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Python Connection.request方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connection.Connection.request方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Connection.request方法的具体用法?Python Connection.request怎么用?Python Connection.request使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connection.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: send

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import request [as 别名]
    def send(self, secure=True):
        """Sends the generated query off to encoding.com, returning the result

        :param secure: Use encoding.com's HTTPS service if true
        :type secure: bool
        :returns: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, the XML result from encoding.com
        :raises: ActionAlrestSentError
        if self.already_sent:
            raise ActionAlreadySentError()
            c = Connection(secure)
            result = c.request(self.query)
            self.alredy_sent = True
            return result

示例2: Client

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import request [as 别名]
class Client(object):
  A client to access the Grok HTTP API.

  * [key] - Grok API Key
  * [baseURL] - Grok server request target
  * [connection] - An instance of the grokpy.Connection class. Used mainly for
  * [headers] - Overrides for auth and user agent headers. Used mainly for
  * [proxies] - Dict - e.g. {"http": "", "https": ""}

  def __init__(self, key = None,
               baseURL = None,
               connection = None,
               headers = None,
               proxies = None):

    if headers is None:
      headers = {}
    # Create a connection to the API
    if not connection:
      if baseURL:
        self.c = Connection(key, baseURL, headers = headers, proxies = proxies)
        self.c = Connection(key, headers = headers, proxies = proxies)
      self.c = connection

    # Test the connection works and get the User info
    self.user = self.getUser()

  # User Methods

  def getUser(self, userId = None):
    Returns a User object. By default returns the first user associated with
    this API key.

    * [userId]
    url = '/users'
    rv = self.c.request('GET', url)

    # By default return the first user.
    if not userId:
      user = User(rv['users'][0])
      return user
    # Otherwise return the first user with a matching Id
      for userDict in rv['users']:
        if userDict['id'] == userId:
          return User(userDict)

    # We didn't find the user
    raise GrokError('There were no users, or the userId you specified was not '

  # Model Methods

  def createModel(self, spec, parent = None, url = None):
    Returns a Model object.

    * spec - A configuration for this model. Can be EITHER a file path to a
      JSON document OR a Python dict
    * [parent] - A Project object which associates this model with a specific
      parent project.
    * [url] - The target for creating this model. Automatically specified
      when calling project.createModel() rather than client.createModel().

    # Process the given spec
    modelSpec = self._handelAmbiguousSpec(spec)

    if not parent:
      parent = self

    if not url:
      url = self.user.modelsUrl

    requestDef = {'model': modelSpec}

    result = self.c.request('POST', url, requestDef)

    if grokpy.DEBUG:
      print result

    return Model(parent, result['model'])

  def getModel(self, modelId, url = None):
    Returns a Model object corresponding to the given modelId

    * modelId
    * [url] - Usually only specified when calling the equivalent method on a

示例3: raw_ssl_request

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import request [as 别名]
def raw_ssl_request(method, endpoint, body, headers=None):
    connection = Connection(endpoint)
    return connection.request(method, body, headers)

示例4: MixpanelQueryClient

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import request [as 别名]
class MixpanelQueryClient(object):
    Connects to the `Mixpanel Data Export API`
    and provides an interface to query data based on the project
    specified with your api credentials.
    Full API Docs: https://mixpanel.com/docs/api-documentation/data-export-api
    ENDPOINT = 'http://mixpanel.com/api'
    VERSION = '2.0'

    UNIT_MINUTE = 'minute'
    UNIT_HOUR = 'hour'
    UNIT_DAY = 'day'
    UNIT_WEEK = 'week'
    UNIT_MONTH = 'month'

    FORMAT_JSON = 'json'
    FORMAT_CSV = 'csv'

    DATA_TYPE_GENERAL = 'general'
    DATA_TYPE_AVERAGE = 'average'
    DATA_TYPE_UNIQUE = 'unique'

    def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret, timeout=None, auth_class=SignatureAuth):
        self.api_key = _totext(api_key)
        self.api_secret = _totext(api_secret)
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.connection = Connection(self)
        self.auth = auth_class(self)

