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C++ float3::SqDistance2D方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中float3::SqDistance2D方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ float3::SqDistance2D方法的具体用法?C++ float3::SqDistance2D怎么用?C++ float3::SqDistance2D使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在float3的用法示例。


示例1: ExecuteReclaim

void CBuilderCAI::ExecuteReclaim(Command& c)
	CBuilder* builder = (CBuilder*) owner;

	// not all builders are reclaim-capable by default
	if (!owner->unitDef->canReclaim)

	if (c.params.size() == 1 || c.params.size() == 5) {
		const int signedId = (int) c.params[0];

		if (signedId < 0) {
			LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Trying to reclaim unit or feature with id < 0 (%i), aborting.", signedId);

		const unsigned int uid = signedId;

		//FIXME add a per-unit solution to better balance the load?
		const bool checkForBetterTarget = (gs->frameNum % (5 * UNIT_SLOWUPDATE_RATE)) < UNIT_SLOWUPDATE_RATE;
		if (checkForBetterTarget && (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) && (c.params.size() >= 5)) {
			// regular check if there is a closer reclaim target
			CSolidObject* obj;
			if (uid >= uh->MaxUnits()) {
				obj = featureHandler->GetFeature(uid - uh->MaxUnits());
			} else {
				obj = uh->GetUnit(uid);
			if (obj) {
				const float3 pos(c.params[1], c.params[2], c.params[3]);
				const float radius = c.params[4];
				const float curdist = pos.SqDistance2D(obj->pos);

				const bool recUnits = !!(c.options & META_KEY);
				const bool recEnemyOnly = (c.options & META_KEY) && (c.options & CONTROL_KEY);
				const bool recSpecial = !!(c.options & CONTROL_KEY);

				ReclaimOption recopt = REC_NORESCHECK;
				if (recUnits)     recopt |= REC_UNITS;
				if (recEnemyOnly) recopt |= REC_ENEMYONLY;
				if (recSpecial)   recopt |= REC_SPECIAL;
				const int rid = FindReclaimTarget(pos, radius, c.options, recopt, curdist);
				if ((rid > 0) && (rid != uid)) {

		if (uid >= uh->MaxUnits()) { // reclaim feature
			CFeature* feature = featureHandler->GetFeature(uid - uh->MaxUnits());

			if (feature != NULL) {
				bool featureBeingResurrected = IsFeatureBeingResurrected(feature->id, owner);
				featureBeingResurrected &= (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) && !(c.options & CONTROL_KEY);

				if (featureBeingResurrected || !ReclaimObject(feature)) {
				} else {
			} else {

		} else { // reclaim unit
			CUnit* unit = uh->GetUnit(uid);

			if (unit != NULL && c.params.size() == 5) {
				const float3 pos(c.params[1], c.params[2], c.params[3]);
				const float radius = c.params[4] + 100.0f; // do not walk too far outside reclaim area

				const bool outOfReclaimRange =
					(pos.SqDistance2D(unit->pos) > radius * radius) ||
					(builder->curReclaim == unit && unit->isMoving && !IsInBuildRange(unit));
				const bool busyAlliedBuilder =
					unit->unitDef->builder &&
					!unit->commandAI->commandQue.empty() &&
					teamHandler->Ally(owner->allyteam, unit->allyteam);

				if (outOfReclaimRange || busyAlliedBuilder) {

			if (unit != NULL && unit != owner && unit->unitDef->reclaimable && UpdateTargetLostTimer(unit->id) && unit->AllowedReclaim(owner)) {
				if (!ReclaimObject(unit)) {

示例2: MoveToRepairPad

bool AAirMoveType::MoveToRepairPad() {
	CUnit* airBase = reservedPad->GetUnit();

	if (airBase->beingBuilt || airBase->stunned) {
		// pad became inoperable after being reserved
		return false;
	} else {
		const float3& relPadPos = airBase->script->GetPiecePos(reservedPad->GetPiece());
		const float3 absPadPos = airBase->pos +
			(airBase->frontdir * relPadPos.z) +
			(airBase->updir    * relPadPos.y) +
			(airBase->rightdir * relPadPos.x);

		if (padStatus == 0) {
			// approaching pad
			if (aircraftState != AIRCRAFT_FLYING && aircraftState != AIRCRAFT_TAKEOFF) {

			goalPos = absPadPos;

			if (absPadPos.SqDistance2D(owner->pos) < (400.0f * 400.0f)) {
				padStatus = 1;
		} else if (padStatus == 1) {
			// landing on pad
			const AircraftState landingState = GetLandingState();
			if (aircraftState != landingState)

			goalPos = absPadPos;
			reservedLandingPos = absPadPos;
			wantedHeight = absPadPos.y - ground->GetHeightAboveWater(absPadPos.x, absPadPos.z);

			if ((owner->pos.SqDistance(absPadPos) < SQUARE_SIZE * SQUARE_SIZE) || aircraftState == AIRCRAFT_LANDED) {
				padStatus = 2;
		} else {
			// taking off from pad
			if (aircraftState != AIRCRAFT_LANDED) {

			owner->pos = absPadPos;

			owner->AddBuildPower(airBase->unitDef->buildSpeed / GAME_SPEED, airBase);

			owner->currentFuel += (owner->unitDef->maxFuel / (GAME_SPEED * owner->unitDef->refuelTime));
			owner->currentFuel = std::min(owner->unitDef->maxFuel, owner->currentFuel);

			if (owner->health >= owner->maxHealth - 1.0f && owner->currentFuel >= owner->unitDef->maxFuel) {
				// repaired and filled up, leave the pad

	return true;

