本文整理汇总了Python中ete3.Tree类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Tree类的具体用法?Python Tree怎么用?Python Tree使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: createImg
def createImg(filename, thres=0, samples=1):
count = parseLineage(filename)
suffix, matrix, taxo = getSuffixandMatrixandNewick(count,thres,samples)
newick = convert(taxo,suffix)
newick += ';'
t = Tree(newick, format=1)
ct = ClusterTree(t.write(), text_array=matrix)
# nodes are linked to the array table
array = ct.arraytable
# Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color gradients.
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))for i in array.matrix[r] if np.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = np.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = np.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = (matrix_max+matrix_min)/2
# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a heatmap
profileFace = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 14, "heatmap",colorscheme=3)
# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
# If node is a leaf
if node.is_leaf():
# And a line profile
add_face_to_node(profileFace, node, 0, aligned=True)
# Use my layout to visualize the tree
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.layout_fn = mylayout
# ct.show(tree_style=ts)
filedir = '/'.join(filename.split('/')[:-1])
# t.write(format=9, outfile="output/newick/"+param+".nw")
示例2: tree_distances
def tree_distances(file):
t = Tree(file)
branch_len_out = open(file + ".patristic-dist.tsv", "w")
avg_distance_leaves = 0
# Computing patristic distance matrix
header = ""
all_leaves = t.get_leaves()
for i in all_leaves:
header = header + "\t" + i.name
nb_of_distances = 0
max_len = 0
min_len = 9999999999999999
for leaf1 in all_leaves:
row = ""
row += str(leaf1.name)
for leaf2 in all_leaves:
distance = np.clip(leaf1.get_distance(leaf2), 0.0, 99999999999999999999999999)
avg_distance_leaves += distance
row += "\t%f" % distance
nb_of_distances += 1
if distance > max_len:
max_len = distance
if distance < min_len and distance > 0:
min_len = distance
示例3: sanitizeByType
def sanitizeByType(container, sanitizeby='tsv', onlycolumns=False):
'''for a iterable of strings, carry out sanitizeString by:
tsv (all or onlycolumns),
fasta headers, or
leaf in nwk'''
assert sanitizeby in set(['line', 'tsv', 'newick', 'fasta'])
if sanitizeby=='line':
for line in container:
print(sanitizeString(line.strip("\r\n"), False))
if sanitizeby=='tsv':
for line in container:
if onlycolumns:
newline = line.strip("\r\n").split("\t")
for i in onlycolumns:
newline[i-1]=sanitizeString(newline[i-1], False)
newline=[sanitizeString(item.strip("\r\n"), False) for item in line.split("\t")]
if sanitizeby=='newick':
from ete3 import Tree
for l in t:
l.name=sanitizeString(l.name, False)
if sanitizeby=='fasta':
from Bio import SeqIO
from io import StringIO
from sys import stdout
fasta = StringIO("".join(container))
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(fasta, "fasta"):
seq_record.id=sanitizeString(seq_record.description, False)
SeqIO.write(seq_record, stdout, "fasta")
示例4: migrate
def migrate(db_path):
if db_path is None:
raise ConfigError("No database path is given.")
# make sure someone is not being funny
# make sure the version is accurate
profile_db = db.DB(db_path, None, ignore_version = True)
if str(profile_db.get_version()) != current_version:
raise ConfigError("Version of this profile database is not %s (hence, this script cannot really do anything)." % current_version)
# migrate item orders
item_orders = profile_db.get_table_as_dict(item_orders_table_name)
for order_name in item_orders:
if item_orders[order_name]['type'] == 'newick':
newick = Tree(item_orders[order_name]['data'], format=1)
newick = newick.write(format=2)
profile_db._exec("""UPDATE %s SET "data" = ? WHERE "name" LIKE ?""" % item_orders_table_name, (newick, order_name))
# migrate layer orders
layer_orders = profile_db.get_table_as_dict(layer_orders_table_name)
for order_name in layer_orders:
if layer_orders[order_name]['data_type'] == 'newick':
newick = Tree(layer_orders[order_name]['data_value'], format=1)
newick = newick.write(format=2)
profile_db._exec("""UPDATE %s SET "data_value" = ? WHERE "data_key" LIKE ?""" % layer_orders_table_name, (newick, order_name))
# set the version
# bye
示例5: main
def main(treefile, to, metric):
with open(treefile) as fh:
for treeline in fh:
tree = Tree(treeline)
tree = alphbetise_names(tree)
tree = normalise_tree(tree, to, metric)
示例6: show_tree
def show_tree(experiment_folder):
model = MDPD.Hierachical_MDPD(1)
model.load(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'model.p'))
width, depth = model.width, model.depth
root = Tree()
cache = [(0, root)]
for i in range(depth + 1):
foo = []
for idx, node in cache:
paren = int((idx - 1) / width)
kid = idx - paren * width
face = faces.ImgFace(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'images', '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(idx, paren, kid)))
node.add_face(face, 0)
if i < depth:
for k in range(width):
foo.append((idx * width + k + 1, node.add_child()))
cache = foo
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.mode = "c"
root.render(os.path.join(experiment_folder, 'images', 'tree_plot.png'), tree_style=ts)
return root
示例7: pruning
def pruning(inputtree, inputfasta, tree_outfilename):
#This function remove sequences from a FASTA from a larger tree
#Full initial tree - to be pruned
k = open(inputtree, "r").read()
#ete3 Tree format
f = Tree(inputtree)
#List of IDs to be picked from the full FASTA
fasta = open(inputfasta, "rU")
record_dict = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fasta, "fasta"))
for recordID in record_dict.keys():
print recordID
print IDlist
tree_outfile=open(tree_outfilename, "w")
print "pruning...", inputfasta
f.prune(IDlist, preserve_branch_length=True)
f.write(format=0, outfile=tree_outfilename)
print "pruned", inputfasta
示例8: ete_draw
def ete_draw(self, fname=None):
""" Draws the tree and saves it to a file. If `fname` is None,
show the tree instead of saving it.
fname: filename to save to (default=None)
if Cfg.USE_ETE3:
def layout(node):
faces.add_face_to_node(AttrFace("name"), node, column=0,
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.show_leaf_name = False
ts.layout_fn = layout
ts.rotation = 90
tree = EteTree(self.ete_str(), format=8)
if fname:
tree.render(fname, tree_style=ts)
# TODO maybe throw an error?
示例9: get_example_tree
def get_example_tree():
# Random tree
t = Tree()
t.populate(20, random_branches=True)
# Some random features in all nodes
for n in t.traverse():
n.add_features(weight=random.randint(0, 50))
# Create an empty TreeStyle
ts = TreeStyle()
# Set our custom layout function
ts.layout_fn = layout
# Draw a tree
ts.mode = "c"
# We will add node names manually
ts.show_leaf_name = False
# Show branch data
ts.show_branch_length = True
ts.show_branch_support = True
return t, ts
示例10: main
def main():
args = parse_args()
# Use the extension specified by the user if present
if args.extension:
ext = args.extension
ext = '.mod.tre'
# Load the tree
t = Tree(args.tree)
# Iterate over the nodes, convert to desired value
for node in t.iter_search_nodes():
if args.decimal:
if node.support >= 1:
node.support = float(node.support * 0.01)
print >> sys.stderr, 'bootstrap value in {} is < 1, \
if node.support <= 1:
node.support = int(node.support * 100)
print >> sys.stderr, 'bootstrap value in {} is > 1, \
# If the replace flag is set, replace the input file with the output file.
# Otherwise create a new file with the '.mod.tre' extension
if args.replace:
out = args.tree
out = args.tree + ext
t.write(format=0, outfile=out)
示例11: parseTree
def parseTree(root):
tree = Tree()
tree.name = root['Name']
tree.add_face(TextFace(root['Split'], fgcolor="red"), column=0, position="branch-bottom")
if root['Children']:
for child in root['Children']:
return tree
示例12: nhx2key
def nhx2key(nhxtree):
"""Parse a PHYLDOG nhx file or string and create key for each node."""
t = Tree(nhxtree)
keyD = {}
for node in t.traverse():
k = "|".join(sorted([n for n in node.get_leaf_names()]))
keyD[k] = node.ND
示例13: revBayesTree2key
def revBayesTree2key(file):
"""Parse a revBayes node index tree file and create a key for each node."""
t=Tree(file, format = 1)
keyD = {}
for node in t.traverse():
k = "|".join(sorted([re.sub('\[&index=\d+\]','', n) for n in node.get_leaf_names()]))
keyD[k] = nodeIndexFromString(node.name)
示例14: get_example_tree
def get_example_tree():
t = Tree()
ts = TreeStyle()
ts.layout_fn = layout
ts.mode = "r"
ts.show_leaf_name = False
return t, ts
示例15: run
def run(args):
import random
from ete3 import Tree
for n in range(args.number):
t = Tree()
t.populate(args.size, random_branches=args.random_branches)