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Java MathUtils.sin方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils.sin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java MathUtils.sin方法的具体用法?Java MathUtils.sin怎么用?Java MathUtils.sin使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils的用法示例。


示例1: draw

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void draw(IFieldRenderer renderer) {
    CircleShape shape = (CircleShape)body.getFixtureList().get(0).getShape();
    Vector2 center = body.getPosition();
    float radius = shape.getRadius();
    renderer.fillCircle(center.x, center.y, radius, primaryColor);

    // Draw a smaller circle to show the ball's rotation.
    float angle = body.getAngle();
    float smallCenterX = center.x + (radius / 2) * MathUtils.cos(angle);
    float smallCenterY = center.y + (radius / 2) * MathUtils.sin(angle);
    renderer.fillCircle(smallCenterX, smallCenterY, radius / 4, secondaryColor);

示例2: drawLayer2

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void drawLayer2(Tile tile){
	TurretEntity entity = tile.entity();
	if(entity.target != null &&
			Angles.angleDist(entity.rotation, Angles.angle(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy(), entity.target.x, entity.target.y)) <= cone){
		Angles.translation(entity.rotation, 4f);
		float x = tile.worldx() + Angles.x(), y = tile.worldy() + Angles.y();
		float x2 = entity.target.x, y2 = entity.target.y;

		float lighten = (MathUtils.sin(Timers.time()/1.2f) + 1f) / 10f;
		Draw.color(Tmp.c1.set(beamColor).mul(1f + lighten, 1f + lighten, 1f + lighten, 1f));
		Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2);
		Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 7f, 7f);
		Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2);
		Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 5f, 5f);

示例3: handleFakeTouch

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void handleFakeTouch() {
    if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
        fingerDown = true;
    if (fingerDown) {
        if (Gdx.input.getDeltaX() != 0) {
            float swipeDelta = -Gdx.input.getDeltaX();
            xOffsetFakeTarget += swipeDelta / PIXEL_TO_XOFFSET_FAKE_RATIO;
            if (xOffsetFakeTarget < 0)
                xOffsetFakeTarget = 0;
            else if (xOffsetFakeTarget > 1)
                xOffsetFakeTarget = 1;

    if (!Gdx.input.isTouched())
        fingerDown = false;

    float offsetDelta = xOffsetFakeTarget - xOffsetFake;
    float offsetVelocity = offsetMaxVelocity * MathUtils.sin(offsetDelta * MathUtils.PI);
    if (offsetDelta < 0) { //moving left
        offsetVelocity -= offsetMinVelocity;
    } else if (offsetDelta > 0) {//moving right
        offsetVelocity += offsetMinVelocity;
    float offsetAdder = offsetVelocity * Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
    if (Math.abs(offsetAdder) >= Math.abs(offsetDelta)) {
        xOffsetFake = xOffsetFakeTarget;
    } else {
        xOffsetFake += offsetAdder;

示例4: update

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void update() {
    mAnimationTime += Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();

    SizeComponent sizeComponent = getComponentByType(SizeComponent.class);
    float size = (RADIUS * 2.f) + (MathUtils.sin(mAnimationTime * (mIsPointLeft ? 4.0f : 4.1f)) * 2.f);
    sizeComponent.width = size;
    sizeComponent.height = size;

示例5: updateSpecialXOffsets

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void updateSpecialXOffsets() {

        //Handle xOffsetFake
        offsetDelta = xOffsetFakeTarget - xOffsetFake;
        offsetVelocity = offsetMaxVelocity * MathUtils.sin(offsetDelta * MathUtils.PI);
        if (offsetDelta < 0) { // moving left
            offsetVelocity -= offsetMinVelocity;
        } else if (offsetDelta > 0) { // moving right
            offsetVelocity += offsetMinVelocity;
        float offsetAdder = offsetVelocity * Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
        if (Math.abs(offsetAdder) >= Math.abs(offsetDelta)) {
            xOffsetFake = xOffsetFakeTarget;
        } else {
            xOffsetFake += offsetAdder;

        //Handle xOffsetSmooth
        offsetDelta = xOffset - xOffsetSmooth;
        offsetVelocity = offsetMaxVelocity*MathUtils.sin(offsetDelta*MathUtils.PI);
        if (offsetDelta < 0){ // moving left
            offsetVelocity -= offsetMinVelocity;
        } else if (offsetDelta > 0){ // moving right
            offsetVelocity += offsetMinVelocity;
        offsetAdder = offsetVelocity * Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
        if (Math.abs(offsetAdder) >= Math.abs(offsetDelta)){
            xOffsetSmooth = xOffset;
            catchingUp = false;
        } else {
            xOffsetSmooth += offsetAdder;

