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C++ MyAvatar::getOrientation方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中MyAvatar::getOrientation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MyAvatar::getOrientation方法的具体用法?C++ MyAvatar::getOrientation怎么用?C++ MyAvatar::getOrientation使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在MyAvatar的用法示例。


示例1: getPalmClickLocation

//Caculate the click location using one of the sixense controllers. Scale is not applied
QPoint ApplicationCompositor::getPalmClickLocation(const PalmData *palm) const {
    QPoint rv;
    auto canvasSize = qApp->getCanvasSize();
    if (qApp->isHMDMode()) {
        glm::vec2 polar = getPolarCoordinates(*palm);
        glm::vec2 point = sphericalToScreen(-polar);
        rv.rx() = point.x;
        rv.ry() = point.y;
    } else {
        MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
        glm::dmat4 projection;
        glm::quat invOrientation = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation());
        glm::vec3 eyePos = myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition();
        glm::vec3 tip = myAvatar->getLaserPointerTipPosition(palm);
        glm::vec3 tipPos = invOrientation * (tip - eyePos);

        glm::vec4 clipSpacePos = glm::vec4(projection * glm::dvec4(tipPos, 1.0));
        glm::vec3 ndcSpacePos;
        if (clipSpacePos.w != 0) {
            ndcSpacePos = glm::vec3(clipSpacePos) / clipSpacePos.w;

        rv.setX(((ndcSpacePos.x + 1.0) / 2.0) * canvasSize.x);
        rv.setY((1.0 - ((ndcSpacePos.y + 1.0) / 2.0)) * canvasSize.y);
    return rv;

示例2: renderPointersOculus

void ApplicationOverlay::renderPointersOculus(const glm::vec3& eyePos) {
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _crosshairTexture);
    //Controller Pointers
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = Application::getInstance()->getAvatar();
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)myAvatar->getHand()->getNumPalms(); i++) {

        PalmData& palm = myAvatar->getHand()->getPalms()[i];
        if (palm.isActive()) {
            glm::vec3 tip = myAvatar->getLaserPointerTipPosition(&palm);
            glm::vec3 tipDirection = glm::normalize(glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation()) * (tip - eyePos));
            float pitch = -glm::asin(tipDirection.y);
            float yawSign = glm::sign(-tipDirection.x);
            float yaw = glm::acos(-tipDirection.z) *
                        ((yawSign == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : yawSign);
            glm::quat orientation = glm::quat(glm::vec3(pitch, yaw, 0.0f));
            renderReticle(orientation, _alpha);

    //Mouse Pointer
    if (_reticleActive[MOUSE]) {
        glm::vec2 projection = screenToSpherical(glm::vec2(_reticlePosition[MOUSE].x(),
        glm::quat orientation(glm::vec3(-projection.y, projection.x, 0.0f));
        renderReticle(orientation, _alpha);


示例3: getPalmClickLocation

//Caculate the click location using one of the sixense controllers. Scale is not applied
QPoint ApplicationOverlay::getPalmClickLocation(const PalmData *palm) const {
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    GLCanvas* glWidget = application->getGLWidget();
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = application->getAvatar();

    glm::vec3 tip = myAvatar->getLaserPointerTipPosition(palm);
    glm::vec3 eyePos = myAvatar->getHead()->getEyePosition();
    glm::quat invOrientation = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation());
    //direction of ray goes towards camera
    glm::vec3 dir = invOrientation * glm::normalize(application->getCamera()->getPosition() - tip);
    glm::vec3 tipPos = invOrientation * (tip - eyePos);

    QPoint rv;

    if (OculusManager::isConnected()) {
        float t;

