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C++ float3::cross方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中float3::cross方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ float3::cross方法的具体用法?C++ float3::cross怎么用?C++ float3::cross使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在float3的用法示例。


示例1: Draw

void CLargeBeamLaserProjectile::Draw()
	inArray = true;

	const float3 cameraDir = (pos - camera->pos).SafeANormalize();
	// beam's coor-system; degenerate if targetPos == startPos
	const float3 zdir = (targetPos - startpos).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 xdir = (cameraDir.cross(zdir)).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 ydir = (cameraDir.cross(xdir));

	float3 pos1 = startpos;
	float3 pos2 = targetPos;

	const float startTex = 1.0f - ((gu->modGameTime * scrollspeed) - int(gu->modGameTime * scrollspeed));
	const float texSizeX = beamtex.xend - beamtex.xstart;

	const float beamEdgeSize = thickness;
	const float beamCoreSize = beamEdgeSize * corethickness;
	const float beamLength   = (targetPos - startpos).dot(zdir);
	const float flareEdgeSize = thickness * flaresize;
	const float flareCoreSize = flareEdgeSize * corethickness;

	const float beamTileMinDst = tilelength * (1.0f - startTex);
	const float beamTileMaxDst = beamLength - tilelength;
	// note: beamTileMaxDst can be negative, in which case we want numBeamTiles to equal zero
	const float numBeamTiles = std::floor(((std::max(beamTileMinDst, beamTileMaxDst) - beamTileMinDst) / tilelength) + 0.5f);

	AtlasedTexture tex = beamtex;

	va->EnlargeArrays(64 + (8 * (int((beamTileMaxDst - beamTileMinDst) / tilelength) + 2)), 0, VA_SIZE_TC);

	#define WT2 weaponDef->visuals.texture2
	#define WT4 weaponDef->visuals.texture4

	if (beamTileMinDst > beamLength) {
		// beam short enough to be drawn by one polygon
		// draw laser start
		tex.xstart = beamtex.xstart + startTex * texSizeX;

		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, coreColStart);
	} else {
		// beam longer than one polygon
		pos2 = pos1 + zdir * beamTileMinDst;

		// draw laser start
		tex.xstart = beamtex.xstart + startTex * texSizeX;

		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, coreColStart);

		// draw continous beam
		tex.xstart = beamtex.xstart;

		for (float i = beamTileMinDst; i < beamTileMaxDst; i += tilelength) {
			//! CAUTION: loop count must match EnlargeArrays above
			pos1 = startpos + zdir * i;
			pos2 = startpos + zdir * (i + tilelength);

			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, coreColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   coreColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   coreColStart);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, coreColStart);

		// draw laser end
		pos1 = startpos + zdir * (beamTileMinDst + numBeamTiles * tilelength);
		pos2 = targetPos;
		tex.xend = tex.xstart + (pos1.distance(pos2) / tilelength) * texSizeX;

		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xstart, tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamCoreSize), tex.xend,   tex.ystart, coreColStart);

	va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize),                         WT2->xstart, WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize),                         WT2->xstart, WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (xdir * beamEdgeSize) + (ydir * beamEdgeSize), WT2->xend,   WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (xdir * beamEdgeSize) + (ydir * beamEdgeSize), WT2->xend,   WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);

示例2: Draw


						treeShader->SetUniform3f(((globalRendering->haveGLSL)? 2: 10), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

						glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.8f + relDist * 0.2f);
						glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5f);

						// save for second pass
						pFT->pos = pos;
						pFT->deltaY = dy;
						pFT->type = type;
						pFT->relDist = relDist;
					} else {
						// draw far-distance tree
						CAdvTreeDrawer::DrawTreeVertex(va, pos, type * 0.125f, dy, false);

		// reset the world-offset
		treeShader->SetUniform3f(((globalRendering->haveGLSL)? 2: 10), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// draw trees that have been marked as falling
		for (std::list<FallingTree>::iterator fti = fallingTrees.begin(); fti != fallingTrees.end(); ++fti) {
			const float3 pos = fti->pos - UpVector * (fti->fallPos * 20);

			if (camera->InView(pos + float3(0.0f, MAX_TREE_HEIGHT / 2, 0.0f), MAX_TREE_HEIGHT / 2.0f)) {
				const float ang = fti->fallPos * PI;

				const float3 yvec(fti->dir.x * sin(ang), cos(ang), fti->dir.z * sin(ang));
				const float3 zvec((yvec.cross(float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))).ANormalize());
				const float3 xvec(yvec.cross(zvec));

