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Python Connection.get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connection.Connection.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Connection.get方法的具体用法?Python Connection.get怎么用?Python Connection.get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connection.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: ConnectionTest

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import get [as 别名]
class ConnectionTest(AsyncTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(ConnectionTest, self).setUp()
        self.conn = Connection([''], debug=True)

    def test_get_host(self):
        host = self.conn.get_host('key')
        assert isinstance(host, TCPConnection)

    def test_set_get(self):
        res = yield self.conn.set('key', 'test', 10)
        assert res is True
        res = yield self.conn.get('key')
        assert res == 'test'

    def test_delete(self):
        yield self.conn.set('del', 'del', 10)
        res = yield self.conn.get('del')
        assert res == 'del'
        res = yield self.conn.delete('del')
        assert res is True
        res = yield self.conn.get('del')
        assert res is None

    def test_set_get_multi(self):
        res = yield self.conn.set_multi({'key1': 'test1', 'key2': 'test2', 'key3': 'test3', 1: '3', 2: 2}, 10, key_prefix="multi_")
        assert res == []
        res = yield self.conn.get_multi(['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 1, 2], key_prefix='multi_')
        print res
        assert res == {'key1': 'test1', 'key2': 'test2', 'key3': 'test3', 1: '3', 2: 2}
        res = yield self.conn.get_multi(['key', 'key2', 'key3'], key_prefix='multi_')
        print res
        assert res == {'key2': 'test2', 'key3': 'test3'}

    def test_incr(self):
        yield self.conn.set('incr', 0, 10)
        res = yield self.conn.incr('incr')
        print 'incr0:', res
        res = yield self.conn.incr('incr')
        print 'incr1:', res

    def test_close(self):

示例2: TestBinaryProtocol

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import get [as 别名]
class TestBinaryProtocol(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        servers = [("",11211)]
        self.connection = Connection()
    def test_delete_exception(self):
        self.assertRaises(ProtocolException, self.connection.delete, key="Hello")
    def test_add(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.connection.add("Hello", "World"))
    def test_get(self):
    def test_add_exception(self):
        self.assertRaises(ProtocolException, self.connection.add, key="Hello", value="World")
    def testAddUnicode(self):
        self.connection.add("Hello", u"łóść")
    def test_delete(self):

示例3: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import get [as 别名]
class Game:
    def __init__(self, account):
        self.username = account['username']
        self.password = account['password']
        self.server = account['server']

        self.shipClasses = { }
        self.ships = { }
        self.fleets = [ None, None, None, None ]
        self.expeditions = { }
        self.repairYards = [ None, None, None, None ]
        self.maxShipNum = 0
        self.errorCodes = { }

        self.packer = Packer(self)

        Log.i('Initializing game...')
        self.conn = Connection()
        self.gameData = self.conn.get('/index/getInitConfigs/')

        for shipClassData in self.gameData['shipCard']:
            if int(shipClassData['npc']) == 0 and int(shipClassData['release']) == 1:
                shipClass = self.packer.makeShipClass(shipClassData)
                self.shipClasses[shipClass.id] = shipClass

        for expeditionData in self.gameData['pveExplore']:
            expedition = self.packer.makeExpedition(expeditionData)
            self.expeditions[expedition.id] = expedition

        Log.errorCodes = { int(k) : v for k, v in self.gameData['errorCode'].items() }

        Log.i('Logging in...')
        loginData = self.conn.httpsGet('/index/passportLogin/%s/%s/' % (self.username, self.password))
        self.conn.get('//index/login/' + loginData['userId'])

