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C++ GrDrawState::hasColorVertexAttribute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GrDrawState::hasColorVertexAttribute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GrDrawState::hasColorVertexAttribute方法的具体用法?C++ GrDrawState::hasColorVertexAttribute怎么用?C++ GrDrawState::hasColorVertexAttribute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在GrDrawState的用法示例。


示例1: setColor

void GrGLProgram::setColor(const GrDrawState& drawState,
                           GrColor color,
                           SharedGLState* sharedState) {
    const GrGLProgramDesc::KeyHeader& header = fDesc.getHeader();
    if (!drawState.hasColorVertexAttribute() || drawState.canIgnoreColorAttribute()) {
        switch (header.fColorInput) {
            case GrGLProgramDesc::kAttribute_ColorInput:
                SkASSERT(-1 != header.fColorAttributeIndex);
                if (sharedState->fConstAttribColor != color ||
                    sharedState->fConstAttribColorIndex != header.fColorAttributeIndex) {
                    // OpenGL ES only supports the float varieties of glVertexAttrib
                    GrGLfloat c[4];
                    GrColorToRGBAFloat(color, c);
                    GL_CALL(VertexAttrib4fv(header.fColorAttributeIndex, c));
                    sharedState->fConstAttribColor = color;
                    sharedState->fConstAttribColorIndex = header.fColorAttributeIndex;
            case GrGLProgramDesc::kUniform_ColorInput:
                if (fColor != color && fBuilderOutput.fUniformHandles.fColorUni.isValid()) {
                    // OpenGL ES doesn't support unsigned byte varieties of glUniform
                    GrGLfloat c[4];
                    GrColorToRGBAFloat(color, c);
                    fUniformManager->set4fv(fBuilderOutput.fUniformHandles.fColorUni, 1, c);
                    fColor = color;
                sharedState->fConstAttribColorIndex = -1;
                SkFAIL("Unexpected color type.");
    } else {
        sharedState->fConstAttribColorIndex = -1;

示例2: CombineIfPossible

GrDrawState::CombinedState GrDrawState::CombineIfPossible(
    const GrDrawState& a, const GrDrawState& b, const GrDrawTargetCaps& caps) {

    if (!a.isEqual(b)) {
        return kIncompatible_CombinedState;

    // If the general draw states are equal (from check above) we know hasColorVertexAttribute()
    // is equivalent for both a and b
    if (a.hasColorVertexAttribute()) {
        // If one is opaque and the other is not then the combined state is not opaque. Moreover,
        // if the opaqueness affects the ability to get color/coverage blending correct then we
        // don't combine the draw states.
        bool aIsOpaque = (kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint & a.fHints);
        bool bIsOpaque = (kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint & b.fHints);
        if (aIsOpaque != bIsOpaque) {
            const GrDrawState* opaque;
            const GrDrawState* nonOpaque;
            if (aIsOpaque) {
                opaque = &a;
                nonOpaque = &b;
            } else {
                opaque = &b;
                nonOpaque = &a;
            if (!opaque->hasSolidCoverage() && opaque->couldApplyCoverage(caps)) {
                if (!nonOpaque->couldApplyCoverage(caps)) {
                    return kIncompatible_CombinedState;
            return aIsOpaque ? kB_CombinedState : kA_CombinedState;
    return kAOrB_CombinedState;

示例3: Build

void GrGLProgramDesc::Build(const GrDrawState& drawState,
                            bool isPoints,
                            GrDrawState::BlendOptFlags blendOpts,
                            GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
                            GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff,
                            const GrGpuGL* gpu,
                            const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
                            SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* colorStages,
                            SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* coverageStages,
                            GrGLProgramDesc* desc) {

