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C++ unit::side方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中unit::side方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ unit::side方法的具体用法?C++ unit::side怎么用?C++ unit::side使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在unit的用法示例。


示例1: destinations

pathfind::paths::paths(gamemap const &map, unit_map const &units,
		const unit& u, std::vector<team> const &teams,
		bool force_ignore_zoc, bool allow_teleport, const team &viewing_team,
		int additional_turns, bool see_all, bool ignore_units)
	: destinations()
	if (u.side() < 1 || u.side() > int(teams.size())) {

	find_routes(map, units, u,
		u.movement_left(), destinations, teams, force_ignore_zoc,
		see_all, ignore_units);

示例2: rate_terrain

int aspect_attacks::rate_terrain(const unit& u, const map_location& loc)
	gamemap &map_ = *resources::game_map;
	const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map_.get_terrain(loc);
	const int defense = u.defense_modifier(terrain);
	int rating = 100 - defense;

	const int healing_value = 10;
	const int friendly_village_value = 5;
	const int neutral_village_value = 10;
	const int enemy_village_value = 15;

	if(map_.gives_healing(terrain) && u.get_ability_bool("regenerate",loc) == false) {
		rating += healing_value;

	if(map_.is_village(terrain)) {
		int owner = village_owner(loc, *resources::teams) + 1;

		if(owner == u.side()) {
			rating += friendly_village_value;
		} else if(owner == 0) {
			rating += neutral_village_value;
		} else {
			rating += enemy_village_value;

	return rating;

示例3: clear_dest

 * Clears shroud (and fog) at the provided location and its immediate neighbors.
 * This is an aid for the [teleport] action, allowing the destination to be
 * cleared before teleporting, while the unit's full visual range gets cleared
 * after.
 * The @a viewer is needed for correct firing of sighted events.
 * @return whether or not information was uncovered (i.e. returns true if the
 *         locations in question were fogged/shrouded under shared vision/maps).
bool shroud_clearer::clear_dest(const map_location &dest, const unit &viewer)
	team & viewing_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(viewer.side());
	// A pair of dummy variables needed to simplify some logic.
	std::size_t enemies, friends;

	// Abort if there is nothing to clear.
	if ( !viewing_team.fog_or_shroud() )
		return false;

	// Cache some values.
	const map_location & real_loc = viewer.get_location();
	const std::size_t viewer_id = viewer.underlying_id();

	// Clear the destination.
	bool cleared_something = clear_loc(viewing_team, dest, dest, real_loc,
	                                   viewer_id, true, enemies, friends);

	// Clear the adjacent hexes (will be seen even if vision is 0, and the
	// graphics do not work so well for an isolated cleared hex).
	adjacent_loc_array_t adjacent;
	get_adjacent_tiles(dest, adjacent.data());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < adjacent.size(); ++i )
		if ( clear_loc(viewing_team, adjacent[i], dest, real_loc, viewer_id,
		               true, enemies, friends) )
			cleared_something = true;

	if ( cleared_something )

	return cleared_something;


ttactic2::ttactic2(game_display& gui, std::vector<team>& teams, unit_map& units, hero_map& heros, unit& tactician, int operate)
	: gui_(gui)
	, teams_(teams)
	, units_(units)
	, heros_(heros)
	, tactician_(tactician)
	, operate_(operate)
	, candidate_()
	, valid_()
	, cannot_valid_(false)
	, selected_(-1)
	if (tactician_.master().tactic_ != HEROS_NO_TACTIC) {
	if (tactician_.second().valid() && tactician_.second().tactic_ != HEROS_NO_TACTIC) {
	if (tactician_.third().valid() && tactician_.third().tactic_ != HEROS_NO_TACTIC) {
	if (operate_ == ACTIVE) {
		std::vector<unit*> actives = teams_[tactician.side() - 1].active_tactics();
		if ((int)actives.size() >= game_config::active_tactic_slots || 
			std::find(actives.begin(), actives.end(), &tactician) != actives.end()) {
			cannot_valid_ = true;


		  const std::vector<teleport_group>& groups
		, const unit& u
		, const team &viewing_team
		, const bool see_all
		, const bool ignore_units)
	: teleport_map_()
	, sources_()
	, targets_()

	foreach(const teleport_group& group, groups) {

		teleport_pair locations;
		group.get_teleport_pair(locations, u, ignore_units);
		if (!see_all && !group.always_visible() && viewing_team.is_enemy(u.side())) {
			teleport_pair filter_locs;
			foreach(const map_location &loc, locations.first)
			foreach(const map_location &loc, locations.second)

示例6: unit_can_move

bool display_context::unit_can_move(const unit &u) const
	if(!u.attacks_left() && u.movement_left()==0)
		return false;

