本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.Matrix.transpose方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Matrix.transpose方法的具体用法?Python Matrix.transpose怎么用?Python Matrix.transpose使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类sympy.Matrix
示例1: perceptronTrain
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def perceptronTrain(self):
def meanSquare(matrix):
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
return a
while not self.testAllDataPass():
for i in range(len(self.input_data)):
#print "target_matrix:"
#print target_matrix
#print 'output_matrix:'
#print fireForMatrix(self.function_name,weight_matrix*input_matrix+bias_matrix)
#print 'error'+str(error)
#print 'output'+str(weight_matrix*input_matrix+bias_matrix)
#print 'after fire output'+str(fireForMatrix(self.function_name,weight_matrix*input_matrix+bias_matrix))
#print 'target'+str(target_matrix)
#print 'weight'+str(self.weight)
#print 'bias'+str(self.bias)
print("Finish Training")
示例2: main
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def main():
u, v, R = symbols('u v R', real=True)
xi, eta = symbols(r'\xi \eta', cls=Function)
numer = 4*R**2
denom = u**2 + v**2 + numer
# inverse of a stereographic projection from the south pole
# onto the XY plane:
pinv = Matrix([numer * u / denom,
numer * v / denom,
-(2 * R * (u**2 + v**2)) / denom]) # OK
if False:
# textbook style
Dpinv = simplify(pinv.jacobian([u, v]))
print_latex(Dpinv, mat_str='pmatrix', mat_delim=None) # OK?
tDpinvDpinv = factor(Dpinv.transpose() @ Dpinv)
print_latex(tDpinvDpinv, mat_str='pmatrix', mat_delim=None) # OK
tDpinvDpinv = tDpinvDpinv.subs([(u, xi(t)), (v, eta(t))])
dcdt = Matrix([xi(t).diff(), eta(t).diff()])
sqrt((dcdt.transpose() @ tDpinvDpinv).dot(dcdt))))
# directly
dpinvc = pinv.subs([(u, xi(t)), (v, eta(t))]).diff(t, 1)
示例3: test_hessenberg
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def test_hessenberg():
A = Matrix([[3, 4, 1],[2, 4 ,5],[0, 1, 2]])
assert A.is_upper_hessenberg()
assert A.transpose().is_lower_hessenberg()
A = Matrix([[3, 4, 1],[2, 4 ,5],[3, 1, 2]])
assert not A.is_upper_hessenberg()
示例4: tet4
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def tet4():
N1 = z
N2 = n
N3 = b
N4 = 1 - z - n - b
X = Matrix([[1, x, y, z]])
X2 = Matrix([[1, x1, y1, z1],
[1, x2, y2, z2],
[1, x3, y3, z3],
[1, x4, y4, z4]])
N = X * X2.inv()
N1 = N[0, 0]
N2 = N[0, 1]
N3 = N[0, 2]
N4 = N[0, 3]
N = Matrix([[N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0, 0],
[0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0],
[0, 0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4]])
NT = N.transpose()
#pdV = p*v
pdV = 3
factorI = 1
M = makeM(pdV, NT, factorI, levels=3)
print "Mtet = \n", M
示例5: generate_base_change_matrix
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def generate_base_change_matrix(size = 8):
''' Builds the matrix. '''
if using_sympy:
A = Matrix([ Polynomial.choose(k).pad_with_zeroes(size)
for k in range(size) ])
A = A.transpose()
Polynomial.base_change_matrix = A.inv()
elif using_sage:
print('eh, ill do this later')
print('need sympy or sage')
示例6: quad
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def quad():
N1 = (1 - z) * (1 - n) / 4
N2 = (1 + z) * (1 - n) / 4
N3 = (1 + z) * (1 + n) / 4
N4 = (1 - z) * (1 + n) / 4
N = Matrix([[N1, 0, N2, 0, N3, 0, N4, 0], [0, N1, 0, N2, 0, N3, 0, N4]])
NT = N.transpose()
pdV = p * A * t / 4 # 4 refers to number of nodes??