    // This should already have been caught
    SkASSERT(!(GrDrawState::kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag & blendOpts));

    bool skipCoverage = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);

    bool skipColor = SkToBool(blendOpts & (GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag |
    int firstEffectiveColorStage = 0;
    bool inputColorIsUsed = true;
    if (!skipColor) {
        firstEffectiveColorStage = drawState.numColorStages();
        while (firstEffectiveColorStage > 0 && inputColorIsUsed) {
            const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getColorStage(firstEffectiveColorStage).getEffect()->get();
            inputColorIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();

    int firstEffectiveCoverageStage = 0;
    bool inputCoverageIsUsed = true;
    if (!skipCoverage) {
        firstEffectiveCoverageStage = drawState.numCoverageStages();
        while (firstEffectiveCoverageStage > 0 && inputCoverageIsUsed) {
            const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getCoverageStage(firstEffectiveCoverageStage).getEffect()->get();
            inputCoverageIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();

    // The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
    // descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
    // bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
    // to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.

    bool requiresColorAttrib = !skipColor && drawState.hasColorVertexAttribute();
    bool requiresCoverageAttrib = !skipCoverage && drawState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute();
    // we only need the local coords if we're actually going to generate effect code
    bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib = !(skipCoverage  && skipColor) &&

    bool colorIsTransBlack = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);
    bool colorIsSolidWhite = (blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag) ||
                             (!requiresColorAttrib && 0xffffffff == drawState.getColor()) ||

    int numEffects = (skipColor ? 0 : (drawState.numColorStages() - firstEffectiveColorStage)) +
                     (skipCoverage ? 0 : (drawState.numCoverageStages() - firstEffectiveCoverageStage));

    size_t newKeyLength = KeyLength(numEffects);
    bool allocChanged;
    desc->fKey.reset(newKeyLength, SkAutoMalloc::kAlloc_OnShrink, &allocChanged);
    if (allocChanged || !desc->fInitialized) {
        // make sure any padding in the header is zero if we we haven't used this allocation before.
        memset(desc->header(), 0, kHeaderSize);
    // write the key length
    *desc->atOffset<uint32_t, kLengthOffset>() = SkToU32(newKeyLength);

    KeyHeader* header = desc->header();
    EffectKey* effectKeys = desc->effectKeys();

    int currEffectKey = 0;
    bool readsDst = false;
    bool readFragPosition = false;
    bool hasVertexCode = false;
    if (!skipColor) {
        for (int s = firstEffectiveColorStage; s < drawState.numColorStages(); ++s) {
            effectKeys[currEffectKey++] =
                get_key_and_update_stats(drawState.getColorStage(s), gpu->glCaps(),
                                         requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &readsDst, &readFragPosition,
    if (!skipCoverage) {
        for (int s = firstEffectiveCoverageStage; s < drawState.numCoverageStages(); ++s) {
            effectKeys[currEffectKey++] =
                get_key_and_update_stats(drawState.getCoverageStage(s), gpu->glCaps(),
                                         requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &readsDst, &readFragPosition,

    header->fHasVertexCode = hasVertexCode || requiresLocalCoordAttrib;
    header->fEmitsPointSize = isPoints;

    // Currently the experimental GS will only work with triangle prims (and it doesn't do anything
    // other than pass through values from the VS to the FS anyway).

示例4: Build

void GrGLProgramDesc::Build(const GrDrawState& drawState,
                            bool isPoints,
                            GrDrawState::BlendOptFlags blendOpts,
                            GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
                            GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff,
                            const GrGpuGL* gpu,
                            const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
                            GrGLProgramDesc* desc) {

    // This should already have been caught
    GrAssert(!(GrDrawState::kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag & blendOpts));

    bool skipCoverage = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);

    bool skipColor = SkToBool(blendOpts & (GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag |

    // The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
    // descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
    // bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
    // to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.

    desc->fEmitsPointSize = isPoints;

    bool requiresColorAttrib = !skipColor && drawState.hasColorVertexAttribute();
    bool requiresCoverageAttrib = !skipCoverage && drawState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute();
    // we only need the local coords if we're actually going to generate effect code
    bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib = !(skipCoverage  && skipColor) &&