        //We back the ray up by dir to ensure that it will not start inside the UI.
        glm::vec3 adjustedPos = tipPos - dir;
        //Find intersection of crosshair ray. 
        if (raySphereIntersect(dir, adjustedPos, _oculusUIRadius * myAvatar->getScale(), &t)){
            glm::vec3 collisionPos = adjustedPos + dir * t;
            //Normalize it in case its not a radius of 1
            collisionPos = glm::normalize(collisionPos);
            //If we hit the back hemisphere, mark it as not a collision
            if (collisionPos.z > 0) {
            } else {

                float u = asin(collisionPos.x) / (_textureFov)+0.5f;
                float v = 1.0 - (asin(collisionPos.y) / (_textureFov)+0.5f);

                rv.setX(u * glWidget->width());
                rv.setY(v * glWidget->height());
        } else {
            //if they did not click on the overlay, just set the coords to INT_MAX
    } else {
        glm::dmat4 projection;

        glm::vec4 clipSpacePos = glm::vec4(projection * glm::dvec4(tipPos, 1.0));
        glm::vec3 ndcSpacePos;
        if (clipSpacePos.w != 0) {
            ndcSpacePos = glm::vec3(clipSpacePos) / clipSpacePos.w;

        rv.setX(((ndcSpacePos.x + 1.0) / 2.0) * glWidget->width());
        rv.setY((1.0 - ((ndcSpacePos.y + 1.0) / 2.0)) * glWidget->height());
    return rv;


QScriptValue HMDScriptingInterface::getHUDLookAtPosition2D(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) {
    glm::vec3 hudIntersection;
    auto instance = DependencyManager::get<HMDScriptingInterface>();
    if (instance->getHUDLookAtPosition3D(hudIntersection)) {
        MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
        glm::vec3 sphereCenter = myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition();
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation()) * (hudIntersection - sphereCenter);
        glm::vec2 polar = glm::vec2(glm::atan(direction.x, -direction.z), glm::asin(direction.y)) * -1.0f;
        auto overlayPos = qApp->getApplicationCompositor().sphericalToOverlay(polar);
        return qScriptValueFromValue<glm::vec2>(engine, overlayPos);
    return QScriptValue::NullValue;


QScriptValue HMDScriptingInterface::getHUDLookAtPosition2D(QScriptContext* context, QScriptEngine* engine) {

    glm::vec3 hudIntersection;

    if ((&HMDScriptingInterface::getInstance())->getHUDLookAtPosition3D(hudIntersection)) {
        MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
        glm::vec3 sphereCenter = myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition();
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation()) * (hudIntersection - sphereCenter);
        glm::quat rotation = ::rotationBetween(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), direction);
        glm::vec3 eulers = ::safeEulerAngles(rotation);
        return qScriptValueFromValue<glm::vec2>(engine, Application::getInstance()->getApplicationCompositor()
                                                .sphericalToOverlay(glm::vec2(eulers.y, -eulers.x)));
    return QScriptValue::NullValue;

示例6: getPolarCoordinates

vec2 getPolarCoordinates(const PalmData& palm) {
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
    auto avatarOrientation = myAvatar->getOrientation();
    auto eyePos = myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition();
    glm::vec3 tip = myAvatar->getLaserPointerTipPosition(&palm);
    // Direction of the tip relative to the eye
    glm::vec3 tipDirection = tip - eyePos;
    // orient into avatar space
    tipDirection = glm::inverse(avatarOrientation) * tipDirection;
    // Normalize for trig functions
    tipDirection = glm::normalize(tipDirection);
    // Convert to polar coordinates
    glm::vec2 polar(glm::atan(tipDirection.x, -tipDirection.z), glm::asin(tipDirection.y));
    return polar;

示例7: calculateRayUICollisionPoint

//Finds the collision point of a world space ray
bool ApplicationCompositor::calculateRayUICollisionPoint(const glm::vec3& position, const glm::vec3& direction, glm::vec3& result) const {
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
    glm::quat inverseOrientation = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation());

    glm::vec3 relativePosition = inverseOrientation * (position - myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition());
    glm::vec3 relativeDirection = glm::normalize(inverseOrientation * direction);

    float t;
    if (raySphereIntersect(relativeDirection, relativePosition, _oculusUIRadius * myAvatar->getScale(), &t)){
        result = position + direction * t;
        return true;

    return false;

