本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.Matrix.diff方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Matrix.diff方法的具体用法?Python Matrix.diff怎么用?Python Matrix.diff使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类sympy.Matrix
示例1: test_issue650
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
def test_issue650():
x, y = symbols('x','y')
a = Matrix([[x**2, x*y],[x*sin(y), x*cos(y)]])
assert a.diff(x) == Matrix([[2*x, y],[sin(y), cos(y)]])
assert Matrix([[x, -x, x**2],[exp(x),1/x-exp(-x), x+1/x]]).limit(x, oo) == Matrix([[oo, -oo, oo],[oo, 0, oo]])
assert Matrix([[(exp(x)-1)/x, 2*x + y*x, x**x ],
[1/x, abs(x) , abs(sin(x+1))]]).limit(x, 0) == Matrix([[1, 0, 1],[oo, 0, sin(1)]])
assert a.integrate(x) == Matrix([[Rational(1,3)*x**3, y*x**2/2],[x**2*sin(y)/2, x**2*cos(y)/2]])
示例2: test_linearize_rolling_disc_kane
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
def test_linearize_rolling_disc_kane():
# Symbols for time and constant parameters
t, r, m, g, v = symbols('t r m g v')
# Configuration variables and their time derivatives
q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6 = q = dynamicsymbols('q1:7')
q1d, q2d, q3d, q4d, q5d, q6d = qd = [qi.diff(t) for qi in q]
# Generalized speeds and their time derivatives
u = dynamicsymbols('u:6')
u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6 = u = dynamicsymbols('u1:7')
u1d, u2d, u3d, u4d, u5d, u6d = [ui.diff(t) for ui in u]
# Reference frames
N = ReferenceFrame('N') # Inertial frame
NO = Point('NO') # Inertial origin
A = N.orientnew('A', 'Axis', [q1, N.z]) # Yaw intermediate frame
B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', [q2, A.x]) # Lean intermediate frame
C = B.orientnew('C', 'Axis', [q3, B.y]) # Disc fixed frame
CO = NO.locatenew('CO', q4*N.x + q5*N.y + q6*N.z) # Disc center
# Disc angular velocity in N expressed using time derivatives of coordinates
w_c_n_qd = C.ang_vel_in(N)
w_b_n_qd = B.ang_vel_in(N)
# Inertial angular velocity and angular acceleration of disc fixed frame
C.set_ang_vel(N, u1*B.x + u2*B.y + u3*B.z)
# Disc center velocity in N expressed using time derivatives of coordinates
v_co_n_qd = CO.pos_from(NO).dt(N)
# Disc center velocity in N expressed using generalized speeds
CO.set_vel(N, u4*C.x + u5*C.y + u6*C.z)
# Disc Ground Contact Point
P = CO.locatenew('P', r*B.z)
P.v2pt_theory(CO, N, C)
# Configuration constraint
f_c = Matrix([q6 - dot(CO.pos_from(P), N.z)])
# Velocity level constraints
f_v = Matrix([dot(P.vel(N), uv) for uv in C])
# Kinematic differential equations
kindiffs = Matrix([dot(w_c_n_qd - C.ang_vel_in(N), uv) for uv in B] +
[dot(v_co_n_qd - CO.vel(N), uv) for uv in N])
qdots = solve(kindiffs, qd)
# Set angular velocity of remaining frames
B.set_ang_vel(N, w_b_n_qd.subs(qdots))
C.set_ang_acc(N, C.ang_vel_in(N).dt(B) + cross(B.ang_vel_in(N), C.ang_vel_in(N)))
# Active forces
F_CO = m*g*A.z
# Create inertia dyadic of disc C about point CO
I = (m * r**2) / 4
J = (m * r**2) / 2
I_C_CO = inertia(C, I, J, I)
Disc = RigidBody('Disc', CO, C, m, (I_C_CO, CO))
BL = [Disc]
FL = [(CO, F_CO)]
KM = KanesMethod(N, [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5], [u1, u2, u3], kd_eqs=kindiffs,
q_dependent=[q6], configuration_constraints=f_c,
u_dependent=[u4, u5, u6], velocity_constraints=f_v)