    # Annotation methods ##############
    def annotations_list(self, start_date, end_date, response_format=FORMAT_JSON):
        List the annotations for the given date range.
            `start_date`: [str] The beginning of the date range to get annotations for in yyyy-mm-dd
                                format. This date is inclusive.
                          [sample]: "2014-04-01"
            `end_date`: [str] The end of the date range to get annotations for in yyyy-mm-dd format.
                              This date is inclusive.
                        [sample]: "2014-04-01"
            `response_format`: [string (optional)]: The data return format.
                               [sample]: "json" or "csv"
        Response format:
            'annotations': [
                {'date': '2014-05-23 00:00:00', 'project_id': 23880, 'id': 148, 'description': 'Launched v2.0 of product'},
                {'date': '2014-05-29 00:00:00', 'project_id': 23880, 'id': 150, 'description': 'Streamlined registration process'}
            'error': false
        start_date_obj = self._validate_date(start_date)
        end_date_obj = self._validate_date(end_date)

        # Check the actual dates
        if start_date_obj > end_date_obj:
            raise exceptions.InvalidDateException('The `start_date` specified after the `end_date`; you will not receive any annotations.')

        return self.connection.request(
                'from_date': start_date,
                'to_date': end_date,

    def annotation_create(self, date, description, response_format=FORMAT_JSON):
        Create a new annotation at the specified time.
            `date`: [str] The time in yyyy-mm-hh HH:MM:SS when you want to create the annotation at.
                    [sample]: "2014-04-01 02:12:44"
            `description`: [str] The annotation description.
                           [sample]: "Something happened on this date."
            `response_format`: [string (optional)]: The data return format.
                               [sample]: "json" or "csv"
        Response format:
                'error': false
        date_obj = self._validate_date(date)
        return self.connection.request(
                'date': date_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                'description': description,

    def annotation_update(self, annotation_id, date, description, response_format=FORMAT_JSON):
        Update an existing annotation with a new description.

示例5: Api

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import request [as 别名]
class Api(object):

    def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, options=None):
        if not options:
            options = {}
        self.options = options

        if not username or not password:
            # if not login specified, register a new account
            user = self._random_register()
            username = user.get('email')
            password = user.get('password')

        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.connection = Connection(self.username, self.password)
        self.connection.proxy = options.get('proxy')
        self.routes = self.populate_routes()

    def populate_routes(self):
        # TODO routes class populate
        xml_resp = self.connection.request(xml=None, type=RequestType.routes)
        routes = xmltodict.parse(xml_resp)

        if not routes.get('xaresponse'):
            raise Exception('Could not populate routes, malformed API response')
        return routes.get('xaresponse').get('entitylist').get('userroutepricing')

    def _get_route_id(self, number):
        # get the user route id for the current number
        # changes based on country of recipient
        user_route_id = None
        for route in self.routes:
                if number.startswith(route.get('countryCode')):
                    user_route_id = route.get('userRouteId')
            except Exception:
                user_route_id = self.routes.get('userRouteId')

        if not user_route_id:
            raise Exception('Could not determine user route id')
        return user_route_id

    def send(self, originator, recipient, message):
        route_id = self._get_route_id(recipient)
        data = {
            'originator': originator,
            'recipient':  recipient,
            'body': message,
            'reference': utils.random_number(),
            'routeId': route_id,
        xml_resp = self.connection.request(xml=data, type=RequestType.single_message)
        resp = xmltodict.parse(xml_resp)

        if not resp.get('xaresponse').get('message').get('id'):
            raise Exception('Message send failed')
        return True

    def _random_register(self):
        url = 'http://www.mobivate.com/do_signup.php'
        email = utils.random_number() + '@mailinator.com'
        password = utils.random_salt()
        data = {
            'company': '',
            'currency': 'USD', # must be USD or API will return less routes
            'email':  email,
            'fullname': utils.random_salt(),
            'mobile': '447' + utils.random_number(),
            'password': password,
            'password2': password,
        r = requests.post(url, data=data)
        json_resp = json.loads(r.text)

        if json_resp.get('ok'):  # registration successful
            user = {
                'email': email,
                'password': password,
            return user
        else:  # registration failed
            return {}