示例8: calculateRayUICollisionPoint

//Finds the collision point of a world space ray
bool ApplicationOverlay::calculateRayUICollisionPoint(const glm::vec3& position, const glm::vec3& direction, glm::vec3& result) const {
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = application->getAvatar();
    glm::quat orientation = myAvatar->getOrientation();

    glm::vec3 relativePosition = orientation * (position - myAvatar->getDefaultEyePosition());
    glm::vec3 relativeDirection = orientation * direction;

    float t;
    if (raySphereIntersect(relativeDirection, relativePosition, _oculusUIRadius * myAvatar->getScale(), &t)){
        result = position + direction * t;
        return true;

    return false;

示例9: payloadRender

    template <> void payloadRender(const Overlay::Pointer& overlay, RenderArgs* args) {
        if (args) {
            if (overlay->getAnchor() == Overlay::MY_AVATAR) {
                MyAvatar* avatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
                glm::quat myAvatarRotation = avatar->getOrientation();
                glm::vec3 myAvatarPosition = avatar->getPosition();
                float angle = glm::degrees(glm::angle(myAvatarRotation));
                glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(myAvatarRotation);
                float myAvatarScale = avatar->getScale();

                glTranslatef(myAvatarPosition.x, myAvatarPosition.y, myAvatarPosition.z);
                glRotatef(angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
                glScalef(myAvatarScale, myAvatarScale, myAvatarScale);
            } else {

示例10: payloadRender

 template <> void payloadRender(const Overlay::Pointer& overlay, RenderArgs* args) {
     if (args) {
         if (overlay->getAnchor() == Overlay::MY_AVATAR) {
             auto batch = args->_batch;
             MyAvatar* avatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
             glm::quat myAvatarRotation = avatar->getOrientation();
             glm::vec3 myAvatarPosition = avatar->getPosition();
             float angle = glm::degrees(glm::angle(myAvatarRotation));
             glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(myAvatarRotation);
             float myAvatarScale = avatar->getScale();
             Transform transform = Transform();
             transform.setRotation(glm::angleAxis(angle, axis));
         } else {

示例11: goToOrientation

void LocationManager::goToOrientation(QString orientation) {
    if (orientation.isEmpty()) {

    QStringList orientationItems = orientation.remove(' ').split(QRegExp("_|,"), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    const int W_ITEM = 0;
    const int X_ITEM = 1;
    const int Y_ITEM = 2;
    const int Z_ITEM = 3;

    if (orientationItems.size() == NUMBER_OF_ORIENTATION_ITEMS) {

        // replace last occurrence of '_' with decimal point
        replaceLastOccurrence('-', '.', orientationItems[W_ITEM]);
        replaceLastOccurrence('-', '.', orientationItems[X_ITEM]);
        replaceLastOccurrence('-', '.', orientationItems[Y_ITEM]);
        replaceLastOccurrence('-', '.', orientationItems[Z_ITEM]);

        double w = orientationItems[W_ITEM].toDouble();
        double x = orientationItems[X_ITEM].toDouble();
        double y = orientationItems[Y_ITEM].toDouble();
        double z = orientationItems[Z_ITEM].toDouble();

        glm::quat newAvatarOrientation(w, x, y, z);

        MyAvatar* myAvatar = Application::getInstance()->getAvatar();
        glm::quat avatarOrientation = myAvatar->getOrientation();
        if (newAvatarOrientation != avatarOrientation) {
            emit myAvatar->transformChanged();

示例12: displayOverlayTextureOculus

// Draws the FBO texture for Oculus rift. TODO: Draw a curved texture instead of plane.
void ApplicationOverlay::displayOverlayTextureOculus(Camera& whichCamera) {

    Application* application = Application::getInstance();

    QGLWidget* glWidget = application->getGLWidget();
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = application->getAvatar();
    const glm::vec3& viewMatrixTranslation = application->getViewMatrixTranslation();


    // Get vertical FoV of the displayed overlay texture
    const float halfVerticalAngle = _oculusAngle / 2.0f;
    const float overlayAspectRatio = glWidget->width() / (float)glWidget->height();
    const float halfOverlayHeight = _distance * tan(halfVerticalAngle);
    const float overlayHeight = halfOverlayHeight * 2.0f;