    // fColorInput/fCoverageInput records how colors are specified for the program so we strip the
    // bits from the bindings to avoid false negatives when searching for an existing program in the
    // cache.

    desc->fColorFilterXfermode = skipColor ? SkXfermode::kDst_Mode : drawState.getColorFilterMode();

    bool colorIsTransBlack = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);
    bool colorIsSolidWhite = (blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitCoverage_BlendOptFlag) ||
                             (!requiresColorAttrib && 0xffffffff == drawState.getColor());
    if (colorIsTransBlack) {
        desc->fColorInput = kTransBlack_ColorInput;
    } else if (colorIsSolidWhite) {
        desc->fColorInput = kSolidWhite_ColorInput;
    } else if (GR_GL_NO_CONSTANT_ATTRIBUTES && !requiresColorAttrib) {
        desc->fColorInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
    } else {
        desc->fColorInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;

    bool covIsSolidWhite = !requiresCoverageAttrib && 0xffffffff == drawState.getCoverage();

    if (skipCoverage) {
        desc->fCoverageInput = kTransBlack_ColorInput;
    } else if (covIsSolidWhite) {
        desc->fCoverageInput = kSolidWhite_ColorInput;
    } else if (GR_GL_NO_CONSTANT_ATTRIBUTES && !requiresCoverageAttrib) {
        desc->fCoverageInput = kUniform_ColorInput;
    } else {
        desc->fCoverageInput = kAttribute_ColorInput;

    bool readsDst = false;
    int lastEnabledStage = -1;

    for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawState::kNumStages; ++s) {

        bool skip = s < drawState.getFirstCoverageStage() ? skipColor : skipCoverage;
        if (!skip && drawState.isStageEnabled(s)) {
            lastEnabledStage = s;
            const GrEffectRef& effect = *drawState.getStage(s).getEffect();
            const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory = effect->getFactory();
            GrDrawEffect drawEffect(drawState.getStage(s), requiresLocalCoordAttrib);
            desc->fEffectKeys[s] = factory.glEffectKey(drawEffect, gpu->glCaps());
            if (effect->willReadDst()) {
                readsDst = true;
        } else {
            desc->fEffectKeys[s] = 0;

    if (readsDst) {
        GrAssert(NULL != dstCopy);
        desc->fDstRead = GrGLShaderBuilder::KeyForDstRead(dstCopy->texture(), gpu->glCaps());
        GrAssert(0 != desc->fDstRead);
    } else {
        desc->fDstRead = 0;

    desc->fCoverageOutput = kModulate_CoverageOutput;

    // Currently the experimental GS will only work with triangle prims (and it doesn't do anything
    // other than pass through values from the VS to the FS anyway).
#if 0
    desc->fExperimentalGS = gpu->caps().geometryShaderSupport();
    desc->fExperimentalGS = false;

示例5: Build

bool GrGLProgramDesc::Build(const GrDrawState& drawState,
                            GrGpu::DrawType drawType,
                            GrDrawState::BlendOptFlags blendOpts,
                            GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff,
                            GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff,
                            const GrGpuGL* gpu,
                            const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy,
                            const GrEffectStage** geometryProcessor,
                            SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* colorStages,
                            SkTArray<const GrEffectStage*, true>* coverageStages,
                            GrGLProgramDesc* desc) {

    // This should already have been caught
    SkASSERT(!(GrDrawState::kSkipDraw_BlendOptFlag & blendOpts));

    bool skipCoverage = SkToBool(blendOpts & GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag);

    bool skipColor = SkToBool(blendOpts & (GrDrawState::kEmitTransBlack_BlendOptFlag |

    int firstEffectiveColorStage = 0;
    bool inputColorIsUsed = true;

    if (!skipColor) {
        firstEffectiveColorStage = drawState.numColorStages();
        while (firstEffectiveColorStage > 0 && inputColorIsUsed) {
            const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getColorStage(firstEffectiveColorStage).getEffect();
            inputColorIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();

    int firstEffectiveCoverageStage = 0;
    bool inputCoverageIsUsed = true;
    if (!skipCoverage) {
        firstEffectiveCoverageStage = drawState.numCoverageStages();
        while (firstEffectiveCoverageStage > 0 && inputCoverageIsUsed) {
            const GrEffect* effect = drawState.getCoverageStage(firstEffectiveCoverageStage).getEffect();
            inputCoverageIsUsed = effect->willUseInputColor();

