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C++ float3::z方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中float3::z方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ float3::z方法的具体用法?C++ float3::z怎么用?C++ float3::z使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在float3的用法示例。


示例1: DivideNode

void OCTree::DivideNode(size_t index, uint32_t curr_depth)
    if (octree_[index].obj_ptrs.size() > 1)
        size_t const this_size = octree_.size();
        AABBox const parent_bb = octree_[index].bb;
        float3 const parent_center = parent_bb.Center();
        octree_[index].first_child_index = static_cast<int>(this_size);
        octree_[index].visible = BO_No;

        octree_.resize(this_size + 8);
        for (SceneObjsType::const_reference so : octree_[index].obj_ptrs)
            AABBox const & aabb = *so->PosBoundWS();
            int mark[6];
            mark[0] = aabb.Min().x() >= parent_center.x() ? 1 : 0;
            mark[1] = aabb.Min().y() >= parent_center.y() ? 2 : 0;
            mark[2] = aabb.Min().z() >= parent_center.z() ? 4 : 0;
            mark[3] = aabb.Max().x() >= parent_center.x() ? 1 : 0;
            mark[4] = aabb.Max().y() >= parent_center.y() ? 2 : 0;
            mark[5] = aabb.Max().z() >= parent_center.z() ? 4 : 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++ j)
                if (j == ((j & 1) ? mark[3] : mark[0])
                        + ((j & 2) ? mark[4] : mark[1])
                        + ((j & 4) ? mark[5] : mark[2]))
                    octree_[this_size + j].obj_ptrs.push_back(so);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++ j)
            octree_node_t& new_node = octree_[this_size + j];
            new_node.first_child_index = -1;
            new_node.bb = AABBox(float3((j & 1) ? parent_center.x() : parent_bb.Min().x(),
                                        (j & 2) ? parent_center.y() : parent_bb.Min().y(),
                                        (j & 4) ? parent_center.z() : parent_bb.Min().z()),
                                 float3((j & 1) ? parent_bb.Max().x() : parent_center.x(),
                                        (j & 2) ? parent_bb.Max().y() : parent_center.y(),
                                        (j & 4) ? parent_bb.Max().z() : parent_center.z()));

            if (curr_depth < max_tree_depth_)
                this->DivideNode(this_size + j, curr_depth + 1);

        SceneObjsType empty;

示例2: BoundVisible

BoundOverlap OCTree::BoundVisible(size_t index, AABBox const & aabb) const
    BOOST_ASSERT(index < octree_.size());

    octree_node_t const & node = octree_[index];
    if ((node.visible != BO_No) && MathLib::intersect_aabb_aabb(node.bb, aabb))
        if (BO_Yes == node.visible)
            return BO_Yes;
            BOOST_ASSERT(BO_Partial == node.visible);

            if (node.first_child_index != -1)
                float3 const center = node.bb.Center();
                int mark[6];
                mark[0] = aabb.Min().x() >= center.x() ? 1 : 0;
                mark[1] = aabb.Min().y() >= center.y() ? 2 : 0;
                mark[2] = aabb.Min().z() >= center.z() ? 4 : 0;
                mark[3] = aabb.Max().x() >= center.x() ? 1 : 0;
                mark[4] = aabb.Max().y() >= center.y() ? 2 : 0;
                mark[5] = aabb.Max().z() >= center.z() ? 4 : 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++ j)
                    if (j == ((j & 1) ? mark[3] : mark[0])
                            + ((j & 2) ? mark[4] : mark[1])
                            + ((j & 4) ? mark[5] : mark[2]))
                        BoundOverlap const bo = this->BoundVisible(node.first_child_index + j, aabb);
                        if (bo != BO_No)
                            return bo;

                return BO_No;
                return BO_Partial;
        return BO_No;

示例3: Color

	void LightSource::Color(float3 const & clr)
		color_ = float4(clr.x(), clr.y(), clr.z(),
			MathLib::dot(clr, float3(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f)));


