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Python Connection.describe_schema_versions方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中connection.Connection.describe_schema_versions方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Connection.describe_schema_versions方法的具体用法?Python Connection.describe_schema_versions怎么用?Python Connection.describe_schema_versions使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在connection.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: SystemManager

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import describe_schema_versions [as 别名]


    def get_keyspace_properties(self, keyspace):
        Gets a keyspace's properties.

        Returns a :class:`dict` with 'replication_factor', 'strategy_class',
        and 'strategy_options' as keys.
        if keyspace is None:
            keyspace = self._keyspace

        ks_def = self._conn.describe_keyspace(keyspace)
        return {'replication_factor': ks_def.replication_factor,
                'replication_strategy': ks_def.strategy_class,
                'strategy_options': ks_def.strategy_options}

    def list_keyspaces(self):
        """ Returns a list of all keyspace names. """
        return [ks.name for ks in self._conn.describe_keyspaces()]

    def describe_ring(self, keyspace):
        """ Describes the Cassandra cluster """
        return self._conn.describe_ring(keyspace)

    def describe_cluster_name(self):
        """ Gives the cluster name """
        return self._conn.describe_cluster_name()

    def describe_version(self):
        """ Gives the server's API version """
        return self._conn.describe_version()

    def describe_schema_versions(self):
        """ Lists what schema version each node has """
        return self._conn.describe_schema_versions()

    def describe_partitioner(self):
        """ Gives the partitioner that the cluster is using """
        part = self._conn.describe_partitioner()
        return part[part.rfind('.') + 1: ]

    def describe_snitch(self):
        """ Gives the snitch that the cluster is using """
        snitch = self._conn.describe_snitch()
        return snitch[snitch.rfind('.') + 1: ]

    def _system_add_keyspace(self, ksdef):
        schema_version = self._conn.system_add_keyspace(ksdef)
        return schema_version

    def _system_update_keyspace(self, ksdef):
        schema_version = self._conn.system_update_keyspace(ksdef)
        return schema_version

    def create_keyspace(self, name, replication_factor,

        Creates a new keyspace.  Column families may be added to this keyspace
        after it is created using :meth:`create_column_family()`.

        `replication_strategy` determines how replicas are chosen for this keyspace.

示例2: SystemManager

# 需要导入模块: from connection import Connection [as 别名]
# 或者: from connection.Connection import describe_schema_versions [as 别名]

    def alter_column(self, keyspace, column_family, column, value_type):
        Sets a data type for the value of a specific column.

        `value_type` is a string that determines what type the column value will be.
        By default, :const:`LONG_TYPE`, :const:`INTEGER_TYPE`,
        :const:`ASCII_TYPE`, :const:`UTF8_TYPE`, :const:`TIME_UUID_TYPE`,
        :const:`LEXICAL_UUID_TYPE` and :const:`BYTES_TYPE` are provided.  Custom
        types may be used as well by providing the class name; if the custom
        comparator class is not in ``org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal``, the fully
        qualified class name must be given.


        cfdef = self.get_keyspace_description(keyspace)[column_family]

        if value_type.find('.') == -1:
            value_type = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.%s' % value_type

        matched = False
        for c in cfdef.column_metadata:
            if c.name == column:
                c.validation_class = value_type
                matched = True
        if not matched:
            cfdef.column_metadata.append(ColumnDef(column, value_type, None, None))

    def create_index(self, keyspace, column_family, column, value_type,
                     index_type=KEYS_INDEX, index_name=None):
        Creates an index on a column.

        This allows efficient for index usage via 

        `column` specifies what column to index, and `value_type` is a string
        that describes that column's value's data type; see
        :meth:`alter_column()` for a full description of `value_type`.

        `index_type` determines how the index will be stored internally. Currently,
        :const:`KEYS_INDEX` is the only option.  `index_name` is an optional name
        for the index.

        Example Usage:

        .. code-block:: python

            >>> from pycassa.system_manager import *
            >>> sys = SystemManager('')
            >>> sys.create_index('Keyspace1', 'Standard1', 'birthdate', LONG_TYPE, 'bday_index')
            >>> sys.close


        cfdef = self.get_keyspace_description(keyspace)[column_family]

        if value_type.find('.') == -1:
            value_type = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.%s' % value_type

        coldef = ColumnDef(column, value_type, index_type, index_name)

        matched = False
        for c in cfdef.column_metadata:
            if c.name == column:
                c = coldef
                matched = True
        if not matched:

    def drop_index(self, keyspace, column_family, column):
        Drops an index on a column.

        cfdef = self.get_keyspace_description(keyspace)[column_family]

        matched = False
        for c in cfdef.column_metadata:
            if c.name == column:
                c.index_type = None
                c.index_name = None
                matched = True

        if matched:

    def _wait_for_agreement(self): 
        while True:
            versions = self._conn.describe_schema_versions()
            if len(versions) == 1:
