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C++ float3::SafeNormalize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中float3::SafeNormalize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ float3::SafeNormalize方法的具体用法?C++ float3::SafeNormalize怎么用?C++ float3::SafeNormalize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在float3的用法示例。


示例1: Explode

void CWeaponProjectile::Explode(
	CUnit* hitUnit,
	CFeature* hitFeature,
	float3 impactPos,
	float3 impactDir
) {
	const DamageArray& damageArray = damages->GetDynamicDamages(startPos, impactPos);
	const CExplosionParams params = {
		weaponDef->noExplode? 0.3f: 1.0f,                 // gfxMod
		weaponDef->noExplode || weaponDef->noSelfDamage,  // ignoreOwner
		true,                                             // damgeGround
		static_cast<unsigned int>(id)


	if (!weaponDef->noExplode || TraveledRange()) {
		// remove ourselves from the simulation (otherwise
		// keep traveling and generating more explosions)

示例2: AdjustTargetVectorLength

bool CWeapon::AdjustTargetVectorLength(
	CUnit* targetUnit,
	float3& targetPos,
	float3& targetVec,
	float3& targetDir)
const {
	bool retCode = false;
	const float tbScale = math::fabsf(targetBorder);

	CollisionVolume* cvOld = targetUnit->collisionVolume;
	CollisionVolume  cvNew = CollisionVolume(targetUnit->collisionVolume);
	CollisionQuery   cq;

	// test for "collision" with a temporarily volume
	// (scaled uniformly by the absolute target-border
	// factor)
	cvNew.RescaleAxes(tbScale, tbScale, tbScale);

	targetUnit->collisionVolume = &cvNew;

	if (CCollisionHandler::DetectHit(targetUnit, weaponMuzzlePos, ZeroVector, NULL)) {
		// our weapon muzzle is inside the target unit's volume; this
		// means we do not need to make any adjustments to targetVec
		targetVec = ZeroVector;
	} else {

		// otherwise, perform a raytrace to find the proper length correction
		// factor for non-spherical coldet volumes based on the ray's ingress
		// (for positive TB values) or egress (for negative TB values) position;
		// this either increases or decreases the length of <targetVec> but does
		// not change its direction

		// make the ray-segment long enough so it can reach the far side of the
		// scaled collision volume (helps to ensure a ray-intersection is found)
		// note: ray-intersection is NOT guaranteed if the volume itself has a
		// non-zero offset, since here we are "shooting" at the target UNIT's
		// midpoint
		const float3 targetOffset = targetDir * (cvNew.GetBoundingRadius() * 2.0f);
		const float3 targetRayPos = targetPos + targetOffset;

		if (CCollisionHandler::DetectHit(targetUnit, weaponMuzzlePos, targetRayPos, &cq)) {
			if (targetBorder > 0.0f) { targetVec -= (targetDir * ((targetPos - cq.p0).Length())); }
			if (targetBorder < 0.0f) { targetVec += (targetDir * ((cq.p1 - targetPos).Length())); }

		retCode = true;

	targetUnit->collisionVolume = cvOld;

	// true indicates we took the else-branch and targetDir is now normalized
	return retCode;

示例3: FireInternal

void CBeamLaser::FireInternal(float3 dir, bool sweepFire)
	// fix negative damage when hitting big spheres
	float actualRange = range;
	float rangeMod = 1.0f;

	if (dynamic_cast<CBuilding*>(owner) == NULL) {
		// help units fire while chasing
		rangeMod = 1.3f;

	if (owner->fpsControlPlayer != NULL) {
		rangeMod = 0.95f;

	float maxLength = range * rangeMod;
	float curLength = 0.0f;

	float3 curPos = weaponMuzzlePos;
	float3 hitPos;

	dir +=
		((gs->randVector() * sprayAngle *
		(1.0f - owner->limExperience * weaponDef->ownerExpAccWeight)));

	bool tryAgain = true;

	// increase range if targets are searched for in a cylinder
	if (cylinderTargetting > 0.01f) {
		const float verticalDist = owner->radius * cylinderTargetting * dir.y;
		const float maxLengthModSq = maxLength * maxLength + verticalDist * verticalDist;

		maxLength = math::sqrt(maxLengthModSq);

	// increase range if targetting edge of hitsphere
	if (targetType == Target_Unit && targetUnit && targetBorder != 0) {
		maxLength += (targetUnit->radius * targetBorder);

	// unit at the end of the beam
	CUnit* hitUnit = NULL;
	CFeature* hitFeature = NULL;
	CPlasmaRepulser* hitShield = NULL;

	for (int tries = 0; tries < 5 && tryAgain; ++tries) {
		tryAgain = false;

		float length = TraceRay::TraceRay(curPos, dir, maxLength - curLength, collisionFlags, owner, hitUnit, hitFeature);

		if (hitUnit && teamHandler->AlliedTeams(hitUnit->team, owner->team) && sweepFire) {
			// never damage friendlies with sweepfire
			lastFireFrame = 0;

		float3 newDir;
		const float shieldLength = interceptHandler.AddShieldInterceptableBeam(this, curPos, dir, length, newDir, hitShield);

		if (shieldLength < length) {
			length = shieldLength;
			tryAgain = hitShield->BeamIntercepted(this, damageMul); // repulsed

		hitPos = curPos + dir * length;

		const float baseAlpha  = weaponDef->intensity * 255.0f;
		const float startAlpha = (1.0f - (curLength         ) / (range * 1.3f)) * baseAlpha;
		const float endAlpha   = (1.0f - (curLength + length) / (range * 1.3f)) * baseAlpha;

		if (weaponDef->largeBeamLaser) {
			new CLargeBeamLaserProjectile(curPos, hitPos, color, weaponDef->visuals.color2, owner, weaponDef);
		} else {
			new CBeamLaserProjectile(curPos, hitPos, startAlpha, endAlpha, color, owner, weaponDef);

		curPos = hitPos;
		curLength += length;
		dir = newDir;

	if (hitUnit) {
		if (hitUnit->unitDef->usePieceCollisionVolumes) {
			// getting the actual piece here is probably overdoing it
			// TODO change this if we really need propper flanking bonus support
			// for beam-lasers
			hitUnit->SetLastAttackedPiece(hitUnit->localmodel->GetRoot(), gs->frameNum);

		if (targetBorder > 0) {
			actualRange += hitUnit->radius * targetBorder;

	// make it possible to always hit with some minimal intensity (melee weapons have use for that)
	const float hitIntensity = std::max(minIntensity, 1.0f - (curLength) / (actualRange * 2));


示例4: FireInternal

void CBeamLaser::FireInternal(float3 curDir)
	float actualRange = range;
	float rangeMod = 1.0f;

	if (!owner->unitDef->IsImmobileUnit()) {
		// help units fire while chasing
		rangeMod = 1.3f;
	if (owner->UnderFirstPersonControl()) {
		rangeMod = 0.95f;

	bool tryAgain = true;
	bool doDamage = true;

	float maxLength = range * rangeMod;
	float curLength = 0.0f;

	float3 curPos = weaponMuzzlePos;
	float3 hitPos;
	float3 newDir;

	// objects at the end of the beam
	CUnit* hitUnit = NULL;
	CFeature* hitFeature = NULL;
	CPlasmaRepulser* hitShield = NULL;
	CollisionQuery hitColQuery;

	if (!sweepFireState.IsSweepFiring()) {
		curDir += (gs->randVector() * SprayAngleExperience());

		// increase range if targets are searched for in a cylinder
		if (cylinderTargeting > 0.01f) {
			const float verticalDist = owner->radius * cylinderTargeting * curDir.y;
			const float maxLengthModSq = maxLength * maxLength + verticalDist * verticalDist;

			maxLength = math::sqrt(maxLengthModSq);

		// adjust range if targetting edge of hitsphere
		if (targetType == Target_Unit && targetUnit != NULL && targetBorder != 0.0f) {
			maxLength += (targetUnit->radius * targetBorder);
	} else {
		// restrict the range when sweeping
		maxLength = std::min(maxLength, sweepFireState.GetTargetDist3D() * 1.125f);

	for (int tries = 0; tries < 5 && tryAgain; ++tries) {
		float beamLength = TraceRay::TraceRay(curPos, curDir, maxLength - curLength, collisionFlags, owner, hitUnit, hitFeature, &hitColQuery);

		if (hitUnit != NULL && teamHandler->AlliedTeams(hitUnit->team, owner->team)) {
			if (sweepFireState.IsSweepFiring() && !sweepFireState.DamageAllies()) {
				doDamage = false; break;

		if (!weaponDef->waterweapon) {
			// terminate beam at water surface if necessary
			if ((curDir.y < 0.0f) && ((curPos.y + curDir.y * beamLength) <= 0.0f)) {
				beamLength = curPos.y / -curDir.y;

		// if the beam gets intercepted, this modifies newDir
		// we do more than one trace-iteration and set dir to
		// newDir only in the case there is a shield in our way
		const float shieldLength = interceptHandler.AddShieldInterceptableBeam(this, curPos, curDir, beamLength, newDir, hitShield);

		if (shieldLength < beamLength) {
			beamLength = shieldLength;
			tryAgain = hitShield->BeamIntercepted(this, salvoDamageMult);
		} else {
			tryAgain = false;

		// same as hitColQuery.GetHitPos() if no water or shield in way
		hitPos = curPos + curDir * beamLength;

			const float baseAlpha  = weaponDef->intensity * 255.0f;
			const float startAlpha = (1.0f - (curLength             ) / maxLength);
			const float endAlpha   = (1.0f - (curLength + beamLength) / maxLength);

			ProjectileParams pparams = GetProjectileParams();
			pparams.pos = curPos;
			pparams.end = hitPos;
			pparams.ttl = weaponDef->beamLaserTTL;
			pparams.startAlpha = Clamp(startAlpha * baseAlpha, 0.0f, 255.0f);
			pparams.endAlpha = Clamp(endAlpha * baseAlpha, 0.0f, 255.0f);


		curPos = hitPos;
		curDir = newDir;
		curLength += beamLength;