        Log.i('Initializing user data...')
        self.userData = self.conn.get('/api/initGame/')

        for shipData in self.userData['userShipVO']:
            ship = self.packer.makeShip(shipData)
            self.ships[ship.id] = ship

        for fleetData in self.userData['fleetVo']:
            fleet = self.packer.makeFleet(fleetData)
            self.fleets[fleet.id - 1] = fleet

        for expStatusData in self.userData['pveExploreVo']['levels']:
            exp = self.expeditions[int(expStatusData['exploreId'])]
            fleet = self.fleets[int(expStatusData['fleetId']) - 1]
            endTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(expStatusData['endTime']))
            exp.setStatus(fleet, endTime)

        for repairYardData in self.userData['repairDockVo']:
            ry = self.packer.makeRepairYard(repairYardData)
            self.repairYards[ry.id - 1] = ry

        self.maxShipNum = int(self.userData['userVo']['detailInfo']['shipNumTop'])


    def restart(self):
        self.conn = Connection()
        loginData = self.conn.get('/index/passportLogin/%s/%s/' % (self.username, self.password))
        self.conn.get('//index/login/' + loginData['userId'])
        Log.i('Game restarted')

    def getShipClass(self, id_):
        return self.shipClasses[id_]

    def getShip(self, id_):
        return self.ships[id_]

    def findShip(self, name, lv = None):
        ret = None
        for ship in self.ships.values():
            if ship.getName() == name:
                if lv is not None and ship.lv == lv:
                    Log.i('Found ship %s of level %d, id: %d' % (name, ship.lv, ship.id))
                    return ship
                if ret is None or ret.lv < ship.lv:
                    ret = ship
        return ret

    def getFleet(self, id_):
        return self.fleets[id_ - 1]

    def isDormFull(self):
        return len(self.ships) >= self.maxShipNum


示例4: UserOAuth

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import get [as 别名]
from useroauth import UserOAuth
from connection import Connection

oauth = UserOAuth("adaythere")
conn = Connection(oauth)

res = conn.get("/1.1/geo/search.json?query=Victoria")

print res.status
print res.read()


示例5: _TahoeFS

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import get [as 别名]
class _TahoeFS(FS):    
    def __init__(self, dircap, autorun, largefilesize, webapi):
        self.dircap = dircap if not dircap.endswith('/') else dircap[:-1]
        self.autorun = autorun
        self.largefilesize = largefilesize
        self.connection = Connection(webapi)
        self.tahoeutil = TahoeUtil(webapi)
        self.readonly = dircap.startswith('URI:DIR2-RO')
        super(_TahoeFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=_thread_synchronize_default)       
    def _log(self, level, message):
        if not logger.isEnabledFor(level): return
        logger.log(level, u'(%d) %s' % (id(self),
                                unicode(message).encode('ASCII', 'replace')))
    def _fixpath(self, path):
        return abspath(normpath(path))
    def _get_file_handler(self, path):
        if not self.autorun:
            if path.lower().startswith('/autorun.'):
                self._log(DEBUG, 'Access to file %s denied' % path)
                return NullFile()

        return self.getrange(path, 0)
    def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False, webapi=None):
            Retrieve URL where the file/directory is stored
        if webapi == None:
            webapi = self.connection.webapi
        self._log(DEBUG, "Retrieving URL for %s over %s" % (path, webapi))
        path = self.tahoeutil.fixwinpath(path, False)
        return u"%s/uri/%s%s" % (webapi, self.dircap, path)

    def getrange(self, path, offset, length=None):
        path = self.tahoeutil.fixwinpath(path, False)
        return self.connection.get(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path),
                    offset=offset, length=length)
    def setcontents(self, path, file, chunk_size=64*1024):    
        self._log(INFO, 'Uploading file %s' % path)
        path = self.tahoeutil.fixwinpath(path, False)
        if self.readonly:
            raise errors.UnsupportedError('read only filesystem')
        # Workaround for large files:
        # First create zero file placeholder, then
        # upload final content.
        if self.largefilesize != None and getattr(file, 'read', None):
            # As 'file' can be also a string, need to check,
            # if 'file' looks like duck. Sorry, file.
            file.seek(0, SEEK_END)
            size = file.tell()

            if size > self.largefilesize:
                self.connection.put(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path),
                    "PyFilesystem.TahoeFS: Upload started, final size %d" % size)

        self.connection.put(u'/uri/%s%s' % (self.dircap, path), file, size=size)

    def getinfo(self, path): 
        self._log(INFO, 'Reading meta for %s' % path)
        info = self.tahoeutil.info(self.dircap, path)        
        #import datetime
        #info['created_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        #info['modified_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        #info['accessed_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
        return info
