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C++ AInventory::GetDefault方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AInventory::GetDefault方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AInventory::GetDefault方法的具体用法?C++ AInventory::GetDefault怎么用?C++ AInventory::GetDefault使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AInventory的用法示例。


示例1: HandlePickup

bool ABackpackItem::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
    // Since you already have a backpack, that means you already have every
    // kind of ammo in your inventory, so we don't need to look at the
    // entire PClass list to discover what kinds of ammo exist, and we don't
    // have to alter the MaxAmount either.
    if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABackpackItem)))
        for (AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Inventory)
            if (probe->GetClass()->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
                if (probe->Amount < probe->MaxAmount || sv_unlimited_pickup)
                    int amount = static_cast<AAmmo*>(probe->GetDefault())->BackpackAmount;
                    // extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
                    if (!(item->ItemFlags&IF_IGNORESKILL))
                        amount = int(amount * G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AmmoFactor));
                    probe->Amount += amount;
                    if (probe->Amount > probe->MaxAmount && !sv_unlimited_pickup)
                        probe->Amount = probe->MaxAmount;
        // The pickup always succeeds, even if you didn't get anything
        item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
        return true;
    return false;

示例2: DetachFromOwner

void ABackpackItem::DetachFromOwner ()
	// When removing a backpack, drop the player's ammo maximums to normal
	AInventory *item;

	for (item = Owner->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
		if (item->GetClass()->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) &&
			item->MaxAmount == static_cast<AAmmo*>(item)->BackpackMaxAmount)
			item->MaxAmount = static_cast<AInventory*>(item->GetDefault())->MaxAmount;
			if (item->Amount > item->MaxAmount)
				item->Amount = item->MaxAmount;
