本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.Matrix.inv方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Matrix.inv方法的具体用法?Python Matrix.inv怎么用?Python Matrix.inv使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类sympy.Matrix
示例1: test_inverse
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def test_inverse():
A = eye(4)
assert A.inv() == eye(4)
assert A.inv("LU") == eye(4)
assert A.inv("ADJ") == eye(4)
A = Matrix([[2,3,5],
Ainv = A.inv()
assert A*Ainv == eye(3)
assert A.inv("LU") == Ainv
assert A.inv("ADJ") == Ainv
示例2: Newton_solver_gxgt
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def Newton_solver_gxgt(error, hx, ht, x0, p_value=1, q_value=1):
gx, gt, p, q, hx1, hx2, ht1, ht2 = symbols('gx gt p q qhx1 hx2 ht1 ht2')
epsilon1 = gx*hx1**p + gt*ht1**q - error[-2]
epsilon2 = gx*hx2**p + gt*ht2**q - error[-1]
epsilon = [epsilon1, epsilon2]
x = [gx, gt]
knowns = [p, q, hx1, hx2, ht1, ht2]
def f(i,j):
return diff(epsilon[i], x[j])
Jacobi = Matrix(2, 2, f)
JacobiInv = Jacobi.inv()
epsilonfunc = lambdify([x, knowns], epsilon)
JacobiInvfunc = lambdify([x, knowns], JacobiInv)
x = x0
knowns = [p_value, q_value, hx[-2], hx[-1], ht[-2], ht[-1]]
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(x, knowns))
for n in range(8):
Jinv = np.asarray(JacobiInvfunc(x, knowns))
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(x, knowns))
x = x - np.dot(Jinv, F)
print "n, x: ", n, x
return x
示例3: _compute_joint_acceleration
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def _compute_joint_acceleration(model, robo, j, i):
Compute the joint acceleration for joint j.
model: An instance of DynModel
robo: An instance of Robot
j: link number
i: antecedent value
An instance of DynModel that contains all the new values.
# local variables
j_a_j = robo.geos[j].axisa
j_s_i = robo.geos[j].tmat.s_j_wrt_i
j_gamma_j = model.gammas[j].val
j_inertia_j_s = model.star_inertias[j].val
j_beta_j_s = model.star_betas[j].val
h_j = Matrix([model.joint_inertias[j]])
tau_j = Matrix([model.taus[j]])
i_vdot_i = model.accels[i].val
# actual computation
qddot_j = h_j.inv() * (-j_a_j.transpose() * j_inertia_j_s * \
((j_s_i * i_vdot_i) + j_gamma_j) + tau_j + \
(j_a_j.transpose() * j_beta_j_s))
# store in model
model.qddots[j] = qddot_j[0, 0]
return model
示例4: _compute_alpha_wrench
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def _compute_alpha_wrench(model, robo, j):
Compute the wrench as a function of tau - joint torque without
model: An instance of DynModel
robo: An instance of Robot
j: joint number
An instance of DynModel that contains all the new values.
j_alpha_j = Screw()
# local variables
j_a_j = robo.geos[j].axisa
j_k_j = model.no_qddot_inertias[j].val
j_gamma_j = model.gammas[j].val
j_inertia_j_s = model.star_inertias[j].val
j_beta_j_s = model.star_betas[j].val
h_j = Matrix([model.joint_inertias[j]])
tau_j = Matrix([model.taus[j]])
# actual computation
j_alpha_j.val = (j_k_j * j_gamma_j) + \
(j_inertia_j_s * j_a_j * h_j.inv() * \
(tau_j + j_a_j.transpose() * j_beta_j_s)) - j_beta_j_s
# store in model
model.alphas[j] = j_alpha_j
return model
示例5: Newton_solver_pq
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def Newton_solver_pq(error, hx, ht, gx, gt, x0):
p, q = symbols('p q')
epsilon1 = gx*hx[-2]**p + gt*ht[-2]**q - error[-2]
epsilon2 = gx*hx[-1]**p + gt*ht[-1]**q - error[-1]
epsilon = [epsilon1, epsilon2]
x = [p, q]
def f(i,j):
return diff(epsilon[i], x[j])
Jacobi = Matrix(2, 2, f)
JacobiInv = Jacobi.inv()
epsilonfunc = lambdify(x, epsilon)
JacobiInvfunc = lambdify(x, JacobiInv)
x = x0
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(x))
for n in range(8):
Jinv = np.asarray(JacobiInvfunc(x))
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(x))
x = x - np.dot(Jinv, F)
return x
示例6: tet4
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def tet4():
N1 = z
N2 = n
N3 = b
N4 = 1 - z - n - b
X = Matrix([[1, x, y, z]])
X2 = Matrix([[1, x1, y1, z1],
[1, x2, y2, z2],
[1, x3, y3, z3],
[1, x4, y4, z4]])
N = X * X2.inv()
N1 = N[0, 0]
N2 = N[0, 1]
N3 = N[0, 2]
N4 = N[0, 3]
N = Matrix([[N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0, 0],
[0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0],
[0, 0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4]])
NT = N.transpose()
#pdV = p*v
pdV = 3
factorI = 1
M = makeM(pdV, NT, factorI, levels=3)
print "Mtet = \n", M
示例7: _estimate_gradients_2d_global
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def _estimate_gradients_2d_global():
# Compute
f1, f2, df1, df2, x = symbols(['f1', 'f2', 'df1', 'df2', 'x'])
c = [f1, (df1 + 3*f1)/3, (df2 + 3*f2)/3, f2]
w = 0
for k in range(4):
w += binomial(3, k) * c[k] * x**k*(1-x)**(3-k)
wpp = w.diff(x, 2).expand()
intwpp2 = (wpp**2).integrate((x, 0, 1)).expand()
A = Matrix([[intwpp2.coeff(df1**2), intwpp2.coeff(df1*df2)/2],
[intwpp2.coeff(df1*df2)/2, intwpp2.coeff(df2**2)]])
B = Matrix([[intwpp2.coeff(df1).subs(df2, 0)],
[intwpp2.coeff(df2).subs(df1, 0)]]) / 2
print(A.inv() * B)
示例8: MatrizInversa
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def MatrizInversa(a, b,lista):
ma = json.loads(a)
mb = json.loads(b)
A = Matrix(ma)
B = Matrix(mb)
A_inv = A.inv()
except ValueError:
lista.append( 'Matriz es singular, no se puede resolver!')
ans = A_inv*B
MA = A.tolist()
MB = B.tolist()
示例9: newton
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def newton():
x1 = Symbol("x1")
y1 = Symbol("y1")
m = 0.2
a = 0.7
e = 0.0001
f1 = tan(x1 * y1 + m) - x1
f2 = a * x1 ** 2 + 2 * y1 ** 2 - 1
y11 = diff(f1, x1)
y12 = diff(f1, y1)
y21 = diff(f2, x1)
y22 = diff(f2, y1)
j = Matrix([[y11, y12], [y21, y22]])
j1 = j.inv()
x0 = 0.75
y0 = 0.4
xn = x0 - j1[0, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
- j1[0, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
yn = y0 - j1[1, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
- j1[1, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
count2 = 0
while (abs(xn - x0) > e) or (abs(yn - y0) > e):
x0 = xn
y0 = yn
calcul = j1[0, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) - j1[0, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
xn = x0 - calcul
yn = y0 - j1[1, 0].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f1.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) - j1[1, 1].subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0) * f2.subs(x1, x0).subs(y1, y0)
count2 += 1
print("x = ", xn, " ", "y = ", yn, " - ", count2, " iterations")
print("graph processing...")
plot_implicit(Or(Eq(a * x1 ** 2 + 2 * y1 ** 2, 1), Eq(tan(x1 * y1 + m) - x1, 0)), (x1, -5, 5), (y1, -5, 5))
示例10: generate_base_change_matrix
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def generate_base_change_matrix(size = 8):
''' Builds the matrix. '''
if using_sympy:
A = Matrix([ Polynomial.choose(k).pad_with_zeroes(size)
for k in range(size) ])
A = A.transpose()
Polynomial.base_change_matrix = A.inv()
elif using_sage:
print('eh, ill do this later')
print('need sympy or sage')
示例11: Newton_solver_sympy
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def Newton_solver_sympy(error, h, x0):
""" Function that solves for the nonlinear set of equations
error1 = C*h1^p --> f1 = C*h1^p - error1 = 0
error2 = C*h2^p --> f2 = C h2^p - error 2 = 0
where C is a constant h is the step length and p is the order,
with use of a newton rhapson solver. In this case C and p are
the unknowns, whereas h and error are knowns. The newton rhapson
method is an iterative solver which take the form:
xnew = xold - (J^-1)*F, where J is the Jacobi matrix and F is the
residual funcion.
