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Python ZZ.is_prime方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sage.rings.all.ZZ.is_prime方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ZZ.is_prime方法的具体用法?Python ZZ.is_prime怎么用?Python ZZ.is_prime使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sage.rings.all.ZZ的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]
    def __init__(self, p, base_ring):
        Initialisation function.


            sage: pAdicWeightSpace(17)
            Space of 17-adic weight-characters defined over '17-adic Field with capped relative precision 20'
        ParentWithBase.__init__(self, base=base_ring)
        p = ZZ(p)
        if not p.is_prime(): 
            raise ValueError, "p must be prime"
        self._p = p
        self._param = Qp(p)((p == 2 and 5) or (p + 1))

示例2: to_sage

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]


        if cls_cls_str == "Type":
            if cls_str == "List":
                return [entry.to_sage() for entry in self]
            elif cls_str == "Matrix":
                from sage.matrix.all import matrix
                base_ring = self.ring().to_sage()
                entries = self.entries().to_sage()
                return matrix(base_ring, entries)
            elif cls_str == "Ideal":
                parent = self.ring().to_sage()
                gens = self.gens().entries().flatten().to_sage()
                return parent.ideal(*gens)
            elif cls_str == "QuotientRing":
                #Handle the ZZ/n case
                if "ZZ" in repr_str and "--" in repr_str:
                    from sage.rings.all import ZZ, GF
                    external_string = self.external_string()
                    zz, n = external_string.split("/")

                    #Note that n must be prime since it is
                    #coming from Macaulay 2
                    return GF(ZZ(n))

                ambient = self.ambient().to_sage()
                ideal = self.ideal().to_sage()
                return ambient.quotient(ideal)
            elif cls_str == "PolynomialRing":
                from sage.rings.all import PolynomialRing
                from sage.rings.polynomial.term_order import inv_macaulay2_name_mapping

                #Get the base ring
                base_ring = self.coefficientRing().to_sage()

                #Get a string list of generators
                gens = str(self.gens())[1:-1]

                # Check that we are dealing with default degrees, i.e. 1's.
                if self.degrees().any("x -> x != {1}").to_sage():
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert Macaulay2 polynomial ring with non-default degrees to Sage")
                #Handle the term order
                external_string = self.external_string()
                order = None
                if "MonomialOrder" not in external_string:
                    order = "degrevlex"
                    for order_name in inv_macaulay2_name_mapping:
                        if order_name in external_string:
                            order = inv_macaulay2_name_mapping[order_name]
                if len(gens) > 1 and order is None:
                    raise ValueError("cannot convert Macaulay2's term order to a Sage term order")

                return PolynomialRing(base_ring, order=order, names=gens)
            elif cls_str == "GaloisField":
                from sage.rings.all import ZZ, GF
                gf, n = repr_str.split(" ")
                n = ZZ(n)
                if n.is_prime():
                    return GF(n)
                    gen = str(self.gens())[1:-1]
                    return GF(n, gen)
            elif cls_str == "Boolean":
                if repr_str == "true":
                    return True
                elif repr_str == "false":
                    return False
            elif cls_str == "String":
                return str(repr_str)
            elif cls_str == "Module":
                from sage.modules.all import FreeModule
                if self.isFreeModule().to_sage():
                    ring = self.ring().to_sage()
                    rank = self.rank().to_sage()
                    return FreeModule(ring, rank)
            #Handle the integers and rationals separately
            if cls_str == "ZZ":
                from sage.rings.all import ZZ
                return ZZ(repr_str)
            elif cls_str == "QQ":
                from sage.rings.all import QQ
                repr_str = self.external_string()
                if "/" not in repr_str:
                    repr_str = repr_str + "/1"
                return QQ(repr_str)

            m2_parent = self.cls()
            parent = m2_parent.to_sage()

            if cls_cls_str == "PolynomialRing":
                from sage.misc.sage_eval import sage_eval
                gens_dict = parent.gens_dict()
                return sage_eval(self.external_string(), gens_dict)

        from sage.misc.sage_eval import sage_eval
            return sage_eval(repr_str)
        except Exception:
            raise NotImplementedError("cannot convert %s to a Sage object"%repr_str)

