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C++ AInventory::GetBlend方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AInventory::GetBlend方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AInventory::GetBlend方法的具体用法?C++ AInventory::GetBlend怎么用?C++ AInventory::GetBlend使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AInventory的用法示例。


示例1: V_AddPlayerBlend

void V_AddPlayerBlend (player_t *CPlayer, float blend[4], float maxinvalpha, int maxpainblend)
	int cnt;

	// [RH] All powerups can affect the screen blending now
	for (AInventory *item = CPlayer->mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
		PalEntry color = item->GetBlend ();
		if (color.a != 0)
			V_AddBlend (color.r/255.f, color.g/255.f, color.b/255.f, color.a/255.f, blend);
			if (color.a/255.f > maxinvalpha) maxinvalpha = color.a/255.f;
	if (CPlayer->bonuscount)
		cnt = CPlayer->bonuscount << 3;
		V_AddBlend (RPART(gameinfo.pickupcolor)/255.f, GPART(gameinfo.pickupcolor)/255.f, 
					BPART(gameinfo.pickupcolor)/255.f, cnt > 128 ? 0.5f : cnt / 255.f, blend);

	PalEntry painFlash = CPlayer->mo->DamageFade;
	CPlayer->mo->GetClass()->GetPainFlash(CPlayer->mo->DamageTypeReceived, &painFlash);

	if (painFlash.a != 0)
		cnt = DamageToAlpha[MIN (113, CPlayer->damagecount * painFlash.a / 255)];
		if (cnt)
			if (cnt > maxpainblend)
				cnt = maxpainblend;

			V_AddBlend (painFlash.r / 255.f, painFlash.g / 255.f, painFlash.b / 255.f, cnt / 255.f, blend);

	// Unlike Doom, I did not have any utility source to look at to find the
	// exact numbers to use here, so I've had to guess by looking at how they
	// affect the white color in Hexen's palette and picking an alpha value
	// that seems reasonable.
	// [Gez] The exact values could be obtained by looking how they affect
	// each color channel in Hexen's palette.

	if (CPlayer->poisoncount)
		cnt = MIN (CPlayer->poisoncount, 64);
		if (paletteflash & PF_POISON)
			V_AddBlend(44/255.f, 92/255.f, 36/255.f, ((cnt + 7) >> 3) * 0.1f, blend);

示例2: SetFixedColormap

void FGLRenderer::SetFixedColormap (player_t *player)

	// check for special colormaps
	player_t * cplayer = player->camera->player;
	if (cplayer) 
		if (cplayer->extralight == INT_MIN)
		else if (cplayer->fixedcolormap != NOFIXEDCOLORMAP)
			gl_fixedcolormap = CM_FIRSTSPECIALCOLORMAP + cplayer->fixedcolormap;
		else if (cplayer->fixedlightlevel != -1)
			for(AInventory * in = cplayer->mo->Inventory; in; in = in->Inventory)
				PalEntry color = in->GetBlend ();

				// Need special handling for light amplifiers 
				if (in->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerTorch)))
					gl_fixedcolormap = cplayer->fixedlightlevel + CM_TORCH;
				else if (in->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerLightAmp)))
					gl_fixedcolormap = CM_LITE;