(fr, fr_star) = KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
# Test generalized form equations
linearizer = KM.to_linearizer()
assert linearizer.f_c == f_c
assert linearizer.f_v == f_v
assert linearizer.f_a == f_v.diff(t)
sol = solve(linearizer.f_0 + linearizer.f_1, qd)
for qi in qd:
assert sol[qi] == qdots[qi]
assert simplify(linearizer.f_2 + linearizer.f_3 - fr - fr_star) == Matrix([0, 0, 0])
# Perform the linearization
# Precomputed operating point
q_op = {q6: -r*cos(q2)}
u_op = {u1: 0,
u2: sin(q2)*q1d + q3d,
u3: cos(q2)*q1d,
u4: -r*(sin(q2)*q1d + q3d)*cos(q3),
u5: 0,
u6: -r*(sin(q2)*q1d + q3d)*sin(q3)}
qd_op = {q2d: 0,
q4d: -r*(sin(q2)*q1d + q3d)*cos(q1),
q5d: -r*(sin(q2)*q1d + q3d)*sin(q1),
q6d: 0}
ud_op = {u1d: 4*g*sin(q2)/(5*r) + sin(2*q2)*q1d**2/2 + 6*cos(q2)*q1d*q3d/5,
u2d: 0,
u3d: 0,
u4d: r*(sin(q2)*sin(q3)*q1d*q3d + sin(q3)*q3d**2),
u5d: r*(4*g*sin(q2)/(5*r) + sin(2*q2)*q1d**2/2 + 6*cos(q2)*q1d*q3d/5),
u6d: -r*(sin(q2)*cos(q3)*q1d*q3d + cos(q3)*q3d**2)}
A, B = linearizer.linearize(op_point=[q_op, u_op, qd_op, ud_op], A_and_B=True, simplify=True)
示例3: test_linearize_pendulum_kane_nonminimal
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
def test_linearize_pendulum_kane_nonminimal():
# Create generalized coordinates and speeds for this non-minimal realization
# q1, q2 = N.x and N.y coordinates of pendulum
# u1, u2 = N.x and N.y velocities of pendulum
q1, q2 = dynamicsymbols('q1:3')
q1d, q2d = dynamicsymbols('q1:3', level=1)
u1, u2 = dynamicsymbols('u1:3')
u1d, u2d = dynamicsymbols('u1:3', level=1)
L, m, t = symbols('L, m, t')
g = 9.8
# Compose world frame
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
pN = Point('N*')
pN.set_vel(N, 0)
# A.x is along the pendulum
theta1 = atan(q2/q1)
A = N.orientnew('A', 'axis', [theta1, N.z])
# Locate the pendulum mass
P = pN.locatenew('P1', q1*N.x + q2*N.y)
pP = Particle('pP', P, m)
# Calculate the kinematic differential equations
kde = Matrix([q1d - u1,
q2d - u2])
dq_dict = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d])
# Set velocity of point P
P.set_vel(N, P.pos_from(pN).dt(N).subs(dq_dict))
# Configuration constraint is length of pendulum
f_c = Matrix([P.pos_from(pN).magnitude() - L])
# Velocity constraint is that the velocity in the A.x direction is
# always zero (the pendulum is never getting longer).
f_v = Matrix([P.vel(N).express(A).dot(A.x)])
# Acceleration constraints is the time derivative of the velocity constraint
f_a = f_v.diff(t)
# Input the force resultant at P
R = m*g*N.x
# Derive the equations of motion using the KanesMethod class.
KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q2], u_ind=[u2], q_dependent=[q1],
u_dependent=[u1], configuration_constraints=f_c,
velocity_constraints=f_v, acceleration_constraints=f_a, kd_eqs=kde)
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations([(P, R)], [pP])
# Set the operating point to be straight down, and non-moving
q_op = {q1: L, q2: 0}
u_op = {u1: 0, u2: 0}
ud_op = {u1d: 0, u2d: 0}
A, B, inp_vec = KM.linearize(op_point=[q_op, u_op, ud_op], A_and_B=True,
new_method=True, simplify=True)
assert A == Matrix([[0, 1], [-9.8/L, 0]])
assert B == Matrix([])
示例4: KanesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
class KanesMethod(object):
"""Kane's method object.
This object is used to do the "book-keeping" as you go through and form
equations of motion in the way Kane presents in:
Kane, T., Levinson, D. Dynamics Theory and Applications. 1985 McGraw-Hill
The attributes are for equations in the form [M] udot = forcing.
auxiliary : Matrix
If applicable, the set of auxiliary Kane's
equations used to solve for non-contributing
mass_matrix : Matrix
The system's mass matrix
forcing : Matrix
The system's forcing vector
mass_matrix_full : Matrix
The "mass matrix" for the u's and q's
forcing_full : Matrix
The "forcing vector" for the u's and q's
This is a simple example for a one degree of freedom translational
In this example, we first need to do the kinematics.
This involves creating generalized speeds and coordinates and their
Then we create a point and set its velocity in a frame::
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols, ReferenceFrame
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point, Particle, KanesMethod
>>> q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
>>> qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
>>> m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
>>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
>>> P = Point('P')
>>> P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)
Next we need to arrange/store information in the way that KanesMethod
requires. The kinematic differential equations need to be stored in a
dict. A list of forces/torques must be constructed, where each entry in
the list is a (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector) tuple, where the
Vectors represent the Force or Torque.
Next a particle needs to be created, and it needs to have a point and mass
assigned to it.
Finally, a list of all bodies and particles needs to be created::
>>> kd = [qd - u]
>>> FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
>>> pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
>>> BL = [pa]
Finally we can generate the equations of motion.
First we create the KanesMethod object and supply an inertial frame,
coordinates, generalized speeds, and the kinematic differential equations.
Additional quantities such as configuration and motion constraints,
dependent coordinates and speeds, and auxiliary speeds are also supplied
here (see the online documentation).
Next we form FR* and FR to complete: Fr + Fr* = 0.
We have the equations of motion at this point.
It makes sense to rearrnge them though, so we calculate the mass matrix and
the forcing terms, for E.o.M. in the form: [MM] udot = forcing, where MM is
the mass matrix, udot is a vector of the time derivatives of the
generalized speeds, and forcing is a vector representing "forcing" terms::
>>> KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q], u_ind=[u], kd_eqs=kd)
>>> (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
>>> MM = KM.mass_matrix
>>> forcing = KM.forcing
>>> rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
>>> rhs
Matrix([[(-c*u(t) - k*q(t))/m]])
>>> KM.linearize()[0]
[ 0, 1],
[-k, -c]])
Please look at the documentation pages for more information on how to
perform linearization and how to deal with dependent coordinates & speeds,
and how do deal with bringing non-contributing forces into evidence.
simp = True
___KDEqError = AttributeError('Create an instance of KanesMethod with' +
'kinematic differential equations to use' +
'this method.')
def __init__(self, frame, q_ind, u_ind, kd_eqs=None, q_dependent=[],
configuration_constraints=[], u_dependent=[],
velocity_constraints=[], acceleration_constraints=None,
示例5: LagrangesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
Matrix([[Derivative(q(t), t)], [(-b*Derivative(q(t), t) - 1.0*k*q(t))/m]])
Please refer to the docstrings on each method for more details.
def __init__(self, Lagrangian, qs, coneqs=None, forcelist=None,
frame=None, hol_coneqs=None, nonhol_coneqs=None):
"""Supply the following for the initialization of LagrangesMethod
Lagrangian : Sympifyable
qs: array_like
The generalized coordinates
hol_coneqs: array_like, optional
The holonomic constraint equations
nonhol_coneqs: array_like, optional
The nonholonomic constraint equations
forcelist : iterable, optional
Takes an iterable of (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector)
tuples which represent the force at a point or torque on a frame.
This feature is primarily to account for the nonconservative forces
and/or moments.
frame : ReferenceFrame, optional
Supply the inertial frame. This is used to determine the
generalized forces due to non-conservative forces.
self._L = Matrix([sympify(Lagrangian)])
self.eom = None
self._m_cd = Matrix() # Mass Matrix of differentiated coneqs
self._m_d = Matrix() # Mass Matrix of dynamic equations
self._f_cd = Matrix() # Forcing part of the diff coneqs
self._f_d = Matrix() # Forcing part of the dynamic equations
self.lam_coeffs = Matrix() # The coeffecients of the multipliers
forcelist = forcelist if forcelist else []
if not iterable(forcelist):
raise TypeError('Force pairs must be supplied in an iterable.')