示例3: LocalComponent

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]
def LocalComponent(f, p, twist_factor=None):
    Calculate the local component at the prime `p` of the automorphic
    representation attached to the newform `f`.
    - ``f`` (:class:`~sage.modular.modform.element.Newform`) a newform of weight `k \ge 2`
    - ``p`` (integer) a prime
    - ``twist_factor`` (integer) an integer congruent to `k` modulo 2 (default: `k - 2`)
    .. note::
        The argument ``twist_factor`` determines the choice of normalisation: if it is 
        set to `j \in \ZZ`, then the central character of `\pi_{f, \ell}` maps `\ell` 
        to `\ell^j \varepsilon(\ell)` for almost all `\ell`, where `\varepsilon` is the 
        Nebentypus character of `f`.
        In the analytic theory it is conventional to take `j = 0` (the "Langlands 
        normalisation"), so the representation `\pi_f` is unitary; however, this is 
        inconvenient for `k` odd, since in this case one needs to choose a square root of `p` 
        and thus the map `f \to \pi_{f}` is not Galois-equivariant. Hence we use, by default, the 
        "Hecke normalisation" given by `j = k - 2`. This is also the most natural normalisation 
        from the perspective of modular symbols.

        We also adopt a slightly unusual definition of the principal series: we
        define `\pi(\chi_1, \chi_2)` to be the induction from the Borel subgroup of
        the character of the maximal torus `\begin{pmatrix} x & \\ & y
        \end{pmatrix} \mapsto \chi_1(a) \chi_2(b) |b|`, so its central character is
        `z \mapsto \chi_1(z) \chi_2(z) |z|`. Thus `\chi_1 \chi_2` is the
        restriction to `\QQ_p^\times` of the unique character of the id\'ele class
        group mapping `\ell` to `\ell^{k-1} \varepsilon(\ell)` for almost all `\ell`. 
        This has the property that the *set* `\{\chi_1, \chi_2\}` also depends 
        Galois-equivariantly on `f`.
        sage: Pi = LocalComponent(Newform('49a'), 7); Pi
        Smooth representation of GL_2(Q_7) with conductor 7^2
        sage: Pi.central_character()
        Character of Q_7*, of level 0, mapping 7 |--> 1
        sage: Pi.species()
        sage: Pi.characters()
        Character of unramified extension Q_7(s)* (s^2 + 6*s + 3 = 0), of level 1, mapping s |--> d, 7 |--> 1,
        Character of unramified extension Q_7(s)* (s^2 + 6*s + 3 = 0), of level 1, mapping s |--> -d, 7 |--> 1
    p = ZZ(p)
    if not p.is_prime():
        raise ValueError( "p must be prime" )
    if not isinstance(f, Newform):
        raise TypeError( "f (=%s of type %s) should be a Newform object" % (f, type(f)) )
    r = f.level().valuation(p)
    if twist_factor is None:
        twist_factor = ZZ(f.weight() - 2)
        twist_factor = ZZ(twist_factor)
    if r == 0: 
        return UnramifiedPrincipalSeries(f, p, twist_factor)
    c = ZZ(f.character().conductor()).valuation(p)
    if f[p] != 0:
        if c == r:
            return PrimitivePrincipalSeries(f, p, twist_factor)
        if c == 0 and r == 1:
            return PrimitiveSpecial(f, p, twist_factor)
    Xf = TypeSpace(f, p)
    if Xf.is_minimal():
        return PrimitiveSupercuspidal(f, p, twist_factor)
        raise NotImplementedError( "Form %s is not %s-primitive" % (f, p) )

示例4: hecke_series

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]
def hecke_series(p,N,klist,m, modformsring = False, weightbound = 6):
    Returns the characteristic series modulo `p^m` of the Atkin operator `U_p`
    acting upon the space of p-adic overconvergent modular forms of level
    `\Gamma_0(N)` and weight ``klist``. The input ``klist`` may also be a list
    of weights congruent modulo `(p-1)`, in which case the output is the
    corresponding list of characteristic series for each `k` in ``klist``; this
    is faster than performing the computation separately for each `k`, since
    intermediate steps in the computation may be reused.