	// Units with goto commands that have already done their gotos this turn
	// (i.e. don't have full movement left) should have red globes.
	if(u.has_moved() && u.has_goto()) {
		return false;

	const team &current_team = get_team(u.side());

	map_location locs[6];
	get_adjacent_tiles(u.get_location(), locs);
	for(int n = 0; n != 6; ++n) {
		if (map().on_board(locs[n])) {
			const unit_map::const_iterator i = units().find(locs[n]);
			if (i.valid() && !i->incapacitated() &&
			    current_team.is_enemy(i->side())) {
				return true;

			if (u.movement_cost(map()[locs[n]]) <= u.movement_left()) {
				return true;

	return false;

示例7: path_cost

int path_cost(std::vector<map_location> const& path, unit const& u)
	if(path.size() < 2)
		return 0;

	map_location const& dest = path.back();
	if((resources::game_map->is_village(dest) && !resources::teams->at(u.side()-1).owns_village(dest))
			|| pathfind::enemy_zoc(*resources::teams,dest,resources::teams->at(u.side()-1),u.side()))
		return u.total_movement();

	int result = 0;
	gamemap const& map = *resources::game_map;
	BOOST_FOREACH(map_location const& loc, std::make_pair(path.begin()+1,path.end()))
		result += u.movement_cost(map[loc]);
	return result;

示例8: post_create

void unit_creator::post_create(const map_location &loc, const unit &new_unit, bool anim)

	if (discover_) {

	bool show = show_ && (resources::screen !=nullptr) && !resources::screen->fogged(loc);
	bool animate = show && anim;

	if (get_village_) {
		if (board_->map().is_village(loc)) {
			actions::get_village(loc, new_unit.side());

	// Only fire the events if it's safe; it's not if we're in the middle of play_controller::reset_gamestate()
	if (resources::lua_kernel != nullptr) {
		resources::game_events->pump().fire("unit_placed", loc);

	if (resources::screen!=nullptr) {

		if (invalidate_ ) {

		if (animate) {
		} else if (show) {

示例9: calc

	std::vector<map_location> fake_unit_path(const unit& fake_unit, const std::vector<std::string>& xvals, const std::vector<std::string>& yvals)
		const gamemap *game_map = & resources::gameboard->map();
		std::vector<map_location> path;
		map_location src;
		map_location dst;
		for(size_t i = 0; i != std::min(xvals.size(),yvals.size()); ++i) {
				src.x = atoi(xvals[i].c_str())-1;
				src.y = atoi(yvals[i].c_str())-1;
				if (!game_map->on_board(src)) {
					ERR_CF << "invalid move_unit_fake source: " << src << '\n';
			pathfind::shortest_path_calculator calc(fake_unit,

			dst.x = atoi(xvals[i].c_str())-1;
			dst.y = atoi(yvals[i].c_str())-1;
			if (!game_map->on_board(dst)) {
				ERR_CF << "invalid move_unit_fake destination: " << dst << '\n';

			pathfind::plain_route route = pathfind::a_star_search(src, dst, 10000, &calc,
				game_map->w(), game_map->h());

			if (route.steps.empty()) {
				WRN_NG << "Could not find move_unit_fake route from " << src << " to " << dst << ": ignoring complexities" << std::endl;
				pathfind::emergency_path_calculator calc(fake_unit, *game_map);

				route = pathfind::a_star_search(src, dst, 10000, &calc,
						game_map->w(), game_map->h());
				if(route.steps.empty()) {
					// This would occur when trying to do a MUF of a unit
					// over locations which are unreachable to it (infinite movement
					// costs). This really cannot fail.
					WRN_NG << "Could not find move_unit_fake route from " << src << " to " << dst << ": ignoring terrain" << std::endl;
					pathfind::dummy_path_calculator calc(fake_unit, *game_map);
					route = a_star_search(src, dst, 10000, &calc, game_map->w(), game_map->h());
			// we add this section to the end of the complete path
			// skipping section's head because already included
			// by the previous iteration
					route.steps.begin()+1, route.steps.end());

			src = dst;
		return path;

示例10: destinations

 * Construct a list of paths for the specified unit.
 * This function is used for several purposes, including showing a unit's
 * potential moves and generating currently possible paths.
 * @param u                The unit whose moves and movement type will be used.
 * @param force_ignore_zoc Set to true to completely ignore zones of control.
 * @param allow_teleport   Set to true to consider teleportation abilities.
 * @param viewing_team     Usually the current team, except for "show enemy moves", etc.
 * @param additional_turns The number of turns to account for, in addition to the current.
 * @param see_all          Set to true to remove unit visibility from consideration.
 * @param ignore_units     Set to true if units should never obstruct paths (implies ignoring ZoC as well).
paths::paths(const unit& u, bool force_ignore_zoc,
		bool allow_teleport, const team &viewing_team,
		int additional_turns, bool see_all, bool ignore_units)
	: destinations()
	std::vector<team> const &teams = *resources::teams;
	if (u.side() < 1 || u.side() > int(teams.size())) {

	find_routes(u.get_location(), u.movement_type().get_movement(),
	            u.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED), u.movement_left(),
	            u.total_movement(), additional_turns, destinations, NULL,
	            allow_teleport ? &u : NULL,
	            ignore_units ? NULL : &teams[u.side()-1],
	            force_ignore_zoc ? NULL : &u,
	            see_all ? NULL : &viewing_team);