    // The more vertices, the better the curve
    const int numHorizontalVertices = 20;
    const int numVerticalVertices = 20;
    // U texture coordinate width at each quad
    const float quadTexWidth = 1.0f / (numHorizontalVertices - 1);
    const float quadTexHeight = 1.0f / (numVerticalVertices - 1);

    // Get horizontal angle and angle increment from vertical angle and aspect ratio
    const float horizontalAngle = halfVerticalAngle * 2.0f * overlayAspectRatio;
    const float angleIncrement = horizontalAngle / (numHorizontalVertices - 1);
    const float halfHorizontalAngle = horizontalAngle / 2;

    const float verticalAngleIncrement = _oculusAngle / (numVerticalVertices - 1);

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, getFramebufferObject()->texture());


    // Transform to world space
    glm::quat rotation = whichCamera.getRotation();
    glm::vec3 axis2 = glm::axis(rotation);
    glRotatef(-glm::degrees(glm::angle(rotation)), axis2.x, axis2.y, axis2.z);
    glTranslatef(viewMatrixTranslation.x, viewMatrixTranslation.y, viewMatrixTranslation.z);

    // Translate to the front of the camera
    glm::vec3 pos = whichCamera.getPosition();
    glm::quat rot = myAvatar->getOrientation();
    glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(rot);
    glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(rot)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);

    glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

    glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.01f);

    float leftX, rightX, leftZ, rightZ, topZ, bottomZ;

    //Draw the magnifiers
    for (int i = 0; i < _numMagnifiers; i++) {
        renderMagnifier(_mouseX[i], _mouseY[i]);


    //TODO: Remove immediate mode in favor of VBO
    if (_uiType == HEMISPHERE) {
    } else{
        // Place the vertices in a semicircle curve around the camera
        for (int i = 0; i < numHorizontalVertices - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < numVerticalVertices - 1; j++) {

                // Calculate the X and Z coordinates from the angles and radius from camera
                leftX = sin(angleIncrement * i - halfHorizontalAngle) * _distance;
                rightX = sin(angleIncrement * (i + 1) - halfHorizontalAngle) * _distance;
                leftZ = -cos(angleIncrement * i - halfHorizontalAngle) * _distance;
                rightZ = -cos(angleIncrement * (i + 1) - halfHorizontalAngle) * _distance;
                if (_uiType == 2) {
                    topZ = -cos((verticalAngleIncrement * (j + 1) - halfVerticalAngle) * overlayAspectRatio) * _distance;
                    bottomZ = -cos((verticalAngleIncrement * j - halfVerticalAngle) * overlayAspectRatio) * _distance;
                } else {
                    topZ = -99999;
                    bottomZ = -99999;

                glTexCoord2f(quadTexWidth * i, (j + 1) * quadTexHeight); 
                glVertex3f(leftX, (j + 1) * quadTexHeight * overlayHeight - halfOverlayHeight, max(topZ, leftZ));
                glTexCoord2f(quadTexWidth * (i + 1), (j + 1) * quadTexHeight); 

示例13: emulateMouse

//Injecting mouse movements and clicks
void SixenseManager::emulateMouse(PalmData* palm, int index) {
    Application* application = Application::getInstance();
    MyAvatar* avatar = application->getAvatar();
    QGLWidget* widget = application->getGLWidget();
    QPoint pos;
    Qt::MouseButton bumperButton;
    Qt::MouseButton triggerButton;

    if (Menu::getInstance()->getInvertSixenseButtons()) {
        bumperButton = Qt::LeftButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::RightButton;
    } else {
        bumperButton = Qt::RightButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::LeftButton;

    if (OculusManager::isConnected()) {
        pos = application->getApplicationOverlay().getOculusPalmClickLocation(palm);
    } else {
        // Get directon relative to avatar orientation
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(avatar->getOrientation()) * palm->getFingerDirection();

        // Get the angles, scaled between (-0.5,0.5)
        float xAngle = (atan2(direction.z, direction.x) + M_PI_2);
        float yAngle = 0.5f - ((atan2(direction.z, direction.y) + M_PI_2));