				CMatrix44f transMatrix(pos, xvec, yvec, zvec);


				int type = fti->type;
				int dispList = 0;

				if (type < 8) {
					dispList = treeGen->pineDL + type;
				} else {
					type -= 8;
					dispList = treeGen->leafDL + type;


		if (shadowHandler->shadowsLoaded && !gd->DrawExtraTex()) {
			treeShader = treeShaders[TREE_PROGRAM_DIST_SHADOW];

			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, activeFarTex);
		} else {

示例3: DrawShadowPass


					const float camDist = (pos - camera->pos).SqLength();
					int type = ts->type;
					float dy = 0.0f;
					unsigned int dispList;

					if (type < 8) {
						dy = 0.5f;
						dispList = treeGen->pineDL + type;
					} else {
						type -= 8;
						dy = 0;
						dispList = treeGen->leafDL + type;

					if (camDist < SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE * 110 * 110) {
						po->SetUniform3f((globalRendering->haveGLSL? 3: 10), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
					} else if (camDist < SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE * 125 * 125) {
						const float relDist = (pos.distance(camera->pos) - SQUARE_SIZE * 110) / (SQUARE_SIZE * 15);

						glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.8f + relDist * 0.2f);
						po->SetUniform3f((globalRendering->haveGLSL? 3: 10), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
						glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5f);

						pFT->pos = pos;
						pFT->deltaY = dy;
						pFT->type = type;
						pFT->relDist = relDist;
					} else {
						CAdvTreeDrawer::DrawTreeVertex(va, pos, type * 0.125f, dy, false);

		po->SetUniform3f((globalRendering->haveGLSL? 3: 10), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		for (std::list<FallingTree>::iterator fti = fallingTrees.begin(); fti != fallingTrees.end(); ++fti) {
			const float3 pos = fti->pos - UpVector * (fti->fallPos * 20);

			if (camera->InView(pos + float3(0, MAX_TREE_HEIGHT / 2, 0), MAX_TREE_HEIGHT / 2)) {
				const float ang = fti->fallPos * PI;

				const float3 yvec(fti->dir.x * sin(ang), cos(ang), fti->dir.z * sin(ang));
				const float3 zvec((yvec.cross(float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))).ANormalize());
				const float3 xvec(zvec.cross(yvec));

				CMatrix44f transMatrix(pos, xvec, yvec, zvec);


				int type = fti->type;
				int dispList;

				if (type < 8) {
					dispList = treeGen->pineDL + type;
				} else {
					type -= 8;
					dispList = treeGen->leafDL + type;


		po = shadowHandler->GetShadowGenProg(CShadowHandler::SHADOWGEN_PROGRAM_TREE_FAR);

		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, activeFarTex);

		for (FadeTree* pFTree = fadeTrees; pFTree < pFT; ++pFTree) {
			// faded close trees
			va = GetVertexArray();
			va->CheckInitSize(12 * VA_SIZE_T);

			CAdvTreeDrawer::DrawTreeVertex(va, pFTree->pos, pFTree->type * 0.125f, pFTree->deltaY, false);

			glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 1.0f - (pFTree->relDist * 0.5f));



示例4: Update

bool CHoverAirMoveType::Update()
	const float3 lastPos = owner->pos;
	const float4 lastSpd = owner->speed;


	if ((owner->IsStunned() && !owner->IsCrashing()) || owner->beingBuilt) {
		wantedSpeed = ZeroVector;

		return (HandleCollisions(collide && !owner->beingBuilt && (padStatus == PAD_STATUS_FLYING) && (aircraftState != AIRCRAFT_TAKEOFF)));

