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p5.js Table matchRows()用法及代码示例



matchRows( regexp, [column] )


  • regexp:它是一个String或RegExp对象,它指定要匹配的正则表达式。
  • column:它是一个字符串或数字,表示列的名称或列的ID。它是一个可选参数。


以下示例说明了p5.js中的match Rows()方法:


function setup() { 
  createCanvas(500, 300); 
  matchQueryInput = 
  matchQueryInput.position(30, 40); 
  getColBtn = 
    createButton("Get the matching row"); 
  getColBtn.position(30, 70); 
  // Create the table 
  table = new p5.Table(); 
  // Add two columns 
  // Add some rows to the table 
  let newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "mary"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 21); 
  newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "marco6"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 27); 
  newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "tunisia 4"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 32); 
  newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "user 23"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 32); 
  newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "admin"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 45); 
  newRow = table.addRow(); 
  newRow.setString("name", "mikasa"); 
  newRow.setString("id", 23); 
function getMatchedResults() { 
  let matchQuery = 
  if (matchQuery != "") { 
    // Match the query in the column of 'name'  
    matchResults = 
      table.matchRows(new RegExp(matchQuery), 
    if (matchResults.length > 0) { 
      text("The rows that matches the " + 
           "query is", 20, 120); 
      for (let i = 0; i < matchResults.length; i++) { 
        // Display the matched value 
        text(matchResults[i].arr[0], 20, 140 + i * 20); 
        text(matchResults[i].arr[1], 120, 140 + i * 20); 
    else text("No Results Found", 20, 120); 
  } else { 
    text("The query string is empty", 20, 120); 
  text("Enter a string to match it in " +  
       "the 'name' column table", 20, 20); 
function showTable() { 
  // Display the total rows present in the table 
  text("There are " + table.getRowCount() + 
       " rows in the table", 20, 120); 
  for (let r = 0; r < table.getRowCount(); r++) 
    for (let c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount(); c++) 
      text(table.getString(r, c), 
           20 + c * 100, 140 + r * 20); 
  text("Enter a string to match it in " +  
       "the 'name' column table", 20, 20); 


环境设置: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/



注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自sayantanm19大神的英文原创作品 p5.Table matchRows() Method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。