        // Get the pixel range over which the xAngle and yAngle are scaled
        float cursorRange = widget->width() * getCursorPixelRangeMult();

        pos.setX(widget->width() / 2.0f + cursorRange * xAngle);
        pos.setY(widget->height() / 2.0f + cursorRange * yAngle);


    //If we are off screen then we should stop processing, and if a trigger or bumper is pressed,
    //we should unpress them.
    if (pos.x() == INT_MAX) {
        if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);


            _bumperPressed[index] = false;
        if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);


            _triggerPressed[index] = false;

    //If position has changed, emit a mouse move to the application
    if (pos.x() != _oldX[index] || pos.y() != _oldY[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(static_cast<QEvent::Type>(CONTROLLER_MOVE_EVENT), pos, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, 0);

        //Only send the mouse event if the opposite left button isnt held down.
        //This is specifically for edit voxels
        if (triggerButton == Qt::LeftButton) {
            if (!_triggerPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
        } else {
            if (!_bumperPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
    _oldX[index] = pos.x();
    _oldY[index] = pos.y();

    //We need separate coordinates for clicks, since we need to check if
    //a magnification window was clicked on
    int clickX = pos.x();
    int clickY = pos.y();
    //Checks for magnification window click
    application->getApplicationOverlay().getClickLocation(clickX, clickY);
    //Set pos to the new click location, which may be the same if no magnification window is open

    //Check for bumper press ( Right Click )
    if (palm->getControllerButtons() & BUTTON_FWD) {
        if (!_bumperPressed[index]) {
            _bumperPressed[index] = true;
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

    } else if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);



示例14: emulateMouse

//Injecting mouse movements and clicks
void SixenseManager::emulateMouse(PalmData* palm, int index) {
    MyAvatar* avatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();
    auto glCanvas = Application::getInstance()->getGLWidget();
    QPoint pos;
    Qt::MouseButton bumperButton;
    Qt::MouseButton triggerButton;

    unsigned int deviceID = index == 0 ? CONTROLLER_0_EVENT : CONTROLLER_1_EVENT;

    if (_invertButtons) {
        bumperButton = Qt::LeftButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::RightButton;
    } else {
        bumperButton = Qt::RightButton;
        triggerButton = Qt::LeftButton;

    if (Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::SixenseLasers) 
        || Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::EnableVRMode)) {
        pos = qApp->getApplicationOverlay().getPalmClickLocation(palm);
    } else {
        // Get directon relative to avatar orientation
        glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(avatar->getOrientation()) * palm->getFingerDirection();

        // Get the angles, scaled between (-0.5,0.5)
        float xAngle = (atan2(direction.z, direction.x) + M_PI_2);
        float yAngle = 0.5f - ((atan2(direction.z, direction.y) + M_PI_2));

        // Get the pixel range over which the xAngle and yAngle are scaled
        float cursorRange = glCanvas->width() * getCursorPixelRangeMult();

        pos.setX(glCanvas->width() / 2.0f + cursorRange * xAngle);
        pos.setY(glCanvas->height() / 2.0f + cursorRange * yAngle);


    //If we are off screen then we should stop processing, and if a trigger or bumper is pressed,
    //we should unpress them.
    if (pos.x() == INT_MAX) {
        if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

            qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

            _bumperPressed[index] = false;
        if (_triggerPressed[index]) {
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, triggerButton, triggerButton, 0);

            qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

            _triggerPressed[index] = false;

    //If position has changed, emit a mouse move to the application
    if (pos.x() != _oldX[index] || pos.y() != _oldY[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseMove, pos, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, 0);

        //Only send the mouse event if the opposite left button isnt held down.
        if (triggerButton == Qt::LeftButton) {
            if (!_triggerPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
                qApp->mouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
        } else {
            if (!_bumperPressed[(int)(!index)]) {
                qApp->mouseMoveEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
    _oldX[index] = pos.x();
    _oldY[index] = pos.y();

