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Python Room.hide_exits方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中room.Room.hide_exits方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Room.hide_exits方法的具体用法?Python Room.hide_exits怎么用?Python Room.hide_exits使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在room.Room的用法示例。


示例1: Room

# 需要导入模块: from room import Room [as 别名]
# 或者: from room.Room import hide_exits [as 别名]
from room import Room
r = Room()
r.roomname = 'lobby'
r.exits = {'elevator': 'elevator', 'exit': 'exit', 'security': 'secroom', 'dorm street': 'dormstreet'}
r.hide_looktargets = ['security center', 'security officer']
r.hide_exits = ['security center']
r.roomdesc = """
a sparsely furnished lobby with a couple of chairs and a worn out couch. a trash can is laying on its side and garbage is strewn across the floor, a janitorial cart is already sitting by the mess but the janitor is noticeably absent. a building security officer is sleeping just outside the building security center.

r.looktargets = {'chair': 'Hard plastic and sticky.\n\n',
 'couch': 'a very dilapidated looking couch\n\n',
 'trash': 'GAG! uuggh whats in there.\n\n',
 'trash can': 'has a dent in the side, apears to have been kicked.\n\n',
 'security officer': 'sleeping on a stool next to the building security center.\n\n',
 'security center': 'a bullet proofed room with bars covering the large one way glass window overlooking the lobby.\n\n'

示例2: Room

# 需要导入模块: from room import Room [as 别名]
# 或者: from room.Room import hide_exits [as 别名]
from room import Room
r = Room()
r.roomname = 'elevator'
r.exits = {'ceiling': 'elevatorroof',
 'floor 1': 'lobby',
 'floor 2': 'lounge',
 'hallway': 'hallway'}
r.hide_looktargets = ['ceiling']
r.hide_exits = ['ceiling']
r.roomdesc = """
A very...very slow elevator with a very dirty carpet sained to the point of which its original color will forever remain a mystery and very sketchy light that flickers constantly and emits a buzzing sound. you notice a ceiling panel is out of place and hanging down a at one corner. there is a note next to the bottom two floors, floor 1 exit, floor 2 lounge 

r.looktargets = {'carpet': 'I dont even want to think how it got that dirty\n\n',
 'ceiling': 'the emergency exit is out of place, wonder how that happened?\n\n',
 'light': 'DONT TOUCH THAT!\n\n'}

示例3: Room

# 需要导入模块: from room import Room [as 别名]
# 或者: from room.Room import hide_exits [as 别名]
from room import Room
r = Room()
r.roomname = 'dormroom'
r.mobsAllowed = False
r.exits = {'door': 'hallway', 'window': 'window'}
r.hide_exits = ['window']
r.hide_looktargets = ['under bed']
r.roomdesc = """
Your home away from home, its small but familiar. 
Your unmade bed lies askew, one corner pulled slightly 
away from the wall. Your hated alarm clock and favorite
book sit on your night stand by by the foot of your bed. 
across the room is your dresser containing your clothes 
and various knickknacks. the only other objects in the 
room are your trunk containing your school things which 
sits next to the door, and your computer which is 
resting on a flimsy desk, located by a very inviting window.

r.looktargets = {
 'alarm clock': 'its black and noisy \n\n',
 'bed': 'your bed, cover by a black blanket with the white letters spelling  NAPPING ADVOCATE  #1\n\n',
 'behind bed': 'so thats where my pocket knife went! \n\n',
 'book': '1984 phew good thing this will never happen\n\n',
 'computer': 'good times, good times!!\n\n',
 'door': 'gate way to the outside world\n\n',
 'dresser': 'cloths in all the drawers but the top\n\n',
 'favorite book': '1984 phew good thing this will never happen\n\n',
 'night stand': 'a sturdy little table \n\n',
 'top drawer': 'Lock is stuck as usual if only I could find somthing to to jimmy  the lock.\n\n',
 'trunk': 'so many books!\n\n',