	// allow us to stop if wanted (changes aircraft state)
	if (wantToStop)

	if (aircraftState != AIRCRAFT_CRASHING) {
		if (owner->fpsControlPlayer != NULL) {

			const FPSUnitController& con = owner->fpsControlPlayer->fpsController;

			const float3 forward = con.viewDir;
			const float3 right = forward.cross(UpVector);
			const float3 nextPos = lastPos + owner->speed;

			float3 flatForward = forward;

			wantedSpeed = ZeroVector;

			if (con.forward) wantedSpeed += flatForward;
			if (con.back   ) wantedSpeed -= flatForward;
			if (con.right  ) wantedSpeed += right;
			if (con.left   ) wantedSpeed -= right;

			wantedSpeed *= maxSpeed;

			if (!nextPos.IsInBounds()) {

			wantedHeading = GetHeadingFromVector(flatForward.x, flatForward.z);

		if (reservedPad != NULL) {

			if (padStatus >= PAD_STATUS_LANDING) {
				flyState = FLY_LANDING;

	switch (aircraftState) {

			if ((ground->GetHeightAboveWater(owner->pos.x, owner->pos.z) + 5.0f + owner->radius) > owner->pos.y) {
				owner->KillUnit(NULL, true, false);
			} else {
				#define SPIN_DIR(o) ((o->id & 1) * 2 - 1)
				wantedHeading = GetHeadingFromVector(owner->rightdir.x * SPIN_DIR(owner), owner->rightdir.z * SPIN_DIR(owner));
				wantedHeight = 0.0f;
				#undef SPIN_DIR

			new CSmokeProjectile(owner->midPos, gs->randVector() * 0.08f, 100 + gs->randFloat() * 50, 5, 0.2f, owner, 0.4f);
		} break;

	if (lastSpd == ZeroVector && owner->speed != ZeroVector) { owner->script->StartMoving(false); }
	if (lastSpd != ZeroVector && owner->speed == ZeroVector) { owner->script->StopMoving(); }

	// Banking requires deltaSpeed.y = 0
	deltaSpeed = owner->speed - lastSpd;
	deltaSpeed.y = 0.0f;

	// Turn and bank and move; update dirs

示例5: Update

bool CHoverAirMoveType::Update()
	float3& pos = owner->pos;
	float3& speed = owner->speed;


	if (owner->stunned || owner->beingBuilt) {
		wantedSpeed = ZeroVector;
		wantToStop = true;

	// Allow us to stop if wanted
	if (wantToStop) {

	const float3 lastSpeed = speed;

	if (owner->fpsControlPlayer != NULL) {

		const FPSUnitController& con = owner->fpsControlPlayer->fpsController;

		const float3 forward = con.viewDir;
		const float3 right = forward.cross(UpVector);
		const float3 nextPos = pos + speed;

		float3 flatForward = forward;
		flatForward.y = 0.0f;

		wantedSpeed = ZeroVector;

		if (con.forward) wantedSpeed += flatForward;
		if (con.back   ) wantedSpeed -= flatForward;
		if (con.right  ) wantedSpeed += right;
		if (con.left   ) wantedSpeed -= right;

		wantedSpeed *= maxSpeed;

		if (!nextPos.IsInBounds()) {
			speed = ZeroVector;

		wantedHeading = GetHeadingFromVector(flatForward.x, flatForward.z);
	} else {
		if (reservedPad != NULL) {

			if (padStatus >= 1) {
				flyState = FLY_LANDING;

		// Main state handling
		switch (aircraftState) {

	// Banking requires deltaSpeed.y = 0
	deltaSpeed = speed - lastSpeed;
	deltaSpeed.y = 0.0f;

	// Turn and bank and move; update dirs
	UpdateBanking(aircraftState == AIRCRAFT_HOVERING);

	return (HandleCollisions());

示例6: UpdateVertexNormalsUnsynced

void CSMFReadMap::UpdateVertexNormalsUnsynced(const SRectangle& update)
	const float*  shm = &cornerHeightMapSynced[0];
		  float*  uhm = &cornerHeightMapUnsynced[0];
		  float3* vvn = &visVertexNormals[0];

	const int W = mapDims.mapxp1;
	const int H = mapDims.mapyp1;
	static const int SS = SQUARE_SIZE;