        //Handle xOffsetLooping. Uses xOffset if not looping/catching up. Otherwise, use same value as xOffsetSmooth.
        if (!catchingUp){
            final float offsetChange = xOffset - previousOffset;
            if (offsetChange >= DELTA_OFFSET_MIN_LOOPING || -offsetChange >= DELTA_OFFSET_MIN_LOOPING)
        if (!catchingUp){ //Not catching up. Just pass through xOffset.
            xOffsetLooping = xOffset;
        } else if (offsetDelta == 0){  //Just caught up.
            xOffsetLooping = xOffset;
            catchingUp = false;
        } else {  //Still catching up, so use smoothed value.
            xOffsetLooping = xOffsetSmooth;

        previousOffset = xOffset;


示例6: handleMouseClick

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void handleMouseClick(int screenX, int screenY) {
        handleMouseMoved(screenX, screenY);

        if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.LEFT)) {
            inputBrush.doWithin((i, j) -> {
                game.getParticleSystem().removeParticle(i, j);

        if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.LEFT)) {
            inputBrush.doWithin((i, j) -> {
                if (selected == 0) {
                    game.getParticleSystem().removeParticle(i, j);
                } else {
                            new Particle(game.getPropertyDictionary().getProperties(selected), i, j)
//        } else if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.RIGHT)) {
//            final float rad = new Vector2(Gdx.input.getDeltaX(), -Gdx.input.getDeltaY()).angleRad();
//            final float cos = MathUtils.cos(rad);
//            final float sin = MathUtils.sin(rad);
////            final int beginningX = (int) camera.position.x - (PARTICLE_BOARD_W / 2);
////            inputBrush.doWithin((i, j) -> {
////                game.velocitySystem.setXAt(5 * cos, (i - beginningX) / VCEL_W, j / VCEL_W);
////                game.velocitySystem.setYAt(5 * sin, (i - beginningX) / VCEL_W, j / VCEL_W);
////            });
//        }
        if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Input.Buttons.RIGHT)) {
            final float rad = new Vector2(Gdx.input.getDeltaX(), -Gdx.input.getDeltaY()).angleRad();
            final float cos = MathUtils.cos(rad);
            final float sin = MathUtils.sin(rad);

            final int beginningX = (int) game.getCamera().getCameraX() - (PARTICLE_BOARD_W / 2);

            inputBrush.doWithin((i, j) -> {
                game.getVelocitySystem().setXAt(5 * cos, (i - beginningX) / VCEL_W, j / VCEL_W);
                game.getVelocitySystem().setYAt(5 * sin, (i - beginningX) / VCEL_W, j / VCEL_W);

示例7: polar

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public PointF polar( float a, float l ) {
	this.x = l * MathUtils.cos(a);
	this.y = l * MathUtils.sin( a );
	return this;

示例8: Flare

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Flare( int nRays, float radius ) {

		super( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

		// FIXME
		// Texture is incorrectly created every time we need
		// to show the effect, it must be refactored

		int gradient[] = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF};
		texture = new Gradient( gradient );

		this.nRays = nRays;

		angle = 45;
		angularSpeed = 180;

		vertices = ByteBuffer.
				allocateDirect( (nRays * 2 + 1) * 4 * (Float.SIZE / 8) ).
				order( ByteOrder.nativeOrder() ).

		indices = ByteBuffer.
				allocateDirect( nRays * 3 * Short.SIZE / 8 ).
				order( ByteOrder.nativeOrder() ).

		float v[] = new float[4];

		v[0] = 0;
		v[1] = 0;
		v[2] = 0.25f;
		v[3] = 0;
		vertices.put( v );

		v[2] = 0.75f;
		v[3] = 0;

		for (int i=0; i < nRays; i++) {

			float a = i * 3.1415926f * 2 / nRays;
			v[0] = MathUtils.cos( a ) * radius;
			v[1] = MathUtils.sin( a ) * radius;
			vertices.put( v );

			a += 3.1415926f * 2 / nRays / 2;
			v[0] = MathUtils.cos( a ) * radius;
			v[1] = MathUtils.sin( a ) * radius;
			vertices.put( v );

			indices.put( (short)0 );
			indices.put( (short)(1 + i * 2) );
			indices.put( (short)(2 + i * 2) );

		indices.position( 0 );
