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C++ CBasePlayer::AddPlayerItem方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CBasePlayer::AddPlayerItem方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CBasePlayer::AddPlayerItem方法的具体用法?C++ CBasePlayer::AddPlayerItem怎么用?C++ CBasePlayer::AddPlayerItem使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CBasePlayer的用法示例。


示例1: Think

// Think:
//  Used for selection of weapon menu item.
void CHudAmmo::Think()
	if( m_bNeedsLocalUpdate )
		m_bNeedsLocalUpdate = false;

		if( m_pWeapon )
			UpdateWeaponHUD( m_pWeapon, m_bOnTarget );

	if ( gHUD.m_bPlayerDead )

	CBasePlayer* pPlayer = g_Prediction.GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( gHUD.m_iWeaponBits != pPlayer->pev->weapons )
		pPlayer->pev->weapons = gHUD.m_iWeaponBits;

		for (int i = MAX_WEAPONS-1; i > 0; i-- )
			CBasePlayerWeapon *p = g_Prediction.GetWeapon(i);

			if ( p && p->GetWeaponInfo() )
				if ( gHUD.m_iWeaponBits & ( 1 << p->GetWeaponInfo()->GetID() ) )
					pPlayer->AddPlayerItem( p );
					pPlayer->RemovePlayerItem( p );

	if( !m_pActiveSel )

	// has the player selected one?
	if (gHUD.m_iKeyBits & IN_ATTACK)
		if ( m_pActiveSel != (CBasePlayerWeapon *)1)
			ServerCmd( m_pActiveSel->GetWeaponInfo()->GetWeaponName());
			g_weaponselect = m_pActiveSel->GetWeaponInfo()->GetID();

		m_pLastSel = m_pActiveSel;
		m_pActiveSel = nullptr;
		gHUD.m_iKeyBits &= ~IN_ATTACK;

		PlaySound("common/wpn_select.wav", 1);


示例2: Touch

void CWeaponBox::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( !(pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND ) ) return;
	if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() ) return;
	if ( !pOther->IsAlive() ) return;

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pOther;
	int i;

	// dole out ammo
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ )
		if ( !FStringNull( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ) )
			// there's some ammo of this type. 
			pPlayer->GiveAmmo( m_rgAmmo[ i ], (char *)STRING( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ), MaxAmmoCarry( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ) );

			// now empty the ammo from the weaponbox since we just gave it to the player
			m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] = iStringNull;
			m_rgAmmo[ i ] = 0;

	// go through my weapons and try to give the usable ones to the player. 
	// it's important the the player be given ammo first, so the weapons code doesn't refuse 
	// to deploy a better weapon that the player may pick up because he has no ammo for it.

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ )
		if ( m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] )
			CBasePlayerWeapon *pItem;

			// have at least one weapon in this slot
			while ( m_rgpPlayerItems[i] )
				pItem = m_rgpPlayerItems[i];
				m_rgpPlayerItems[i] = m_rgpPlayerItems[i]->m_pNext; // unlink this weapon from the box

				if( pPlayer->AddPlayerItem( pItem ))
					pItem->AttachToPlayer( pPlayer );

	EMIT_SOUND( pOther->edict(), CHAN_BODY, "items/gunpickup2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

	SetTouch( NULL );
	UTIL_Remove( this );