示例3: NextWaypoint

Removes and return the next waypoint in the multipath corresponding to given id.
float3 CPathManager::NextWaypoint(unsigned int pathId, float3 callerPos, float minDistance,
		int numRetries, int ownerId, bool synced) const

	// 0 indicates a no-path id
	if (pathId == 0)
		return float3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);

	if (numRetries > 4)
		return float3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);

	//Find corresponding multipath.
	std::map<unsigned int, MultiPath*>::const_iterator pi = pathMap.find(pathId);
	if (pi == pathMap.end())
		return float3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
	MultiPath* multiPath = pi->second;

	if (callerPos == ZeroVector) {
		if (!multiPath->detailedPath.path.empty())
			callerPos = multiPath->detailedPath.path.back();

	// check if detailed path needs bettering
	if (!multiPath->estimatedPath.path.empty() &&
		(multiPath->estimatedPath.path.back().SqDistance2D(callerPos) < Square(MIN_DETAILED_DISTANCE * SQUARE_SIZE) ||
		multiPath->detailedPath.path.size() <= 2)) {

		if (!multiPath->estimatedPath2.path.empty() &&  // if so, check if estimated path also needs bettering
			(multiPath->estimatedPath2.path.back().SqDistance2D(callerPos) < Square(MIN_ESTIMATE_DISTANCE * SQUARE_SIZE) ||
			multiPath->estimatedPath.path.size() <= 2)) {

			Estimate2ToEstimate(*multiPath, callerPos, ownerId, synced);

		if (multiPath->caller) {

		EstimateToDetailed(*multiPath, callerPos, ownerId);

		if (multiPath->caller) {

	float3 waypoint;
	do {
		// get the next waypoint from the high-res path
		// if this is not possible, then either we are
		// at the goal OR the path could not reach all
		// the way to it (ie. a GoalOutOfRange result)
		if (multiPath->detailedPath.path.empty()) {
			if (multiPath->estimatedPath2.path.empty() && multiPath->estimatedPath.path.empty()) {
				if (multiPath->searchResult == IPath::Ok) {
					return multiPath->finalGoal;
				} else {
					return float3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
			} else {
				return NextWaypoint(pathId, callerPos, minDistance, numRetries + 1, ownerId, synced);
		} else {
			waypoint = multiPath->detailedPath.path.back();
	} while (callerPos.SqDistance2D(waypoint) < Square(minDistance) && waypoint != multiPath->detailedPath.pathGoal);

	return waypoint;

示例4: ExecuteAttack

		// less than 1024) then we are close enough
		else if(diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f)){
			if (dynamic_cast<CTAAirMoveType*>(owner->moveType)
					|| (diff.SqLength2D() < 1024))
						std::min((float) owner->losRadius * loshandler->losDiv,
							owner->maxRange * 0.9f), true);

			// if (((first weapon range minus first weapon length greater than distance to target)
			// and length of 2D vector from us to target less than 90% of our maximum range)
			// then we are close enough, but need to move sideways to get a shot.
			//assumption is flawed: The unit may be aiming or otherwise unable to shoot
			else if (owner->unitDef->strafeToAttack && b3 && diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f))
				moveDir ^= (owner->moveType->progressState == AMoveType::Failed);
				float sin = moveDir ? 3.0/5 : -3.0/5;
				float cos = 4.0/5;
				float3 goalDiff(0, 0, 0);
				goalDiff.x = diff.dot(float3(cos, 0, -sin));
				goalDiff.z = diff.dot(float3(sin, 0, cos));
				goalDiff *= (diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.3f)) ? 1/cos : cos;
				goalDiff += orderTarget->pos;
				SetGoal(goalDiff, owner->pos);

		// if 2D distance of (target position plus attacker error vector times 128)
		// to goal position greater than
		// (10 plus 20% of 2D distance between attacker and target) then we need to close
		// in on target more
		else if ((orderTarget->pos + owner->posErrorVector * 128).SqDistance2D(goalPos)
				> Square(10 + orderTarget->pos.distance2D(owner->pos) * 0.2f)) {
			// if the target isn't in LOS, go to its approximate position
			// otherwise try to go precisely to the target
			// this should fix issues with low range weapons (mainly melee)
			float3 fix = orderTarget->pos +
					(orderTarget->losStatus[owner->allyteam] & LOS_INLOS ?
						float3(0.f,0.f,0.f) :
						owner->posErrorVector * 128);
			float3 norm = float3(fix - owner->pos).Normalize();
			float3 goal = fix - norm*(orderTarget->radius*edgeFactor*0.8f);
			SetGoal(goal, owner->pos);
			if (lastCloseInTry < gs->frameNum + MAX_CLOSE_IN_RETRY_TICKS)
				lastCloseInTry = gs->frameNum;

	// user is attacking ground
	else if (c.params.size() >= 3) {
		const float3 pos(c.params[0], c.params[1], c.params[2]);
		const float3 diff = owner->pos - pos;

		if (owner->weapons.size() > 0) {
			// if we have at least one weapon then check if
			// we can hit position with our first (assumed
			// to be meanest) one
			CWeapon* w = owner->weapons.front();

			// XXX hack - dgun overrides any checks
			if (c.id == CMD_DGUN) {
				float rr = owner->maxRange * owner->maxRange;

				for (vector<CWeapon*>::iterator it = owner->weapons.begin();