	// a heightmap update over (x1, y1) - (x2, y2) implies the
	// normals change over (x1 - 1, y1 - 1) - (x2 + 1, y2 + 1)
	const int minx = std::max(update.x1 - 1,     0);
	const int minz = std::max(update.y1 - 1,     0);
	const int maxx = std::min(update.x2 + 1, W - 1);
	const int maxz = std::min(update.y2 + 1, H - 1);

	for_mt(minz, maxz+1, [&](const int z) {
		for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; x++) {
			const int vIdxTL = (z    ) * W + x;

			const int xOffL = (x >     0)? 1: 0;
			const int xOffR = (x < W - 1)? 1: 0;
			const int zOffT = (z >     0)? 1: 0;
			const int zOffB = (z < H - 1)? 1: 0;

			const float sxm1 = (x - 1) * SS;
			const float sx   =       x * SS;
			const float sxp1 = (x + 1) * SS;

			const float szm1 = (z - 1) * SS;
			const float sz   =       z * SS;
			const float szp1 = (z + 1) * SS;

			const int shxm1 = x - xOffL;
			const int shx   = x;
			const int shxp1 = x + xOffR;

			const int shzm1 = (z - zOffT) * W;
			const int shz   =           z * W;
			const int shzp1 = (z + zOffB) * W;

			// pretend there are 8 incident triangle faces per vertex
			// for each these triangles, calculate the surface normal,
			// then average the 8 normals (this stays closest to the
			// heightmap data)
			// if edge vertex, don't add virtual neighbor normals to vn
			const float3 vmm = float3(sx  ,  shm[shz   + shx  ],  sz  );

			const float3 vtl = float3(sxm1,  shm[shzm1 + shxm1],  szm1) - vmm;
			const float3 vtm = float3(sx  ,  shm[shzm1 + shx  ],  szm1) - vmm;
			const float3 vtr = float3(sxp1,  shm[shzm1 + shxp1],  szm1) - vmm;

			const float3 vml = float3(sxm1,  shm[shz   + shxm1],  sz  ) - vmm;
			const float3 vmr = float3(sxp1,  shm[shz   + shxp1],  sz  ) - vmm;

			const float3 vbl = float3(sxm1,  shm[shzp1 + shxm1],  szp1) - vmm;
			const float3 vbm = float3(sx  ,  shm[shzp1 + shx  ],  szp1) - vmm;
			const float3 vbr = float3(sxp1,  shm[shzp1 + shxp1],  szp1) - vmm;

			float3 vn(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			vn += vtm.cross(vtl) * (zOffT & xOffL); assert(vtm.cross(vtl).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vtr.cross(vtm) * (zOffT        ); assert(vtr.cross(vtm).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vmr.cross(vtr) * (zOffT & xOffR); assert(vmr.cross(vtr).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vbr.cross(vmr) * (        xOffR); assert(vbr.cross(vmr).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vtl.cross(vml) * (        xOffL); assert(vtl.cross(vml).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vbm.cross(vbr) * (zOffB & xOffR); assert(vbm.cross(vbr).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vbl.cross(vbm) * (zOffB        ); assert(vbl.cross(vbm).y >= 0.0f);
			vn += vml.cross(vbl) * (zOffB & xOffL); assert(vml.cross(vbl).y >= 0.0f);

			// update the visible vertex/face height/normal
			uhm[vIdxTL] = shm[vIdxTL];
			vvn[vIdxTL] = vn.ANormalize();

示例7: StringToLower

void C3DOParser::GetPrimitives(S3DOPiece* obj, int pos, int num, int excludePrim)
	map<int,int> prevHashes;

	for(int a=0;a<num;a++){
		_Primitive p;

		S3DOPrimitive sp;



		boost::uint16_t w;

		list<int> orderVert;
		for(int b=0;b<sp.numVertex;b++){
		int vertHash=0;

		for(list<int>::iterator vi=orderVert.begin();vi!=orderVert.end();++vi)

		std::string texName;

		if (p.OffsetToTextureName != 0) {
			texName = StringToLower(GetText(p.OffsetToTextureName));

			if (teamtex.find(texName) == teamtex.end()) {
				texName += "00";
		} else {
			texName = "ta_color" + IntToString(p.PaletteEntry, "%i");

		if ((sp.texture = texturehandler3DO->Get3DOTexture(texName)) == NULL) {
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "[%s] unknown 3DO texture \"%s\" for piece \"%s\"",
					__FUNCTION__, texName.c_str(), obj->name.c_str());

