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Python Scipy integrate.romberg()用法及代码示例


用法: scipy.integrate.romberg(func, a, b)
返回:Return the romberg integrated value of a callable function.


# import numpy and scipy.integrate 
import numpy as np 
from scipy import integrate 
gfg = lambda x:np.exp(-x**2) 
# using scipy.integrate.romberg() 
geek = integrate.romberg(gfg, 0, 3, show = True) 


Romberg integration of <function vectorize1..vfunc at 0x00000209C3641EA0> from [0, 3]

 Steps  StepSize   Results
     1  3.000000  1.500185
     2  1.500000  0.908191  0.710860
     4  0.750000  0.886180  0.878843  0.890042
     8  0.375000  0.886199  0.886206  0.886696  0.886643
    16  0.187500  0.886205  0.886207  0.886207  0.886200  0.886198
    32  0.093750  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207
    64  0.046875  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207
   128  0.023438  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207  0.886207

The final result is 0.8862073482595311 after 129 function evaluations.


# import numpy and scipy.integrate 
import numpy as np 
from scipy import integrate 
gfg = lambda x:np.exp(-x**2) + 1 / np.sqrt(np.pi) 
# using scipy.integrate.romberg() 
geek = integrate.romberg(gfg, 1, 2, show = True) 


Romberg integration of <function vectorize1..vfunc at 0x00000209E1605400> from [1, 2]

 Steps  StepSize   Results
     1  1.000000  0.757287
     2  0.500000  0.713438  0.698822
     4  0.250000  0.702909  0.699400  0.699438
     8  0.125000  0.700310  0.699444  0.699447  0.699447
    16  0.062500  0.699663  0.699447  0.699447  0.699447  0.699447
    32  0.031250  0.699501  0.699447  0.699447  0.699447  0.699447  0.699447

The final result is 0.6994468414978009 after 33 function evaluations.


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自Jitender_1998大神的英文原创作品 Python | Scipy integrate.romberg() method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。