x = [C, p]^T
J = [[df1/dx1 df2/dx2],
[df2/dx1 df2/dx2]]
F = [f1, f2]
This is very neatly done with use of the sympy module
error(list): list of calculated errors [error(h1), error(h2)]
h(list): list of steplengths corresponding to the list of errors
x0(list): list of starting (guessed) values for x
x(array): iterated solution of x = [C, p]
from sympy import Matrix
#### Symbolic computiations: ####
C, p = symbols('C p')
f1 = C*h[-2]**p - error[-2]
f2 = C*h[-1]**p - error[-1]
F = [f1, f2]
x = [C, p]
def jacobiElement(i,j):
return diff(F[i], x[j])
Jacobi = Matrix(2, 2, jacobiElement) # neat way of computing the Jacobi Matrix
JacobiInv = Jacobi.inv()
#### Numerical computations: ####
JacobiInvfunc = lambdify([x], JacobiInv)
Ffunc = lambdify([x], F)
x = x0
for n in range(8): #perform 8 iterations
F = np.asarray(Ffunc(x))
Jinv = np.asarray(JacobiInvfunc(x))
xnew = x - np.dot(Jinv, F)
x = xnew
#print "n, x: ", n, x
x[0] = round(x[0], 2)
x[1] = round(x[1], 3)
return x
示例12: _make_expr_01
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def _make_expr_01():
C = Matrix(3, 3, symbols('C00, C01, C02, C10, C11, C12, C20, C21, C22'))
F = Matrix(3, 3, symbols('F00, F01, F02, F10, F11, F12, F20, F21, F22'))
Fg = Matrix(3, 3, symbols('Fg11, Fg12, Fg13, Fg21, Fg22, Fg23, Fg31, Fg32, Fg33'))
return Cedet
示例13: test_mat_inv_mul
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def test_mat_inv_mul():
# Uses SymPy generated primes as matrix entries, so each entry in
# each matrix should be symbolic and unique, allowing proper comparison.
# Checks _mat_inv_mul against Matrix.inv / Matrix.__mul__.
from sympy import Matrix, prime
# going to form 3 matrices
# 1 n x n
# different n x n
# 1 n x 2n
n = 3
m1 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i * n + j + 2))
m2 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i * n + j + 5))
m3 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i + j * n + 2))
assert _mat_inv_mul(m1, m2) == m1.inv() * m2
assert _mat_inv_mul(m1, m3) == m1.inv() * m3
示例14: Newton_solver_All
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def Newton_solver_All(error, hx, ht, x0):
gx, p, gt, q = symbols('gx p gt q')
hx1, hx2, hx3, hx4, ht1, ht2, ht3, ht4 = symbols('hx1 hx2 hx3 hx4 ht1 ht2 ht3 ht4')
epsilon1 = gx*hx1**p + gt*ht1**q - error[-4]
epsilon2 = gx*hx2**p + gt*ht2**q - error[-3]
epsilon3 = gx*hx3**p + gt*ht3**q - error[-2]
epsilon4 = gx*hx4**p + gt*ht4**q - error[-1]
epsilon = [epsilon1, epsilon2, epsilon3, epsilon4]
x = [gx, p, gt, q]
knowns = [hx1, hx2, hx3, hx4, ht1, ht2, ht3, ht4]
def f(i,j):
return diff(epsilon[i], x[j])
Jacobi = Matrix(4, 4, f)
JacobiInv = Jacobi.inv()
epsilonfunc = lambdify([x, knowns], epsilon)
JacobiInvfunc = lambdify([x, knowns], JacobiInv)
x = x0
knowns = [hx[-4], hx[-3], hx[-2], hx[-1], ht[-4], ht[-3], ht[-2], ht[-1]]
print "knowns: ", knowns
Jinv = np.asarray(JacobiInvfunc(x, knowns))
print "print unable to invert jacobi matrix"
Jinv = None
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(x, knowns))
for n in range(8):
if Jinv != None:
xnew = x - np.dot(Jinv, F)
F = np.asarray(epsilonfunc(xnew, knowns))
Jinv = np.asarray(JacobiInvfunc(x, knowns))
print " unable to invert jacobi matrix"
Jinv = None
x = xnew
print "n, x: ", n, x
示例15: test_mat_inv_mul
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import inv [as 别名]
def test_mat_inv_mul():
# Just a quick test to check that KanesMethod._mat_inv_mul works as
# intended. Uses SymPy generated primes as matrix entries, so each entry in
# each matrix should be symbolic and unique, allowing proper comparison.
# Checks _mat_inv_mul against Matrix.inv / Matrix.__mul__.
from sympy import Matrix, prime
from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, KanesMethod
# Just need to create an instance of KanesMethod to get to _mat_inv_mul
mat_inv_mul = KanesMethod(ReferenceFrame('N'), [1], [1])._mat_inv_mul
# going to form 3 matrices
# 1 n x n
# different n x n
# 1 n x 2n
n = 3
m1 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i * n + j + 2))
m2 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i * n + j + 5))
m3 = Matrix(n, n, lambda i, j: prime(i + j * n + 2))
assert mat_inv_mul(m1, m2) == m1.inv() * m2
assert mat_inv_mul(m1, m3) == m1.inv() * m3