    If ``modformsring`` is True, then for `N > 1` the algorithm computes at one
    step ``ModularFormsRing(N).generators()``. This will often be faster but
    the algorithm will default to ``modformsring = False`` if the generators
    found are not p-adically integral. Note that ``modformsring`` is ignored
    for `N = 1` and the ring structure of modular forms is *always* used in
    this case.

    When ``modformsring`` is False and `N > 1`, `weightbound` is a bound set on
    the weight of generators for a certain subspace of modular forms. The
    algorithm will often be faster if ``weightbound = 4``, but it may fail to
    terminate for certain exceptional small values of `N`, when this bound is
    too small.

    The algorithm is based upon that described in [AGBL]_.


    - ``p`` -- a prime greater than or equal to 5.
    - ``N`` -- a positive integer not divisible by `p`.
    - ``klist`` -- either a list of integers congruent modulo `(p-1)`, or a single integer.
    - ``m`` -- a positive integer.
    - ``modformsring`` -- ``True`` or ``False`` (optional, default ``False``).
      Ignored if `N = 1`.
    - ``weightbound`` -- a positive even integer (optional, default 6). Ignored
      if `N = 1` or ``modformsring`` is True.


    Either a list of polynomials or a single polynomial over the integers modulo `p^m`.


        sage: hecke_series(5,7,10000,5, modformsring = True) # long time (3.4s)
        250*x^6 + 1825*x^5 + 2500*x^4 + 2184*x^3 + 1458*x^2 + 1157*x + 1
        sage: hecke_series(7,3,10000,3, weightbound = 4)
        196*x^4 + 294*x^3 + 197*x^2 + 341*x + 1
        sage: hecke_series(19,1,[10000,10018],5)
        [1694173*x^4 + 2442526*x^3 + 1367943*x^2 + 1923654*x + 1,
        130321*x^4 + 958816*x^3 + 2278233*x^2 + 1584827*x + 1]

    Check that silly weights are handled correctly::

        sage: hecke_series(5, 7, [2, 3], 5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: List of weights must be all congruent modulo p-1 = 4, but given list contains 2 and 3 which are not congruent
        sage: hecke_series(5, 7, [3], 5)
        sage: hecke_series(5, 7, 3, 5)
    # convert to sage integers
    p = ZZ(p)
    N = ZZ(N)
    m = ZZ(m)
    weightbound = ZZ(weightbound)

    oneweight = False
    # convert single weight to list
    if ((isinstance(klist, int)) or (isinstance(klist, Integer))):
        klist = [klist]
        oneweight = True # input is single weight

    # algorithm may finish with false output unless:
    if not p.is_prime():
        raise ValueError("p (=%s) is not prime" % p)
    if p < 5:
        raise ValueError("p = 2 and p = 3 not supported")
    if not N%p:
        raise ValueError("Level (=%s) should be prime to p (=%s)" % (N, p))

    # return all 1 list for odd weights
    if klist[0] % 2 == 1:
        if oneweight:
            return 1
            return [1 for i in xrange(len(klist))]

    if N == 1:
        Alist = level1_UpGj(p,klist,m)
        Alist = higher_level_UpGj(p,N,klist,m,modformsring,weightbound)

    Plist = []
    for A in Alist:
        P = charpoly(A).reverse()

    if oneweight == True:

示例5: BigArithGroup_class

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]
class BigArithGroup_class(AlgebraicGroup):
    This class holds information about the group `\Gamma`: a finite
    presentation for it, a solution to the word problem,...

