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Python Room.adjacent_south方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中room.Room.adjacent_south方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Room.adjacent_south方法的具体用法?Python Room.adjacent_south怎么用?Python Room.adjacent_south使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在room.Room的用法示例。


示例1: rooms_setup

# 需要导入模块: from room import Room [as 别名]
# 或者: from room.Room import adjacent_south [as 别名]
def rooms_setup():
    """Create the rooms (and their contents) in the Dungeon of Doom! Return the current room."""

    key = Key(description='a shiny, gold key')
    dagger = Dagger(description='a dagger, made of steel')
    spider = Spider(description='an extremely large, very hairy, very angry spider')
    treasure = Treasure(description='a large chest filled with treasure beyond your wildest imagination')
    ring = Ring(description='a ring with a blue sapphire that makes you invisible')

    #  print(repr(key))
    #  print(repr(dagger))
    #  print(repr(spider))
    #  print(repr(treasure))

    # create rooms (12 means row 1, column 2; 21 means row 2, column 1; and, so on...)
    # doors are set to open if the player would have had to pass through it from the other side
    room_12 = Room(contents=treasure, door_north=None, door_south='open', door_east=None, door_west=None,
                   description='You are in a circular room with gold leaf walls and a marble floor.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)
    room_21 = Room(contents=key, door_north=None, door_south=None, door_east='open', door_west=None,
                   description='You are in a small, non-descript room.\nThe only door is the one in through which you came.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)
    room_22 = Room(contents=spider, door_north='locked', door_south='open', door_east=None, door_west='closed',
                   description='You are in a large room with high ceilings.\nThere are doors to the North, West, and South.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)
    room_31 = Room(contents=ring, door_north=None, door_south=None, door_east='open', door_west=None,
                   description='You are in an ornate bedroom.\nThe only door is the one in through which you came.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)
    room_32 = Room(contents=None, door_north='closed', door_south=None, door_east='closed', door_west='closed',
                   description='You are in a small, dank room with no windows and low ceilings.\nYou see doors to the West, North, and East.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)
    room_33 = Room(contents=dagger, door_north=None, door_south=None, door_east=None, door_west='open',
                   description='You are in a musty closet.\nThe only door is the one in through which you came.',
                   adjacent_north=None, adjacent_south=None, adjacent_east=None, adjacent_west=None)


    # link rooms to each other (after initialization because we need refs to each room)
    room_12.adjacent_south = room_22

    room_21.adjacent_south = room_31
    room_21.adjacent_east = room_22

    room_22.adjacent_north = room_12
    room_22.adjacent_south = room_32
    room_22.adjacent_west = room_21

    room_31.adjacent_north = room_21
    room_31.adjacent_east = room_32

    room_32.adjacent_north = room_22
    room_32.adjacent_east = room_33
    room_32.adjacent_west = room_31

    room_33.adjacent_west = room_32


    return room_32
