本文整理汇总了C#中Grid.UpdatePoints方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Grid.UpdatePoints方法的具体用法?C# Grid.UpdatePoints怎么用?C# Grid.UpdatePoints使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Grid
示例1: Generate
public static List<GPoint> Generate (Grid g, GPoint.PType walkType, int steps)
//make the last direction random, to randomise the opposite of the first direction
//start at 1
//pick a new direction
//if the direction is okay
//move the test vector
//if the new position is in bounds
//add the point
//iterate the loop
//set the last direction to the new direction
List<GPoint> points = new List<GPoint> ();
//set the scanpoint in the middle of the grid
ScanPoint scan = new ScanPoint (g.GetSize () / 2);
//set the last direction as a new direction
Direction lastDir = PickNewDirection ();
//set the stepcount at 1
int stepcount = 1;
//if the stepcount is less than or equal to the max number of steps
while (stepcount<=steps) {
//pick a new direction and set it as the new direction
Direction newDir = PickNewDirection ();
//if the new direction is not the opposite of the last direction
if (IsValidDirection (newDir, lastDir)) {
//move the testposition in the new direction
Vector2 testPos = scan.VirtualMove (newDir);
//check if the new position is within the constraints
if (g.PositionInBounds (testPos)) {
//if it is, move the scanpoint in the direction
scan.Move (newDir);
//iterate the stepcount
//add a new gpoint to the list of the designated type
points.Add (new GPoint (scan.Position (), walkType));
//Debug.Log ("point added to grid at " + scan.Position ());
//set the last dir to the new dir to ensure accurate direction checking
//when the loop repeats
lastDir = newDir;
//otherwise, do absolutely nothing
Debug.Log ("generated a " + points.Count + " point line of " + walkType);
Grid tg = new Grid (g);
tg.Clear ();
tg.UpdatePoints (points);
List<GPoint> processed = new List<GPoint> ();
processed = PostProcess (tg, walkType, walkType);
return processed;
示例2: MergeGrids
static Grid MergeGrids (Grid a, Grid b)
a.UpdatePoints (b);
return a;
示例3: FixRoads
public static List<GPoint> FixRoads (Grid g, List<GPoint> rVHplusO, Vector2 blockSize)
//we will need to create a temporary grid that contains all of the new points
//then iterate through it by the blocksize as done earlier
//for each intersection check if there is a road to the left or down
//if there is one left, then create a vertical road as done earlier
//if there is one down, then create a horizontal road as done earlier
//also create an intersection at the point
List<GPoint> fixedRoads = new List<GPoint> ();
Grid tG = new Grid (g);
tG.Fill (GPoint.PType.TILE_GRASS);
tG.UpdatePoints (rVHplusO);
for (float ix=1.0f; ix<tG.GetXYMax().x; ix+=blockSize.x) {
//iterate up by blocksize
for (float iy=1.0f; iy<tG.GetXYMax().y; iy+=blockSize.y) {
//iterate right by blocksize
//set the scan point to the current position on the grid
ScanPoint sp1 = new ScanPoint (new Vector2 (ix, iy));
//move the scanpoint to the left and check if is anything but background
if (!tG.GetPoint (sp1.VirtualMove (Direction.w)).IsBackgroundTile ()) {
//create a vertical road blocksize.y units long
//probably going to do this with a for loop
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (sp1.Position (), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADI));
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (new Vector2 (sp1.Position ().x, sp1.Position ().y + blockSize.y), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADI));
for (float iy2 = 1.0f; iy2<blockSize.y; iy2+=1.0f) {
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (new Vector2 (sp1.Position ().x, sp1.Position ().y + iy2), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADV));
if (!tG.GetPoint (sp1.VirtualMove (Direction.s)).IsBackgroundTile ()) {
//create a horizontal road blocksize.x units long
//probably going to do this with a for loop
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (sp1.Position (), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADI));
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (new Vector2 (sp1.Position ().x + blockSize.x, sp1.Position ().y), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADI));
for (float ix2 = 1.0f; ix2<blockSize.x; ix2+=1.0f) {
fixedRoads.Add (new GPoint (new Vector2 (sp1.Position ().x + ix2, sp1.Position ().y), GPoint.PType.TILE_ROADH));
return fixedRoads;
示例4: MergeBufferDown
public static Grid MergeBufferDown (List<Grid> buffer, Grid g)
//Debug.Log ("merging the buffer to the game grid...");
//Grid outputGrid = new Grid (g);
foreach (Grid bg in buffer) {
//Debug.Log ("merging a grid");
g.UpdatePoints (MergeGrids (g, bg));
return g;