    Initializes the group attached to a `\ZZ[1/p]`-order of the rational quaternion algebra of
    discriminant `discriminant` and  level `n`.


        sage: from darmonpoints.sarithgroup import BigArithGroup
        sage: GS = BigArithGroup(7,6,1,outfile='/tmp/darmonpoints.tmp',use_shapiro=False) #  optional - magma
        sage: G = GS.small_group() #  optional - magma
        sage: a = G([2,2,1,1,1,-3]) #  optional - magma
        sage: b = G([2,2,2])    #  optional - magma
        sage: c = G([3])        #  optional - magma
        sage: print(a * b) # random #  optional - magma
        -236836769/2 + 120098645/2*i - 80061609/2*j - 80063439/2*k
        sage: b.quaternion_rep # random #  optional - magma
        846 - 429*i + 286*j + 286*k
    def __init__(self,base,p,discriminant,abtuple = None,level = 1,grouptype = None,seed = None,outfile = None,magma = None,timeout = 0, use_shapiro = True, character = None, nscartan = None, matrix_group = False):
        self.seed = seed
        self.magma = magma
        self._use_shapiro = use_shapiro
        self._matrix_group = matrix_group
        if seed is not None:
            verbose('Setting Magma seed to %s'%seed)
        self.F = base
        if self.F != QQ:
            Fideal = self.F.maximal_order().ideal
            self.ideal_p = Fideal(p)
            self.norm_p = ZZ(p.norm())
            self.discriminant = Fideal(discriminant)
            self.level = Fideal(level)
            self.ideal_p = ZZ(p)
            self.norm_p = ZZ(p)
            self.discriminant = ZZ(discriminant)
            self.level = ZZ(level)

        if nscartan is not None:
            self.level *= nscartan

        self.p = self.norm_p.prime_divisors()[0]
        if not self.ideal_p.is_prime():
            raise ValueError('p (=%s) must be prime'%self.p)

        if self._use_shapiro:
            covol = covolume(self.F,self.discriminant,self.level)
            covol = covolume(self.F,self.discriminant,self.ideal_p * self.level)
        verbose('Estimated Covolume = %s'%covol)
        difficulty = covol**2
        verbose('Estimated Difficulty = %s'%difficulty)
        verbose('Initializing arithmetic group G(pn)...')
        t = walltime()
        lev = self.ideal_p * self.level
        if character is not None:
            lev = [lev, character]
        self.Gpn = ArithGroup(self.F,self.discriminant,abtuple,lev,grouptype = grouptype,magma = magma, compute_presentation = not self._use_shapiro, timeout = timeout,nscartan=nscartan)
        self.Gpn.get_embedding = self.get_embedding
        self.Gpn.embed = self.embed
        self.Gpn.embed_matrix = self.embed_matrix
        verbose('Initializing arithmetic group G(n)...')
        lev = self.level
        if character is not None:
            lev = [lev, character]
        self.Gn = ArithGroup(self.F,self.discriminant,abtuple,lev,info_magma = self.Gpn,grouptype = grouptype,magma = magma, compute_presentation = True, timeout = timeout,nscartan=nscartan)
        self.Gn.embed_matrix = self.embed_matrix
        t = walltime(t)
        verbose('Time for calculation T = %s'%t)
        verbose('T = %s x difficulty'%RealField(25)(t/difficulty))

        self.Gn.get_embedding = self.get_embedding
        self.Gn.embed = self.embed
        if hasattr(self.Gn.B,'is_division_algebra'):
            fwrite('# B = F<i,j,k>, with i^2 = %s and j^2 = %s'%(self.Gn.B.gens()[0]**2,self.Gn.B.gens()[1]**2),outfile)
            fwrite('# B = M_2(F)',outfile)
            basis_data_1 = list(self.Gn.Obasis)
            if not self.use_shapiro():
                basis_data_p = list(self.Gpn.Obasis)
        except AttributeError:
                basis_data_1 = self.Gn.basis_invmat.inverse().columns()
                if not self.use_shapiro():
                    basis_data_p = self.Gpn.basis_invmat.inverse().columns()
            except AttributeError:
                basis_data_1 = '?'
                basis_data_p = '?'
        self._prec = -1
        fwrite('# R with basis %s'%basis_data_1,outfile)
        self.Gn.get_Up_reps = self.get_Up_reps
        if not self.use_shapiro():
            fwrite('# R(p) with basis %s'%basis_data_p,outfile)
            self.Gpn.get_Up_reps = self.get_Up_reps