    // The descriptor is used as a cache key. Thus when a field of the
    // descriptor will not affect program generation (because of the attribute
    // bindings in use or other descriptor field settings) it should be set
    // to a canonical value to avoid duplicate programs with different keys.

    bool requiresColorAttrib = !skipColor && drawState.hasColorVertexAttribute();
    bool requiresCoverageAttrib = !skipCoverage && drawState.hasCoverageVertexAttribute();
    // we only need the local coords if we're actually going to generate effect code
    bool requiresLocalCoordAttrib = !(skipCoverage  && skipColor) &&

    bool readsDst = false;
    bool readFragPosition = false;

    // Provide option for shader programs without vertex shader only when drawing paths.
    bool requiresVertexShader = !GrGpu::IsPathRenderingDrawType(drawType);

    int numStages = 0;
    if (drawState.hasGeometryProcessor()) {
    if (!skipColor) {
        numStages += drawState.numColorStages() - firstEffectiveColorStage;
    if (!skipCoverage) {
        numStages += drawState.numCoverageStages() - firstEffectiveCoverageStage;
    GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset % sizeof(uint32_t));
    // Make room for everything up to and including the array of offsets to effect keys.
    desc->fKey.push_back_n(kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) * numStages);

    int offsetAndSizeIndex = 0;
    bool effectKeySuccess = true;

    KeyHeader* header = desc->header();
    // make sure any padding in the header is zeroed.
    memset(desc->header(), 0, kHeaderSize);

    // We can only have one effect which touches the vertex shader
    if (drawState.hasGeometryProcessor()) {
        uint16_t* offsetAndSize =
                reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(desc->fKey.begin() + kEffectKeyOffsetsAndLengthOffset +
                                            offsetAndSizeIndex * 2 * sizeof(uint16_t));

            GrEffectKeyBuilder b(&desc->fKey);
            uint16_t effectKeySize;
            uint32_t effectOffset = desc->fKey.count();
            effectKeySuccess |= GetEffectKeyAndUpdateStats(
                                    *drawState.getGeometryProcessor(), gpu->glCaps(),
                                    requiresLocalCoordAttrib, &b,
                                    &effectKeySize, &readsDst,
                                    &readFragPosition, &requiresVertexShader);
            effectKeySuccess |= (effectOffset <= SK_MaxU16);


示例6: flush

void GrDistanceFieldTextContext::flush() {
    if (NULL == fDrawTarget) {

    if (fCurrVertex > 0) {
        GrDrawState drawState;
        drawState.setFromPaint(fPaint, fContext->getMatrix(), fContext->getRenderTarget());
        bool useColorVerts = !fUseLCDText;
        set_vertex_attributes(&drawState, useColorVerts);

        // setup our sampler state for our text texture/atlas

        // get our current color
        SkColor filteredColor;
        SkColorFilter* colorFilter = fSkPaint.getColorFilter();
        if (colorFilter) {
            filteredColor = colorFilter->filterColor(fSkPaint.getColor());
        } else {
            filteredColor = fSkPaint.getColor();

        // Effects could be stored with one of the cache objects (atlas?)