示例4: Direction

	// 设置声源方向
	void DSMusicBuffer::Direction(float3 const & v)
		if (ds3DBuffer_)
			ds3DBuffer_->SetConeOrientation(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例5: find_minimum_quantization_error

float find_minimum_quantization_error(float3 normal)
    normal /= max(abs(normal.x()), max(abs(normal.y()), abs(normal.z())));
    float min_error = 1e10f;
    float ret = 1;
    for (int step = 1; step < 128; ++ step)
        float t = (step + 0.5f) / 127.5f;

        // compute the probe
        float3 p = normal * t;

        // quantize the probe
        float3 quantized_p = float3(quantize255(p.x()), quantize255(p.y()), quantize255(p.z()));

        // error computation for the probe
        float3 diff = (quantized_p - p) / t;
        float error = max(abs(diff.x()), max(abs(diff.y()), abs(diff.z())));

        // find the minimum
        if (error < min_error)
            min_error = error;
            ret = t;
    return ret;

示例6: Velocity

	// 设置声源速度
	void DSMusicBuffer::Velocity(float3 const & v)
		if (ds3DBuffer_)
			ds3DBuffer_->SetVelocity(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例7: Position

	// 设置声源位置
	void DSMusicBuffer::Position(float3 const & v)
		if (ds3DBuffer_)
			ds3DBuffer_->SetPosition(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例8: UpdateCropMats

	void CascadedShadowLayer::UpdateCropMats()
		for (size_t i = 0; i < intervals_.size(); ++ i)
			float3 const scale = scales_[i];
			float3 const bias = biases_[i];

			crop_mats_[i] = MathLib::scaling(scale)
				* MathLib::translation(+(2.0f * bias.x() + scale.x() - 1.0f),
					-(2.0f * bias.y() + scale.y() - 1.0f), bias.z());

示例9: simplexNoise

// 3D Multi-octave Simplex noise.
// For each octave, a higher frequency/lower amplitude function will be added to the original.
// The higher the persistence [0-1], the more of each succeeding octave will be added.
float simplexNoise( const int octaves, const float persistence, const float scale, const float3 &v ) {
    float total = 0;
    float frequency = scale;
    float amplitude = 1;

    // We have to keep track of the largest possible amplitude,
    // because each octave adds more, and we need a value in [-1, 1].
    float maxAmplitude = 0;

    for( int i=0; i < octaves; i++ ) {
        total += simplexRawNoise( v.x() * frequency, v.y() * frequency, v.z() * frequency ) * amplitude;

        frequency *= 2;
        maxAmplitude += amplitude;
        amplitude *= persistence;

    return total / maxAmplitude;

示例10: BuildRotationMatrix

Mat44 Mat44::BuildRotationMatrix(const f32 angle_in_degrees, const float3& axis)
	return BuildRotationMatrix(angle_in_degrees, axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z());

示例11: SetListenerOri

	// 获取3D听者方向
	void DSAudioEngine::SetListenerOri(float3 const & face, float3 const & up)
		this->ds3dListener_->SetOrientation(face.x(), face.y(), face.z(),
			up.x(), up.y(), up.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例12: SetListenerVel

	// 设置3D听者速度
	void DSAudioEngine::SetListenerVel(float3 const & v)
		this->ds3dListener_->SetVelocity(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例13: SetListenerPos

	// 设置3D听者位置
	void DSAudioEngine::SetListenerPos(float3 const & v)
		this->ds3dListener_->SetPosition(v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), DS3D_IMMEDIATE);

示例14: SetListenerOri

	void XAAudioEngine::SetListenerOri(float3 const & face, float3 const & up)
		listener_.OrientFront = { face.x(), face.y(), face.z() };
		listener_.OrientTop = { up.x(), up.y(), up.z() };

示例15: SetListenerVel

	void XAAudioEngine::SetListenerVel(float3 const & v)
		listener_.Velocity = { v.x(), v.y(), v.z() };