Jacobian = Matrix([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) # not done
factorI = Jacobian
M = makeM(pdV, NT, factorI, levels=2)
print("Mquad = \n", M)
示例7: test_transpose
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def test_transpose():
M = Matrix([[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0],
assert M.T == Matrix( [ [1,1],
[0,0] ])
assert M.T.T == M
assert M.T == M.transpose()
示例8: calcFeedbackGain
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def calcFeedbackGain(A, B, poles):
n = len(poles)
param = sp.symbols('s, t1T1, t1T2, t1T3, t1T4')
s, t1T1, t1T2, t1T3, t1T4 = param
poly = 1
for s_i in poles:
poly = (s-s_i)*poly
poly = poly.expand()
p = []
# calculate the coefficient of characteric polynom
for i in range(n):
# print i
# print poly.subs([(s,0)])
poly = poly - p[i]
poly = poly/s
poly = poly.expand()
# calculate controllability matrix
QsT = Matrix([B.transpose(),\
Qs = QsT.transpose()
print 'Qs: ',Qs
det_Qs = Qs.det()
# print det_Qs.expand()
t1T = Matrix([t1T1, t1T2, t1T3, t1T4])
e_4 = Matrix([[0,0,0,1]])
t1T = e_4*Qs**-1
K = t1T*(A**4 + p[3]*A**(3) + p[2]*A**2 + p[1]*A + p[0]*sp.eye(4))
return K
示例9: setDefaultLearningRate
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def setDefaultLearningRate(self):
from sympy import Matrix
sum=Matrix([[0 for column in range(len(self.net.input_data[0]))]for row in range(len(self.net.input_data[0]))])
for elem in self.net.input_data:
# print 'sum'
#print sum
# print eigenvalue
for keys in eigenvalue:
if keys>max:
示例10: main
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def main():
x_1, x_2 = symbols('x_1 x_2', real=True)
# Phi(x_1, x_2) = a torus.
Phi = Matrix([(2 + cos(x_2)) * cos(x_1),
(2 + cos(x_2)) * sin(x_1),
DPhi = Phi.jacobian([x_1, x_2])
print_latex(DPhi, fold_func_brackets=True,
mat_str='pmatrix', mat_delim=None)
tDPhi = DPhi.transpose()
print_latex(tDPhi, fold_func_brackets=True,
mat_str='pmatrix', mat_delim=None)
tDPhiDPhi = simplify(tDPhi * DPhi) # simplify \sin^2 + \cos^2.
print_latex(tDPhiDPhi, fold_func_brackets=True,
mat_str='pmatrix', mat_delim=None)
dcdt = Matrix([Derivative(xi, t, 1), Derivative(eta, t, 1)])
print_latex(sqrt((dcdt.transpose() @ tDPhiDPhi).dot(dcdt)),
示例11: Rotate
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def Rotate( element, theta):
"""Applies a rotation on any polarizing element given
its Jones matrix representation and a angle of rotation.
The angle is to be ginven in radians and the matrix.
Examples for elements to imput are the vertical polarizer
and a quarter waveplate:
V = Matrix([ [ 1 , 0],\
[ 0 , 0] ])
QWP = Matrix([ [ 1 , 0], \
[ 0 , -1j] ])
from sympy import Matrix, cos, sin
assert isinstance(element, Matrix)
assert element.shape == (2,2)
rotator = Matrix([ [ cos(theta), sin(theta)], \
[-sin(theta), cos(theta) ] ])
return rotator.transpose() * element * rotator
示例12: testAllDataPass
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
def testAllDataPass(self):
for i in range(len(self.input_data)):
for j in range(len(self.weight)):
if output!=self.output_data[i]:
#print 'output'+str(output)
#print 'target'+str(self.output_data[i])
#print 'output'+str(output)
#print 'target'+str(self.output_data[i])
#print all_pass
return all_pass
示例13: TestScrew6
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
class TestScrew6(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit test for Screw6 class."""
def setUp(self):
# setup data matrices to compare against
self.data = Matrix([
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
[19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24],
[25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30],
[31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]
self.data_tl = Matrix([
[1, 2, 3],
[7, 8, 9],
[13, 14, 15]
self.data_tr = Matrix([
[4, 5, 6],
[10, 11, 12],
[16, 17, 18]
self.data_bl = Matrix([
[19, 20, 21],
[25, 26, 27],
[31, 32, 33]
self.data_br = Matrix([
[22, 23, 24],
[28, 29, 30],
[34, 35, 36]
# setup Screw6 instances
self.empty = Screw6()
self.indiv = Screw6()
self.indiv.val = self.data
def test_init(self):
"""Test constructor."""
# test instance type
self.assertIsInstance(self.empty, Screw6)
self.assertIsInstance(self.indiv, Screw6)
self.assertIsInstance(Screw6(self.data), Screw6)
self.assertIsInstance(Screw6(value=self.data), Screw6)
self.data_tl, self.data_tr,
self.data_bl, self.data_br
), Screw6
tl=self.data_tl, bl=self.data_bl,
tr=self.data_tr, br=self.data_br
), Screw6
# test raise appropriate exception
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Screw6, 3, 4)
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Screw6, tl=5, tr=6)
def test_val(self):
"""Test get and set of val()"""
# test get
self.assertEqual(self.empty.val, zeros(6, 6))
self.assertEqual(self.indiv.val, self.data)
# test set
self.indiv.val = self.data.transpose()
self.assertEqual(self.indiv.val, self.data.transpose())
with self.assertRaises(ShapeError):
self.empty.val = Matrix([3, 3])
def test_topleft(self):
"""Test get and set of topleft()"""
# test get
self.assertEqual(self.empty.topleft, zeros(3, 3))
# test set
self.indiv.topleft = self.data_tl
self.assertEqual(self.indiv.topleft, self.data_tl)
with self.assertRaises(ShapeError):
self.empty.topleft = Matrix([3, 3])
def test_topright(self):
"""Test get and set of topright()"""
# test get
self.assertEqual(self.empty.topright, zeros(3, 3))
# test set
self.indiv.topright = self.data_tr
self.assertEqual(self.indiv.topright, self.data_tr)
with self.assertRaises(ShapeError):
self.empty.topright = Matrix([3, 3])
def test_botleft(self):
"""Test get and set of botleft()"""
# test get
self.assertEqual(self.empty.botleft, zeros(3, 3))
# test set
self.indiv.botleft = self.data_bl
self.assertEqual(self.indiv.botleft, self.data_bl)
with self.assertRaises(ShapeError):
self.empty.botleft = Matrix([3, 3])
示例14: LagrangesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
self._term2 = Matrix([])
self._term3 = Matrix([])
self._term4 = Matrix([])
# Creating the qs, qdots and qdoubledots
q_list = list(q_list)
if not isinstance(q_list, list):
raise TypeError('Generalized coords. must be supplied in a list')
self._q = q_list
self._qdots = [diff(i, dynamicsymbols._t) for i in self._q]
self._qdoubledots = [diff(i, dynamicsymbols._t) for i in self._qdots]
self.coneqs = coneqs
def form_lagranges_equations(self):
"""Method to form Lagrange's equations of motion.
Returns a vector of equations of motion using Lagrange's equations of
the second kind.
q = self._q
qd = self._qdots
qdd = self._qdoubledots
n = len(q)
#Putting the Lagrangian in a Matrix
L = Matrix([self._L])
#Determining the first term in Lagrange's EOM
self._term1 = L.jacobian(qd)
self._term1 = ((self._term1).diff(dynamicsymbols._t)).transpose()
#Determining the second term in Lagrange's EOM
self._term2 = (L.jacobian(q)).transpose()
#term1 and term2 will be there no matter what so leave them as they are
if self.coneqs is not None:
coneqs = self.coneqs
#If there are coneqs supplied then the following will be created
coneqs = list(coneqs)
if not isinstance(coneqs, list):
raise TypeError('Enter the constraint equations in a list')
o = len(coneqs)
#Creating the multipliers
self.lam_vec = Matrix(dynamicsymbols('lam1:' + str(o + 1)))
#Extracting the coeffecients of the multipliers
coneqs_mat = Matrix(coneqs)
qd = self._qdots
self.lam_coeffs = -coneqs_mat.jacobian(qd)
#Determining the third term in Lagrange's EOM
#term3 = ((self.lam_vec).transpose() * self.lam_coeffs).transpose()
self._term3 = self.lam_coeffs.transpose() * self.lam_vec
#Taking the time derivative of the constraint equations
diffconeqs = [diff(i, dynamicsymbols._t) for i in coneqs]
#Extracting the coeffecients of the qdds from the diff coneqs
diffconeqs_mat = Matrix(diffconeqs)
示例15: xrange
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import transpose [as 别名]
M = [(P[i]*E*Nu[i, :].T)[0].subs({x: R[0], y: R[1]}) for i in xrange(0, len(p))]
W = [gradient(M[i], R).to_matrix(R).subs({R[0]: x, R[1]: y})[:2] for i in xrange(len(p))]
# Natural laws transformation calculation
natural_field = diag(*(ones(1, len(p)) * ((Nu*G).multiply_elementwise(F))))
force_is_present = natural_field.applyfunc(
lambda exp: Piecewise((1.0, exp > 0.0),
(0.0, exp <= 0.0))
natural_influence = (Upsilon * Alpha * natural_field + S * Alpha)*force_is_present*ones(len(fs), 1)
pending_transformation_vector = Omicron.transpose()*natural_influence
#pprint(W, num_columns=1000)
#pprint(get_matrix_of_converting_atoms(Nu, p, pending_transformation_vector))
#pprint(get_matrix_of_converted_atoms(Nu, p, pending_transformation_vector, natural_influence, Omicron, D))
#pprint(Nu - get_matrix_of_converting_atoms(Nu, p, pending_transformation_vector) + get_matrix_of_converted_atoms(Nu, p, pending_transformation_vector, natural_influence, Omicron, D))
#import parmap
#images = parmap.map(vector_field_to_image, W, (-10, 10, 10, -10))
#image = reduce(alpha_composite, images)
#im = image # vector_field_to_image(W[0], (-10, 10, 10, -10))
#im[:, :, -1] = 0
#mlab_imshowColor(im[:, :, :3])