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C++ unit::is_visible_to_team方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中unit::is_visible_to_team方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ unit::is_visible_to_team方法的具体用法?C++ unit::is_visible_to_team怎么用?C++ unit::is_visible_to_team使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在unit的用法示例。



 * Returns the sides that cannot currently see @a target.
 * (Used to cache visibility before a move.)
std::vector<int> get_sides_not_seeing(const unit & target)
	const std::vector<team> & teams = resources::gameboard->teams();
	std::vector<int> not_seeing;

	std::size_t team_size = teams.size();
	for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != team_size; ++i)
		if ( !target.is_visible_to_team(teams[i], false) )
			// not_see contains side numbers; i is a team index, so add 1.

	return not_seeing;

示例2: redraw_unit

void unit_drawer::redraw_unit (const unit & u) const
	unit_animation_component & ac = u.anim_comp();
	map_location loc = u.get_location();

	int side = u.side();

	bool hidden = u.get_hidden();
	bool is_flying = u.is_flying();
	map_location::DIRECTION facing = u.facing();
	int hitpoints = u.hitpoints();
	int max_hitpoints = u.max_hitpoints();
	int movement_left = u.movement_left();
	int total_movement = u.total_movement();

	bool can_recruit = u.can_recruit();
	bool can_advance = u.can_advance();

	int experience = u.experience();
	int max_experience = u.max_experience();

	bool emit_zoc = u.emits_zoc();

	SDL_Color hp_color=u.hp_color();
	SDL_Color xp_color=u.xp_color();

	std::string ellipse=u.image_ellipse();

	if ( hidden || is_blindfolded || !u.is_visible_to_team(viewing_team_ref,map, show_everything) )
		if(ac.anim_) {

	if (!ac.anim_) {
		if (!ac.anim_) return;

	if (ac.refreshing_) return;
	ac.refreshing_ = true;

	frame_parameters params;
	const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map.get_terrain(loc);
	const terrain_type& terrain_info = map.get_terrain_info(terrain);

	// do not set to 0 so we can distinguish the flying from the "not on submerge terrain"
	// instead use -1.0 (as in "negative depth", it will be ignored by rendering)
	params.submerge= is_flying ? -1.0 : terrain_info.unit_submerge();

	if (u.invisible(loc) &&
			params.highlight_ratio > 0.5) {
		params.highlight_ratio = 0.5;
	if (loc == sel_hex && params.highlight_ratio == 1.0) {
		params.highlight_ratio = 1.5;

	int height_adjust = static_cast<int>(terrain_info.unit_height_adjust() * zoom_factor);
	if (is_flying && height_adjust < 0) {
		height_adjust = 0;
	params.y -= height_adjust;
	params.halo_y -= height_adjust;

	int red = 0,green = 0,blue = 0,tints = 0;
	double blend_ratio = 0;
	// Add future colored states here
	if(u.poisoned()) {
		green += 255;
		blend_ratio += 0.25;
		tints += 1;
	if(u.slowed()) {
		red += 191;
		green += 191;
		blue += 255;
		blend_ratio += 0.25;
		tints += 1;
	if(tints > 0) {
		params.blend_with = disp.rgb((red/tints),(green/tints),(blue/tints));
		params.blend_ratio = ((blend_ratio/tints));

	//hackish : see unit_frame::merge_parameters
	// we use image_mod on the primary image
	// and halo_mod on secondary images and all haloes
	params.image_mod = u.image_mods();
	params.halo_mod = u.TC_image_mods();
	params.image= u.default_anim_image();

	if(u.incapacitated()) params.image_mod +="~GS()";
	params.primary_frame = t_true;


示例3: actor_sighted

 * Fires sighted events for the sides that can see @a target.
 * If @a cache is supplied, only those sides might get events.
 * If @a cache is nullptr, all sides might get events.
 * This function is for the sighting *of* units that clear the shroud; it is
 * the complement of shroud_clearer::fire_events(), which handles sighting *by*
 * units that clear the shroud.
 * See get_sides_not_seeing() for a way to obtain a cache.
 * @returns true if an event has mutated the game state.
game_events::pump_result_t actor_sighted(const unit & target, const std::vector<int> * cache)
/* Current logic:
 * 1) One event is fired per side that can see the target.
 * 2) The second unit for the event is one that can see the target, if possible.
 * 3) If no units on a side can see the target, a second unit is chosen as
 *    close as possible (but this behavior should not be relied on; it is
 *    subject to change at any time, should it become inconvenient).
 * 4) A side with no units at all will not get a sighted event.
 * 5) Sides that do not use fog or shroud CAN get sighted events.
	const std::vector<team> & teams = resources::gameboard->teams();
	const std::size_t teams_size = teams.size();
	const map_location & target_loc = target.get_location();

	// Determine the teams that (probably) should get events.
	boost::dynamic_bitset<> needs_event;
	needs_event.resize(teams_size, cache == nullptr);
	if ( cache != nullptr ) {
		// Flag just the sides in the cache as needing events.
		for (int side : *cache)
			needs_event[side-1] = true;
	// Exclude the target's own team.
	needs_event[target.side()-1] = false;
	// Exclude those teams that cannot see the target.
	for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != teams_size; ++i )
		needs_event[i] = needs_event[i] && target.is_visible_to_team(teams[i], false);

	// Cache "jamming".
	std::vector< std::map<map_location, int>> jamming_cache(teams_size);
	for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != teams_size; ++i )
		if ( needs_event[i] )
			create_jamming_map(jamming_cache[i], teams[i]);

	// Look for units that can be used as the second unit in sighted events.
	std::vector<const unit *> second_units(teams_size, nullptr);
	std::vector<std::size_t> distances(teams_size, UINT_MAX);
	for (const unit & viewer : resources::gameboard->units()) {
		const std::size_t index = viewer.side() - 1;
		// Does viewer belong to a team for which we still need a unit?
		if ( needs_event[index]  &&  distances[index] != 0 ) {
			if ( can_see(viewer, target_loc, &jamming_cache[index]) ) {
				// Definitely use viewer as the second unit.
				second_units[index] = &viewer;
				distances[index] = 0;
			else {
				// Consider viewer as a backup if it is close.
				std::size_t viewer_distance =
					distance_between(target_loc, viewer.get_location());
				if ( viewer_distance < distances[index] ) {
					second_units[index] = &viewer;
					distances[index] = viewer_distance;

	// Raise events for the appropriate teams.
	const game_events::entity_location target_entity(target);
	for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != teams_size; ++i )
		if ( second_units[i] != nullptr ) {
			resources::game_events->pump().raise(sighted_str, target_entity, game_events::entity_location(*second_units[i]));

	// Fire the events and return.
	return resources::game_events->pump()();