        // Set draw state
        if (fUseLCDText) {
            GrColor colorNoPreMul = skcolor_to_grcolor_nopremultiply(filteredColor);
            if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff != fPaint.getSrcBlendCoeff() ||
                kISA_GrBlendCoeff != fPaint.getDstBlendCoeff() ||
                fPaint.numColorStages()) {
                SkDebugf("LCD Text will not draw correctly.\n");
            // We don't use the GrPaint's color in this case because it's been premultiplied by
            // alpha. Instead we feed in a non-premultiplied color, and multiply its alpha by
            // the mask texture color. The end result is that we get
            //            mask*paintAlpha*paintColor + (1-mask*paintAlpha)*dstColor
            int a = SkColorGetA(fSkPaint.getColor());
            // paintAlpha
            drawState.setColor(SkColorSetARGB(a, a, a, a));
            // paintColor
            drawState.setBlendFunc(kConstC_GrBlendCoeff, kISC_GrBlendCoeff);
        } else {
            if (0xFF == GrColorUnpackA(fPaint.getColor())) {
                drawState.setHint(GrDrawState::kVertexColorsAreOpaque_Hint, true);
            // set back to normal in case we took LCD path previously.
            drawState.setBlendFunc(fPaint.getSrcBlendCoeff(), fPaint.getDstBlendCoeff());
            // We're using per-vertex color.
        int nGlyphs = fCurrVertex / kVerticesPerGlyph;
        fVertices = NULL;
        fTotalVertexCount -= fCurrVertex;
        fCurrVertex = 0;

示例7: flushGlyphs

void GrBitmapTextContext::flushGlyphs() {
    if (NULL == fDrawTarget) {

    GrDrawState* drawState = fDrawTarget->drawState();
    GrDrawState::AutoRestoreEffects are(drawState);
    drawState->setFromPaint(fPaint, SkMatrix::I(), fContext->getRenderTarget());

    if (fCurrVertex > 0) {
        // setup our sampler state for our text texture/atlas
        GrTextureParams params(SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, GrTextureParams::kNone_FilterMode);

        uint32_t textureUniqueID = fCurrTexture->getUniqueID();
        if (textureUniqueID != fEffectTextureUniqueID) {
            fCachedEffect.reset(GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect::Create(fCurrTexture, params));
            fEffectTextureUniqueID = textureUniqueID;

        // This effect could be stored with one of the cache objects (atlas?)
        int coordsIdx = drawState->hasColorVertexAttribute() ? kGlyphCoordsWithColorAttributeIndex :
        drawState->addCoverageEffect(fCachedEffect.get(), coordsIdx);
        SkASSERT(NULL != fStrike);
        switch (fStrike->getMaskFormat()) {
            // Color bitmap text
            case kARGB_GrMaskFormat:
                drawState->setBlendFunc(fPaint.getSrcBlendCoeff(), fPaint.getDstBlendCoeff());
            // LCD text
            case kA888_GrMaskFormat:
            case kA565_GrMaskFormat: {
                if (kOne_GrBlendCoeff != fPaint.getSrcBlendCoeff() ||
                    kISA_GrBlendCoeff != fPaint.getDstBlendCoeff() ||
                    fPaint.numColorStages()) {
                    GrPrintf("LCD Text will not draw correctly.\n");
                // We don't use the GrPaint's color in this case because it's been premultiplied by
                // alpha. Instead we feed in a non-premultiplied color, and multiply its alpha by
                // the mask texture color. The end result is that we get
                //            mask*paintAlpha*paintColor + (1-mask*paintAlpha)*dstColor
                int a = SkColorGetA(fSkPaint.getColor());
                // paintAlpha
                drawState->setColor(SkColorSetARGB(a, a, a, a));
                // paintColor
                drawState->setBlendFunc(kConstC_GrBlendCoeff, kISC_GrBlendCoeff);
            // Grayscale/BW text
            case kA8_GrMaskFormat:
                // set back to normal in case we took LCD path previously.
                drawState->setBlendFunc(fPaint.getSrcBlendCoeff(), fPaint.getDstBlendCoeff());
                // We're using per-vertex color.
                SkFAIL("Unexepected mask format.");
        int nGlyphs = fCurrVertex / 4;
                                          4, 6, &fVertexBounds);

        fVertices = NULL;
        fMaxVertices = 0;
        fCurrVertex = 0;