self._forcelist = forcelist
if frame and not isinstance(frame, ReferenceFrame):
raise TypeError('frame must be a valid ReferenceFrame')
self.inertial = frame
self.lam_vec = Matrix()
self._term1 = Matrix()
self._term2 = Matrix()
self._term3 = Matrix()
self._term4 = Matrix()
# Creating the qs, qdots and qdoubledots
if not iterable(qs):
raise TypeError('Generalized coordinates must be an iterable')
self._q = Matrix(qs)
self._qdots = self.q.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
self._qdoubledots = self._qdots.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
# Deal with constraint equations
if coneqs:
SymPyDeprecationWarning("The `coneqs` kwarg is deprecated in "
"favor of `hol_coneqs` and `nonhol_coneqs`. Please "
"update your code").warn()
示例6: KanesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
class KanesMethod(object):
"""Kane's method object.
This object is used to do the "book-keeping" as you go through and form
equations of motion in the way Kane presents in:
Kane, T., Levinson, D. Dynamics Theory and Applications. 1985 McGraw-Hill
The attributes are for equations in the form [M] udot = forcing.
q, u : Matrix
Matrices of the generalized coordinates and speeds
bodylist : iterable
Iterable of Point and RigidBody objects in the system.
forcelist : iterable
Iterable of (Point, vector) or (ReferenceFrame, vector) tuples
describing the forces on the system.
auxiliary : Matrix
If applicable, the set of auxiliary Kane's
equations used to solve for non-contributing
mass_matrix : Matrix
The system's mass matrix
forcing : Matrix
The system's forcing vector
mass_matrix_full : Matrix
The "mass matrix" for the u's and q's
forcing_full : Matrix
The "forcing vector" for the u's and q's
This is a simple example for a one degree of freedom translational
In this example, we first need to do the kinematics.
This involves creating generalized speeds and coordinates and their
Then we create a point and set its velocity in a frame.
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols, ReferenceFrame
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point, Particle, KanesMethod
>>> q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
>>> qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
>>> m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
>>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
>>> P = Point('P')
>>> P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)
Next we need to arrange/store information in the way that KanesMethod
requires. The kinematic differential equations need to be stored in a
dict. A list of forces/torques must be constructed, where each entry in
the list is a (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector) tuple, where the
Vectors represent the Force or Torque.
Next a particle needs to be created, and it needs to have a point and mass
assigned to it.
Finally, a list of all bodies and particles needs to be created.
>>> kd = [qd - u]
>>> FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
>>> pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
>>> BL = [pa]
Finally we can generate the equations of motion.
First we create the KanesMethod object and supply an inertial frame,
coordinates, generalized speeds, and the kinematic differential equations.
Additional quantities such as configuration and motion constraints,
dependent coordinates and speeds, and auxiliary speeds are also supplied
here (see the online documentation).
Next we form FR* and FR to complete: Fr + Fr* = 0.
We have the equations of motion at this point.
It makes sense to rearrnge them though, so we calculate the mass matrix and
the forcing terms, for E.o.M. in the form: [MM] udot = forcing, where MM is
the mass matrix, udot is a vector of the time derivatives of the
generalized speeds, and forcing is a vector representing "forcing" terms.
>>> KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q], u_ind=[u], kd_eqs=kd)
>>> (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
>>> MM = KM.mass_matrix
>>> forcing = KM.forcing
>>> rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
>>> rhs
Matrix([[(-c*u(t) - k*q(t))/m]])
>>> KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, new_method=True)[0]
[ 0, 1],
[-k/m, -c/m]])
Please look at the documentation pages for more information on how to
perform linearization and how to deal with dependent coordinates & speeds,
and how do deal with bringing non-contributing forces into evidence.
def __init__(self, frame, q_ind, u_ind, kd_eqs=None, q_dependent=None,
configuration_constraints=None, u_dependent=None,
示例7: test_diff
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
def test_diff():
x, y = symbols('x,y')
A = Matrix(((1,4,x),(y,2,4),(10,5,x**2+1)))
assert A.diff(x) == Matrix(((0,0,1),(0,0,0),(0,0,2*x)))
assert A.diff(y) == Matrix(((0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,0,0)))
示例8: dict
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
'J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g')
l1, l2, s1, s2, delta0, delta1, delta2, J0, J1, J2, m0, m1, m2, r, g = params
# Modellparameter-Werte:
numparams = dict(m0=1, m1=1, m2=1, r=1, g=10, l1=2, l2=0.3,
s1=1, s2=1, J0=0.1, J1=0.1, J2=0.1,
delta0=.0, delta1=.1, delta2=.1)
# Symbole für Winkel (absolut, d.h. auf Umgebung bezogen)
q = Matrix(sp.symbols("q0:3"))
q = symbs_to_func(q, q, t)
q0, q1, q2 = q
# Winkelgeschwindigkeit
qd = q.diff(t)
q0d, q1d, q2d = qd
# Hilfsrößen für die Geometrie-Beschreibung:
# Einheitsvektoren
ex = Matrix([1, 0])
ey = Matrix([0, 1])
M0 = Matrix([-r * q0, r]) # Mittelpunkt des Rades
S1 = M0 + Rz(q1) * ey * s1
S2 = M0 + Rz(q1) * ey * l1 + Rz(q2) * ey * s2
M0d = M0.diff(t)
S1d = S1.diff(t)
示例9: LagrangesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
Matrix([[Derivative(q(t), t)], [(-b*Derivative(q(t), t) - 1.0*k*q(t))/m]])
Please refer to the docstrings on each method for more details.
def __init__(self, Lagrangian, qs, coneqs=None, forcelist=None,
frame=None, hol_coneqs=None, nonhol_coneqs=None):
"""Supply the following for the initialization of LagrangesMethod
Lagrangian : Sympifyable
qs: array_like
The generalized coordinates
hol_coneqs: array_like, optional
The holonomic constraint equations
nonhol_coneqs: array_like, optional
The nonholonomic constraint equations
forcelist : iterable, optional
Takes an iterable of (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector)
tuples which represent the force at a point or torque on a frame.
This feature is primarily to account for the nonconservative forces
and/or moments.
frame : ReferenceFrame, optional
Supply the inertial frame. This is used to determine the
generalized forces due to non-conservative forces.
self._L = Matrix([sympify(Lagrangian)])
self.eom = None
self._m_cd = Matrix() # Mass Matrix of differentiated coneqs
self._m_d = Matrix() # Mass Matrix of dynamic equations
self._f_cd = Matrix() # Forcing part of the diff coneqs
self._f_d = Matrix() # Forcing part of the dynamic equations
self.lam_coeffs = Matrix() # The coeffecients of the multipliers
forcelist = forcelist if forcelist else []
if not iterable(forcelist):
raise TypeError('Force pairs must be supplied in an iterable.')
self._forcelist = forcelist
if frame and not isinstance(frame, ReferenceFrame):
raise TypeError('frame must be a valid ReferenceFrame')
self.inertial = frame
self.lam_vec = Matrix()
self._term1 = Matrix()
self._term2 = Matrix()
self._term3 = Matrix()
self._term4 = Matrix()
# Creating the qs, qdots and qdoubledots
if not iterable(qs):
raise TypeError('Generalized coordinates must be an iterable')
self._q = Matrix(qs)
self._qdots = self.q.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
self._qdoubledots = self._qdots.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
# Deal with constraint equations
if coneqs:
SymPyDeprecationWarning("The `coneqs` kwarg is deprecated in "
"favor of `hol_coneqs` and `nonhol_coneqs`. Please "
"update your code").warn()
示例10: Linearizer
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
class Linearizer(object):
"""This object holds the general model form for a dynamic system.
This model is used for computing the linearized form of the system,
while properly dealing with constraints leading to dependent
coordinates and speeds.
f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_c, f_v, f_a : Matrix
Matrices holding the general system form.
q, u, r : Matrix
Matrices holding the generalized coordinates, speeds, and
input vectors.
q_i, u_i : Matrix
Matrices of the independent generalized coordinates and speeds.
q_d, u_d : Matrix
Matrices of the dependent generalized coordinates and speeds.
perm_mat : Matrix
Permutation matrix such that [q_ind, u_ind]^T = perm_mat*[q, u]^T
def __init__(self, f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_c, f_v, f_a, q, u,
q_i=None, q_d=None, u_i=None, u_d=None, r=None, lams=None):
f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_c, f_v, f_a : array_like
System of equations holding the general system form.
