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C++ AInventory::TryPickup方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AInventory::TryPickup方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AInventory::TryPickup方法的具体用法?C++ AInventory::TryPickup怎么用?C++ AInventory::TryPickup使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AInventory的用法示例。


示例1: PickConversationReply

static void PickConversationReply ()
	const char *replyText = NULL;
	FStrifeDialogueReply *reply = (FStrifeDialogueReply *)ConversationItems[ConversationMenu.lastOn].c.extra;
	bool takestuff;
	int i;

	M_ClearMenus ();
	CleanupConversationMenu ();
	if (reply == NULL)

	// Check if you have the requisite items for this choice
	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		if (!CheckStrifeItem (reply->ItemCheck[i], reply->ItemCheckAmount[i]))
			// No, you don't. Say so and let the NPC animate negatively.
			if (reply->QuickNo)
				Printf ("%s\n", reply->QuickNo);
			ConversationNPC->ConversationAnimation (2);

	// Yay, you do! Let the NPC animate affirmatively.
	ConversationNPC->ConversationAnimation (1);

	// If this reply gives you something, then try to receive it.
	takestuff = true;
	if (reply->GiveType != NULL)
		AInventory *item = static_cast<AInventory *> (Spawn (reply->GiveType, 0, 0, 0));
		// Items given here should not count as items!
		if (item->flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
			item->flags &= ~MF_COUNTITEM;
		item->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
		if (!item->TryPickup (players[consoleplayer].mo))
			item->Destroy ();
			takestuff = false;

	// Take away required items if the give was successful or none was needed.
	if (takestuff)
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
			TakeStrifeItem (reply->ItemCheck[i], reply->ItemCheckAmount[i]);
		replyText = reply->QuickYes;
		replyText = "You seem to have enough!";

	// Update the quest log, if needed.
	if (reply->LogNumber != 0)
		players[consoleplayer].SetLogNumber (reply->LogNumber);

	// Does this reply alter the speaker's conversation node? If NextNode is positive,
	// the next time they talk, the will show the new node. If it is negative, then they
	// will show the new node right away without terminating the dialogue.
	if (reply->NextNode != 0)
		int rootnode = FindNode (ConversationNPC->GetDefault()->Conversation);
		if (reply->NextNode < 0)
			ConversationNPC->Conversation = StrifeDialogues[rootnode - reply->NextNode - 1];
			if (gameaction != ga_slideshow)
				P_StartConversation (ConversationNPC, players[consoleplayer].mo);
				S_StopSound (ConversationNPC, CHAN_VOICE);
			ConversationNPC->Conversation = StrifeDialogues[rootnode + reply->NextNode - 1];

	if (replyText != NULL)
		Printf ("%s\n", replyText);
