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C++ unit::underlying_id方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中unit::underlying_id方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ unit::underlying_id方法的具体用法?C++ unit::underlying_id怎么用?C++ unit::underlying_id使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在unit的用法示例。



 * Constructor from a unit.
clearer_info::clearer_info(const unit & viewer) :

示例2: clear_dest

 * Clears shroud (and fog) at the provided location and its immediate neighbors.
 * This is an aid for the [teleport] action, allowing the destination to be
 * cleared before teleporting, while the unit's full visual range gets cleared
 * after.
 * The @a viewer is needed for correct firing of sighted events.
 * @return whether or not information was uncovered (i.e. returns true if the
 *         locations in question were fogged/shrouded under shared vision/maps).
bool shroud_clearer::clear_dest(const map_location &dest, const unit &viewer)
	team & viewing_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(viewer.side());
	// A pair of dummy variables needed to simplify some logic.
	std::size_t enemies, friends;

	// Abort if there is nothing to clear.
	if ( !viewing_team.fog_or_shroud() )
		return false;

	// Cache some values.
	const map_location & real_loc = viewer.get_location();
	const std::size_t viewer_id = viewer.underlying_id();

	// Clear the destination.
	bool cleared_something = clear_loc(viewing_team, dest, dest, real_loc,
	                                   viewer_id, true, enemies, friends);

	// Clear the adjacent hexes (will be seen even if vision is 0, and the
	// graphics do not work so well for an isolated cleared hex).
	adjacent_loc_array_t adjacent;
	get_adjacent_tiles(dest, adjacent.data());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < adjacent.size(); ++i )
		if ( clear_loc(viewing_team, adjacent[i], dest, real_loc, viewer_id,
		               true, enemies, friends) )
			cleared_something = true;

	if ( cleared_something )

	return cleared_something;

示例3: record_sighting

 * Convenience wrapper for adding sighting data to the sightings_ vector.
inline void shroud_clearer::record_sighting(
	const unit & seen, const map_location & seen_loc,
	size_t sighter_id, const map_location & sighter_loc)
	sightings_.push_back(sight_data(seen.underlying_id(), seen_loc,
	                                sighter_id, sighter_loc));

示例4: clear_unit

 * Clears shroud (and fog) around the provided location for @a view_team
 * as if @a viewer was standing there.
 * This will also record sighted events, which should be either fired or
 * explicitly dropped.
 * This should only be called if delayed shroud updates is off.
 * It is wasteful to call this if view_team uses neither fog nor shroud.
 * @param known_units      These locations are not checked for uncovered units.
 * @param enemy_count      Incremented for each enemy uncovered (excluding known_units).
 * @param friend_count     Incremented for each friend uncovered (excluding known_units).
 * @param spectator        Will be told of uncovered units (excluding known_units).
 * @param instant          If false, then drawing delays (used to make movement look better) are allowed.
 * @return whether or not information was uncovered (i.e. returns true if any
 *         locations in visual range were fogged/shrouded under shared vision/maps).
bool shroud_clearer::clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc,
                                const unit &viewer, team &view_team,
                                const std::set<map_location>* known_units,
                                std::size_t * enemy_count, std::size_t * friend_count,
                                move_unit_spectator * spectator, bool instant)
	// This is just a translation to the more general interface. It is
	// not inlined so that vision.hpp does not have to include unit.hpp.
	return clear_unit(view_loc, view_team, viewer.underlying_id(),
	                  viewer.vision(), viewer.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED),
	                  viewer.movement_type().get_vision(), viewer.get_location(),
	                  known_units, enemy_count, friend_count, spectator, instant);

示例5: record_sighting

 * Convenience wrapper for adding sighting data to the sightings_ vector.
inline void shroud_clearer::record_sighting(
	const unit & seen, const map_location & seen_loc,
	std::size_t sighter_id, const map_location & sighter_loc)
	sightings_.emplace_back(seen.underlying_id(), seen_loc, sighter_id, sighter_loc);


 * Convenience constructor for when an event has a unit that needs to be
 * filtered as if it was in a different location, and the caller does not
 * want to explicitly get the unit's location and underlying ID.
entity_location::entity_location(const unit &u, const map_location & filter_loc)
	: map_location(u.get_location())
	, id_(u.underlying_id())
	, filter_loc_(filter_loc)