Supply empty array or Matrix if the parameter
doesn't exist.
q : array_like
The generalized coordinates.
u : array_like
The generalized speeds
q_i, u_i : array_like, optional
The independent generalized coordinates and speeds.
q_d, u_d : array_like, optional
The dependent generalized coordinates and speeds.
r : array_like, optional
The input variables.
lams : array_like, optional
The lagrange multipliers
# Generalized equation form
self.f_0 = Matrix(f_0)
self.f_1 = Matrix(f_1)
self.f_2 = Matrix(f_2)
self.f_3 = Matrix(f_3)
self.f_4 = Matrix(f_4)
self.f_c = Matrix(f_c)
self.f_v = Matrix(f_v)
self.f_a = Matrix(f_a)
# Generalized equation variables
self.q = Matrix(q)
self.u = Matrix(u)
none_handler = lambda x: Matrix(x) if x else Matrix()
self.q_i = none_handler(q_i)
self.q_d = none_handler(q_d)
self.u_i = none_handler(u_i)
self.u_d = none_handler(u_d)
self.r = none_handler(r)
self.lams = none_handler(lams)
# Derivatives of generalized equation variables
self._qd = self.q.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
self._ud = self.u.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
# If the user doesn't actually use generalized variables, and the
# qd and u vectors have any intersecting variables, this can cause
# problems. We'll fix this with some hackery, and Dummy variables
dup_vars = set(self._qd).intersection(self.u)
self._qd_dup = Matrix([var if var not in dup_vars else Dummy()
for var in self._qd])
# Derive dimesion terms
l = len(self.f_c)
m = len(self.f_v)
n = len(self.q)
o = len(self.u)
s = len(self.r)
k = len(self.lams)
dims = collections.namedtuple('dims', ['l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 's', 'k'])
self._dims = dims(l, m, n, o, s, k)
# Calculates here only need to be run once:
def _form_permutation_matrices(self):
"""Form the permutation matrices Pq and Pu."""
# Extract dimension variables
l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims
# Compute permutation matrices
if n != 0:
self._Pq = permutation_matrix(self.q, Matrix([self.q_i, self.q_d]))
if l > 0:
self._Pqi = self._Pq[:, :-l]
示例11: Kane
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
class Kane(object):
"""Kane's method object.
This object is used to do the "book-keeping" as you go through and form
equations of motion in the way Kane presents in:
Kane, T., Levinson, D. Dynamics Theory and Applications. 1985 McGraw-Hill
The attributes are for equations in the form [M] udot = forcing.
Very Important Warning: simp is set to True by default, to the advantage of
smaller, simpler systems. If your system is large, it will lead to
slowdowns; however turning it off might have negative implications in
numerical evaluation. Care needs to be taken to appropriately reduce
expressions generated with simp==False, as they might be too large
themselves. Computing the relationship between independent and dependent
speeds (when dealing with non-holonomic systems) benefits from simp being
set to True (during the .speeds() method); the same is true for
linearization of non-holonomic systems. If numerical evaluations are
unsucessful with simp==False, try setting simp to True only for these
methods; this provides some compromise between the two options.
auxiliary : Matrix
If applicable, the set of auxiliary Kane's
equations used to solve for non-contributing
mass_matrix : Matrix
The system's mass matrix
forcing : Matrix
The system's forcing vector
simp : Boolean
Flag determining whether simplification of symbolic matrix
inversion can occur or not
mass_matrix_full : Matrix
The "mass matrix" for the u's and q's
forcing_full : Matrix
The "forcing vector" for the u's and q's
This is a simple example for a one defree of freedom translational
In this example, we first need to do the kinematics.
This involves creating generalized speeds and coordinates and their
Then we create a point and set its velocity in a frame::
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols, ReferenceFrame
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point, Particle, Kane
>>> q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
>>> qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
>>> m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
>>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
>>> P = Point('P')
>>> P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)
Next we need to arrange/store information in the way the Kane requires.
The kinematic differential equations need to be stored in a dict.
A list of forces/torques must be constructed, where each entry in the list
is a (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector) tuple, where the Vectors
represent the Force or Torque.
Next a particle needs to be created, and it needs to have a point and mass
assigned to it.
