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Python Connection.send_flat方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connection.Connection.send_flat方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Connection.send_flat方法的具体用法?Python Connection.send_flat怎么用?Python Connection.send_flat使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connection.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import send_flat [as 别名]
class Minecraft:
    """The main class to interact with a running instance of Minecraft Pi."""

    def __init__(self, connection=None, autoId=True):
        if connection:
            self.conn = connection
            self.conn = Connection()

        self.camera = CmdCamera(self.conn)
        self.entity = CmdEntity(self.conn)
        if autoId:
                 playerId = int(environ['MINECRAFT_PLAYER_ID'])
                 self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn,playerId=playerId)
                 self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn)
            self.player = CmdPlayer(self.conn)
        self.events = CmdEvents(self.conn)
        self.enabledNBT = False

    def spawnEntity(self, *args):
        """Spawn entity (type,x,y,z,tags) and get its id => id:int"""
        return int(self.conn.sendReceive("world.spawnEntity", args))

    def removeEntity(self, *args):
        """Remove entity (id)"""
        self.conn.send("world.removeEntity", args)

    def getBlock(self, *args):
        """Get block (x,y,z) => id:int"""
        return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlock", floorFlatten(args)))

    def getBlockWithData(self, *args):
        """Get block with data (x,y,z) => Block"""
        ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
        return Block(*map(int, ans.split(",")[:2]))

    def getBlockWithNBT(self, *args):
        Get block with data and nbt (x,y,z) => Block (if no NBT) or (Block,nbt)
        For this to work, you first need to do setting("include_nbt_with_data",1)
        if not self.enabledNBT:
            self.enabledNBT = True
                ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
            except RequestError:
                # retry in case we had a Fail from the setting
                ans = self.conn.receive()
            ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlockWithData", floorFlatten(args))
        id,data = (map(int, ans.split(",")[:2]))
        commas = 0
        for i in range(0,len(ans)):
            if ans[i] == ',':
                commas += 1
                if commas == 2:
                    if '{' in ans[i+1:]:
                        return Block(id,data,ans[i+1:])
        return Block(id,data)
    # must have no NBT tags in any Block instances
    def getBlocks(self, *args):
        """Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [id:int]"""
        return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocks", floorFlatten(args)))

    # must have no NBT tags in Block instance
    def setBlock(self, *args):
        """Set block (x,y,z,id,[data])"""
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", floorFlatten(args))

    def setBlockWithNBT(self, *args):
        """Set block (x,y,z,id,data,nbt)"""
        data = list(flatten(args))
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", list(floorFlatten(data[:5]))+data[5:])

    # must have no NBT tags in Block instance
    def setBlocks(self, *args):
        """Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,[data])"""
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", floorFlatten(args))

    def setBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
        """Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,data,nbt)"""
        data = list(flatten(args))
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", list(floorFlatten(data[:8]))+data[8:])

    def getHeight(self, *args):
        """Get the height of the world (x,z) => int"""
        return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getHeight", floorFlatten(args)))

    def getPlayerId(self, *args):
        """Get the id of the current player"""

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import send_flat [as 别名]


    def fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
        return self.fallbackGetCuboid(self.getBlockWithNBT, args)

    def getBlocks(self, *args):
        Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [id:int]
        Packed with a y-loop, x-loop, z-loop, in this order.
            ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocks", floorFlatten(args))
            return map(int, ans.split(","))
            self.getBlocks = self.fallbackGetBlocks
            return self.fallbackGetBlocks(*args)
    def getBlocksWithData(self, *args):
        """Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [Block(id:int, meta:int)]"""
            ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
            return [Block(*map(int, x.split(",")[:2])) for x in ans.split("|")]
            self.getBlocksWithData = self.fallbackGetBlocksWithData
            return self.fallbackGetBlocksWithData(*args)

    def getBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
        """Get a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1) => [Block(id, meta, nbt)]"""
            if not self.enabledNBT:
                self.enabledNBT = True
                    ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
                except RequestError:
                    # retry in case we had a Fail from the setting
                    ans = self.conn.receive()
                ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
            ans = self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getBlocksWithData", floorFlatten(args))
            return [stringToBlockWithNBT(x, pipeFix = True) for x in ans.split("|")]
            self.getBlocksWithNBT = self.fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT
            return self.fallbackGetBlocksWithNBT(*args)

    # must have no NBT tags in Block instance
    def setBlock(self, *args):
        """Set block (x,y,z,id,[data])"""
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", floorFlatten(args))

    def setBlockWithNBT(self, *args):
        """Set block (x,y,z,id,data,nbt)"""
        data = list(flatten(args))
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlock", list(floorFlatten(data[:5]))+data[5:])

    # must have no NBT tags in Block instance
    def setBlocks(self, *args):
        """Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,[data])"""
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", floorFlatten(args))

    def setBlocksWithNBT(self, *args):
        """Set a cuboid of blocks (x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,id,data,nbt)"""
        data = list(flatten(args))
        self.conn.send_flat("world.setBlocks", list(floorFlatten(data[:8]))+data[8:])

    def getHeight(self, *args):
        """Get the height of the world (x,z) => int"""
        return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getHeight", floorFlatten(args)))

    def getPlayerId(self, *args):
        """Get the id of the current player"""
        a = tuple(flatten(args))
        if self.playerId is not None and len(a) == 0:
            return self.playerId
            return int(self.conn.sendReceive_flat("world.getPlayerId", flatten(args)))

    def getPlayerEntityIds(self):
        """Get the entity ids of the connected players => [id:int]"""
        ids = self.conn.sendReceive("world.getPlayerIds")
        return map(int, ids.split("|"))

    def saveCheckpoint(self):
        """Save a checkpoint that can be used for restoring the world"""

    def restoreCheckpoint(self):
        """Restore the world state to the checkpoint"""

    def postToChat(self, msg):
        """Post a message to the game chat"""
        self.conn.send("chat.post", msg)

    def setting(self, setting, status):
        """Set a world setting (setting, status). keys: world_immutable, nametags_visible"""
        self.conn.send("world.setting", setting, 1 if bool(status) else 0)

    def create(address = None, port = None):
        return Minecraft(Connection(address, port))
