本文整理汇总了Python中Pipeline.run方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Pipeline.run方法的具体用法?Python Pipeline.run怎么用?Python Pipeline.run使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Pipeline
示例1: downloadSCOP
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def downloadSCOP( infile, outfile ):
'''download the latest scop sequence set (< 40% identical)'''
statement = '''
wget -O %(outfile)s "http://astral.berkeley.edu/seq.cgi?get=scopdom-seqres-gd-sel-gs-bib;ver=1.75;item=seqs;cut=40"
示例2: buildAlignmentCoordinates
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def buildAlignmentCoordinates(infile, outfile):
build coordinates file from alignment delta
to_cluster = True
statement = '''show-coords -T -r %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''
示例3: filterAlignments
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def filterAlignments(infile, outfile):
filter alignments to retain only those that
have > 99% identity to the reference
to_cluster = True
statement = '''delta-filter -q -i 99 %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''
示例4: splitFasta
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def splitFasta( infiles, outfiles):
'''split fasta file.'''
infile = infiles[0]
chunk_size = 500
statement = '''
cat %(infile)s
| perl /ifs/devel/andreas/cgat/split_fasta.pl
-a blast.dir/chunk_%%s.fasta
> split.log
示例5: buildMask
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def buildMask( infile, outfile ):
'''build seg mask for protein sequences.'''
to_cluster = True
statement = '''
segmasker -in %(infile)s
-infmt fasta
-outfmt maskinfo_asn1_bin
-out %(outfile)s
>& %(outfile)s.log
示例6: createAlignmentBedFiles
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def createAlignmentBedFiles(infile, outfile):
create bed files - the intervals are with respect to the
reference genome
intervals are merged to form a non redundant alignment set
# has to be output from show coords in tab format
# also have to be sorted for mergeBed
to_cluster = True
statement = '''cat %(infile)s
| python %(scriptsdir)s/nucmer2bed.py -t bed4 --log=%(outfile)s.log
| mergeBed -i -
| gzip > %(outfile)s'''
示例7: alignContigsToReference
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def alignContigsToReference(outfile, param1, param2):
align the contigs to the reference genomes
using nucmer
to_cluster = True
reffile, contigfile = param1, param2
pattern = P.snip(os.path.basename(outfile), ".delta")
statement = '''nucmer -p %(pattern)s %(reffile)s %(contigfile)s'''
outf = os.path.basename(outfile)
statement = '''mv %(outf)s alignment.dir'''
示例8: downloadPFAM
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def downloadPFAM( infile, outfiles ):
'''download the latest PFAM domain sequence set'''
outfile1, outfile2 = outfiles
statement = '''
wget -O %(outfile1)s "ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.fasta.gz";
statement = '''
wget -O %(outfile2)s "ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/databases/Pfam/current_release/Pfam-A.seed.gz";
示例9: prepareDatabase
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def prepareDatabase( infiles, outfile ):
'''prepare the blast database.'''
fastafile, maskfile = infiles
to_cluster = True
statement = '''
-in %(fastafile)s
-dbtype prot
-mask_data %(maskfile)s
-out nrdb50
-title "Uniref Protein Database"
>& %(outfile)s
示例10: mergeBlast
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def mergeBlast( infiles, outfile ):
'''merge blast results into a single file.'''
to_cluster = True
files = [ (int(re.match( ".*chunk_(\d+).blast.gz", x).groups()[0]), x) for x in infiles ]
files = " ".join( [ x[1] for x in files ] )
statement = '''zcat %(files)s | awk '$1 == "query_nid" { if(a){ next;} a=1; } {print}' | gzip > %(outfile)s'''
files = [ (int(re.match( ".*chunk_(\d+).blast.gz.log", x).groups()[0]), x) for x in infiles ]
files = " ".join( [ x[1] for x in files ] )
statement = '''cat %(files)s >> %(outfile)s.log'''
示例11: mapSCOP
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def mapSCOP( infile, outfile ):
'''map scop against sequence database.
to_cluster = True
max_evalue = 0.00001
num_results = 100
mask = 21
# upper case is critical, otherwise traceback fails!?
matrix = "BLOSUM50"
gop = 12
gep = 2
dbname = "/tmp/blast/nrdb50"
num_jobs = 8
job_options = '-pe dedicated %i -R y' % num_jobs
statement = '''
/ifs/devel/andreas/cgat/run.py --log=%(outfile)s.log
-query %(infile)s
-db %(dbname)s
-evalue %(max_evalue)f
-num_alignments %(num_results)i
-num_descriptions %(num_results)i
-db_soft_mask %(mask)i
-matrix %(matrix)s
-gapopen %(gop)i
-gapextend %(gep)i
-num_threads %(num_jobs)i
-outfmt "6 qseqid qstart qend sseqid sstart send evalue bitscore pident score qseq sseq"
| python /ifs/devel/andreas/cgat/blast2table.py
| gzip
> %(outfile)s';
echo "#//" | gzip >> %(outfile)s
示例12: runBlast
# 需要导入模块: import Pipeline [as 别名]
# 或者: from Pipeline import run [as 别名]
def runBlast( infile, outfile ):
'''run blast
to_cluster = True
max_evalue = 1.0
num_results = 1000000
mask = 21
dbsize = 1500000000
# upper case is critical, otherwise traceback fails!?
matrix = "BLOSUM50"
gop = 12
gep = 2
dbname = "/tmp/blast/nrdb50"
statement = '''
/ifs/devel/andreas/cgat/run.py --log=%(outfile)s.log
-query %(infile)s
-db %(dbname)s
-evalue %(max_evalue)f
-num_alignments %(num_results)i
-num_descriptions %(num_results)i
-db_soft_mask %(mask)i
-matrix %(matrix)s
-gapopen %(gop)i
-gapextend %(gep)i
-outfmt "6 qseqid qstart qend sseqid sstart send evalue bitscore pident score qseq sseq"
| python /ifs/devel/andreas/cgat/blast2table.py
| gzip
> %(outfile)s';
echo "#//" | gzip >> %(outfile)s