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Python Environment.add方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中webassets.Environment.add方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Environment.add方法的具体用法?Python Environment.add怎么用?Python Environment.add使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在webassets.Environment的用法示例。


示例1: TestCLI

# 需要导入模块: from webassets import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from webassets.Environment import add [as 别名]
class TestCLI(object):
    def setup(self):
        self.assets_env = Environment("", "")
        self.cmd_env = CommandLineEnvironment(self.assets_env, logging)

    def test_rebuild_container_bundles(self):
        """Test the rebuild command can deal with container bundles.
        a = MockBundle(output="a")
        b1 = MockBundle(output="b1")
        b2 = MockBundle(output="b2")
        b = MockBundle(b1, b2)
        self.assets_env.add(a, b)


        assert a.build_called
        assert not b.build_called
        assert b1.build_called
        assert b2.build_called

示例2: TestEnvApi

# 需要导入模块: from webassets import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from webassets.Environment import add [as 别名]
class TestEnvApi(object):
    """General Environment functionality."""

    def setup(self):
        self.m = Environment(None, None)

    def test_register_single_bundle(self):
        """Test registering a single ``Bundle`` object.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b)
        assert self.m['foo'] == b

    def test_register_dict(self):
        """Register a bunch of bundles at once."""
        a = Bundle()
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register({'foo': a, 'bar': b})
        assert self.m['foo'] == a
        assert self.m['bar'] == b

    def test_register_new_bundle(self):
        """Test self.m.registering a new bundle on the fly.

        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b, 's2', 's3')
        assert b in self.m['foo'].contents

        # Special case of using only a single, non-bundle source argument.
        self.m.register('footon', 's1')
        assert 's1' in self.m['footon'].contents

        # Special case of specifying only a single bundle as a source, but
        # additional options - this also creates a wrapping bundle.
        self.m.register('foofighters', b, output="bar")
        assert b in self.m['foofighters'].contents

    def test_register_invalid_call(self):
        """Test calling self.m.register with an invalid syntax.
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register)
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register, 'one-argument-only')

    def test_register_duplicate(self):
        """Test name clashes.

        b1 = Bundle()
        b2 = Bundle()

        self.m.register('foo', b1)

        # Multiple calls with the same name are ignored if the given bundle
        # is the same as originally passed.
        self.m.register('foo', b1)
        assert len(self.m) == 1

        # Otherwise, an error is raised.
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, 'foo', b2)
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, 'foo', 's1', 's2', 's3')

    def test_register_anon_bundle(self):
        """Self registering an anonymous bundle.
        b = Bundle()
        assert len(self.m) == 1
        assert list(self.m) == [b]

    def test_contains(self):
        """Test __contains__.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b)
        assert 'foo' in self.m
        assert not 'bar' in self.m

    def test_url_and_directory(self):
        """The url and directory options are a bit special, because they
        are so essential.

        # An environment can be constructed without given url or directory.
        env = Environment()
        # But then accessing them will fail, and with it most operations.
        assert_raises(EnvironmentError, getattr, env, 'url')
        assert_raises(EnvironmentError, getattr, env, 'directory')

        # Test constructing the environment with values for url and directory
        env = Environment('foo', 'bar')
        assert env.url == 'bar'
        assert env.config['directory'] == 'foo'
        assert env.directory == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'foo')

    def test_append_load_path(self):
        env = Environment()
        assert env.load_path == []

        env.append_path('foo', '/foo')

示例3: TestEnvApi

# 需要导入模块: from webassets import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from webassets.Environment import add [as 别名]
class TestEnvApi(object):
    """General Environment functionality."""

    def setup(self):
        self.m = Environment(None, None)

    def test_single_bundle(self):
        """Test self.m.registering a single ``Bundle`` object.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b)
        assert self.m['foo'] == b

    def test_new_bundle(self):
        """Test self.m.registering a new bundle on the fly.