示例11: clear_unit

 * Clears shroud (and fog) around the provided location as if @a viewer
 * was standing there.
 * This version of shroud_clearer::clear_unit() will abort if the viewer's
 * team uses neither fog nor shroud. If @a can_delay is left as true, then
 * this function also aborts on the viewing team's turn if delayed shroud
 * updates is on. (Not supplying a team suggests that it would be inconvenient
 * for the caller to check these.)
 * In addition, if @a invalidate is left as true, invalidate_after_clear()
 * will be called.
 * Setting @a instant to false allows some drawing delays that are used to
 * make movement look better.
 * @return whether or not information was uncovered (i.e. returns true if any
 *         locations in visual range were fogged/shrouded under shared vision/maps).
bool shroud_clearer::clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, const unit &viewer,
                                bool can_delay, bool invalidate, bool instant)
	team & viewing_team = resources::gameboard->get_team(viewer.side());

	// Abort if there is nothing to clear.
	if ( !viewing_team.fog_or_shroud() )
		return false;
	if ( can_delay  &&  !viewing_team.auto_shroud_updates()  &&
	     viewer.side() == resources::controller->current_side()  )
		return false;

	if ( !clear_unit(view_loc, viewer, viewing_team, instant) )
		// Nothing uncovered.
		return false;

	if ( invalidate )

	return true;

示例12: add_unit_entry

static stuff_list_adder add_unit_entry(stuff_list_adder& progress, const unit& u, const display_context& dc)

	Uint32 team_color = game_config::tc_info(dc.get_team(u.side()).color())[0];
	std::stringstream s;

	s << '(' << u.get_location() << ')';
	progress.widget("loc", s.str());

	s << "<span color='#" << std::hex << team_color << std::dec;
	s << "'>side=" << u.side() << "</span>";
	progress.widget("side", s.str(), true);

	if(u.can_recruit()) {
		progress.widget("leader", "<span color='yellow'>LEADER</span> ", true);

	s << "id=\"" << u.id() << '"';
	progress.widget("id", s.str());

	progress.widget("type", u.type_id());

	s << "L" << u.level();
	progress.widget("level", s.str());

	s << u.experience() << '/' << u.max_experience() << " xp";
	progress.widget("xp", s.str());

	s << u.hitpoints() << '/' << u.max_hitpoints() << " hp";
	progress.widget("hp", s.str());

	progress.widget("traits", utils::join(u.get_traits_list(), ", "));

	return progress;


std::set<map_location> get_teleport_locations(const unit &u,
	const unit_map &units, const team &viewing_team,
	bool see_all, bool ignore_units)
	std::set<map_location> res;
	if (!u.get_ability_bool("teleport")) return res;

	const team &current_team = (*resources::teams)[u.side() - 1];
	const map_location &loc = u.get_location();
	foreach (const map_location &l, current_team.villages())
		// This must be a vacant village (or occupied by the unit)
		// to be able to teleport.
		if (!see_all && viewing_team.is_enemy(u.side()) && viewing_team.fogged(l))
		if (!ignore_units && l != loc &&
		    get_visible_unit(units, l, viewing_team, see_all))
	return res;

示例14: can_see

 * Determines if @a loc is within @a viewer's visual range.
 * This is a moderately expensive function (vision is recalculated
 * with each call), so avoid using it heavily.
 * If @a jamming is left as nullptr, the jamming map is also calculated
 * with each invocation.
static bool can_see(const unit & viewer, const map_location & loc,
                    const std::map<map_location, int> * jamming = nullptr)
	// Make sure we have a "jamming" map.
	std::map<map_location, int> local_jamming;
	if ( jamming == nullptr ) {
		create_jamming_map(local_jamming, resources::gameboard->get_team(viewer.side()));
		jamming = &local_jamming;

	// Determine which hexes this unit can see.
	pathfind::vision_path sight(viewer, viewer.get_location(), *jamming);

	return sight.destinations.contains(loc)  ||  sight.edges.count(loc) != 0;


static std::string get_image_mods(const unit& u)
	std::string res
		= "~RC(" + u.team_color() + ">" + team::get_side_color_index(u.side()) + ")";

	if (u.can_recruit()) {
		res += "~BLIT(" + unit::leader_crown() + ")";

	BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& overlay, u.overlays()) {
		res += "~BLIT(" + overlay + ")";

	return res;