Finally, a list of all bodies and particles needs to be created::
>>> kd = [qd - u]
>>> FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
>>> pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
>>> BL = [pa]
Finally we can generate the equations of motion.
First we create the Kane object and supply an inertial frame.
Next we pass it the generalized speeds.
Then we pass it the kinematic differential equation dict.
Next we form FR* and FR to complete: Fr + Fr* = 0.
We have the equations of motion at this point.
It makes sense to rearrnge them though, so we calculate the mass matrix and
the forcing terms, for E.o.M. in the form: [MM] udot = forcing, where MM is
the mass matrix, udot is a vector of the time derivatives of the
generalized speeds, and forcing is a vector representing "forcing" terms::
>>> KM = Kane(N)
>>> KM.coords([q])
>>> KM.speeds([u])
>>> KM.kindiffeq(kd)
>>> (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
>>> MM = KM.mass_matrix
>>> forcing = KM.forcing
>>> rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
>>> rhs
[-(c*u(t) + k*q(t))/m]
>>> KM.linearize()[0]
[0, 1]
[k, c]
示例12: Matrix
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
# Kinematic differential equations
kindiffs = Matrix([dot(w_c_n_qd - C.ang_vel_in(N), uv) for uv in B] +
[dot(v_co_n_qd - CO.vel(N), uv) for uv in N])
qdots = solve(kindiffs, qd)
B.set_ang_vel(N, w_b_n_qd.subs(qdots))
C.set_ang_acc(N, C.ang_vel_in(N).dt(B) + cross(B.ang_vel_in(N),
# f_0 and f_1 (Table 1)
f_0 = kindiffs.subs(u_zero)
f_1 = kindiffs.subs(qd_zero)
# Acceleration level constraints (Table 1)
f_a = f_v.diff(t)
# Alternatively, f_a can be formed as
#v_co_n = cross(C.ang_vel_in(N), CO.pos_from(P))
#a_co_n = v_co_n.dt(B) + cross(B.ang_vel_in(N), v_co_n)
#f_a = Matrix([((a_co_n - CO.acc(N)) & uv).expand() for uv in B])
# Kane's dynamic equations via elbow grease
# Partial angular velocities and velocities
partial_w_C = [C.ang_vel_in(N).diff(ui, N) for ui in u]
partial_v_CO = [CO.vel(N).diff(ui, N) for ui in u]
# Active forces
F_CO = m*g*A.z
# Generalized active forces (unconstrained)
gaf = [dot(F_CO, pv) for pv in partial_v_CO]
print("Generalized active forces (unconstrained)")
示例13: to_linearizer
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
def to_linearizer(self, q_ind=None, qd_ind=None, q_dep=None, qd_dep=None):
"""Returns an instance of the Linearizer class, initiated from the
data in the LagrangesMethod class. This may be more desirable than using
the linearize class method, as the Linearizer object will allow more
efficient recalculation (i.e. about varying operating points).
q_ind, qd_ind : array_like, optional
The independent generalized coordinates and speeds.
q_dep, qd_dep : array_like, optional
The dependent generalized coordinates and speeds.
# Compose vectors
t = dynamicsymbols._t
q = Matrix(self._q)
u = Matrix(self._qdots)
ud = u.diff(t)
# Get vector of lagrange multipliers
lams = self.lam_vec
mat_build = lambda x: Matrix(x) if x else Matrix()
q_i = mat_build(q_ind)
q_d = mat_build(q_dep)
u_i = mat_build(qd_ind)
u_d = mat_build(qd_dep)
# Compose general form equations
f_c = self._hol_coneqs
f_v = self.coneqs
f_a = f_v.diff(t)
f_0 = u
f_1 = -u
f_2 = self._term1
f_3 = -(self._term2 + self._term4)
f_4 = -self._term3
# Check that there are an appropriate number of independent and
# dependent coordinates
if len(q_d) != len(f_c) or len(u_d) != len(f_v):
raise ValueError(("Must supply {:} dependent coordinates, and " +
"{:} dependent speeds").format(len(f_c), len(f_v)))
if set(Matrix([q_i, q_d])) != set(q):
raise ValueError("Must partition q into q_ind and q_dep, with " +
"no extra or missing symbols.")
if set(Matrix([u_i, u_d])) != set(u):
raise ValueError("Must partition qd into qd_ind and qd_dep, " +
"with no extra or missing symbols.")