			// assign a dummy texture (the entire atlas)
			sp.texture = texturehandler3DO->Get3DOTexture("___dummy___");

		const float3 v0v1 = (obj->vertices[sp.vertices[1]].pos - obj->vertices[sp.vertices[0]].pos);
		const float3 v0v2 = (obj->vertices[sp.vertices[2]].pos - obj->vertices[sp.vertices[0]].pos);

		float3 n = (-v0v1.cross(v0v2)).SafeNormalize();

		// set the primitive-normal and copy it <numVertex>
		// times (vnormals get overwritten by CalcNormals())
		sp.primNormal = n;
		sp.vnormals.insert(sp.vnormals.begin(), sp.numVertex, n);

		// sometimes there are more than one selection primitive (??)
		if (n.dot(DownVector) > 0.99f) {
			bool ignore=true;

			if(sp.numVertex!=4) {
			} else {
				const float3 s1 = obj->vertices[sp.vertices[0]].pos - obj->vertices[sp.vertices[1]].pos;
				const float3 s2 = obj->vertices[sp.vertices[1]].pos - obj->vertices[sp.vertices[2]].pos;

				if(s1.SqLength()<900 || s2.SqLength()<900)

				if (ignore) {
					for(int a=0;a<sp.numVertex;++a) {
						if(obj->vertices[sp.vertices[a]].pos.y>0) {


		map<int,int>::iterator phi;

示例8: Draw

void CBeamLaserProjectile::Draw()
	inArray = true;

	const float3 cameraDir = (pos - camera->pos).SafeANormalize();
	// beam's coor-system; degenerate if targetPos == startPos
	const float3 zdir = (targetPos - startpos).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 xdir = (cameraDir.cross(zdir)).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 ydir = (cameraDir.cross(xdir));

	const float beamEdgeSize = thickness;
	const float beamCoreSize = beamEdgeSize * corethickness;
	const float flareEdgeSize = thickness * flaresize;
	const float flareCoreSize = flareEdgeSize * corethickness;

	const float3& pos1 = startpos;
	const float3& pos2 = targetPos;

	va->EnlargeArrays(32, 0, VA_SIZE_TC);

	#define WT1 weaponDef->visuals.texture1
	#define WT2 weaponDef->visuals.texture2
	#define WT3 weaponDef->visuals.texture3

	if ((pos - camera->pos).SqLength() < (1000.0f * 1000.0f)) {
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamEdgeSize - ydir * beamEdgeSize, WT2->xend, WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamEdgeSize - ydir * beamEdgeSize, WT2->xend, WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamCoreSize - ydir * beamCoreSize, WT2->xend, WT2->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamCoreSize - ydir * beamCoreSize, WT2->xend, WT2->ystart, coreColStart);

		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->yend,   edgeColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->ystart, edgeColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->yend,   coreColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->ystart, coreColEnd);

		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamEdgeSize + ydir * beamEdgeSize, WT2->xend, WT2->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamEdgeSize + ydir * beamEdgeSize, WT2->xend, WT2->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       midtexx,   WT2->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamCoreSize + ydir * beamCoreSize, WT2->xend, WT2->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamCoreSize + ydir * beamCoreSize, WT2->xend, WT2->ystart, coreColStart);
	} else {
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->ystart, edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->yend,   edgeColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->yend,   edgeColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamEdgeSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->ystart, edgeColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->ystart, coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xstart, WT1->yend,   coreColStart);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->yend,   coreColEnd);
		va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - xdir * beamCoreSize,                       WT1->xend,   WT1->ystart, coreColEnd);

	// draw flare
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - camera->right * flareEdgeSize - camera->up * flareEdgeSize, WT3->xstart, WT3->ystart, edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + camera->right * flareEdgeSize - camera->up * flareEdgeSize, WT3->xend,   WT3->ystart, edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + camera->right * flareEdgeSize + camera->up * flareEdgeSize, WT3->xend,   WT3->yend,   edgeColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - camera->right * flareEdgeSize + camera->up * flareEdgeSize, WT3->xstart, WT3->yend,   edgeColStart);