        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b, 's2', 's3')
        assert b in self.m['foo'].contents

        # Special case of using only a single, non-bundle source argument.
        self.m.register('footon', 's1')
        assert 's1' in self.m['footon'].contents

        # Special case of specifying only a single bundle as a source, but
        # additional options - this also creates a wrapping bundle.
        self.m.register('foofighters', b, output="bar")
        assert b in self.m['foofighters'].contents

    def test_invalid_call(self):
        """Test calling self.m.register with an invalid syntax.
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register)
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register, 'one-argument-only')

    def test_duplicate(self):
        """Test name clashes.

        b1 = Bundle()
        b2 = Bundle()

        self.m.register('foo', b1)

        # Multiple calls with the same name are ignored if the given bundle
        # is the same as originally passed.
        self.m.register('foo', b1)
        assert len(self.m) == 1

        # Otherwise, an error is raised.
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, 'foo', b2)
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, 'foo', 's1', 's2', 's3')

    def test_anon_bundle(self):
        """Self registering an anonymous bundle.
        b = Bundle()
        assert len(self.m) == 1
        assert list(self.m) == [b]

    def test_contains(self):
        """Test __contains__.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register('foo', b)
        assert 'foo' in self.m
        assert not 'bar' in self.m

示例4: Environment

# 需要导入模块: from webassets import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from webassets.Environment import add [as 别名]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from os import path
from webassets import Bundle, Environment

env = Environment(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'static'), '/stylesheets')
# App Engine doesn't support automatic rebuilding.
env.auto_build = False
# This file needs to be shipped with your code.
env.manifest = 'file'

bundle = Bundle('in.css', filters="cssmin", output="out.css")

if __name__== "__main__":
    # If this file is called directly, do a manual build.

示例5: TestEnvApi

# 需要导入模块: from webassets import Environment [as 别名]
# 或者: from webassets.Environment import add [as 别名]
class TestEnvApi(object):
    """General Environment functionality."""

    def setup(self):
        self.m = Environment(None, None)

    def test_register_single_bundle(self):
        """Test registering a single ``Bundle`` object.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register("foo", b)
        assert self.m["foo"] == b

    def test_register_dict(self):
        """Register a bunch of bundles at once."""
        a = Bundle()
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register({"foo": a, "bar": b})
        assert self.m["foo"] == a
        assert self.m["bar"] == b

    def test_register_new_bundle(self):
        """Test self.m.registering a new bundle on the fly.

        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register("foo", b, "s2", "s3")
        assert b in self.m["foo"].contents

        # Special case of using only a single, non-bundle source argument.
        self.m.register("footon", "s1")
        assert "s1" in self.m["footon"].contents

        # Special case of specifying only a single bundle as a source, but
        # additional options - this also creates a wrapping bundle.
        self.m.register("foofighters", b, output="bar")
        assert b in self.m["foofighters"].contents

    def test_register_invalid_call(self):
        """Test calling self.m.register with an invalid syntax.
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register)
        assert_raises(TypeError, self.m.register, "one-argument-only")

    def test_register_duplicate(self):
        """Test name clashes.

        b1 = Bundle()
        b2 = Bundle()

        self.m.register("foo", b1)

        # Multiple calls with the same name are ignored if the given bundle
        # is the same as originally passed.
        self.m.register("foo", b1)
        assert len(self.m) == 1

        # Otherwise, an error is raised.
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, "foo", b2)
        assert_raises(RegisterError, self.m.register, "foo", "s1", "s2", "s3")

    def test_register_anon_bundle(self):
        """Self registering an anonymous bundle.
        b = Bundle()
        assert len(self.m) == 1
        assert list(self.m) == [b]

    def test_contains(self):
        """Test __contains__.
        b = Bundle()
        self.m.register("foo", b)
        assert "foo" in self.m
        assert not "bar" in self.m

    def test_bool_evaluation(self):
        """Test that environment evaluates to True in a boolean context.
        env = Environment()
        assert env

    def test_url_and_directory(self):
        """The url and directory options are a bit special, because they
        are so essential.

        # An environment can be constructed without given url or directory.
        env = Environment()
        # But then accessing them will fail, and with it most operations.
        assert_raises(EnvironmentError, getattr, env, "url")
        assert_raises(EnvironmentError, getattr, env, "directory")

        # Test constructing the environment with values for url and directory
        env = Environment("foo", "bar")
        assert env.url == "bar"
        assert env.config["directory"] == "foo"
        assert env.directory == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "foo")
