(Color.Red), 3);
frameBgr.Draw(i.ToString(), ref Font, rectangle.Location + new Size(10, 10), new Bgr(Color.DarkRed));
var rectanglesBlue = FindBlueGoalRectangles();
i = 1;
foreach (var rectangle in rectanglesBlue.OrderBy(x => x.Size.Width))
示例13: SearchForObjects
public Rectangle SearchForObjects(Image<Hsv, Byte> hsv)
rectangles = new List<Rectangle>();
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; i= i+2)
Image<Gray, Byte> rangedImg = hsv.InRange(colors[i], colors[i + 1]);
Rectangle rectangle = rec.getBoundingBox(rangedImg);
if (rectangle.Height != 0)
if (rectangles.Count == 0)
return new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
return BiggestRectangle(rectangles);
示例14: ColorGrabber
void ColorGrabber(object sender, EventArgs e)
currentFrame = grabber.QueryFrame();
if (currentFrame != null)
currentFrameCopy = currentFrame.Copy();
Image<Hsv, Byte> hsvimg = currentFrameCopy.Convert<Hsv, Byte>();
Image<Gray, Byte>[] channels = hsvimg.Split();
Image<Gray, Byte> imghue = channels[0];
Image<Gray, Byte> huefilter = currentFrame.InRange(new Bgr(100,0,0),new Bgr(256,100,100));
imageBoxSkin.Image = huefilter;
imageBoxFrameGrabber.Image = currentFrame;
// DrawAndComputeFingersNum();
if(huefilter == currentFrame.InRange(new Bgr(100,0,0),new Bgr(256,100,100)) )
{ blue = 6; }
示例15: binaryThresholdNiBlack
private Image<Gray, Byte> binaryThresholdNiBlack(Image<Gray, Byte> handImage)
Gray media;
MCvScalar desest;
MCvScalar mediaValue;
double cv;
double Kder = 2;
double Kizq = 0.2;
double Rizq = 0;
double Rder = 0;
handImage.AvgSdv(out media, out desest);
mediaValue = media.MCvScalar;
cv = desest.v0 / mediaValue.v0;
if (mediaValue.v0 < 30.0)
Kder = 2.3;
Rizq = mediaValue.v0 - (Kizq * desest.v0);
Rder = mediaValue.v0 + (Kder * desest.v0);
//saveStatictics(numFrames, mediaValue.v0, desest.v0, cv, Rizq, Rder);
handImage = handImage.InRange(new Gray(Rizq), new Gray(Rder));
handImage.Save(path2 + numFrames.ToString() + "_Inv.png");
//handImage = handImage.Not();
//handImage = handImage.ThresholdBinary(media, new Gray(255));
handImage = closeOperation(handImage);
handImage = openingOperation(handImage);
return handImage;
}//end BinaryThresholdNiBlack