	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - camera->right * flareCoreSize - camera->up * flareCoreSize, WT3->xstart, WT3->ystart, coreColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + camera->right * flareCoreSize - camera->up * flareCoreSize, WT3->xend,   WT3->ystart, coreColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + camera->right * flareCoreSize + camera->up * flareCoreSize, WT3->xend,   WT3->yend,   coreColStart);
	va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - camera->right * flareCoreSize + camera->up * flareCoreSize, WT3->xstart, WT3->yend,   coreColStart);

	#undef WT3
	#undef WT2
	#undef WT1

示例9: Draw

void CRepulseGfx::Draw()
	const CUnit* owner = CProjectile::owner();
	if (!owner || !repulsed) {

	const float3 zdir = (repulsed->pos - owner->pos).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 xdir = (zdir.cross(UpVector)).SafeANormalize();
	const float3 ydir = xdir.cross(zdir);

	float3 xdirDS;
	float3 ydirDS;

	pos = (repulsed->pos - zdir * 10.0f) + (repulsed->speed * globalRendering->timeOffset);
	inArray = true;

	float drawsize = 10.0f;
	float alpha = std::min(255.0f, age * 10.0f);
	unsigned char col[4] = {
		(unsigned char) (color.x * alpha),
		(unsigned char) (color.y * alpha),
		(unsigned char) (color.z * alpha),
		(unsigned char) (0.2f    * alpha),

	xdirDS = xdir * drawsize;
	ydirDS = ydir * drawsize;

	const AtlasedTexture* et = projectileDrawer->repulsetex;
	const float txo = et->xstart;
	const float tyo = et->ystart;
	const float txs = et->xend - et->xstart;
	const float tys = et->yend - et->ystart;

	static const int loopCountY = 4;
	static const int loopCountX = 4;

	va->EnlargeArrays(loopCountY * loopCountX * 4 + 16, 0, VA_SIZE_TC);

	for (int y = 0; y < loopCountY; ++y) { //! CAUTION: loop count must match EnlargeArrays above
		const float dy = y - 2.0f;
		const float ry = y * 0.25f;

		for (int x = 0; x < loopCountX; ++x) {
			const float dx = x - 2.00f;
			const float rx = x * 0.25f;

			va->AddVertexQTC(pos + xdirDS * (dx + 0) + ydirDS * (dy + 0) + zdir * difs[(y    ) * 5 + x    ],  txo + (ry        ) * txs, tyo + (rx        ) * tys,  col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos + xdirDS * (dx + 0) + ydirDS * (dy + 1) + zdir * difs[(y + 1) * 5 + x    ],  txo + (ry + 0.25f) * txs, tyo + (rx        ) * tys,  col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos + xdirDS * (dx + 1) + ydirDS * (dy + 1) + zdir * difs[(y + 1) * 5 + x + 1],  txo + (ry + 0.25f) * txs, tyo + (rx + 0.25f) * tys,  col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos + xdirDS * (dx + 1) + ydirDS * (dy + 0) + zdir * difs[(y    ) * 5 + x + 1],  txo + (ry        ) * txs, tyo + (rx + 0.25f) * tys,  col);

	drawsize = 7.0f;
	alpha = std::min(10.0f, age / 2.0f);
	col[0] = (unsigned char) (color.x * alpha);
	col[1] = (unsigned char) (color.y * alpha);
	col[2] = (unsigned char) (color.z * alpha);
	col[3] = (unsigned char) (alpha * 0.4f);

	const AtlasedTexture* ct = projectileDrawer->repulsegfxtex;
	const float tx = (ct->xend + ct->xstart) * 0.5f;
	const float ty = (ct->yend + ct->ystart) * 0.5f;

	static const unsigned char col2[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

	xdirDS = xdir * drawsize;
	ydirDS = ydir * drawsize;

	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (-xdir + ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + ( xdir + ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos + xdirDS + ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos - xdirDS + ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);

	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (-xdir - ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + ( xdir - ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos + xdirDS - ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos - xdirDS - ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);

	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (xdir - ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,   tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (xdir + ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,   tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos + xdirDS + ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos + xdirDS - ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);

	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (-xdir - ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(owner->pos + (-xdir + ydir) * drawsize * 0.2f,  tx, ty, col2);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos - xdirDS + ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);
	va->AddVertexQTC(       pos - xdirDS - ydirDS + zdir * difs[6],  tx, ty, col);