    //We need separate coordinates for clicks, since we need to check if
    //a magnification window was clicked on
    int clickX = pos.x();
    int clickY = pos.y();
    //Set pos to the new click location, which may be the same if no magnification window is open

    //Check for bumper press ( Right Click )
    if (palm->getControllerButtons() & BUTTON_FWD) {
        if (!_bumperPressed[index]) {
            _bumperPressed[index] = true;
            QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

            qApp->mousePressEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);
    } else if (_bumperPressed[index]) {
        QMouseEvent mouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pos, bumperButton, bumperButton, 0);

        qApp->mouseReleaseEvent(&mouseEvent, deviceID);

        _bumperPressed[index] = false;

示例15: renderControllerPointers

void ApplicationCompositor::renderControllerPointers(gpu::Batch& batch) {
    MyAvatar* myAvatar = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar();

    //Static variables used for storing controller state
    static quint64 pressedTime[NUMBER_OF_RETICLES] = { 0ULL, 0ULL, 0ULL };
    static bool isPressed[NUMBER_OF_RETICLES] = { false, false, false };
    static bool stateWhenPressed[NUMBER_OF_RETICLES] = { false, false, false };

    const HandData* handData = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar()->getHandData();

    for (unsigned int palmIndex = 2; palmIndex < 4; palmIndex++) {
        const int index = palmIndex - 1;

        const PalmData* palmData = NULL;

        if (palmIndex >= handData->getPalms().size()) {

        if (handData->getPalms()[palmIndex].isActive()) {
            palmData = &handData->getPalms()[palmIndex];
        } else {

        int controllerButtons = palmData->getControllerButtons();

        //Check for if we should toggle or drag the magnification window
        if (controllerButtons & BUTTON_3) {
            if (isPressed[index] == false) {
                //We are now dragging the window
                isPressed[index] = true;
                //set the pressed time in us
                pressedTime[index] = usecTimestampNow();
                stateWhenPressed[index] = _magActive[index];
        } else if (isPressed[index]) {
            isPressed[index] = false;
            //If the button was only pressed for < 250 ms
            //then disable it.

            const int MAX_BUTTON_PRESS_TIME = 250 * MSECS_TO_USECS;
            if (usecTimestampNow() < pressedTime[index] + MAX_BUTTON_PRESS_TIME) {
                _magActive[index] = !stateWhenPressed[index];

        //if we have the oculus, we should make the cursor smaller since it will be
        if (qApp->isHMDMode()) {

            QPoint point = getPalmClickLocation(palmData);

            _reticlePosition[index] = point;

            //When button 2 is pressed we drag the mag window
            if (isPressed[index]) {
                _magActive[index] = true;

            // If oculus is enabled, we draw the crosshairs later

        auto canvasSize = qApp->getCanvasSize();
        int mouseX, mouseY;
        if (Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::SixenseLasers)) {
            QPoint res = getPalmClickLocation(palmData);
            mouseX = res.x();
            mouseY = res.y();
        } else {
            // Get directon relative to avatar orientation
            glm::vec3 direction = glm::inverse(myAvatar->getOrientation()) * palmData->getFingerDirection();

            // Get the angles, scaled between (-0.5,0.5)
            float xAngle = (atan2(direction.z, direction.x) + M_PI_2);
            float yAngle = 0.5f - ((atan2(direction.z, direction.y) + M_PI_2));

            // Get the pixel range over which the xAngle and yAngle are scaled
            float cursorRange = canvasSize.x * SixenseManager::getInstance().getCursorPixelRangeMult();

            mouseX = (canvasSize.x / 2.0f + cursorRange * xAngle);
            mouseY = (canvasSize.y / 2.0f + cursorRange * yAngle);

        //If the cursor is out of the screen then don't render it
        if (mouseX < 0 || mouseX >= (int)canvasSize.x || mouseY < 0 || mouseY >= (int)canvasSize.y) {
            _reticleActive[index] = false;
        _reticleActive[index] = true;

        const float reticleSize = 40.0f;

        mouseX -= reticleSize / 2.0f;
        mouseY += reticleSize / 2.0f;

        glm::vec2 topLeft(mouseX, mouseY);
