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JavaScript ArcGIS FeatureReductionCluster.popupTemplate用法及代码示例



AMD: require(["esri/layers/support/FeatureReductionCluster"], (FeatureReductionCluster) => { /* code goes here */ });

ESM: import FeatureReductionCluster from "@arcgis/core/layers/support/FeatureReductionCluster";

类: esri/layers/support/FeatureReductionCluster

继承: FeatureReductionCluster > Accessor

自从:用于 JavaScript 4.14 的 ArcGIS API



popupTemplate PopupTemplate autocast

PopupTemplate 应用于集群图形。设置后,将使用独立于 layer.popupTemplate 的 popupTemplate。此弹出窗口可以显示集群的摘要信息,包括集群中所有要素的计数以及渲染器映射的字段的平均值或主要值。


PopupTemplate 可以包含一个或多个 Arcade 表达式,遵循 Arcade Feature Reduction Popup Profile 定义的规范。表达式必须返回字符串或数字,并且可以使用 $feature$aggregatedFeatures 全局变量访问集群及其聚合特征的数据值。



字段名称 类型 说明
cluster_count number 集群中的特征数量。
cluster_avg_{fieldName} number 对于使用大小、不透明度、连续颜色或分类分隔来可视化数字字段的渲染器,该字段说明了集群中所有要素中渲染字段的平均值。
cluster_type_{fieldName} string 对于具有 UniqueValueRenderer 的图层,此字段说明了集群内所有要素中渲染字段的模式或主要字符串。

以下 popupTemplate 配置将显示下图中显示的弹出窗口。


layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "cluster",
  popupTemplate: {
    content: "This cluster represents {cluster_count} earthquakes."



以下 featureReduction 配置假定图层的渲染器是 UniqueValueRenderer,其字段名为 religion

layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "cluster",
  popupTemplate: {
    content: [{
      type: "text",
      text: "This cluster represents <b>{cluster_count}</b> features."
    }, {
      type: "text",
      text: "The predominant place of worship in this cluster is <b>{cluster_type_religion}</b>."



以下 featureReduction 配置假定图层的渲染器包含引用名为 WIND_SPEEDWIND_DIRECTTEMP 的字段的视觉变量。

layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "cluster",
  popupTemplate: {
    content: [{
      type: "text",
      text: "This cluster represents <b>{cluster_count}</b> weather stations."
    }, {
      type: "fields",
      fieldInfos: [{
        fieldName: "cluster_avg_WIND_SPEED",
        label: "Average wind speed (km/h)",
        format: {
          places: 0
      }, {
        fieldName: "cluster_avg_WIND_DIRECT",
        label: "Average wind direction (degrees)",
          format: {
            places: 0
      }, {
          fieldName: "cluster_avg_TEMP",
          label: "Average temperature (°F)",
          format: {
           places: 0



// enables clustering on the layer with a
// popup describing the number of features represented by each cluster
layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "cluster",
  popupTemplate: {
    content: "This cluster represents <b>{cluster_count}</b> features."
    fieldInfos: [{
      fieldName: "cluster_count",
      format: {
        digitSeparator: true,
        places: 0
// enables clustering on the layer with a
// popup describing the average value of
// the field mapped by the renderer
layer.featureReduction = {
  type: "cluster",
  renderer: {
    type: "simple",
    symbol: {
      type: "simple-marker",
      size: 8
    label: "Weather stations",
    visualVariables: [
        type: "color",
        field: "Temperature",
        stops: [
            value: 32,
            color: "blue",
            label: "< 32° F"
            value: 90,
            color: "red",
            label: ">90° F"
  popupTemplate: {
    content: [{
      type: "text",
      text: "This cluster represents <b>{cluster_count}</b> features."
    }, {
      type: "text",
      text: "The average temperature in this cluster is <b>{cluster_avg_Temperature}° F</b>."
    fieldInfos: [{
      fieldName: "cluster_count",
      format: {
        digitSeparator: true,
        places: 0
    }, {
      fieldName: "cluster_avg_Temperature",
      format: {
        places: 1
// Displays an ordered list of the top 5 categories
// of features contained within the cluster
layer.popupTemplate = {
  title: "Power plant summary",
  content: [{
   type: "expression",
   // lists the top 5 most common fuel types in the cluster
   expressionInfo: {
     expression: `
       Expects($aggregatedFeatures, "fuel1")

       var statsFS = GroupBy($aggregatedFeatures,
           { name: 'Type', expression: 'fuel1'},
           { name: 'num_features', expression: '1', statistic: 'COUNT' }
       var ordered = Top(OrderBy(statsFs, 'num_features DESC'), 5);

       // create an HTML ordered list as a string and return in a rich text element
       var list = "<ol>";

       for (var group in ordered){
         list += \`<li>\${group.Type} (\${Text(group.num_features, "#,###")})</li>\`
       list += "</ol>";

       return {
         type: "text",
         text: list
     title: "List of fuel types"


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自arcgis.com大神的英文原创作品 FeatureReductionCluster.popupTemplate。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。