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Python Layer.Wrook方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中layer.Layer.Wrook方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Layer.Wrook方法的具体用法?Python Layer.Wrook怎么用?Python Layer.Wrook使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在layer.Layer的用法示例。


示例1: rimap

# 需要导入模块: from layer import Layer [as 别名]
# 或者: from layer.Layer import Wrook [as 别名]
def rimap(n, N = 30, alpha = [0.01,0.3], sigma = [1.1,1.4], dt = 0.1,
            pg = 0.01, pu = 0.05, su = 0.315, boundary = ""):
    """Creates an irregular maps

        :param n: number of areas 
        :type n: integer
        :param N: number of points sampled from each irregular polygon (MR-Polygon) 
        :type N: integer
        :param alpha: min and max value to sampled alpha; default is (0.1,0.5)
        :type alpha: List
        :param sigma: min and max value to sampled sigma; default is (1.2,1.5)
        :type sigma: List
        :param dt: time delta to be used to create irregular polygons (MR-Polygons)
        :type dt: Float
        :param pg: parameter to define the scaling factor of each polygon before being introduced as part of the irregular map
        :type pg: Float
        :param pu: parameter to define the probability of increase the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type pu: Float
        :param su: parameter to define how much is increased the number of areas of each polygon before being introduced into the irregular map
        :type su: Float
        :param boundary: Initial irregular boundary to be used into the recursive irregular map algorithm
        :type boundary: Layer

        :rtype: Layer
        :return: RI-Map instance 

        **Examples** ::

            import clusterpy
            lay = clusterpy.rimap(1000)

    rm = rim(n, N, alpha, sigma, dt, pg, pu, su, boundary)
    areas = rm.carteAreas
    areas = fixIntersections(areas)
    Wqueen,Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(areas)
    layer = Layer()
    layer.areas = areas
    layer.Wqueen = Wqueen
    layer.Wrook = Wrook
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = "rimap_" + str(len(areas))
    layer.fieldNames = ["Id","nw"]
    layer.Y = {}
    for i in Wrook:
        layer.Y[i] = [i,len(Wrook[i])]
    return layer

示例2: createGrid

# 需要导入模块: from layer import Layer [as 别名]
# 或者: from layer.Layer import Wrook [as 别名]

    Create a grid of ten by ten points.::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10,10)

    Create a grid of ten by ten points on the bounding box (0,0,100,100).::

        import clusterpy
        points = clusterpy.createGrid(10, 10, lowerLeft=(0, 0), upperRight=(100, 100))
    print "Creating grid"
    if lowerLeft != None and upperRight != None:
        ymin = lowerLeft[1]
        ymax = upperRight[1]
        xmin = lowerLeft[0]
        xmax = upperRight[0]
        areaHeight = float(ymax - ymin) / nRows
        areaWidth = float(xmax - xmin) / nCols
        ymin = 0
        xmin = 0
        xmax = 10*nCols
        ymax = 10*nRows
        areaHeight = 10
        areaWidth = 10
    nyPoints = nRows
    nxPoints = nCols
    N = nyPoints*nxPoints
    Y = {}
    acty = ymax
    actx = xmin
    map = []
    wr = {}
    wq = {}
    # Creating the wr matrix writh towrer criterium
    disAreas = [0, nxPoints - 1, (N-nxPoints), N - 1]
    wr[0] = [1, nyPoints]
    wr[nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints - 2, 2 * nxPoints - 1]
    wr[N - nxPoints] = [N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1]
    wr[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints]
    wq[0] = [1, nxPoints, nxPoints + 1]
    wq[nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints - 2, nxPoints + nxPoints - 1,
            nxPoints + nxPoints - 2]
    wq[N - nxPoints] = [N - nxPoints - nxPoints, N - nxPoints + 1,
            N - nxPoints - nxPoints + 1]
    wq[N - 1] = [N - 2, N - 1 - nxPoints, N - 1 - nxPoints - 1]
    verticalBorderAreas = []
    for i in range(1, nxPoints - 1): #Asigning the neighborhood of the corner Areas
        wr[i * nxPoints] = [i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints + 1,
                i * nxPoints + nxPoints]
        wr[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints * i - 1,
                nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2, nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1]
        wq[i * nxPoints] = [i * nxPoints - nxPoints, i * nxPoints - nxPoints + 1,
                i * nxPoints + 1,i * nxPoints + nxPoints, i * nxPoints + nxPoints + 1]
        wq[nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1] = [nxPoints * i - 1, nxPoints * i - 2,
                nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 2, nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 1,
                nxPoints * i + 2 * nxPoints - 2]
        disAreas = disAreas + [i * nxPoints, nxPoints * i + nxPoints - 1]
    disAreas = disAreas + range(1, nxPoints - 1) + range((N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1)
    for i in range(1, nxPoints - 1): # Asigning the neighborhood of the side Areas
        wr[i]=[i - 1, i + nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i]=[i - 1, i + nxPoints - 1, i + nxPoints, i + nxPoints + 1, i + 1]
    for i in  range((N - nxPoints) + 1, N - 1):
        wr[i]=[i - 1, i - nxPoints, i + 1]
        wq[i]=[i - 1, i - nxPoints - 1, i - nxPoints, i - nxPoints + 1, i + 1]
    cont = 0
    for i in range(nyPoints): #Creating de clusterPy areas
        nexty = acty - areaHeight
        for j in range(nxPoints):
            nextx = actx + areaWidth
            x1 = tuple([actx, acty])
            x2 = tuple([nextx, acty])
            x3 = tuple([nextx, nexty])
            x4 = tuple([actx, nexty])
            x5 = tuple([actx, acty])
            area = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
            actx = nextx
            if cont not in disAreas: # Asigning the rest of the neighborhoods
                wr[cont]=[cont - 1, cont - nxPoints, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints]
                wq[cont]=[cont - 1, cont - nxPoints - 1, cont - nxPoints,
                        cont - nxPoints + 1, cont + 1, cont + nxPoints - 1,
                        cont + nxPoints, cont + nxPoints + 1]
            cont = cont + 1
        acty = nexty
        actx = xmin
    for i in range(N):
    layer = Layer()
    layer.Y = Y
    layer.fieldNames = ['ID']
    layer.areas = map
    layer.Wrook = wr
    layer.Wqueen = wq
    layer.Wqueen, layer.Wrook, = weightsFromAreas(layer.areas)
    layer.shpType = 'polygon'
    layer.name = 'root'
    print "Done"
    return layer