# Find all other dynamic symbols, forming the forcing vector r.
# Sort r to make it canonical.
insyms = set(Matrix([q, u, ud, lams]))
r = list(_find_dynamicsymbols(f_3, insyms))
# Check for any derivatives of variables in r that are also found in r.
for i in r:
if diff(i, dynamicsymbols._t) in r:
raise ValueError('Cannot have derivatives of specified \
quantities when linearizing forcing terms.')
return Linearizer(f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_c, f_v, f_a, q, u, q_i,
q_d, u_i, u_d, r, lams)
示例14: KanesMethod
# 需要导入模块: from sympy import Matrix [as 别名]
# 或者: from sympy.Matrix import diff [as 别名]
class KanesMethod(object):
"""Kane's method object.
This object is used to do the "book-keeping" as you go through and form
equations of motion in the way Kane presents in:
Kane, T., Levinson, D. Dynamics Theory and Applications. 1985 McGraw-Hill
The attributes are for equations in the form [M] udot = forcing.
auxiliary : Matrix
If applicable, the set of auxiliary Kane's
equations used to solve for non-contributing
mass_matrix : Matrix
The system's mass matrix
forcing : Matrix
The system's forcing vector
mass_matrix_full : Matrix
The "mass matrix" for the u's and q's
forcing_full : Matrix
The "forcing vector" for the u's and q's
This is a simple example for a one degree of freedom translational
In this example, we first need to do the kinematics.
This involves creating generalized speeds and coordinates and their
Then we create a point and set its velocity in a frame::
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import dynamicsymbols, ReferenceFrame
>>> from sympy.physics.mechanics import Point, Particle, KanesMethod
>>> q, u = dynamicsymbols('q u')
>>> qd, ud = dynamicsymbols('q u', 1)
>>> m, c, k = symbols('m c k')
>>> N = ReferenceFrame('N')
>>> P = Point('P')
>>> P.set_vel(N, u * N.x)
Next we need to arrange/store information in the way that KanesMethod
requires. The kinematic differential equations need to be stored in a
dict. A list of forces/torques must be constructed, where each entry in
the list is a (Point, Vector) or (ReferenceFrame, Vector) tuple, where the
Vectors represent the Force or Torque.
Next a particle needs to be created, and it needs to have a point and mass
assigned to it.
Finally, a list of all bodies and particles needs to be created::
>>> kd = [qd - u]
>>> FL = [(P, (-k * q - c * u) * N.x)]
>>> pa = Particle('pa', P, m)
>>> BL = [pa]
Finally we can generate the equations of motion.
First we create the KanesMethod object and supply an inertial frame,
coordinates, generalized speeds, and the kinematic differential equations.
Additional quantities such as configuration and motion constraints,
dependent coordinates and speeds, and auxiliary speeds are also supplied
here (see the online documentation).
Next we form FR* and FR to complete: Fr + Fr* = 0.
We have the equations of motion at this point.
It makes sense to rearrnge them though, so we calculate the mass matrix and
the forcing terms, for E.o.M. in the form: [MM] udot = forcing, where MM is
the mass matrix, udot is a vector of the time derivatives of the
generalized speeds, and forcing is a vector representing "forcing" terms::
>>> KM = KanesMethod(N, q_ind=[q], u_ind=[u], kd_eqs=kd)
>>> (fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(FL, BL)
>>> MM = KM.mass_matrix
>>> forcing = KM.forcing
>>> rhs = MM.inv() * forcing
>>> rhs
Matrix([[(-c*u(t) - k*q(t))/m]])
>>> KM.linearize(A_and_B=True, new_method=True)[0]
[ 0, 1],
[-k/m, -c/m]])
Please look at the documentation pages for more information on how to
perform linearization and how to deal with dependent coordinates & speeds,
and how do deal with bringing non-contributing forces into evidence.
simp = True
___KDEqError = AttributeError('Create an instance of KanesMethod with' +
'kinematic differential equations to use' +
'this method.')
def __init__(self, frame, q_ind, u_ind, kd_eqs=None, q_dependent=[],
configuration_constraints=[], u_dependent=[],
velocity_constraints=[], acceleration_constraints=None,