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Python Connection.describe_keyspace方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connection.Connection.describe_keyspace方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Connection.describe_keyspace方法的具体用法?Python Connection.describe_keyspace怎么用?Python Connection.describe_keyspace使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connection.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: SystemManager

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import describe_keyspace [as 别名]
class SystemManager(object):
    Lets you examine and modify schema definitions as well as get basic
    information about the cluster.

    This class is mainly designed to be used manually in a python shell,
    not as part of a program, although it can be used that way.

    All operations which modify a keyspace or column family definition
    will block until the cluster reports that all nodes have accepted
    the modification.

    Example Usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        >>> from pycassa.system_manager import *
        >>> sys = SystemManager('')
        >>> sys.create_keyspace('TestKeyspace', replication_factor=1)
        >>> sys.create_column_family('TestKeyspace', 'TestCF', column_type='Standard',
        ...                          comparator_type=LONG_TYPE)
        >>> sys.alter_column_family('TestKeyspace', 'TestCF', key_cache_size=42, gc_grace_seconds=1000)
        >>> sys.drop_keyspace('TestKeyspace')
        >>> sys.close()


    def __init__(self, server='localhost:9160', credentials=None, framed_transport=True,
        self._conn = Connection(None, server, framed_transport, timeout, credentials)

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the underlying connection """

    def get_keyspace_column_families(self, keyspace, use_dict_for_col_metadata=False):
        Returns a raw description of the keyspace, which is more useful for use
        in programs than :meth:`describe_keyspace()`.

        If `use_dict_for_col_metadata` is ``True``, the CfDef's column_metadata will
        be stored as a dictionary where the keys are column names instead of a list.

        Returns a dictionary of the form ``{column_family_name: CfDef}``

        if keyspace is None:
            keyspace = self._keyspace

        ks_def = self._conn.describe_keyspace(keyspace)
        cf_defs = dict()
        for cf_def in ks_def.cf_defs:
            cf_defs[cf_def.name] = cf_def
            if use_dict_for_col_metadata:
                old_metadata = cf_def.column_metadata
                new_metadata = dict()
                for datum in old_metadata:
                    new_metadata[datum.name] = datum
                cf_def.column_metadata = new_metadata
        return cf_defs

    def get_keyspace_description(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Alias for :meth:`get_keyspace_column_families()`

        .. deprecated:: 1.0.4
            Use :meth:`get_keyspace_column_families()`
        warnings.warn("SystemManager.get_keyspace_description() is deprecated; " +
                      "use get_keyspace_column_families instead.", DeprecationWarning)
        return self.get_keyspace_column_families(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_keyspace_properties(self, keyspace):
        Gets a keyspace's properties.

        Returns a :class:`dict` with 'replication_factor', 'strategy_class',
        and 'strategy_options' as keys.
        if keyspace is None:
            keyspace = self._keyspace

        ks_def = self._conn.describe_keyspace(keyspace)
        return {'replication_factor': ks_def.replication_factor,
                'replication_strategy': ks_def.strategy_class,
                'strategy_options': ks_def.strategy_options}

    def list_keyspaces(self):
        """ Returns a list of all keyspace names. """
        return [ks.name for ks in self._conn.describe_keyspaces()]

    def describe_ring(self, keyspace):
        """ Describes the Cassandra cluster """
        return self._conn.describe_ring(keyspace)

    def describe_cluster_name(self):
        """ Gives the cluster name """
        return self._conn.describe_cluster_name()


示例2: SystemManager

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import describe_keyspace [as 别名]
class SystemManager(object):
    Lets you examine and modify schema definitions as well as get basic
    information about the cluster.

    This class is mainly designed to be used manually in a python shell,
    not as part of a program, although it can be used that way.

    All operations which modify a keyspace or column family definition
    will block until the cluster reports that all nodes have accepted
    the modification.

    Example Usage:

    .. code-block:: python

        >>> from pycassa.system_manager import *
        >>> sys = SystemManager('')
        >>> sys.create_keyspace('TestKeyspace', replication_factor=1)
        >>> sys.create_column_family('TestKeyspace', 'TestCF', column_type='Standard',
        ...                          comparator_type=LONG_TYPE)
        >>> sys.alter_column_family('TestKeyspace', 'TestCF', key_cache_size=42, gc_grace_seconds=1000)
        >>> sys.drop_keyspace('TestKeyspace')
        >>> sys.close()


    def __init__(self, server='localhost:9160', credentials=None, framed_transport=True):
        self._conn = Connection(None, server, framed_transport, _TIMEOUT, credentials)

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the underlying connection """

    def get_keyspace_description(self, keyspace, use_dict_for_col_metadata=False):
        Returns a raw description of the keyspace, which is more useful for use
        in programs than :meth:`describe_keyspace()`.
        If `use_dict_for_col_metadata` is ``True``, the CfDef's column_metadata will
        be stored as a dictionary where the keys are column names instead of a list.

        Returns a dictionary of the form ``{column_family_name: CfDef}``

        if keyspace is None:
            keyspace = self._keyspace

        ks_def = self._conn.describe_keyspace(keyspace)
        cf_defs = dict()
        for cf_def in ks_def.cf_defs:
            cf_defs[cf_def.name] = cf_def
            if use_dict_for_col_metadata:
                old_metadata = cf_def.column_metadata
                new_metadata = dict()
                for datum in old_metadata:
                    new_metadata[datum.name] = datum
                cf_def.column_metadata = new_metadata
        return cf_defs

    def describe_keyspace(self, keyspace):
        Returns a human readable description of the Keyspace.

        For use in a program, use :meth:`get_keyspace_description()` instead.

        ksdef = self._conn.describe_keyspace(keyspace)

        spaces = " " * (35 - len('Name:'))
        print "Name:", spaces, ksdef.name

        spaces = " " * (35 - len('Replication Strategy:'))
        s = ksdef.strategy_class
        print "Replication Strategy:", spaces, s[s.rfind('.') + 1: ]

        if ksdef.strategy_options:
            spaces = " " * (35 - len('Strategy Options:'))
            print "Strategy Options:", spaces, ksdef.strategy_options

        spaces = " " * (35 - len('Replication Factor:'))
        print "Replication Factor:", spaces, ksdef.replication_factor

        print "Column Families:"
        for cfdef in ksdef.cf_defs:
            print "  ", cfdef.name

    def describe_column_family(self, keyspace, column_family):
        """ Returns a human readable description of the Column Family """

            cfdef = self.get_keyspace_description(keyspace)[column_family]
        except KeyError:
            print "Column family %s does not exist in keyspace %s" % (column_family, keyspace)

