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Python PNMImage.blendSubImage方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中panda3d.core.PNMImage.blendSubImage方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python PNMImage.blendSubImage方法的具体用法?Python PNMImage.blendSubImage怎么用?Python PNMImage.blendSubImage使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在panda3d.core.PNMImage的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from panda3d.core import PNMImage [as 别名]
# 或者: from panda3d.core.PNMImage import blendSubImage [as 别名]

            raise IOError("File not found")
        # Instead of loading it outright, check with the PNMImageHeader if we can open
        # the file.
        imgHead = PNMImageHeader()
        if not imgHead.readHeader(self.imgFile):
            raise IOError("PNMImageHeader could not read file. Try using absolute filepaths")
        # Load the image with a PNMImage
        image = PNMImage()
        self.sizeX = image.getXSize()
        self.sizeY = image.getYSize()
        self.frames = []
        for rowIdx in range(self.rows):
            for colIdx in range(self.cols):
                self.frames.append(Sprite2d.Cell(colIdx, rowIdx))
        # We need to find the power of two size for the another PNMImage
        # so that the texture thats loaded on the geometry won't have artifacts
        textureSizeX = self.nextsize(self.sizeX)
        textureSizeY = self.nextsize(self.sizeY)
        # The actual size of the texture in memory
        self.realSizeX = textureSizeX
        self.realSizeY = textureSizeY
        self.paddedImg = PNMImage(textureSizeX, textureSizeY)
        if image.hasAlpha():
        # Copy the source image to the image we're actually using
        self.paddedImg.blendSubImage(image, 0, 0)
        # We're done with source image, clear it
        # The pixel sizes for each cell
        self.colSize = self.sizeX/self.cols
        self.rowSize = self.sizeY/self.rows
        # How much padding the texture has
        self.paddingX = textureSizeX - self.sizeX
        self.paddingY = textureSizeY - self.sizeY
        # Set UV padding
        self.uPad = float(self.paddingX)/textureSizeX
        self.vPad = float(self.paddingY)/textureSizeY
        # The UV dimensions for each cell
        self.uSize = (1.0 - self.uPad) / self.cols
        self.vSize = (1.0 - self.vPad) / self.rows
        card = CardMaker("Sprite2d-Geom")

        # The positions to create the card at
        if anchorX == self.ALIGN_LEFT:
            posLeft = 0
            posRight = (self.colSize/scale)*repeatX
        elif anchorX == self.ALIGN_CENTER:
            posLeft = -(self.colSize/2.0/scale)*repeatX
            posRight = (self.colSize/2.0/scale)*repeatX
        elif anchorX == self.ALIGN_RIGHT:
            posLeft = -(self.colSize/scale)*repeatX
            posRight = 0