示例10: Draw

void CSmokeTrailProjectile::Draw()
	inArray = true;
	float age = gs->frameNum + globalRendering->timeOffset - creationTime;
	va->EnlargeArrays(8 * 4, 0, VA_SIZE_TC);

	if (drawTrail) {
		const float3 dif1  = (pos1 - camera->GetPos()).ANormalize();
		const float3 dif2  = (pos2 - camera->GetPos()).ANormalize();
		const float3 odir1 = (dif1.cross(dir1)).ANormalize();
		const float3 odir2 = (dif2.cross(dir2)).ANormalize();

		unsigned char col[4];
		float a1 = (1 - (float) age / lifeTime) * 255;
		if (lastSegment) {
			a1 = 0;
		a1 *= 0.7f + math::fabs(dif1.dot(dir1));
		float alpha = std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, a1));
		col[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col[3] = (unsigned char) alpha;

		unsigned char col2[4];
		float a2 = (1 - (float)(age + 8) / lifeTime) * 255;
		if (firstSegment) {
			a2 = 0;
		a2 *= 0.7f + math::fabs(dif2.dot(dir2));
		alpha = std::min(255.f, std::max(0.0f, a2));
		col2[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col2[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col2[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
		col2[3] = (unsigned char) alpha;

		float size =  1 + ( age      * (1.0f / lifeTime)) * orgSize;
		float size2 = 1 + ((age + 8) * (1.0f / lifeTime)) * orgSize;

		if (drawSegmented) {
			const float3 dif3 = (midpos - camera->GetPos()).ANormalize();
			const float3 odir3 = (dif3.cross(middir)).ANormalize();
			float size3 = 0.2f + ((age + 4) * (1.0f / lifeTime)) * orgSize;

			unsigned char col3[4];
			float a2 = (1 - (float)(age + 4) / lifeTime) * 255;
			a2 *= 0.7f + math::fabs(dif3.dot(middir));
			alpha = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, a2));
			col3[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col3[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col3[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col3[3] = (unsigned char) alpha;

			const float midtexx = texture->xstart + ((texture->xend - texture->xstart) * 0.5f);

			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1   - (odir1 * size),  texture->xstart, texture->ystart, col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1   + (odir1 * size),  texture->xstart, texture->yend,   col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(midpos + (odir3 * size3), midtexx,         texture->yend,   col3);
			va->AddVertexQTC(midpos - (odir3 * size3), midtexx,         texture->ystart, col3);

			va->AddVertexQTC(midpos - (odir3 * size3), midtexx,         texture->ystart, col3);
			va->AddVertexQTC(midpos + (odir3 * size3), midtexx,         texture->yend,   col3);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2   + (odir2 * size2), texture->xend,   texture->yend,   col2);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2   - (odir2 * size2), texture->xend,   texture->ystart, col2);
		} else {
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 - (odir1 * size),    texture->xstart, texture->ystart, col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (odir1 * size),    texture->xstart, texture->yend,   col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 + (odir2 * size2),   texture->xend,   texture->yend,   col2);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos2 - (odir2 * size2),   texture->xend,   texture->ystart, col2);
	} else {
		// draw as particles
		unsigned char col[4];

		for (int a = 0; a < 8; ++a) {
			const float a1 = 1 - (float)(age + a) / lifeTime;
			const float alpha = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, a1 * 255));
			const float size = ((0.2f + (age + a) * (1.0f / lifeTime)) * orgSize) * 1.2f;

			col[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
			col[3] = (unsigned char) alpha;

			#define st projectileDrawer->smoketex[0]
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + ( camera->up + camera->right) * size, st->xstart, st->ystart, col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + ( camera->up - camera->right) * size, st->xend,   st->ystart, col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (-camera->up - camera->right) * size, st->xend,   st->ystart, col);
			va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (-camera->up + camera->right) * size, st->xstart, st->ystart, col);
			#undef st

	CProjectile* callbacker = drawCallbacker;

	if (callbacker != NULL) {

示例11: Init

			particles[i].size = particles[i].size*sizeMod + sizeGrowth;

			deleteMe = false;


void CSimpleParticleSystem::Init(const float3& explosionPos, CUnit *owner GML_PARG_C)
	CProjectile::Init(explosionPos, owner GML_PARG_P);

	particles = new Particle[numParticles];

	float3 up = emitVector;
	float3 right = up.cross(float3(up.y,up.z,-up.x));
	float3 forward = up.cross(right);

	for(int i=0; i<numParticles; i++)

		float az = gu->usRandFloat()*2*PI;
		float ay = (emitRot + emitRotSpread*gu->usRandFloat())*(PI/180.0);

		particles[i].decayrate = 1.0f/(particleLife + gu->usRandFloat()*particleLifeSpread);
		particles[i].life = 0;
		particles[i].size = particleSize + gu->usRandFloat()*particleSizeSpread;
		particles[i].pos = pos;

		particles[i].speed = ((up*emitMul.y)*cos(ay)-((right*emitMul.x)*cos(az)-(forward*emitMul.z)*sin(az))*sin(ay)) * (particleSpeed + gu->usRandFloat()*particleSpeedSpread);

示例12: Draw

void CPieceProjectile::Draw()
	if (flags & PF_NoCEGTrail) {
		if (flags & PF_Smoke) {
			// this piece leaves a default (non-CEG) smoketrail
			inArray = true;
			float age2 = (age & 7) + globalRendering->timeOffset;
			float color = 0.5f;
			unsigned char col[4];

			float3 dir = speed;

			int numParts = age & 7;
			if (drawTrail) {
				// draw the trail as a single quad if camera close enough
				const float3 dif  = (drawPos - camera->pos).Normalize();
				const float3 dir1 = (dif.cross(dir)).Normalize();
				const float3 dif2 = (oldSmokePos - camera->pos).Normalize();
				const float3 dir2 = (dif2.cross(oldSmokeDir)).Normalize();

				float a1 = ((1 - 0.0f / (Smoke_Time)) * 255) * (0.7f + fabs(dif.dot(dir)));
				float alpha = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.f, a1));
				col[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col[3] = (unsigned char) (alpha);

				unsigned char col2[4];
				float a2 = ((1 - float(age2) / (Smoke_Time)) * 255) * (0.7f + fabs(dif2.dot(oldSmokeDir)));

				if (age < 8)
					a2 = 0;

				alpha = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.f, a2));
				col2[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col2[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col2[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
				col2[3] = (unsigned char) (alpha);

				const float size = 1.0f;
				const float size2 = 1 + (age2 * (1 / Smoke_Time)) * 14;
				const float txs =
					projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->xstart -
					(projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->xend - projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->xstart) *
					(age2 / 8.0f);

				va->AddVertexQTC(drawPos - dir1 * size, txs, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->ystart, col);
				va->AddVertexQTC(drawPos + dir1 * size, txs, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->yend,   col);
				va->AddVertexQTC(oldSmokePos + dir2 * size2, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->xend, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->yend,   col2);
				va->AddVertexQTC(oldSmokePos - dir2 * size2, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->xend, projectileDrawer->smoketrailtex->ystart, col2);
			} else {
				// draw the trail as particles
				const float dist = pos.distance(oldSmokePos);
				const float3 dirpos1 = pos - dir * dist * 0.33f;
				const float3 dirpos2 = oldSmokePos + oldSmokeDir * dist * 0.33f;

				for (int a = 0; a < numParts; ++a) { //! CAUTION: loop count must match EnlargeArrays above
					float alpha = 255.0f;
					col[0] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
					col[1] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
					col[2] = (unsigned char) (color * alpha);
					col[3] = (unsigned char) (alpha);

					const float size = 1.0f + ((a) * (1.0f / Smoke_Time)) * 14.0f;
					const float3 pos1 = CalcBeizer(float(a) / (numParts), pos, dirpos1, dirpos2, oldSmokePos);

					#define st projectileDrawer->smoketex[0]
					va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + ( camera->up+camera->right) * size, st->xstart, st->ystart, col);
					va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + ( camera->up-camera->right) * size, st->xend,   st->ystart, col);
					va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (-camera->up-camera->right) * size, st->xend,   st->ystart, col);
					va->AddVertexQTC(pos1 + (-camera->up+camera->right) * size, st->xstart, st->ystart, col);
					#undef st