示例6: darmon_point

# 需要导入模块: from sage.rings.all import ZZ [as 别名]
# 或者: from sage.rings.all.ZZ import is_prime [as 别名]
def darmon_point(P, E, beta, prec, ramification_at_infinity = None, input_data = None, magma = None, working_prec = None, **kwargs):


    We first need to import the module::

    sage: from darmonpoints.darmonpoints import darmon_point

    A first example (Stark--Heegner point)::

    sage: from darmonpoints.darmonpoints import darmon_point
    sage: darmon_point(7,EllipticCurve('35a1'),41,20, cohomological=False, use_magma=False, use_ps_dists = True)
    Starting computation of the Darmon point
    (-70*alpha + 449 : 2100*alpha - 13444 : 1)

    A quaternionic (Greenberg) point::

    sage: darmon_point(13,EllipticCurve('78a1'),5,20) # long time # optional - magma

    A Darmon point over a cubic (1,1) field::

    sage: F.<r> = NumberField(x^3 - x^2 - x + 2)
    sage: E = EllipticCurve([-r -1, -r, -r - 1,-r - 1, 0])
    sage: N = E.conductor()
    sage: P = F.ideal(r^2 - 2*r - 1)
    sage: beta = -3*r^2 + 9*r - 6
    sage: darmon_point(P,E,beta,20) # long time # optional - magma

    # global G, Coh, phiE, Phi, dK, J, J1, cycleGn, nn, Jlist

    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    param_dict = config_section_map(config, 'General')
    param_dict.update(config_section_map(config, 'DarmonPoint'))
    param = Bunch(**param_dict)

    # Get general parameters
    outfile = param.get('outfile')
    use_ps_dists = param.get('use_ps_dists',False)
    use_shapiro = param.get('use_shapiro',True)
    use_sage_db = param.get('use_sage_db',False)
    magma_seed = param.get('magma_seed',1515316)
    parallelize = param.get('parallelize',False)
    Up_method = param.get('up_method','naive')
    use_magma = param.get('use_magma',True)
    progress_bar = param.get('progress_bar',True)
    sign_at_infinity = param.get('sign_at_infinity',ZZ(1))

    # Get darmon_point specific parameters
    idx_orientation = param.get('idx_orientation')
    idx_embedding = param.get('idx_embedding',0)
    algorithm = param.get('algorithm')
    quaternionic = param.get('quaternionic')
    cohomological = param.get('cohomological',True)

    if Up_method == "bigmatrix" and use_shapiro == True:
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('Use of "bigmatrix" for Up iteration is incompatible with Shapiro Lemma trick. Using "naive" method for Up.')
        Up_method = 'naive'

    if working_prec is None:
        working_prec = max([2 * prec + 10, 30])

    if use_magma:
        page_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/KleinianGroups-1.0/klngpspec'
        if magma is None:
            from sage.interfaces.magma import Magma
            magma = Magma()
            quit_when_done = True
            quit_when_done = False
        quit_when_done = False


    F = E.base_ring()
    beta = F(beta)
    DB,Np,Ncartan = get_heegner_params(P,E,beta)
    if quaternionic is None:
        quaternionic = ( DB != 1 )
    if cohomological is None:
        cohomological = quaternionic
    if quaternionic and not cohomological:
        raise ValueError("Need cohomological algorithm when dealing with quaternions")
    if use_ps_dists is None:
        use_ps_dists = False if cohomological else True
        p = ZZ(P)
    except TypeError:
        p = ZZ(P.norm())
    if not p.is_prime():
        raise ValueError,'P (= %s) should be a prime, of inertia degree 1'%P

    if F == QQ:
